One of the reasons I called this blog The Kitchen Witch is because I'm interested in incorporating the lore of the Kitchen Witch into everyday practice.This is all about embracing the natural, herbal, and organic to create flavours and experiences that are magical.Whether that be through cooking, decorating, or taking care of self - a life that embraces the simplicity of the good things mother nature has to provide is one that is well lived.And today I would like to share a natural skin care treatment I guarantee will change your life - especially if you are someone who has been spending big money on exfoliants as part of your skin care regime.Let me tell you now, those days are over.Along with adequate rest, water, and healthy foods, moisturizing the skin, protecting it from the sun, and exfoliating are your top three secrets to a youthful complexion.And an incredible way to exfoliate is contained in the following Kitchen Witch recipe:SOFT SKIN EXFOLIANT * 1 Tbsp granulated sugar * 1 tsp extra virgin olive oilMix the two together in a small dish and gently rub over over face and neck in a circular motion. Remove with soft wet facecloth that has been wet with warm water.Apply moisturizer. Repeat once a week.For added youthful glow, rub 1 tsp extra virgin olive oil into skin every morning before applying moisturizer.You will notice a difference to your skin almost immediately.Bring the daily magic of The Kitchen Witch straight to your inbox every time a new one is written.Enter your email address:Delivered by FeedBurnerOr you can subscribe by rss feed...Subscribe in a reader