Derren Brown Hypnosismind Control Is Real
magick, religion belief, wicca 0 Comments »EPHESIANS 6:12 (KJV) "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."
One of the missions of this ministry (if I'm even worthy enough to call this forum that) is to highlight to people how pervasive (and accepted) pure evil has become in our society.
EPHESIANS 5:11 (KJV) "And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them."
For whatever reason, that's one of the commands I take quite seriously. Maybe it's because I see how easily people I love regard things with such a carefree attitude. I think to myself that if they're that accepting and that gullible when it comes to man-made garbage like the things they see and hear on their TV and on movie screens, then how easy will it be for the coming Antichrist to deceive them with all his "SIGNS AND LYING WONDERS"? It's that thought that motivates me.
I guess I always think that if I can help to get them to view the world around them differently -- to "question everything" that is presented as "truth" and realize that there is only one Truth they should care about -- then perhaps they'll be better prepared when the Great Deception arrives.
A big part of this process of re-education involves exposing the existence of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), which we find "everywhere we look" today in pop culture. If you're not too familiar with what NLP is and how it works please check out this 7-minute video clip in which A MAN BY THE NAME OF DERREN BROWN USES NLP TO INFLUENCE SOMEONE'S SELECTION OF A BIRTHDAY GIFT. Fans of the CBS TV hit series "The Mentalist" will recognize many of these same techniques that actually work.
Simply put, it's Mind Control. Now, I know that there are many people out there who still don't believe in any of that, or who think that hypnosis is just a device that storytellers created to make things more dramatic. Think again.
We've documented the historical reality of Mind Control and the government's role in such "scientific studies" going as far back as the 1940s with Nazi Germany before our own U.S. government dabbled in the field as well with the MK-ULTRA Project.
DERREN BROWN and his chilling videos thanks to the INFORMATION LIBERATION website. You'll be amazed by the experiments he's conducted and captured on film to prove just how nefarious this power can be if in the wrong hands of the wrong people.
One such video is appropriate for this time of year. What is happening to you when you play a violent video game? What happens when you watch one of these horrible "Saw" horror films or the myriad of other Mind Control films just like it? How do the flashes on the screen affect your mind? What is their purpose? Explore the sobering truth in this video by Derren Brown.
THAT ALIEN/UFO PSY-OP CONDUCTED ON SCHOOL CHILDREN a few months back), but it works because it shows that if the wrong people have the means and the willingness to do this sort of thing they most certainly can.
That's why I wanted to show this video -- to expose that this sort of stuff is real and that it can happen. This is the world we "really" live in although it's rarely acknowledged.
I'm left wondering about the kind of role that Mind Control will have in the predicted Black Awakening. I also wonder how many people (aside from the so-called Psychic Mediums) use this kind of thing to try and control people and populations. Certainly, we haven't seen any business professionals or politicians who have employed NLP upon the unsuspecting masses, right? Wrong. "Yes we can!" -- errrr -- I mean, "Yes we have!"
What's the appropriate Biblical response? Maybe it's as simple as this:
2 CORINTHIANS 10:5 (KJV) "Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and BRINGING INTO CAPTIVITY EVERY THOUGHT TO THE OBEDIENCE OF CHRIST; "(emphasis mine)
May God grant you wisdom and discernment to spot the lies and separate the fact from the fiction. Be mindful of the numerous rituals, symbols, and numbers. No, not in pursuit of studying the occult, but a cursory knowledge that will help you to spot whenever these events occur in the real world that contain special significance.
Why? Because we need to "constantly" be on guard and defend ourselves and our loved ones from the evil and deception that has seeped into our world because it's only going to get worse. Even so, do not give in to fear! Fear is not a fruit of the spirit!
PHILIPPIANS 4:6-7 (KJV) Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Sound, Biblical advice for us these days. Besides, we know how this story ends for Satan and his minions who attempt to use these dark forces as embodied in NLP over innocent people:
MATTHEW 12:36-37 (KJV) "But I say to you that for every idle word men may speak, they will give account of it in the day of judgment. For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned"
Regardless of where you're coming from as you visit this site, please join me in saying one of the following prayers since one of them will most certainly apply:
"Father God, I know I need You because I am a sinner, but also know that I can never get to You on my own. There's nothing I can do on my own to make up for my sins; nothing I could do on my own to earn favor and forgiveness from You or to secure my place in Heaven when I die. The only thing I can do is to make a conscious decision that You sent Your one and only Son Jesus Christ, and that He came to this world for me. He took my sins upon Himself, was crucified in my place, died for me, and was resurrected so that I may live forever. I accept Him and His sacrifice, and desperately want to receive Your Son Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Savior. When He conquered death for my sake He gave me access to You. Thank You for Your grace and Your mercy. Thank You for forgiving me and for sending the Holy Spirit to transform my life from this moment forward. I pray that You transform my life from this day forward and give me a heart and a mind that desires to not only get to know You, but to be with You as much as possible. Teach me how to live, and teach me how to share this message with others before it's too late for them. Please count me worthy to escape the things to come. Amen."
If you're already a saved Christian, but you haven't repented for your sins or sought the Lord for His mercy, forgiveness, salvation, or prayed that you are counted worthy to escape the things to come as we're instructed to, if you haven't done all these things in awhile, then please say the following prayer right now:
"Dear Lord, I pray that you will not remember the sins of my youth, nor my transgressions. Please think of me according to Your mercy and for Your goodness' sake, O Lord. Lord I turn from all of those sins that I committed and I ask for Your help in washing the memory and thoughts of that sin completely from my mind. Please restore me to faithful obedience to Your Word, and fill me with Your Holy Spirit anew, so that I may keep Your commands all the days of my life. Lord Jesus, I invite you into my heart anew today, and I ask forgiveness for all of my sin. Jesus, thank you for dying for my sins and for forgiving me of them through your shed blood for me on the cross. Please take away all the sinful 'old things' in my heart that defile me, and replace them with the 'good things' that you desire to grow in to my life. Please wash away all the sinful crud and tendencies toward evil and replace them with a hunger and thirst for your righteousness. I need your help, Lord God, in living this new life in Christ. Please send your Holy Spirit afresh into my life to help me, heal me, lead me and transform me. I also pray that your shed blood washes over me, protects me, and that I am counted worthy to escape the things that are coming upon this world in the form of your righteous judgment. Lastly, I pray that you have mercy on this nation even though we deserve your fierce judgment for our blatant sins that are before you. Help us to see the error in our ways as individuals and as a nation, and lead us to repentance before it's too late for us. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen."
Now that we're back on the right track in this life, let's all use what little precious time we have left drawing that much closer to God while sharing His life-saving message with as many people as we can before it's too late for us and too late for them.
Come quickly Lord!