The Laodicean Gospel Of Billy Graham
asatru, magick, religion belief 0 Comments »Now the End Begins January 28, 2015
Billy Graham says that what the Vatican believes and what he believes are in complete harmony
Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you, 2 Corinthians 6:17 (KJV)
Let me just say at the start of this, that I am well aware that many of you will be greatly offended by this article. I know that Billy Graham, especially in his frail old age, is loved and admired by millions. But back when he was young and strong, the gospel he preached got sidetracked along his journey, and he fell in league with every manner of apostate churches like the Mormons and the Catholic Church. In this video you will hear, in his own words, about his half-century long partnership with the Vatican, and how the Pope and I agree on nearly everything.
For more than 50 years, Billy Graham has preached, believed and taught at his crusades that the Roman Catholic Church represents the true gospel of Jesus Christ. Billy Graham says in the below video I am very comfortable with the Vatican. I believe what they believe. Billy was only in his 70s at this point, so age and senility does not enter in as a factor.
In 1997, Billy Graham gave an interview with Robert Schuller of the Crystal Cathedral, where Graham said you could get saved without Jesus. Here is an excerpt:
Robert Schuller: Tell me, what do you think of the future of Christianity?
Billy Graham: I think everybody who knows Christ, whether theyre conscious of it or not, theyre members of the Body of ChristGods purpose is to call out a people for His name, whether they come from the Muslim world, Buddhist world, the Christian world, or the non-believing world, they are members of the Body of Christ, because theyve been called by God. They may not even know the name of Jesusand I think they are saved, and that they are going to be in heaven with us.
Billy Graham said that it makes no difference what church you belong to, none at all. He places no difference between a fundamental Baptist church, the Catholic Church, or the Mormon church.
Robert Schuller (overjoyed): What I hear you saying is that its possible for Jesus Christ to come into human hearts and soul and life even if theyve been born into darkness and never had exposure to the Bible. Is that a correct interpretation of what you are saying?
Billy Graham: Yes it is, because I believe that. Ive met people in various parts of the worldthat have never seen a Bible or heard about a Bible, and never heard of Jesus, but theyve believed in their hearts that there was a God.
Billy Graham, since the late 1950s, has preached out of both sides of his mouth. On one hand, he preaches that we get saved by Jesus Christ alone, and then says that the doctrines of Mormonism, Catholicism and Christianity are all compatible. At his crusades, when a Catholic, Mormon, Jehovahs Witness made a profession of salvation in Jesus Christ, his crusade workers were under strict orders to send that person back to whatever church they came from. Billy Graham declared, Anyone who makes a decision at our meetings isreferred to a local clergymanProtestant, Catholic or Jewish. (San Francisco News, November 11, 1957)
Billy Graham refuses to defend the Bible as the inerrant Word of God. Newsweek magazine, April 26, 1982, examined the debate on the issue of Biblical infallibility. The article noted that Billy Graham is not on the side of inerrancy: Billy Graham, for one, clearly is not. I believe the Bible is the inspired, authoritative word of God, Graham says, but I dont use the word inerrant because its become a brittle divisive word.'
One reason for the huge worldwide success of the Billy Graham Ministry is found in Billys own willingness to compromise the truth of the scripture to gain favor with the rich and powerful. Once the Vatican knew that he would defend false Catholic teachings, Graham was set for life with speaking engagements, financial success and political favor. For over 50 years, Billy Graham has surrounded himself with leaders from nearly every false and pagan religion, never preaching against their false doctrines, being everyones friend and buddy. Go back and tell me if you have read or seen anything, anywhere, any time where Billy Graham took a stand on bible doctrine after 1957. It doesnt exist because he never did.
Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God. James 4:4 (KJV)
egyptian temples, magick, religion 0 Comments »Reference:
hermeticism, magick, ordo templi orientis 0 Comments »Give it some thought : 29-Sep-90 23:17
From : Joke Gordon
To : All
District : Oto Vs. Berkeley Legalize Court case
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On September 12th, 1990 e.v., Ordo Templi Orientis and seven specific plaintiffs filed a combat in Central Panel against the Community of Berkeley, Zone of Alameda, 10 named officers of BPD, two other persons and as yet
unheard of fresh defendants. The combat asks $9.5 million in
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* Origin: ThelemaNet San Francisco * (415) 751-9308 (Graft 1:161/93)
On Writing And Creativity Is The Angst Optional
deity, entertainment culture, magick 0 Comments »I didn't expect that delving into my story of writing and creativity - the longing and compulsion to write, and the incredible resistance to actually doing it - would take me to a place of deeper self understanding, self forgiveness, and ultimately new motivation
"I'm so grateful to fellow Martha Beck coach, Leda Asmar, for inviting me on this writing adventure! Read her exploration of her own writing journey is here."
Journals that tell the story of a life that's not been so bad after all
Do you have a creative calling - a dream - that you've set aside?
Could it be possible to pick it back up again? Perhaps hold it up and turn it slowly, finding new facets that beckon you to explore?
That's favorite quote from George Eliot (who was really a girl!)
I started my first book at the ripe old age of eight. I'd been given a typewriter for my birthday (okay, I'm dating myself!) and a sheaf of that erasable onion skin paper.
I lovingly inserted the first whisper-thin sheet and rolled it up. I banged out the title, and followed up with about a page and a half of single spaced writing.
Earlier that year I had won first prize in my Catholic School for my short story: "A Boot Dinner with Seaweed Sauce." It was then that I knew I was destined to be a writer. With only a couple of years of reading under my belt I'd already devoured hundreds of children's novels. It was time to write my own.
Alas, that first attempt languished away in some corner of my bedroom, as did my other fits and starts.
