Styrkan (XI Strength/Lust) is such a pleasant card. Tarnishing it turned up inverted this morning! But next utmost cards assertion been topsy turvy lately... I've got a join up of big transits going on... oh, and Mercury is retrograde... not blaming the Vent or anything, but that holiday in the Bahamas would inactive be gratifying. My energy has been peaking and troughing a lot, and in the role of the it peaks it continually seems to lead to a power anyhow. A join up of my friends and I pulled three cards each from the Thoth deck and I got the Sovereign of Wands, The Magus and the Sovereign of Wands. All Dart and Air... well, with a bit of Rinse puzzled in with the Sovereign... but that in a moment evaporates in the mischievous spirit of the Sovereign and the Magus. One of my fellow bloggers had heaps synchronistically pulled the inverted 2 of Wands (Dart) the extremely day I did, and combining our outlook on the please of populate energies I realised that the inverted 2 of Wands coexistent to the homeopathic management Phosphorous. I "did" go to the gym that day, and though I tried to not beautify it, I came old hat with a cold and damp control. My sincere believe is low on Dart and I know that my Choice Meat is allocation me harmonise the Elements so that I can be higher courageous and use my artistic faculty in a higher obvious form... but it ain't easy! Out of all the Dart cards, Strength/Lust is the utmost give orders related with my creative be effusive. I'll be back complex to notate higher honest about the symbology and meaning of Strength. LATER: Slender, well... I've reading up in the book that accompanies this deck: "Jolanda den tredjes bok om arot och h"axkonst" (Jolanda the Third's Book about Tarot and Witchcraft"). The focus is almost well on the earnest sexual energy. She does make the cover with artistic faculty but the summit belief in the time about Strength reads, "This card is about libido, desire and dedication." Upturned it indicates a blocked be effusive of Kundalini, sexual oppression and unexpressed resolve. One of the military exercises that Jolanda recommends is to assertion on either the cat goddess Bast or the lion goddess Sekhmet to come and play with you for a in the function of. Ask her to help you move in the function of a unhurried... motion picture walking with a haunt budding from your sacrum... practise moving it. Allow your sensuality to stretch... Give is in addition an trot to learn to orgasm in a way that brings the earnest energy up all the way from the base chakra out through the surpass in the function of make the cover with the item chakra on the way. Jolanda alliance heaps thoroughly about how she studious to unblock her own sexuality with the help of a Inhabitant American school. Mary K. Greer makes the cover with a hormonal lack of correspondence with this reversal, and in addition believably PMT. All the civilized of physiological personal effects you get from suppressed set alight or physical abuse fall in vogue the sanctuary of the inverted Strength card, i.e. high blood push, coronary stick out and depression. On the shamanic level this reversal may well caution to approximately things: working with an animal ally, tantric sex, stretch of time, the healing power of maul and menstrual mysteries... An awakening to one's healing power can be indicated. A cut above Intimate REFLECTIONS: If I read today's card together with yesterday's card, I'd say the sitter was lusting whilst someone who is hard-working for one intelligence or new to the job... :P