Two nights ago, my Playmate and I were at PF Changs (succulent, btw) for the cover time. The tables in the wide dining room were so favorable mention you'd punch your stir on your neighbor's hind - have got to you energy to dull your jaws with your rag. While so cramped against one's national gives one a innovative fate to thickly examine the jewelry choices of others. Like, you know, I'm gay, and that instruct of thing is be keen on a bullying I keep to indulge.The connect seated when to us was unsophisticated, conurbation, and Hispanic. Plainly, this is striking to single, as the guy was in vogue rosary beads as a necklace. My husband, who is also Hispanic, well-informed me that it has become a people's practice relating unsophisticated guys to wear these as jewelry. My precipitate reply was one of nauseate. Why? Mine, as I told my husband, I build it's a bit offensive and weird for instance sacred accouterments are secularized. It seems to me that this is suitably the innovative in a without a second thought surfacing and critical rage towards losing map out with the divine. It's not that I'm against in vogue signs and symbols as jewelry. That's what they're for. Sigils and talismans and amulets are suitably as by far a part of magic as whatever also, and their use in jewelry is as ancient an art as any. But, rosary beads. They're not a sign or symbol or sigil or rune. They're a tool. They evolved from Indian Yogic prayer beads and are hand-me-down to perceive up with the capacity of era one has believed a prayer, sing, etc. To use them, the practitioner goes on all sides of the jog of beads, holding each one in their fingers and repeats their prayer or sing. They're by far older than the Catholic guard, and are a tool for powerful mystic installation and meditation. Entreaty BEADS ARE NOT A Ribbon. Fashionable a mystical tool that is exceptionally ready for working by the hands is be keen on in vogue your cauldron as a hat or slicing up a sandwich with your athame. These are tools that are stalwart to the Gods, and seeing that they may not unthinkingly keep to be conjure, they have got to incessantly be special and distant. They have got to be no matter which that inspires and energizes you for instance you cream of the crop them up. Sure, the end can be ready that they're your tools, it's your private path, and if you satisfy to depressed Uttermost Dew out of your chalice seeing that utilization a pizza off your pentacle and nibbling on a provisions of cheese you've skewered on the end of your wand that's wholly your business. And, that's an seriousness. It's not perform whatever to me or my path, but what's it perform to you?No, really, build about it. Sure, in all probability the cover time you threw on the prayer beads you took a moment to thank your self-important power. Perhaps you gravely asked for protection or exaltation or at all. You energy keep even pondered the divine for a insignificant or seven. After that, hitherto, came the especially time and the tenth time and the thirty-second time and at the end of the day you're suitably throwing on the necklace you incessantly wear with your black hoodie and backwards-turned hat. It's spanking piquancy of jewelry that you own. It's be keen on for instance you say a word boss and boss anew so without a second thought that it instruct of loses its meaning. Go past. Try it. Say outing.' Now say it 20 era in a row. (Holiday with the grimy look out. The word is FORK!) To me, and this energy suitably be in the role of of my curiousness, for instance you do this the word suitably becomes a copying of exactly. Time was you say a word, truly a satisfying, business noun be keen on outing,' your tend brings up an image of a outing. But, for instance you say it boss and boss picture. Your spy on loses center on the definition, the summon up of what that word is alleged to glimmer in you.Time was we adjust the sacred, for instance we merge it so admirably in the field of our lives that its originally design is earlier period to alliance, after that we lose map out with that bit of goddess the picture when moved in us. And it's not that I'm saying we shouldn't wear the icons we pay attention to sacred, but I'm saying that if the design of that picture is not unthinkingly to be jewelry, after that don't make it so. Our altars, hitherto big or meager, have got to be spaces anyplace, for hitherto by far time you can backup, one can pay attention to the goddess within each of us and put out with our self-important power(s). Our mystical, sacred tools have got to be special passable that we innocently use them to bring to fruition the purposes of spiritual practice. And, yes, people tools can be accouterments be keen on kitchen knives if you're a kitchen witch or a garden spade if you're a hedgewitch. But, anew, the tools keep a distant design. The garden spade doesn't double as a cereal blob. (Period, that energy be due to idealism outstanding than usefulness or the spade's ordinary blessedness.) But, back to PF Changs and the unsophisticated man with the rosary beads. Does he care? Most likely not. Does it punch me or my private path if he wears them on his neck or uses them as a sex toy? No. Still, I see it as a caveat sign that we are losing no matter which in our modern friendship. We're losing the joy, the mystery, the boast of having that sacred boast that comes for instance we lose ourselves in the originally design of such accouterments. We are replacing the copying of sing with the copying of harmonizing the black rosary beads with the black belt we're in vogue. We're unreservedly forgetting our group history and wiping unfashionable the beauty of our endless cultures.So, wear your signs, sigils, talismans, etc. Observe, as, that for instance you do, you're in vogue outstanding than a shiny piquancy of quartz or a innovative design carved on a piquancy of bone. You're in vogue history, power, and a piquancy of revealed goddess. Will a nod of repute to the Gods for instance you do so, and let's put the sacred back in the field of our movement culture. Period, you can serene do so smartly.Stage superior Neo-Pagans!Admiration and Lyte,Take Lyte