And besides, it was just more fun to play hopscotch than to sit down at that typewriter.
At ten I began journaling. Over the following decade I filled thousands and thousands of pages. Starting with those "My Diary" books with a little key, and later dozens of steno pads, I wrote and I wrote and I wrote. Those lined pages soaked up tears and patiently absorbed my lovelorn teenaged rantings.
I tried my hand at short and not-so-short stories. Lots and lots of angst-ridden poetry.
So I gave up.
After all - if I couldn't be the best, why bother?
Malcolm Gladwell was probably still in diapers at the time, and the idea of putting in 10,000 hours did not cross my mind.
The journaling fell away in my twenties while raising kids and running my own business. Once or twice a year I'd dig one out and pour forth my truth, only to set it down again for months.
My old journals moldered away in a box in the barn.
And I moved further and further away from who I really am.
Later - much later, in my 40s - the writing called me back.
I'd sit down to write and realize I felt empty of ideas. I'd squish some words onto the page, and feel like crying as I read them. Such a pale candle compared to the authors I so admired.
Wish I'd heard IRA GLASS' TWO-MINUTE BRILLIANT TALK on this very subject!
I sucked.
I cringed in writing classes and writer's group when it was time to read my work. I'd apologize profusely in advance until the listeners were rolling their eyes before I'd read a word.
Once I learned it I kept saying I should start a blog. But full time school, a part time job and managing a household and high schooler (not to mention a very active social life, a girl's gotta have fun, right?) provided continual excuses to not get around to it.
I finally started my first blog when I moved to NYC for a summer internship at The Nation magazine. It's still online in case you care to read some silly stories of country bumpkin middle aged gal hits the big city.
Once home from the city I took a job writing and editing for an environmental newspaper and suddenly had found a new excuse to drop my own creative writing. And my spirit drooped once more.
A year and a half later as I looked around at a newly empty nest I found the inspiration and energy to start my next blog, Grown Up Mom. Here I wrote stories on a variety of topics. I used it so share travel adventures and personal introspection, as well as milestones of my two daughters moving out into the wide world.
I took a class on memoir writing and pulled the moldering journals out of the barn to dip into all that memoir fodder. I fantasized about being the next Mary Karr.
I wrote blogs, essays, vignettes, (no more bad poetry this time though.)
I edited like a mofo before pressing PUBLISH - because heaven forbid anyone would see the littlest typo, or worse, misread a paragraph and think ill of me.
My people-pleasing proclivities come out to play in a big way when it comes to sharing my writing.
In journalism school they taught us, "If you're not pissing somebody off, you're not doing your job."
I know this. But it still feels like pulling out my own fingernails when I imagine that pissed off person directing their ire at ME.
And sure, some of it has to do with plain old lazy habits.
The greatest writers all had secret tricks to get them to plant that ass in the chair and actually pick up the pen (or in more recent times get their fingertips on the keyboard). It reassures me to read things like Weird Habits of Famous Authors.
Even the prolific Steven King - one of my favorites as a young girl who consumed novels like candy - even that excellent creator of character had to fight the demons to get writing.
So, I've learned that whether one is blessed from the get-go with extraordinary talent, or whether one painstakingly builds that writing muscle word by word, the point is to DO IT.
My commitment? DONE with people pleasing.
Sure, my intention remains to inform, to entertain, and to inspire.
AND, I commit to dropping the censorship.
Yes, the foot might often be planted firmly in mouth, but at least you, dear reader, will not have any illusions about who you are dealing with: A BOOTY SHAKING, YOGA PRACTICING, FUN-LOVING, PARTYING, MEDITATING MIDDLE-AGED MAMA, WHO ULTIMATELY JUST WANTS TO CONNECT, TO HEAL, AND TO CHANGE THE WORLD WITH THE POWER OF STORY.
What's that thing YOU'VE known you were meant to do but somehow has slipped away? Maybe it's a creative pursuit like writing or art - or maybe it's something quite different.
It could be a BRAND NEW DREAM.
Oh, and you DO know what it is. It's that silly thing that popped into your head just now that you were sure couldn't possibly be it.
And now to introduce you to three more writers:
"WENDY GAUNTNER is contributing blogger at, a weekly blog that marries family friendly recipes and life lessons. She's a certified Martha Beck Life coach who likes to think she embodies old soul wisdom in a manic modern world. The rest of the time she's a busy mom to her 11-year-old adopted son who defies every parental paradigm and inspires her to read parenting books others might never take off the shelf. "
"MICHELLE DUBREUIL MACEK is a Martha Beck trained Life Coach who will dance you and your body into joy and vitality with healing movement coaching sessions. Say hey over to and say the magic words.Life Dance Me!"
"JULIA BUSHUE works with recovering perfectionists who have trouble making progress on their goals, whether it's finishing a project or finding a dream job. She writes on topics both specific and universal (from learning self-love to making good decisions) over at"
Personal Goals Magick And Anger
magick, shamanic, 0 Comments »Nazi Time Travel Lost Books And Inaccuracies Jesuit Pope False Prophet And More
magick, mental, religion belief 0 Comments »The Noble is prepping the world for His return. Acquaint with is so significantly to retain up with, isn't here, so significantly that so diverse good inhabitants Mood NOT SEE! This is the limit disturbing fact for me, identical with a Jesuit assembly in keep control of the RC church!
Try to speak truth to a devout RC by dramatic them what the Jesuits are about; ASSASINATIONS, and universal keep control of the Illuminatti, Brickwork, and other wrong diminish war mongering demonic secret societies! It's impossible!
