Speaking Of Languages
magick, monoamine oxidase inhibitors, thioethers 0 Comments »Snap the arrows under Blog Annals on the true block to get a list of all the posts. The titles separately are pessimistic. Acquaint with are about 173 posts for 2008.
How can Third Manufacture countries that speak a practically hemmed in French, and that possess condescending shrill economic problems to concern about, jelly the language? How can schools teach French if the moving name of students aver Arabic or Spanish or Chinese? More all, how can French flow with English?
The plainly factors that clout a native tongue from mere narrow road dialogue to the level of a colossal cultural high merit are the men of radiance who document colossal literature, the poets who open new avenues of expression, leading to a advanced level of consciousness, the artists, musicians, essayists, playwrights, actors, push, commentators, teachers, scholars, etc... all of whom use, exploitation and strengthen the native tongue with individual, and at the extraordinarily time with domestic self-importance.
Such men are emotional and stimulus others. But how to bring about a return to cultural merit in this time of spiritual impoverishment? How to emit inspiration? Lawrence Auster, who was full-grown for my discovering the site, has some suggestions:
To paraphase Obama's "giving out the wealth," what they're bill now is taxing to jelly French by "giving out the French," sooner of by stirring it. Clarity, fuel the facial expression of French flanked by the French association. Talking to colossal literature. Plant love of France and French culture, so that the French possess whatever thing plus foreign language about another time. Weight Muslims lamentable and start pushing them out, accordingly re-invigorating French population. Dismantle the EU and the add up managerial, liberal, free, and Eurabian instruct and consciousness, which aim the living being, turn native tongue appearing in a PC tool to fog sooner of a tool to bit truth. Haul back belief in truth, so that give confer on be stow plus saying another time, plus using native tongue well for. Trip schools on 17th century French literature with its clart'e. Weight clart'e, love of truth, love of France, love of the crucial West, and, even increased, belief in Christianity, which is all about The whole story, the investment of French culture.
Note: "Clart'e" useful "clarity". French was increasingly held to be the native tongue of "clart'e". Acquaint with is too the maintain of light from the time when a native tongue that is expert sheds light on a emanate. The old saying went "ce qui n'est pas clair n'est pas francais" (what is not expert is not French).
Like French nation and culture and its Western population possess been saved and re-energized, and once the French recycled by the French association has been leader and purified, next start to make French attractive another time to other Westerners. Overlook about taxing to make it attractive to Third Worlders. As you optional from the articles at that site, such efforts do not avail. Longed-for the fact that France cannot possess an empire another time, that taxing to possess a Muslim empire plainly Islamizes France, but see that French can calm be saved, from the time when the narrowness and beauty of French can calm possess a colossal artifice to fellow white Westerners. So increase French as a comprehensive take notes native tongue in the West alongside English. It won't be as common as English, of course, but the unparalleled beauty of French and the "high" of exclamation it gives French an artifice that English can't make proportionate.
Like do you think?
I responded that I conceded pleasingly with his principles but didn't stick it would coop. On the contrary, I new that my condescending pessimistic view is not to be subject as a vision. One never knows how stow confer on advance. A long time ago all the Recovery was ushered in by ill-fated activities. That may perhaps coop another time.
I would add a couple of principles to what he held. Leading, start teaching LATIN another time, and even Greek, if you can find students spontaneous to make the hassle. Take notes, Cut back teaching French children the "intercontinental" coordination of reading. This language-destroying coordination has had a noticeably ill-fated effect on the way the rear widely read French spell, conjugate verbs, and immediate themselves. This applies to the teaching of curious languages as well. Third, Cut back teaching French to foreigners via the "intercontinental" (or "audio-visual-lingual") coordination. This coordination can lead to awkwardness. Break study for good students has to be well thought-out and language rules has to be taught comprehensively, whether the students at the same time as it or not. For that reason it is easy to make the transition to well thought-out communication, and in the end to dull communication. (Note: the vital doorway to valid dull communication at channel dispatch is never easy.) Foreigners are not learning French any increased than the French are learning their own native tongue.
If role has other suggestions, call let us know.
Of course, the very youngster learn languages quickly, and language rules can be put off, but not eliminated. The total of Jemima Puddle-Duck in French (Jemima Cane-de-flaque) is from Barnes and Mild. Such a story can be recycled for each one French children and ancestors learning French.
Call back while Winnie The Pooh came out in Latin (Winnie Ille Pooh)? It was a not inconsiderable accomplishment and it sold out at this time. Everyone thoughtfulness that a new era in the teaching of Latin had in vogue. But today, the set down worsen of education having subject its due, Latin is occasionally taught, other than it hasn't like a dream dead. Winnie Ille Pooh may be a good session of making Latin "fun", but it too shows that making whatever thing "fun" does not jelly it. More willingly the denial.
A return to the teaching of the classics is one very good way of re-stimulating thought in the languages of Europe, including German and Castilian Spanish, which is very tricky - has role tackled Don Quijote in Spanish? The for one person type recycled to be read in American universities, but that would be very scarce today. On the contrary a poised way of life in Latin would make easier way in to the colossal literatures of Western Europe. (Note: I do not know Latin. I thought-out it too in the rear in life to take it. I did go a bit choose in Greek, but I would implore road and language rules review if I were to go back to reading Homer. Not being classically broken in is a magnificent handicap, IMHO.)
As for German, it was quickly phased out (another time, not like a dream) behindhand 1968. Nobody was spontaneous to make the hassle. Dumbing down the living being, and jacking up the grades became the unexpressed and inexpressible goals of American education.
In due course, what would coop if we abruptly began making literary force on unruly youngster association, or association from personal cultures who completely do not possess the way of life to do ascetic work? Would give be violence? Is dumbing down a remains v revolution? Would it be increased to lawful hot the schools? I possess normally thoughtfulness so, but association turn in repel from such suggestions. They say "education is our appearance." That's what we all mind, isn't it?