Court Upholds Regulation Of Fortune Tellers
106th united states congress, magick, zoning 0 Comments »In "Moore-King v. County of Chesterfield Virginia", 2011 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 112205 (ED VA, Sept. 30, 2011), a Virginia federal district court rejected constitutional challenges to Chesterfield County, Virginia's regulation of the business of fortune telling. Patricia Moore-King, a "spiritual counselor" who operated under the name of "Psychic Sophie" claimed that the county's zoning, business license tax and fortune teller permit ordinances violate her free exercise of religion, free speech and equal protection rights. The court held that plaintiff's predictions and counseling services are inherently deceptive commercial speech, and that the regulation of them is reasonably drawn. The court rejected plaintiff's free exercise and RLUIPA claims, finding that she is not engaged in religious practices. It also rejected her equal protection claims. RELIGION CLAUSE