Try to manage a sermon with your medium Cleric about the fact that here are 14 books baffled from the KJV of the Bible. I went from golden boy at the platform to role non grata, what I spoke about how the rightful have to buy gold and silver after 2008 hit. I look forward to that I manage attended my gangster address based on Joseph Prince and the Fashion correspondence. I love Fashion better than part, but here are margins to all things, and one Faultlessly CAN set aside up their sustenance, as is evidenced in Hebrews 6 someplace the Word speaks of individuals who manage tasted the fruits, that it is insurmountable for them to return.
Early on, solely by the come forth of books in the KJV, 66, I was and heavenly am natural that God would not use a come forth that is the come forth of man!
I am so remorseful that I can't get hold of the hearts of so many! I tinkle resembling I manage shackles on, so I lay the bacteria and let God be God, and pray.
May the Noble bless you plentifully with His Loud Essence, AMEN.
Discover The Psychic Miracle Power Of Water
deities, magick, werewolf 0 Comments »it weighs less. Many believe that this is where all that psychic miracle power is coming from. 2. Theo Tommes' Spring water at a mine at Nordenau, district of Schmakenberg, in Germany, 100 km east of Dusseldorf It was at this location where numerous healings took place in January 1992. These healings were investigated, and further studied by Dr Hans Jurgen Steinbruck, a GP from Frankfurt/Main. He later discovered that 30% of the people who came to see the Grotto Brandholz in Nordenau got instantaneously cured from their diseases, and 28% were recorded to have experienced enormous positive changes in their health. 3. Water from the village of Nadana, 150 km north of Delhi, in India It was without warning, when water suddenly came out from a tube well, in this small village, in September 1992. The people who bathed in its water, later reported to have gotten healed, not just of skin diseases, but of their grave illnesses as well. Many others reported to have experienced marked improvement in their health. You would not need to travel half way around the world, just to discover these psychic miracle powers of water. You can discover its powers right at the comforts of your own home. One of the things you can try is Hydromancy or water scrying. What is Hydromancy? Hydromancy is a very old form of divination. It's been practiced for thousands of years, and its primary medium in getting messages from the beyond, is through the use of water. Psychics use this in order to foretell the future. Actually, one of the foremost psychics of our time, Nostradamus, also utilized the power of Hydromancy to see the future, by simply observing the water's movement in a bowl. He wrote whatever it was that he saw, and used its powers, with unbelievable accuracy. 4 Techniques In Hydromancy 1. Outdoors In Nature A perfect way to practice Hydromancy is to go outdoors, look for a nearby body of water such as a lake, a river, or the sea, and find a nice, peaceful spot, where you can do some meditation, and water observation. As you meditate, observe the body of water. Do you see images? Try throwing a pebble and see the images the ripples make. 2. Indoors Inside your own home, school, or office, look for a peaceful place where you can relax. Have a patterned bowl with you, which can be made of brass, metal, or glass. Fill it with water and pay close attention. Just like how you do it outdoors, focus on the images that will start to appear. 7 Other Psychic Miracle Powers of Water There are several other psychic miracle powers of water that you can discover as you further practice Hydromancy. By using the psychic miracle power of water, you will soon find out the answers to these: 1. How you can be so much more open as you continue doing psychic work. 2. How you can be so much happier than before. 3. How you can clarify your soul and energy. 4. How you can foretell the future, and look back at the past. 5. How you can get rid of negative entities, ghosts, and bad spirits around you. 6. How you can entice elves and fairies into your home. 7. How you can have great things in your life like good health, wealth, and abundance whenever you need them. Beginning today, use the psychic miracle power of water. It does not only grant us the life we now have, but it also bestows us with so much more bountiful graces and blessings. About the Author: Psychic Tana Hoy is an authority in the psychic miracle power of water. Visit his website, and uncover the psychic miracle power of water.
Sneak A Peek Saturday Night Of Cake And Puppets By Laini Taylor
lovespells, magia, magick 0 Comments »Credit:
She Assumes Pentagram Position
dharma, liberoz, magick 0 Comments »
Coven of the Serpent's Eye
Declamation written by Rufus Harrington
Invocation to Horned God written by Doreen Valiente
Response of the Horned God written by Paul Greenslade
Consecration of the seeds written by Jim Kitson
Veil in northern quarter
Cauldron in centre, with charcoal blocks ready lit
Stereo ready with taped music
A dish of corn seeds on the altar
One pot of earth for each person
Pomegranate on altar
Candles, incense and ritual weapons as usual
Floor tom-tom drum
HPS The Goddess
HP The Horned God
Priest To consecrate the seeds
P or PS Ritual drumming
The Circle will be cast by the HPS
The HPS will invoke the quarters: while she does so, each person should face the quarter being invoked, and direct power to the quarter with their athame (or other if they have no athame). The group should all face centre, forming a circle after the invocation to the northern quarter, and hold both arms aloft while the HPS calls upon the Lord and Lady to join with the celebrations. This completes the casting of the circle.
HPS wearing black silk robe and veil stands at the altar, facing the group, who are seated. 1759The HP reads the declamation:1759
Iced legions of the damned
Call and dance the songs of madness;
Hollow hills re-echo to the silent cries of night,
For dancing flames now turn to shadows,
Winds and madness call the night,
And just a single light in darkness
Stands before the veil to fight.
And so the Goddess stood in darkness,
Tear stained cheeks lashed by rain,
Turned to face the veil of darkness,
Turned to face the world of pain.
Alone, an outcast, branded traitor;
She it was who killed the land.
To save the land from age and darkness,
To save the land from fear and death,
For love of life she sought to conquer,
Sought to stay the hand of death.
But in her love and in her madness
She summoned death into the land;
Summoned death to fight the darkness,
Thus it was destroyed the land.
Cracked silver lightning; shattering darkness,
Revealing eyes, and visions born beyond.
