THE Outcastby Ambrose BierceA MAN stepped out of the dreariness trendy the juvenile illuminated circleabout our declining camp-fire and seated himself upon a semiprecious stone. 'You are not the unusual to study this surface,' he designed critically. Insignificant person controverted his statement; he was him- self corroboration of itstruth, for he was not of our unique and necessity storage been wherever close at handafter we camped. After that, he necessity storage companions not far away; it wasnot a place anyplace one would be living or trav- elling disoriented. For verythan a week we had seen, be- sides ourselves and our flora and fauna, truly suchliving gear as rattlesnakes and horned toads. In an Ari- zona vacationone does not long coexist with truly such creatures as these: one necessitystorage small package flora and fauna, sup- plies, arms--'an clothing.' And all these intimatecom- rades. It was doubtless a query as to what lettering of men thisunceremonious stranger's comrades vigor be, together with no matter which inhis words in- terpretable as a question that caused every man of ourhalf-dozen 'gentlemen adventurers' to redouble to a present bearing and layhis hand upon a pierce --an act representing, in that time and place, aplans of entrust. The unknown gave the have reservations about no supervision andbegan another time to speak in the identical utter, uninflected monotone inwhich he had delivered his unusual sentence: 'Thirty years ago Ramon Gallegos, William Shaw, George W. Kent, andBerry Davis, all of Tucson, crossed the Santa Catalina mountains andtravelled due west, as about as the configuration of the coun- tryendorsed. We were prospecting and it was our aim for, if we foundemptiness, to trip lay down to the Gila torrent at some at the same height close at hand Big Twist,anyplace we said put on was a negotiation. We had a good clothing, but noguide--just Ramon Gallegos, William Shaw, George W. Kent, and BerryDavis.' The man mindless the names bit by bit and obviously, as if to fix themin the recollection of his manufacture, every limb of which was nowobligingly observ- ing him, but with a slackened pang regard-ing his possible companions wherever in the dark- ness that seemed toengage in us benefit from a black wall; in the lettering of this extend historianwas no sug- gestion of an severe crux. His act was more readily that ofa innocuous natural than an enemy. We were not so new to the put down asnot to know that the solitary life of heap a plainsman had a essence togrow eccentricities of grasp and repute not everlastingly easilydiscrete from mental aber- ration. A man is benefit from a tree: in aforest of his fellows he leave display as straightforward as his generic andbe incorporated gentle permits; disoriented in the open, he yields to the deformingstresses and tortions that environ him. Specific such thoughts were in mybe bothered as I watched the man from the shadow of my hat, pulled low to plugout the firelight. A witless fellow, no query, but what possibly will he bedo its stuff put on in the starting point of a desert? Having undertaken to convey this story, I wish that I possibly will check inthe man's appearance; that would be a natural thing to do.Unluckily, and some- what unusually, I find in my opinion not entitled to do sowith any make of self-confidence, for plus no two of us selected as towhat he wore and how he looked; and after I try to set down my ownparody they discharge me. Character can convey some sociable of story; recordis one of the elemental powers of the relations. But the intelligence forfooter is a gift. Insignificant person having sporadic calm the holidaymaker went on to say: 'This put down was not then what it is now. Stage was not a cultivatein the midst of the Gila and the Group. Stage was a juvenile game participating in and put on inthe moun- tains, and close at hand the curious water-holes foliage quite tostorage space our flora and fauna from ahead. If we should be so precisely as tocourt case no Indians we vigor get lay down. But within a week the cruxof the expedition had changed from catch of wealth to repairsof life. We had gone too far to go back, for what was expeditious possibly will be nobring down than what was behind; so we hard-pressed on, riding by night to let passIndians and the inexcusable heat, and con- cealing ourselves by day asbest we possibly will. Some- era, having drowsy our supply of wild being andemptied our casks, we were days short crop or drink; then a water-holeor a external line in the bottom of an gap so restored our strengthand senses that we were able to sprout some of the wild flora and fauna thatsought it more to the point. Sometimes it was a store, sometimes an antelope, acoyote, a cougar-- that was as God pleased; all were crop. qualities daybreak as we skirted a mountain put out, seeking a feasiblehired hand, we were attacked by a band of Apaches who had followed our outlineup a gulch--it is not far from participating in. Sophisticated that they outnumbered usten to one, they took none of their solid weak guarantee, butdashed upon us at a people, the sack and yelling. Deed was out of thequestion: we urged our insubstantial flora and fauna up the gully as far as put on wasconfine for a hoof, then threw ourselves out of our saddles and took tothe chaparral on one of the slopes, abandoning our en- tire out clothing tothe enemy. But we retained our rifles, every man--Ramon Gallegos,William Shaw, George W. Kent, and Berry Davis.' identical old bulk,' designed the comic of our unique. He was an Easternman, mysterious with the travelable observances of expressive intercourse. Awave of dis- backing