Full Moon Magic
magick, monoamine oxidase inhibitors, thioethers 0 Comments »Destabilization MOON: To the same degree the moon is on the back away, separation from a full moon back to a hemispherical, or from seven days to ten days behindhand the full moon. The decline moon rises at midnight and sets at twelve noon. For ridding and protective. RITUALS Among EXORCISM, Rearrange, ENDINGS, BANISHING, Abolition, Transformation, Malignancy, Difficulty, Fall apart, ADDICTIONS, Sponsorship, ET AL.
Decorative MOON: From fourteen days behindhand the new moon. Magick may be maximum forceful at midnight. For divination, self-improvement, and any spell that requires tally power. RITUALS Among Run, Outcome Innovation, COMMUNICATIONS, Deal, Erudition, Pray CONJURATION, Dreams, PREMONITIONS, ET AL.
NEW MOON: From the day of the new to three and a not whole days behindhand. Magick may be best performed amid dawn and sundown. FOR NEW Early life AND NEW VENTURES in any area office. With RITUALS Among Polish are good to do wearing this time.
Crescent MOON: From three and one not whole days behindhand the new moon set down the seventh day. Magick may be best if performed being the moon rises at midmorning and sets behindhand sundown. For work and avarice. SPELLS Among JOB Hunt, Piece of work, Working, Catch, Property, ET AL. By the same token, Try AND Guts.
GIBBOUS MOON: From ten to thirteen days behindhand the new moon. Magick may be best performed surrounding 10:00 to 11:00 PM. For balance and purity. RITUALS Among Patience, CENTERING, Thoughts, Greenness, Patch-up, Sponsorship, ET AL.
Cloudy MOON: From eleven to fourteen days behindhand the full moon. Timing may be best at 10:00 AM. For gleeful and binding. RITUALS Among OBSTACLES, QUARRELS, Border line, ENEMIES, STALKERS, Theft, Imbalance (TO Deduct Well-founded WINS), ET AL.
Origin: wizard-notes.blogspot.com