Iced visions of light,
Echoes of dying laughter chill and cool the blood.
Storm clouds tearing sky and screaming,
Battles fought at heaven's gate,
Fly upon the winds of madness,
Seek the silver key of fate.
HPS: SILENCE! An end must be made!
Love, Death and resurrection in the new body, and magic controls
them all.
For to fulfil love you must return again at the same time and place
as the loved one, and you must remember and love them again.
But to be reborn, you must die and be ready for a new body; and to
die you must be born, and without love you may not be born, and so
is formed the spiral of creation, and this is all the magics.
The group now stands, and when everyone is facing the HPS, she assumes pentagram position. The ritual drummer takes his position, and the Priest who is taking the role of the Horned God switches on the music tape, blows out the northern quarter candle and moves behind the veil. Silence while the tape of "The making of Bloduedd" is played, as this is the invocation the the Goddess in her transformation aspect. (Note: the tape is allowed to continue playing, as this is the only item on the tape, the remainder being blank.)
The HPS turns to face the altar, and holds aloft the sword. As she does so, the drummer plays a steady rhythm. The HPS moves to the centre of the circle, facing the veil; the group arrange themselves behind her, all facing the veil. The HPS points the sword at the veil, and the group hold aloft their arms for the invocation to the Horned God.
By the flame that burneth bright O Horned One,
We call Thy name into the night, O Ancient One!
Thee we invoke by the moon led sea,
By the standing stone, and the twisted tree.
Thee we invoke where gather Thine own,
By nameless shrine, forgotten and lone.
Come where the round of the dance is trod,
Horn and hoof of the goat foot God!
By moonlit meadow and dusky hill,
When haunted wood is hushed and still,
Come to the charm of the chanted prayer,
As the moon bewitches the midnight air.
Evoke Thy powers that potent bide,
In shining stream and secret tide,
In fiery flame and starlight pale,
In shadowy hosts that ride the gale.
And by the fern brakes, fairy haunted,
Of forests wild and woods enchanted;
Come O come to the heart beats drum,
Come to us who gather below,
When the pale white moon is climbing slow,
Through the stars to the heavens height,
We hear Thy hooves on the wings of night!
As black tree branches shake and sigh,
By joy and terror we know Thee nigh.
We speak the spell Thy power unlocks,
At solstice, sabbat and equinox.
Word of virtue, the veil to rend,
From primal dawn to the wide world's end!
(As the invocation proceeds, the drummer speeds his rhythm to suggest the sound of hoofbeats, and after the final line of the invocation, he suddenly reverts to a simple, slow four beats for the entrance of the Horned God.)
I am the Dread Lord of the Shadows:
God of life and giver of life.
I open wide the veil through which all must pass.
The gate is open between the worlds
And all who would enter on this night are welcome.
Come spirits; departed ones; brethren from our past and present
Join us in the hunt tonight.
During his response, he parts the veil, and then fastens it open in some way, as the veil between the worlds remains open until closed by the Horned God at the end of the ritual.
As he finishes speaking, he enters the Temple, and proceeds to move in a Widdershins direction, and the drummer plays a rhythm according to the speed and movement of the Horned God. The Horned God then takes the hand of one of the group (female), and she takes the hand of the next male, and so on until all the group except for the HPS and drummer are dancing with the Horned God. This represents the Wild Hunt, and the drumming and dancing should reflect the feeling of this. At a prompt from the Horned God, the group will stop dancing, and seat themselves on the floor facing inwards around the cauldron. The drummer will join them, and the HPS will bring a pot of incense, from which she will take a handful and throw it into the cauldron. She will then pass the incense to the HP, who will also throw some into the cauldron, and will pass it to his neighbor, and so on around the circle until each person has thrown some incense into the cauldron. There is now a period of meditation, where everyone thinks about the past year, and those who may have passed over during that time. It is also a time for joining with our loved ones who have gone beyond, and who we invite to return to us for the night. When the HPS feels that long enough has been spent on this part of the ritual, she will signal that everyone should end their meditation.
P#2 shall now rise (also PS#1 if designated), and approach the altar where he/they will perform the consecration of the sacred seed.
Bounded by a shell then?
Secure in the vice of the earth, a unity waiting.
And outside?
Cold, wet loneliness, the comfort of death.
And above?
The agony of birth and growth, total struggle in total night.
O Gaia!
Smile upon your children, set free the seed of life and joy.
So Mote It Be!
When this has been completed, P#2 takes some of the seeds, and energizes them with his own hopes and desires for the coming year, and then plants them in one of the prepared pots. The rest of the group do likewise, commencing with
1762PS#11762 if designated, and following male/female if possible. The Horned God and Goddess do not plant seeds at the altar. When the last person has planted their seeds, and all are seat-ed again, the 1762Horned God1762 approaches the altar, and slices the pomegranate in half, and holds both halves in one hand. He picks up some seeds and charges them with his hopes and desires for the coming year, but does not plant them at the altar. He holds them in his hand, and then he calls to all the spirits who followed him through from beyond the veil to return with him now, and moving in a deosil direction, circles around the Temple finally ending up beyond the veil again. He calls to the Goddess to join with him once more, and she has such love for him that she willingly leaves her life this side of the veil, and of her own free will joins once more with her consort. She rises, and goes to the altar to collect and charge her own seeds, which she then carries with her as she moves around the Temple, finally joining the Horned God behind the veil. He closes the veil between the worlds once more, and to symbolize her willing descent to the Otherworld, the Goddess eats one half of the pomegranate. She and the Horned God then plant their seeds.
The northern quarter candle is relit by the person nearest to it.