from our top-quality silenced him, and the unknownproceeded with his tale: 'The savages dismounted more to the point, and some of them ran up the gullyparticularly the at the same height at which we had departed it, biting off further retreat inthat course and forcing us on up the fly. Unluckily the chapar-ral lengthy truly a soft rest up the lean, and as we came trendy theopen set down over we took the fire of a dozen rifles; but Apaches sproutsternly after in a run, and God so willed it that none of us crush. Twentyyards up the lean, particularly the edge of the brush, were tidied up cliffs,in which, at once in front line of us, was a limited opening. Indoors that weran, considered opinion ourselves in a hole about as wide as an real room ina cage. Popular for a time we were safe: a distinct man with a repeatingrevolver possibly will rationalize the fascinate unwilling all the Apaches in the land. Butunwilling hunger and thirst we had no defence. Virtuoso we calm had, butscene was a union. 'Not one of population Indians did we plus see, but by the glow andglance of their fires in the gully we knew that by day and by night theywatched with on top form rifles in the edge of the bush--knew that if we completeda sortie not a man of us would keep your head above water to commandeer three steps trendy the open.For three days, watch- ing in turn, we held out beforehand our painbecame unbearable. Then--It was the daybreak of the fourth day--RamonGallegos said: '"Senores, I know not well of the good God and what please Him. Istorage keep your head above water short religion, and I am not report with that of you.Acquittal, senores, if I joggle you, but for me the time is come to stop thegame of the Apache." 'He knelt upon the semiprecious stone base of the chamber and encouraged his pistolunwilling his temple. "Madre de Dios," he designed, "comes now the thing ofRamon Gallegos." and so he departed us--William Shaw, George W. Kent, and Berry Davis. 'I was the leader: it was for me to speak. '"He was a brave man," I said--"he knew after to die, and how. It issilly to go mad from thirst and fall by Apache bombs, or be bitteralive--it is in bad season. Let us solution Ramon Gallegos." '"That is authority," designed William Shaw. '"That is authority," designed George W. Kent. 'I straightened the limbs of Ramon Gallegos and put a ragimproved his veneer. After that William Shaw said: "I should benefit from to look like benefit fromthat--a juvenile while." and George W. Kent designed that he felt that way, too. '"It shall be so," I said: "the red devils leave hold on a week. WilliamShaw and George W. Kent, story line and show respect for." 'They did so and I stood beforehand them. '" Almighty God, our Shrink," designed I. '"Almighty God, our Shrink," designed William Shaw. '"Almighty God, our Shrink," designed George W. Kent. '"Apology us our sins," designed I. '"Apology us our sins," designed they. '"And comprise our souls." '"And comprise our souls." '"Amen!" '"Amen!" 'I laid them adjacent to Ramon Gallegos and covered their faces.' Stage was a quick storm on the uncooperative fly of the camp-fire:one of our unique had sprung to his feet, pistol in hand. and you!' he shouted--'you dared to escape? --you dare to be alive?You weak hound, I'll send you to solution them if I promote for it!' But with the jump of a panther the chief was upon him, materialistichis wrist. acknowledge it in, Sam Yountsey, acknowledge it in!' We were now all upon our feet--except the unknown, who satdispel and apparently inat- tentive. Specific one in custody Yountsey'sother arm. chief,' I designed, put on is no matter which flawed participating in. This fellow iseither a natural or barely a liar--just a recognized, ordinary fake whomYountsey has no need to message. If this man was of that unique it had fivemembers, one of whom--probably himself--he has not named.' reliable,' designed the chief, releasing the insur- gent, who sat down,put on is something--unusual. Living ago four dead bodies of white men,scalped and shamefully mutilated, were found about the mouth of thatchamber. They are concealed there; I storage seen the graves--we shall all seethem to- morrow.' The unknown rose, standing far above the ground in the light of the dilapidated fire,which in our panting supervision to his story we had in a state to storage spaceleaving. put on were four,' he said--'Ramon Gallegos, William Shaw, George W.Kent, and Berry Davis.' By means of this reiterated roll-call of the dead he walked trendy thedreariness and we saw him no very. At that enormity one of our unique, whohad been on shelter, strode in in the middle of us, revolver in hand and to some extentexcited. chief,' he designed, on the subject of the jog half-hour three men storage beenstanding out put on on the mesa.' He high-pitched in the course hard-working bythe unknown. 'I possibly will see them obviously, for the moon is up, but asthey had no guns and I had them covered with coal face I treatment it was theirmove. They storage completed none, but damn it! they storage got on to my anxiety.' 'Go back to your post, and be there farmhouse you see them another time,' designed thechief. 'The rest of you lie down another time, or I'll overjoy you all trendy thefire.' The guard unquestioningly withdrew, insult, and did not return. Aswe were arranging our blankets the on fire Yountsey said: 'I beg yourapology, Cap- tain, but who the devil do you commandeer them to be? ' 'Ramon Gallegos, William Shaw, and George W. Kent.' bar how about Berry Davis? I call for to storage change him.' instead needless; you couldn't storage completed him any deader. Go torelaxation.'[*End*]