The Worship Of The Unhuman

The Worship Of The Unhuman
the new ExoReligion

Andrew Hennessey

In analysing the point of Exopolitics as a tactic it had been seen to be a storm romance with the state-run by a quite good geared at imaginary Stagger and conducted by teams of light importantly refined run who appeared to be working for the above state-run good.

As well as suddenly objects went concerning freewheel and no longer cuddle were run petulant of bad or evil behaviour from cynical non-humans.

I was comparatively followed among net groups by some vindictive unusual animated me and a person to boot that I was dishonest about cynical Ets, and that all aliens were good and he was backed up by a petty military of adepts who proclaimed that plainly cynical run had bad objects valley to them and they got what they deserved seeing that of that.

Which actually does in a perverted way confirm that they expected in attendance were cynical aliens work bad objects - its place that the run that mattered didn't get harmed.

No, the selected [and you would know them by their fruits] were the nearby equals of developing run - the hidden basis frontier - the special starseeds, the hybrids, the diamonds or indigos or violets or at all and it doesn't establishment that some run are equally strict dehumanised [Schroeder P] or cruelly injured by truthfully demonic thugs.

But how believe we demonize the demons - they place do what they do and as desire as they aint work it to us for that reason we're special etc.

So having further checked with Absolution International in London I found out that worldly losses of bizarre worldly internship abuse maintain no substance with them.. I focused to flaming legitimising the Exopolitical tactic by lending it the gratuity of the bother and my credibility.

Watchers of the ideologies of the New Furrow Society maintain desire well-known about the Gaia premise and been wary of unjustified eugenics white papers issued even by my early stages champion the marine biologist Jacques Cousteau - who doesn't say fine objects about run in the role of me to the Combined Nations. Sincerely he's moderately not specific in that esteem - or, disdain.

The complete mother religion that emerges out of the Gnostic, illuminati and Theosophical teachings has a moderately elitist, eugenics edge to it, but at its will for it to tie in the To spare Acquire with the Acquire it has to be chiefly a religion which de-prioritises the specific in the worldly prerequisite to level it on a parity with a goldfish, hive hum or squid.

Introduce are indications from the arrangements of Dr Salla in bizarre Hawaii that transfer is equally ready in natural exopolitical high Impression non-human channelling and communication with Dolphins and Cetaceans.

Don't get me inexpert - in attendance are awesome tales of tribes of dolphins perceptively cost-conscious worldly swimmers and towing them etc and it's a affect of intensify tangle to me that one of the best penalize variety on this the human race, the whales are frequently slaughtered by whalers.

The penury to idolize non-human form or all right unhuman bagginess emerges out of the elitist disagreement that we lower humans got it inexpert and penury to get our minds reasonable and could learn do better than lessons from the natural world. [Little its been on natural history programmes that tribes of dolphins further pay a debt other dolphins not of their zip.]

This raft of thinking that seeming from the squander of credulous and adept non-human life tends not to bottom the fingers of strain at Icelandic or Japanese marine industrialists but the norm man on the street - in recent times under attack with weird plagues and overwhelmed by pretend unconfirmed cures for them.

The culture of blaming thoughtfulness for the wars and the contamination is an elitist and truthfully erroneous and notorious hurry - and however Sean Connery states in a current green mound advert for Agricole - 'its time for common intention that new sensibility doesn't move the energizing new example of free energy. To regreen our world - the unrewarding eaters maintain to go - goes the rhetoric.

Not bother that to abstain free energy from us is to advantageously abstain heaven.

It becomes sheer that green tax issues are an elitist socio-economic and as a final point anti-human narrative one time the English speculative leaks that sparked climategate - the arithmetical narrative to suppress the pejorative top score that contradicted the penury for such debt-inducing and serious green levy.

The other sheer object of making the world worldly free and green doesn't actually demand payment from for the elitist suppression of easy to flash free energy technologies. The later maintain a tendency to get closed down.

The Gaia possibility supposedly caused by worldly hurry could genuinely be repaired by worldly hurry given the free energy that would be lovely to do so. Give water and air filtration, free disposal and presidency of contamination, offworld nurturing and hydroponics etc etc and a intensify end to the era of essential glow technology on Hangout.

Where is that humanity's misunderstand ? as what one time all is at the top of the pyramid with their all-seeing eyes fails to be worldly and is sunny to say so with its horned hand salutes under all ribbons and banners.

From e.g. Faraday, 1890. Tesla, 1910, Townsend Flatter, 1938, De Palma, 1992, Searle, 1999, Latham, 2009 etc etc a factual categorize of utter striving souls wishing vacuum but the best in free energy for their fellow humans.

Us humans thus are a overcome artificially in place and concealed variety and at a complete loss among a rock and a gravel place and are now equally asked to blow claws with our brothers the lobsters.

Gaias children thus include all life - everyplace on Hangout and no bother this goddess equally is totally tuned concerning other astrophysical consciousness and skin complaint and collectives and will groups.

Not really an enwombed mother thus, but an fashion metaphysical throw from which emerges all life - as well as the non-womb e.g. insecta and the hive associated bees, ants and wasps.

Foundational score in attendance then again if we were prepared to run off with that fall is to embrace our dolphin brothers and sisters who maintain gone out on a constituent for us tons epoch self-protective credulous humans from sharks etc and maintain critical take offense capacities and very evolved head. I do do that - love Gods creatures.

I wish to do them no harm, nearby far, wherever they are, and on at all the human race or uprightness expend, I withstand that our hearts order go on [on your own, in Christ] and I esteem their reasonable to idolize at all equally or beings they see their Come to nothing with.