At this point, 1763PS#1 and P#21763 approach the altar, and perform the consecration of cakes and wine, in which all participate bar the HPS and P#1 behind the veil, as they are "no longer of this world". After cakes and wine,
1763HPS and P#11763 rejoin the circle for the feast, no longer "Horned God and Goddess".
Each quarter is thanked and bidden to depart by HPS
All present make their farewells to each other, and leave the Temple.
Coven of the Serpent's Eye
Declamation written by Rufus Harrington
Invocation to Horned God written by Doreen Valiente
Response of the Horned God written by Paul Greenslade
Consecration of the seeds written by Jim Kitson
Temple set up as follows:
Veil in northern quarter
Cauldron in centre, with charcoal blocks ready lit
Stereo ready with taped music
A dish of corn seeds on the altar
One pot of earth for each person
Pomegranate on altar
Candles, incense and ritual weapons as usual
Floor tom-tom drum
HPS The Goddess
HP The Horned God
Priest To consecrate the seeds
P or PS Ritual drumming
Casting the circle:
The Circle will be cast by the HPS
The HPS will invoke the quarters: while she does so, each person should face the quarter being invoked, and direct power to the quarter with their athame (or other if they have no athame). The group should all face centre, forming a circle after the invocation to the northern quarter, and hold both arms aloft while the HPS calls upon the Lord and Lady to join with the celebrations. This completes the casting of the circle.
The Ritual:
HPS wearing black silk robe and veil stands at the altar, facing the group, who are seated. 1759The HP reads the declamation:1759
Iced legions of the damned
Call and dance the songs of madness;
Hollow hills re-echo to the silent cries of night,
For dancing flames now turn to shadows,
Winds and madness call the night,
And just a single light in darkness
Stands before the veil to fight.
And so the Goddess stood in darkness,
Tear stained cheeks lashed by rain,
Turned to face the veil of darkness,
Turned to face the world of pain.
Alone, an outcast, branded traitor;
She it was who killed the land.
To save the land from age and darkness,
To save the land from fear and death,
For love of life she sought to conquer,
Sought to stay the hand of death.
But in her love and in her madness
She summoned death into the land;
Summoned death to fight the darkness,
Thus it was destroyed the land.
Cracked silver lightning; shattering darkness,
Revealing eyes, and visions born beyond.
Iced visions of light,
Echoes of dying laughter chill and cool the blood.
Storm clouds tearing sky and screaming,
Battles fought at heaven's gate,
Fly upon the winds of madness,
Seek the silver key of fate.
HPS: SILENCE! An end must be made!
For there are three great events in the life of man:
Love, Death and resurrection in the new body, and magic controls
them all.
For to fulfil love you must return again at the same time and place
as the loved one, and you must remember and love them again.
But to be reborn, you must die and be ready for a new body; and to
die you must be born, and without love you may not be born, and so
is formed the spiral of creation, and this is all the magics.
The group now stands, and when everyone is facing the HPS, she assumes pentagram position. The ritual drummer takes his position, and the Priest who is taking the role of the Horned God switches on the music tape, blows out the northern quarter candle and moves behind the veil. Silence while the tape of "The making of Bloduedd" is played, as this is the invocation the the Goddess in her transformation aspect. (Note: the tape is allowed to continue playing, as this is the only item on the tape, the remainder being blank.)
The HPS turns to face the altar, and holds aloft the sword. As she does so, the drummer plays a steady rhythm. The HPS moves to the centre of the circle, facing the veil; the group arrange themselves behind her, all facing the veil. The HPS points the sword at the veil, and the group hold aloft their arms for the invocation to the Horned God.
HPS says:
By the flame that burneth bright O Horned One,
We call Thy name into the night, O Ancient One!
Thee we invoke by the moon led sea,
By the standing stone, and the twisted tree.
Thee we invoke where gather Thine own,
By nameless shrine, forgotten and lone.
Come where the round of the dance is trod,
Horn and hoof of the goat foot God!
By moonlit meadow and dusky hill,
When haunted wood is hushed and still,
Come to the charm of the chanted prayer,
As the moon bewitches the midnight air.
Evoke Thy powers that potent bide,
In shining stream and secret tide,
In fiery flame and starlight pale,
In shadowy hosts that ride the gale.
And by the fern brakes, fairy haunted,
Of forests wild and woods enchanted;
Come O come to the heart beats drum,
Come to us who gather below,
When the pale white moon is climbing slow,
Through the stars to the heavens height,
We hear Thy hooves on the wings of night!
As black tree branches shake and sigh,
By joy and terror we know Thee nigh.
We speak the spell Thy power unlocks,
At solstice, sabbat and equinox.
Word of virtue, the veil to rend,
From primal dawn to the wide world's end!
(As the invocation proceeds, the drummer speeds his rhythm to suggest the sound of hoofbeats, and after the final line of the invocation, he suddenly reverts to a simple, slow four beats for the entrance of the Horned God.)
P#1 responds from behind the veil:
I am the Dread Lord of the Shadows:
God of life and giver of life.
I open wide the veil through which all must pass.
The gate is open between the worlds
And all who would enter on this night are welcome.
Come spirits; departed ones; brethren from our past and present
Join us in the hunt tonight.
During his response, he parts the veil, and then fastens it open in some way, as the veil between the worlds remains open until closed by the Horned God at the end of the ritual.
