A fervent site on an island at ASWAN, called "the Islet in the Dot of R," Philae comes from the Egyptian Paaleq or Pilak, meaning "the End" or "Standoffish Move quickly." Philae's monuments, threatened by the Aswan Clear Dam, are now on Agilquiyya Islet. The individual site became in demand in the Thirtieth Mansion. NECTANEBO I (r. 380-362 B.C.E.) erected a hall present-day as well as a kiosk. Altered blatant temples elevated Philae in time, fervent to ISIS, Harendotus, IMHOTEP, and ARSENUPHIS. The temple of Isis contains the hall of NECTANEBO II (r. 360-343 B.C.E.), eastern and western colonnades, a testament to Imhotep, a retrieve from the charge of PTOLEMY II PHILADELPHUS (285-246 B.C.E.), and a report on chapel. Two pylons are part of the design, as well as a MAMMISI, further colonnades, and a pier. PTOLEMY IV PHILOPATOR (r. 221-205 B.C.E.) and Sovereign ARKAMANI of MERO, Nubia (modern Sudan), in a sole co-op assembly rest erected a temple fervent to the deity Arsenuphis at Philae. A good deal Ptolemys extra OBELISKS, a HYPOSTYLE Refinement, a prenaos, a temple to HATHOR, and chapels. The hug hieroglyphic letters dates to 394 C.E., as the Romans extra their own structures or adornments. Arsenuphis (Harsenuphis) A Nubian deity connected with the goddess ISIS, Arsenuphis wore a plumed Coat of arms. He received tributes from pharaohs of the New Native land (1550-1070 B.C.E.) and had a cult central part at MERO. He was addressed as "the Straight Companion," Iryhemes- nefer, and was worshiped at DENDEREH. In the charge of PTOLEMY IV PHILOPATOR (221-205 B.C.E.), a testament to Arsenuphis was built at the PHILAE temple of ISIS. The Mero superintendent, Arkamani, aided Ptolemy IV in this overhang. # A Nubian God or else a product of Egyptian and Nubian syncretism, Arensnuphis is just about always depicted anthropomorphically, taking part in a covering of plumes, but is depicted at least once (in the Osiris testament at Philae) in the form of a lion. The name 'Arensnuphis' is interpreted as deriving from Iry-hemes-nefer, 'the good husband. This interpretation derives from the most disgusting myth with which Arensnuphis is connected, the myth of the assumed inattentive Goddess, in which a wrathful Goddess depicted as a lioness, most regularly Tefnut, is brought from a place in the south, commonly Nubia, to Egypt - in effect, to where in a district these ceremonies were observed - escorted by two male deities, undergoing a revolution through this meander in which she is rendered beneficent. Arensnuphis natural history, downward with Thoth of Pnubs [Thoth of the noubs tree (the zizyphus or jujube)], as the use of this Goddess in the example of the myth as it is found at Philae and assist south. Arensnuphis is likewise depicted sometimes as a chuck chaser, wearisome a noose and water-skin, or with a spear and a slain oryx. Arensnuphis may likewise be depicted subduing a crocodile. In the subject of Abaton, anywhere one of the 'tombs' of Osiris was to be found, an orgiastic cult centering on Tefnut was highly praised, I don't know connecting Arensnuphis and celebrating the accession of the Goddess. This cult was censured at Elephantine in the 2nd century BCE for "profaning the sacred burial of Osiris at his tomb in Abaton," an landscape which has been joined to the defacing of a break of Arensnuphis at the temple of Dendur. In the break, Arensnuphis is featured with Isis and her son Harpocrates, but his name has been erased and replaced with that of Osiris. Arensnuphis seems to bear been incorporated appearing in the scene of Isis and Osiris as a protector and understudy son. Arensnuphis is likewise a attach of Nubia for Egyptians, wearisome the quintessence lithe Medjay', a paragraph which refers to a Nubian line who became clients of the Egyptian nationwide, spoon as policemen in the chuck regions. In a spell from the Greek Enchantment Papyri (PGM XII. 182-89) whose target is to carry generosity, 'Arsenophre' (Arensnuphis) is invoked as "the secret to carry generosity for the cosmos and for the built-up world. Heaven has become a dancing place for you Let my outspokenness not stoppage me. But let every words and language go to to me." This spell evokes the veneer of Arensnuphis in the myth of the inattentive Goddess as the one who persuades the Goddess to come with him to Egypt.