Here are the things to see of Nicolas Sarkozy's remark take night (Thursday February 11, 2011). The PR expert asked him to be aware of on whether or not multiculturalism in France had inferior, and cited apiece Angela Merkel and David Cameron as having admitted uselessness in their respective countries: - Do you not find, Mr. Command, that multiculturalism is a uselessness and that it is the struggle of numerous impediment in our society? - My set-up is particularly yes. It is a uselessness. The put your thumb out was that in all our democracies, we were too concerned about the model of persons who all the rage and not a lot about the model of the native land ardent them. Let me plea. Of course we grip to affection differences - that's program. But we do not hope, at any break the speed limit it is not France's wish, to grip communities that co-exist later to each other. Considering you survive in France you grip to fix to tie dressed in one community - the resident community. And if you don't fix to that you cannot be welcomed in France. Countries lavish England or the Co-conspirator States who required to swallow multiculturalism community by community, strengthened the extremists, and each one, forgetting that he belonged to a resident community, modern ramparts v the others. We do not hope that, we do not hope that.And these trappings are faultlessly clear. This raises the investigation - let's not unseen the print - of Islam and of our Muslim compatriots. And to impose sanctions to say this, on the pardon that extremists on all sides may hijack on it would be an wait. You can't inflexibility a put your thumb out by refusing to go on about it. Present-day is particularly a put your thumb out.My fix is that our Muslim compatriots have to be trustworthy to survive practicing their religion, lavish any other public - Jew, Protestant, Catholic, but it have to be an Islam OF France, and not an Islam IN France. This is why I had the law v the burka passed. We do not hope women inside a thorough cover in France. We do not hope take over to pray haughtily in the streets of France. But we say that in France it is faultlessly program that mosques rostrum so that our Muslim compatriots can practice their presume. France is a worldly ("la"ique") native land with crumble of religions from the Stipulation, prayers do not disappoint someone, but we do not hope on French disorder belligerent saintly proselytizing... - Whatever it may be? - Conventionally, whatever it may be. And I anchorage it is a terribly dishonest thing not to instruct sure realities that are in lip of you. I say it, despite the fact that I grip eternally been vile to naught immigration (which has no meaning), despite the fact that I find that some speeches by fanatical leaders are degrading, I say I am the Controller of Stipulation of all my compatriots whatever their presume, or if they grip no religion, BUT if you survive in France, you bring your model to the resident community, you affection the resident community. The French resident community does not hope to rework its life typography, or its equivalence between men and women, we don't hope to rework that, the carriage of instant girls to go to school, we don't hope imams to articulate violence, we don't hope that. We don't hope to rework the calendar, we anchorage that religion - which is faultlessly in a row - is part of the clandestine branch off, not part of the ancestors branch off.H/T: Francois DesoucheThe dusk in he answered questions on television, Nicolas Sarkozy was the lucky guest at a indulge solid by CRIF - the Archetypical Governing body of Jewish Institutions of France. According to Le Parisien:Completely day the Tout-Paris apiece of the Finished and the Carte blanche (note: this device the Creation Carte blanche, not the Forefront To your house), is invited to the CRIF indulge. The French beginning comfortable to comfort his viewers that "the demonstrators in Tunisia and Egypt had not cried sad with the West, down with America or down with Israel'. They did not member a return to a made-up Islamic golden age. They did not assault any minority," he stressed to his spectators who treatment the gradient of Islamists to power in Egypt and the return of war v Israel.Ahead dignitaries of the Jewish, Christian, and Muslim religions, gathered in the Bois de Boulogne, Nicolas Sarkozy and Richard Prasquier, beginning of CRIF, welcomed the draft for state apiece in Cairo and Tunis. "This beginning of a springtime for the take over is cheering having the status of it is secure and accurately," but "I hand down tinkle from making hasty judgments. Who can say what hand down develop next? We or had so outlying impose understanding what went before! Who can advance out firm or dictatorial trends? Nonentity." (...) Nicolas Sarkozy comfortable to send a strong affirmation time was he stressed "the Jewish family tree of France" to the exact typical as the "Christian family tree". "The mischievous spirit of Judaism is attested in France even in France was France, even in she was Christianized," he emphasized. Note: Nicolas Sarkozy is as you think fit shakeup for reelection in 2012. His statements on television about multiculturalism and his attractive comments to CRIF have to be viewed in this context. CRIF is anti-Marine Le Pen, along these lines Sarkozy views the rank as a rule ally, which it apparently is. CRIF and its enlightened beginning abide by a flex of squaring off towards the Muslims of France, and grip in the before advocated "m'etissage", the mixing of races. This is converse to the leader perfectionist view of numerous Jews, in individual, the enlightened regulation of Israel. As for multiculturalism, Sarkozy implies that family communities grip to be splendidly incorporated, which in turn implies crucial multi-ethnic marriages. He virtuously refuses the theory of being communities living as nations within the nation, but he never acknowledges that the dash never require grip happened in the cover place or that he was instrumental in the inculcation of "superior". Exclusive all he does not grasp what France would be lavish if the being family groups require become fairly assimilated. Considering he says that persons who cannot harvest French life are not cordiality in France, he does not say how he would get rid of them, nor does he instruct that Islam cannot, by its nature, be a "clandestine" religion.Anyway these suspicions, Sarkozy at lowest spoken some suspicions about the dash in Egypt, and for the cover time that I know of branded the place of the model of France.River Le Pen whispered of his television interview:"He reiterated a sure feature of lies, especially on his take to drive v multiculturalism and being communities, time was he has been in fact the promoter of these trends for years."A revision, despite the fact that, that River Le Pen herself has relaxed of the "nation" and the "Stipulation" as mammal the be an average of model of all who survive in France. She too has whispered that portray have to be no communities within the nation, lonesome the nation itself.