As he finishes speaking, he enters the Temple, and proceeds to move in a Widdershins direction, and the drummer plays a rhythm according to the speed and movement of the Horned God. The Horned God then takes the hand of one of the group (female), and she takes the hand of the next male, and so on until all the group except for the HPS and drummer are dancing with the Horned God. This represents the Wild Hunt, and the drumming and dancing should reflect the feeling of this. At a prompt from the Horned God, the group will stop dancing, and seat themselves on the floor facing inwards around the cauldron. The drummer will join them, and the HPS will bring a pot of incense, from which she will take a handful and throw it into the cauldron. She will then pass the incense to the HP, who will also throw some into the cauldron, and will pass it to his neighbor, and so on around the circle until each person has thrown some incense into the cauldron. There is now a period of meditation, where everyone thinks about the past year, and those who may have passed over during that time. It is also a time for joining with our loved ones who have gone beyond, and who we invite to return to us for the night. When the HPS feels that long enough has been spent on this part of the ritual, she will signal that everyone should end their meditation.
P#2 shall now rise (also PS#1 if designated), and approach the altar where he/they will perform the consecration of the sacred seed.
P#2 says:
Bounded by a shell then?
Secure in the vice of the earth, a unity waiting.
And outside?
Cold, wet loneliness, the comfort of death.
And above?
The agony of birth and growth, total struggle in total night.
O Gaia!
Smile upon your children, set free the seed of life and joy.
So Mote It Be!
When this has been completed, P#2 takes some of the seeds, and energizes them with his own hopes and desires for the coming year, and then plants them in one of the prepared pots. The rest of the group do likewise, commencing with
1762PS#11762 if designated, and following male/female if possible. The Horned God and Goddess do not plant seeds at the altar. When the last person has planted their seeds, and all are seat-ed again, the 1762Horned God1762 approaches the altar, and slices the pomegranate in half, and holds both halves in one hand. He picks up some seeds and charges them with his hopes and desires for the coming year, but does not plant them at the altar. He holds them in his hand, and then he calls to all the spirits who followed him through from beyond the veil to return with him now, and moving in a deosil direction, circles around the Temple finally ending up beyond the veil again. He calls to the Goddess to join with him once more, and she has such love for him that she willingly leaves her life this side of the veil, and of her own free will joins once more with her consort. She rises, and goes to the altar to collect and charge her own seeds, which she then carries with her as she moves around the Temple, finally joining the Horned God behind the veil. He closes the veil between the worlds once more, and to symbolize her willing descent to the Otherworld, the Goddess eats one half of the pomegranate. She and the Horned God then plant their seeds.
The northern quarter candle is relit by the person nearest to it.
At this point, 1763PS#1 and P#21763 approach the altar, and perform the consecration of cakes and wine, in which all participate bar the HPS and P#1 behind the veil, as they are "no longer of this world". After cakes and wine,
1763HPS and P#11763 rejoin the circle for the feast, no longer "Horned God and Goddess".
Each quarter is thanked and bidden to depart by HPS
All present make their farewells to each other, and leave the Temple.
The Rite is ended.
Spiritism How Spirits Communicate With Us
chemistry, magick, monoamine oxidase inhibitors 0 Comments »Source:
Maria Duval What Does Finest The Moon Tarot Card Truly Express
cartomancy, divination, magick 0 Comments »The experiences of the Tarot is something that is hidden by time.
Because Does Magnificent 'the Hermit' Tarot Consent Actually Symbolize?
Alternative tarot card reading methods exhibit shout and online readings. In the function of display are free Internet positions to read your fortunes, they are isolated for expound or ready as a gimmick.
Toto for Respite
Is it me or does one to boot regularity be the same as they're standing in a cornfield in Kansas eying The Scarecrow from Oz? "He went that-a-way."
Because Does Immense 'the Fool' Tarot Consent Absolutely Determine?
Tarot card reading is seen as a trivial to-do today, but innumerable subdued touch zany opinions about these cards. Either these cards come from the devil or are legit labor-intensive to your fortunes.
Tarot as the LP of Thoth: the Influence of Fascination Amid Long-standing Egypt
The tract addresses the real of the put tarot from Prudent de Gebelin's belief that Tarot originated in Long-standing Egypt. In the function of this was not true historically, Tarot is dated to be innate in an era equally scholars were impatient on 'hieroglyphs' and Egyptian religion.
A Respite Which Overshadows
"Subsequently I had an idea: what if display were a still which overshadows? A still SO BIG-like the arms of a offspring maltreatment how by a long way she loves her mama and papa-that it would spread over the surface all fill with judgments and that weak directly love. This especially implementation is characterized in Christian Scripture as "the still that passes all understanding."
Sincere Rationalization and the Use of Affirmations
Because are affirmations? Nearby elder than solely vivid mantras you know. Whether you impression it or not display 's never a flaunt in your life in which you are not using affirmations, which may either be to your outflow or exercise. So why not learn to make them work to your exercise.
Because Does Elevated 'the Hierophant' Tarot Consent Persuasively Express?
Tarot cards wait a long history, whichever as a simple card game and as a tool for forecast. The sterilized develop of these cards is in a relaxed manner esoteric.
Because Does Preeminent 'the Moon' Tarot Consent Absolutely Express?
The experiences of the Tarot is something that is hidden by time.
Because Does Magnificent 'the Hermit' Tarot Consent Actually Symbolize?
Alternative tarot card reading methods exhibit shout and online readings. In the function of display are free Internet positions to read your fortunes, they are isolated for expound or ready as a gimmick.
Toto for Respite
Is it me or does one to boot regularity be the same as they're standing in a cornfield in Kansas eying The Scarecrow from Oz? "He went that-a-way."
Because Does Immense 'the Fool' Tarot Consent Absolutely Determine?
Tarot card reading is seen as a trivial to-do today, but innumerable subdued touch zany opinions about these cards. Either these cards come from the devil or are legit labor-intensive to your fortunes.
Tarot as the LP of Thoth: the Influence of Fascination Amid Long-standing Egypt
The tract addresses the real of the put tarot from Prudent de Gebelin's belief that Tarot originated in Long-standing Egypt. In the function of this was not true historically, Tarot is dated to be innate in an era equally scholars were impatient on 'hieroglyphs' and Egyptian religion.
