Meet The Greek Goddesses
greek mythology, magick, religion 0 Comments »Ananke - Necessity. Neo-Platonic-Pythagorean Goddess Who governed the world according to Karmic Law. Aspect of the Triple Goddess with Dike and Heimarmene.
Aphrodite - Goddess of Love.
Arachne - Goddess of Spinning, Weaving, Thread arts. Spinner of the Web of Fate.
Artemis - Amazonian Moon Goddess of the Hunt.
Athene - Goddess of Wisdom.
Baubo - Greek Goddess of Laughter.
Buto - Serpent Goddess aka Uazit.
Cer (Ker) - Goddess of violent death.
Ceto - Sea Goddess.
Circe - Death Goddess, falcon Her bird. Pure Mother Bee. Poppy Her flower.
Coronis - Crow Goddess
Daphne - Laurel Goddess. Oleander Her plant.
Demeter - Doorway of the Mysterious Feminine.
Eos - Birth Goddess, Rosy-fingered Dawn.
Eurynome - Mediterranean Dove Goddess, Universal One, Pelasgian Creatress Who danced alone on the primordial ocean of Chaos until She brought the elements to order.
Eurydice - Greek Mother of Fate, the Orphic name for Goddess of the Underworld. Snakes were Her sacred animals, and constant companions..
Gaea - Mother Earth, Mother of the Gods, the Deep Breasted One, Oldest of Divinities.
Galatea - Milk-giving Goddess. She Who made the Wheel of the Stars with Her Milk.
Hebe - Maiden aspect of the Triple Goddess, Hebe.Hera.Hecate. She governed the Tree of Life with it~Os Magic Apples of Immortality. Goddess of Youth.
Hecate - Moon Goddess, Protectress of childbirth. Her totem was a Frog. Wise Crone of the Hebe.Hera.Hecate triple Goddess. She is worshipped where three roads meet. Goddess of Magic and Prophecy. Protectress of travelers. Monkshood (Wolfbane) Her plant. Goddess of the Dark of the Moon, the black nights when the Moon is hidden. Often depicted with a basket. Henna sacred to Her, and willow, Her tree.
Hera - Great Mother of the Triple Goddess, Hebe, Hera, Hecate. Pomegranate Her fruit. Protectress of married women. Cow and Peacock are sacred to Her. Cuckoo, as the rainbird was sacred to Her. Lily, Her flower.
Hestia - Goddess of the Hearth.
Hygeia - Health. She and Her Sister Goddess Panacea sprang from the milk of the Goddess Rhea.
Io - Moon. The White Cow Goddess Who Mothered the Ionians.
Iris - Goddess of the Rainbow. Source of the waters from on high, Mother of Love. Bridge between Heaven and Earth. Messenger of the gods. Gathered the souls of women. Iris is Her flower.
Kore - Holy Virgin, Inner Soul of Mother Earth. One of the earliest designations of the Female Spirit of the Universe.
Leda - Goddess Who gave birth to the World Egg. Swan is Her totem.
Leto - Greek Mother of the Moon and Sun (Artemis and Apollo).
Maia - Grandmother of Magic, Mother of Greeks Enlightened One, Hermes. White Goddess. Her tree the Hawthorne, also called the May tree.
Nike - Pre-Hellenic Victory Goddess of Samothrace.
Oenothea - Wine Goddess. Dispenser of Immortality, keeping gods and men alive with Her Magic Ambrosia.
Pandia - All Goddess, one of three daughters of the Moon in Greece. A title of the female Trinity. Her two sisters were Erse and Nemea.
Pandora - All Giver, title of Earth Goddess Rhea. She poured out blessings from Her honey-vase called a pithos.
Pangaea - Universal Gaea, title of the Earth Mother at Her mountain shrine in Thrace. She was called Ida, Olympia, Panorma, Universal Mountain Mother.
Penelope - She Whose Face is Veiled. Greek Goddess of Fate. The Weaver.
Persephone - Queen of the Underworld.
Pitys - Fir tree Goddess. Satyrs wore fir twigs in Her honor.
Selene - Variant of Semele -Moon Goddess
Semele - Mother of Dionysus. Associated with both the Earth and the Moon.
Themis - Pre-Hellenic Creatress.