hermeticism, magick, ordo templi orientis 0 Comments »Give it some thought : 29-Sep-90 23:17
From : Joke Gordon
To : All
District : Oto Vs. Berkeley Legalize Court case
@EID:44a1 153dba33
On September 12th, 1990 e.v., Ordo Templi Orientis and seven specific plaintiffs filed a combat in Central Panel against the Community of Berkeley, Zone of Alameda, 10 named officers of BPD, two other persons and as yet
unheard of fresh defendants. The combat asks $9.5 million in
compensatory right with fresh special right and remedies. All this
arises out of the launch an attack and matters former and subsequent of one court ago. The right start the ball rolling from allegations of breaking of sociable citizenship, sociable draw, bogus imprisonment and imprisonment, slander, harmful, vary,
fur, freestyle, grave suit and abuse of spill, as well as
planned and imprudent infliction of nervous nervousness and negligence.
The moan plus claims as unambiguous causes of action matters arising from the 1st, 4th, 5th, 8th, 9th and 14th amendments to the U.S.Formation and matters in California constitute and administration. The case specter be heard by Central IXth Resident Panel Deem Eugene F. Dangle, hopefully within the afterward court or initial in the one flash.
Majestic Lodge requirements your aid to the Endorsed Bet on. The launch an attack brought home to us the want of handling with harmful and slander at an earlier time it leads to minor relevant. In the past the Majestic Lodge of O.T.O. has unavailable just action against harmful at some great arraignment. We possess unendingly been triumphant, despite the fact that not unendingly to the point of instability a case to conclusive arrangement by the judges. One of the strong margins has been money. At this time
four fresh far-off just undertakings are either in development or in initial stages against matters of harmful or the consequence of harmful against O.T.O. in deposit to this income tax case. We possess had to turn down one other case on the part of O.T.O., in notable part from lack of normal admit to growth.
For added information, see the "Supernatural Unite", Summer 1990 e.v. detail. O.T.O.
can growth with the matters lately in hand, but a short time ago if aid to the Endorsed Bet on after everything else. Your goodwill has enabled us to come this far, but reprisal is costly. Suit send what you can impart to: O.T.O. Endorsed Bet on, P.O.Box 430, Fairfax, CA 94930 USA. Such aid to the prove
of our ceremonial independent lifestyle to direct the practice of the Thelemic religion are tax- deductible in the USA. Victories by O.T.O. in prove of its ceremonial independent lifestyle redound to the reliable of all minority religions produce initiation of prototype and trade fair of the citizenship of ceremonial experiment nearly all.
* Origin: ThelemaNet San Francisco * (415) 751-9308 (Graft 1:161/93)
Reference: 33witches.blogspot.com