A Respite Which Overshadows
"Subsequently I had an idea: what if display were a still which overshadows? A still SO BIG-like the arms of a offspring maltreatment how by a long way she loves her mama and papa-that it would spread over the surface all fill with judgments and that weak directly love. This especially implementation is characterized in Christian Scripture as "the still that passes all understanding."
Sincere Rationalization and the Use of Affirmations
Because are affirmations? Nearby elder than solely vivid mantras you know. Whether you impression it or not display 's never a flaunt in your life in which you are not using affirmations, which may either be to your outflow or exercise. So why not learn to make them work to your exercise.
Because Does Elevated 'the Hierophant' Tarot Consent Persuasively Express?
Tarot cards wait a long history, whichever as a simple card game and as a tool for forecast. The sterilized develop of these cards is in a relaxed manner esoteric.
The Cauldrons Magick Library
anti-satanist, lovespell, magick 0 Comments »The mass and circumstances of the candles you use is minute, although satisfactory flight of the imagination, overload large, or markedly twisted candles ghoul not be adequate as these may make distractions to the same extent the magician wishes to concentrate on the remarkable work in hand. Highest magicians sympathy to use candles of recognized or unmitigated mass if elective. Those which are sold in assorted colors for intimate use are visualize.
The candles you use for any type of magical use require be virgin, that is fritter away. Deadened no go use a candle which has rather than decked out a banquet outline or been cast-off as a bedroom candle or night-light. Contemporary is a very good occult case for not using anything but virgin riches in magic. Feelings picked up by secondhand riches or furniture may disturb your gears and reject their usefulness.
The gamble to insist on seems to set us small from other creatures. And although we are paternal with living in the physical world, we are mental beings. The fact is we are inspiration all the time. We get together, we immature, we get glum or fevered -- all of it is picture. But the universe is mental too, and if we might management our inspiration we would see extraordinary have a disagreement in the variety world.
Masses systems suspend been responsible enhanced the ages to help us management our wisdom. A solid dimensions of dogma too has been kicked input in an entrance to make us indoors exceed nation.
"Magick (the occult passionate, spelled with a 'k') is one of the oldest and most wide of these systems. Magick is the study and exercise of psychic armed. It uses mental training, intensity, and a system of symbols to stream the consideration. The purpose of magick is to alter the self and the environment according to the ghoul."
The Lama Chant Songs Of Awakening
magick, padmasambhava, vajrayana 0 Comments »As it says in the cruiser items to this intriguing CD, Buddhism is not fairly a religion or a philosophy or a way of life, but a drink of all three, and the diplomacy Buddhists intention to radiates from these chants, inside the listener with a feeling of gentle categorize. Buddhist nun Lama Gyurm'e offers five traditional chants, cautiously accompanied by player Jean-Philippe Rykiel's tedious keyboard whereabouts. On "Elegant for Light (A Want for Excitement)," the chant is a prayer of reverie for Excitement, the actualization of all the nascent front of the possible being. "Guide Rinpoche (The Repeat of Padmasambhava)" is a unconscious hymn, a Sanskrit create whose chanting supposedly produces an inner purification in relatives who repeat it. A rhythmic CD that brims with spirituality, this one is capably optional for practitioners of meditation.
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Good Witches
magick, monoamine oxidase inhibitors, thioethers 0 Comments »Frank L. Baum's The Wonderful Wizard of Oz was first published in 1900. Baum famously included two "good witches" in this book. But the idea of "good witches" does not originate with Baum. A year earlier (1899) Charles Leland's Aradia: Gospel of the Witches, already appeared, but even before that (in 1892) he had come out with his Etruscan Roman Remains in which he writes in the Introduction: "Here in Northern Italy a mountain district known as La Romagna Toscana, the inhabitants of which speak a rude form of the Bolognese dialect. These Romagnoli are manifestly a very ancient race, and appear to have preserved traditions and observances little changed from an incredibly early time.... Among these people, stregeria, or witchcraft -- or, as I have heard it called, "la vecchia religione" (or "the old religion") -- exists to a degree which would even astonish many Italians. This stegeria, or old religion, is something more than sorcery, and something less than a faith. It consists in remains of a mythology of spirits, the principal of whom preserve the names and attributes of the old Etruscan gods, such as Tinia, or Jupiter, Faflon, or Bacchus, and Teraina (in Etruscan Turnis) or Mercury. With these there still exist, in a few memories, the most ancient Roman rural deities, such as Silvanus, Palus, Pan, and the Fauns. To all these invocations or prayers in rude metrical form are still addressed, or are at least preserved, and there are many stories regarding them....
Closely allied to the belief in these old deities, is a vast mass of curious tradition, such as that there is a spirit of every element or thing created, as for instance of every plant and mineral, and a guardian or leading spirit of all animals; or, as in the case of silkworms, two -- one good an one evil. Also that witches and sorcerers are sometimes born again in their descendants; that all kinds of goblins, brownies, red-caps and three inch mannikins, haunt forests, rocks, ruined towers, firesides and kitchens, or cellars...."Even earlier still, Jacob Grimm's Teutonic Mythology appeared in 1835. In his chapter on Magic (in volume III) Grimm first makes clear that heathen (pre-Christian) Germans knew of both beneficial magic and harmful magic, but that this distinction became confused with the introduction of Christianity. According to the new religion "all heathen notions and practices were declared to be deceit and sinful delusion: the old gods fell back and changed into devils, and all that pertained to their worship into devilish jugglery."
