Sacred Spaces Moving Energy And Raising Vibrations

Sacred Spaces Moving Energy And Raising Vibrations
Clearing ~ Cleansing ~ Purifying

The 3 main things to remember.

The easiest way to rid yourself of unwanted energy from people, places or things is to shift negative energies. These influences of lower vibrations can come from stagnant or toxic emotions that linger and have an effect on our well-being.


Claim your space! Walk through your space and say "I, "Claim this space as mine to be used as long as I need it. I am truly grateful for this gift of shelter and beauty. May it support me with the highest good and intentions, providing me unlimited serenity, nurturing and tranquility. May it provide inspiration and success in all that I do as I journey forward through this life. "


De-clutter and reorganize. Open all the doors and windows. Remove all things that are broken, no longer used or serve no purpose for you. These create stagnate energy. Letting go of things that no longer serve your best interest allows room for new possibilities to come in. Wash walls, floors, windows. Give it a complete cleaning. Organize your space for the best possible flow of energy. Don't block windows.


Vibrational clearing: Bells or chimes are excellent for this. Take your bell or chime and walk around your room, stopping in every corner and ringing the bell/chimes saying " I banish all seen and unseen negative energy from my being and my space." 3 times in every corner. Best to do this in all rooms of your house incase it just moves into the next room. Finish at your front or back door throwing your hands out like your tossing out all the bad.

Next burn sage to smudge the area of any left over energy.

You can bring in live plants and crystals to give your space the energy of life and the good vibrations of the stones. Quartz crystals and Selenite are wonderful for this purpose. I always put a Rose Quartz wand pointing toward the door to only let love enter. You use the stones that feel right to you and charge them with your intent. You will know where to place them if you listen to them.

Bring in candles of white for purity, pink for love, blue for health and orange for prosperity.

Your space is ready to receive only the positive, the helpful and the protective energies for your best good.

When you feel it slipping back, repeat these steps.

Many blessings.


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