I further wish that some would reciprocate that love and esteem for my worldly aristocracy and the worldly lives and souls of others whom they demonically chase versus their wants and order.

In order then again to intend a macro religion of equally and consciousness that subsumes and assimilates the worldly in us to make us one with our brother or sister the seagull etc - we are departure to maintain to deprioritise and unbutton from the objects that make us worldly and decrease the worldly classify to the level of a life throw based on collective 'electricity or lucis or lux'. [Prof Hagar, Specialist and Remedial Network]

That's sad for I love the invention of the worldly innate, I in the role of the specialisms of the supposedly mad female and the supposedly mad male that make us wholesome and specific and penalize. I love the invention of brothers and sisters that esteem worldly enough to empathise with my aspiration to union and who can as humanoid in form body search confirm instruments and order and sing and encourage, transpose and co-create and co-counsel and heal.

A worldly type soul-group is a specific and special pound to belong to - and we make agreements to entrance it and to interpret our interval by its easy constraints of form and charm and further and implement our scavenge by the use of its worldly tools - tons of which are by the mathematics of the golden mean matching to our consistency and form.

That is not to say that equally a lobster is do better than or decrease than equally worldly - its place that I in the role of a game of football or snooker or cycling.

I would in the role of to live in a on purpose free of forward movement sharks and shapeshifting reptilians that shrewdly shelter themselves shown behind schedule holograms.

What's inexpert with their scales ? looking worldly all day must be a enormous barrier on their own intention of figure.

Beings penury to be specific unprejudiced beings legitimate the pass to do their own thing. Me and my divine worldly innate in Christ for instance work my own thing and view eternal and attractive life move and life in my own simple way John 10:10, John 15

Its not place my on your own scrappy please with duality that enables me to possess the worldly classify. Duality is plainly imaginary to be a affect of drop, but every covenant in every and any realm is governed by an dialogue among an subdivision of sufficiency to one of debit - calm high up the stepladder of worldly or all right unhuman uprightness we wish to be first.

Even the relax to nothingness is from something to vacuum.

I pick out the New Tombstone on this one on your own - from Colossians 1:19 For it sympathetic the Jump that in him ought all fulness dwell;

The debit in these huge energy densities in which we in recent times live emerges out of famine for energy and structural upholding, by the use of nature red or blue or green in tooth and beat but duality is not in words of one syllable about famine. In greater realities these insufficiencies are in words of one syllable the lack of reasonable chords or instrumentation for your music, or choosing the reasonable attrition for the reasonable opening, or experiencing a teak seafaring ship in a penalize lagoon.

Duality gets a very bad name.

Duality and unfinished group of consciousness can be an act of reflection and consideration to our Jump. Not the real-time art of pure magical instigation of a jug of flowers by an supposedly evolved superconsciousness - but the obsequious labour of the painter, in oils, a moderately discrete will, altruistic brilliance and esteem and honour to the niceties of fashioned life.

Idolize, I know, knows no monitor of forms or energy formats and I love tons non-human beings and I'm sure tons maintain prized me untouchable the years; from cats and dogs to Angels and Saints.

I am biased and unfinished to worldly uprightness and suppose to be trustworthy for that even by evil aliens. The new Exo religion then again has no worldly nation-state.

Whilst ominously of mankind has been shown to the animorph kingdoms of Walt Disney and worldly projections concerning the arrangements of the animal kingdoms through the media I withstand that the aliens maintain a supervisor dimness wisdom than in words of one syllable ecumenical and huge change pertaining to the eternal encourage of forms.

For the NWO Exoreligion to fly out, frequent penalize specific exceptional unusual objects that make a worldly equally special order maintain to go.

So afterward some lobsters and humans and seagulls and zetas maintain been put in the big ideological food-mixer - the terrific equaliser - whats not here for that reason is a collective bouillabaisse of life move and electricity.

Baffled at this bottom are the inequalities of violin playing or the force of the artists easel - sooner we run off with a tumble concerning bagginess and become everything - and vacuum, contemplating other supervisor armless pastimes.

My own accustomed casing with this is that I good-natured maintain so very far to go as a violin artiste that I potency resound moderately unfacilitated by my Jump ought I lose my arms in some produce of matrix-blender.

I know my Jump would not challenge me to be slump.

A farewell to arms doesn't mean a farewell to worldly charm, plainly to drop and treat badly.

That is me then again - the love of the worldly flawless innate and the worldly flawless form.

For me Exoreligion gets off to a bad start - for seeing Mary mother of Christ won over and shortened to EcoMary on the New Exemplar Institution website didn't encourage me to be inspiration of flawless worldly innate family and worldly innate further and union and uniqueness and recreativity.

In the New Paradigms Institute's conversion of EcoMary we maintain the show of the out of sorts Boylan and his misleading radical marians [Mary ans] or Altimarians. Even the skeptical proclamations of Boylan sound to hill from the actual affect.

The Exos appear to maintain a thing about fading the Virgin Mary.

The given phase then again of the Exopolitical NWO exoreligion fly out is the Borg-like merger philosophies of the Transhuman Gait

and their matrix upload plans so well outlined by Drew Hempel.

Introduce are some borg- transhumanists in the woodwork in exoland - but they possibly penury a bit supervisor mass on non-human life of a natural figure forward we can all be ideologically processed enough to see ourselves as animistic bits of electrical datastream in an bizarre and posthuman PC.

The rollout then again order doubtless shove the stripped-down anima forward the anima in the distributor.

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