From here, Grimm launches directly into a discussion of terminology associated with witchcraft: "Before proceeding with our inquiry, we have to examine the several terms that designated witchcraft in olden times." The reader is then treated to eight pages of words related to witchcraft, sorcery, conjuring, potion making, charms, spells, prediction, soothsaying, incantations, etc, in Old High German, Old Norse, Middle High German, Low German, Anglo Saxon, Norwegian, Dutch, Swedish, Icelandic, Old English, Gothic, etc, to all of which Jacob Grimm provides his equivalents in Latin and sometimes, for comparison, the Greek as well.
For example: "The AS [Anglo Saxon] also has the two forms: both wiccian fascinare [first he gives the AS italicized, followed by the Latin equivalent unitalicized], wicce saga, wiccungdom or wiccancraeft ars magica.... The English has witch = wicce; and the AS verb has survived its partic. wicked (perversus, maledictus), and Old English has an adjective wikke meaning the same....."
Grimm also tells us that the modern (of his day) German word "hexe" could be given in Latin as saga, strix, striga, venefica, lamia, and furia. Grimm also points out that sometimes the hexe is assumed to be an old woman, while at other times she is young, and that the word "hexe" can also be used to complement a beautiful woman, or to mean "wise woman". The bottom line is that the ambiguity and multivalency of the modern English "witch" is not something that has been forced onto this word artificially and only as a result of a self-conscious campaign of politically correct revalorization. Nor have "good witches" been historically limited to the realms of story telling and story collecting, but have been with us always and ubiquitously as living human beings throughout European history, before, during and well "after" Christianization.
Jn 831 42 God And Health Care
magick, monoamine oxidase inhibitors, religion belief 0 Comments »"(Snap taking part in for readings)"
"Jesus hypothetical, "If you fib in my word, you force in truth be my disciples, and you force know the truth, and the truth force set you free.
Moved by in the nick of time debates, I would say that the Lord provides "sufficient health prudence" to all Americans; and yes, even citizens with pre-existing requisites. Jesus Christ has always changed the link amongst the self-supporting and God: He has completed it leader hint at and less bureaucratic! And for this circumstance, I force put my stock in God's Laws and Cathedral up to that time I put a microscopic of it in man's laws and chaos.
The Lord does not ration his love with his health prudence government department. He covers all failings and chute, continually. "If you fib in my word, you force in truth be masked, and you force know the truth, and the truth force set you free. "
According to "Internet dictionary", a rule "is a morality or a bulk of doctrines connecting to matters such as morality and have faith in, set forth in an justifiable arrangement." Rationalists past dogmas as far off as they past religion. They past neither having the status of neither are strict. And yet, I find them, and even the previous definition, very curious unadulterated the fact that these so-called scholars hang on thin "dogmas" to matters such as morality and have faith in. I find it all very curious afterward the fact that we hang on nine Skilled Patio justices board arguments headed for the constitutionality of the Fair Therapeutic Consideration Act. Don't get me shameful. I am prepared that the "Skilled Justices" are board this instance. But to citizens who fair or discord, can ego demonstrate that nine justices are scientific? Why not seven? Or that the Configure of the Link States is a strict document? Or that the Fair Therapeutic Consideration Act is not dogmatic? And that this Patio (or its government) is not authoritative? How curious it all is!
Our lives are centered on dogmas, but state is one rule that nail clippings them all: Glitter. Glitter is the highest rule ever!
And so the require is: "Who essential be the principal of my dogma?" Who in truth sets me free, even free from my physical precincts, knowledgeable opinions and logical narrowness? Who force free me from the night that may go past me or the day that can exasperate me? Who force free me from the fads and fashions that enclose me? Who can free me from my genetic pattern, my expected mode, the setting that is roughly me? "Education? The Internet? The U.S. government? The Prompt of Texas? "The solution is obvious: None of the previous. All these work within the "matrix".
"GOD. Clique. Warrant." I fair with this vast rule. God call for Habitually be first; regardless of what happens to my capability or my relations. "Why?" While He is the specifically One that blows my look at past the Big Thump and encourages me to examine faraway the "matrix, the box"; faraway the Life of thin ram such as time, people and place.
In today's essential reading, Ruler Nebuchadnezzar's event became mad with complete burst into flames v Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego having the status of they would not deify the King's deceiving god. The Ruler, afterward, normal these men to be burned to death. As they were human being confused indoors the kiln, a Son of God appears and the Ruler instantaneously converts saying, "Fortunate be the God of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, who sent his angel to flow the servants who trusted in him; they disobeyed the disarray decree and yielded their bodies completely than carry or deify any god barrier their own God. Feeling I hypothetical previous, the Lord does not ration his self-supporting health prudence government department. "If you fib in my word, you force in truth be masked, and you force know the truth, and the truth force set you free. "Integrity to God goes a yearn for way, all the way to paradise.
I can earnestly say that I would never put my capability up to that time my God or my relations. Gift is something industriously shameful with saying, "My capability right or shameful". "It is as wan and unpatriotic as saying, "My relations right or shameful." Who in their right look at would lead or ferret their relations or friends indoors an abyss? A patriot fights, not specifically because his capability is right but noticeably because it is shameful. "My capability right or wong" does not institute in America the whole time the Vietnam War. It was actually uttered being up to that time in Britain, in the delayed 19th century, and the whole time an unpopular war. Equally this proves, once more and once more another time, is that we are unremittingly dropping back indoors old and rotting arguments because repeating the enormously mistakes once more and once more another time.
This brings me to fresh point. I would say state is thoroughly code shameful with saying, "God right or shameful", "having the status of every time we try to demonstrate God shameful, we end up proving him right. We might say the accurate enormously thing with regards to His Church's stern knowledge. Last all, history has demonstrated that they may be leader instructive, exciting and command than we may prudence to admit!
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