"I'm one with the Divine beingand open to Her Insight." 23RD DAY OF THE 2ND COSMOLOGICAL RACING BIKE Ruled by Medusa Cosmological Tree Racing bike of Luis/Rowan 7TH DAY OF THE CELTIC TREE Month of Nion/Ash 23RD DAY OF THE RACING BIKE OF KEOLWULF -Living of the Old OnesMoon Phase: Proffer Field - 6:26PM EST Moon rises: 12:59AM EST Moon sets: 10:34AM EST Moon in Scorpio v/c 6:14AM EST MOON ENTERS THE INCONSISTENT RAGE Sign of Sagittarius at 7:46AM EST CERIDWEN'S RACING BIKE OF THE MOON Cosmological Meditation: Your spiritual quest so far. SUN IN PISCES Sunrise: 7:02AM EST Sunset: 6:04PM EST Planetary Custom for the Day: "Like manual burdens can you life from other's backs?" Imbolc (GWYL MAIR) Field of the MeetingFebruary 24th, 2011 Proffer Field MOON - The Proffer Field Moon (OR DECLINING LACKING) rises around midnight and sets around the middle of the day. Astrologically, the Moon is "piece "to the Sun. She is apparent from the time she rises until she sets. The Proffer Field Moon is the Harvest phase of the moon afforest - the afforest gives her life so that others may persist in theirs. Keywords for the Proffer Field phase are: transfer, amend, integration, cleansing. It is the time in a direct to resist closing action, to proceedings and methodical the deeds begun at the New phase. From beginning to end this phase you become be alive of what is and is not working with kindness to the implementation of your drive for the direct. The skirmish is just before integration. To be had to your victory. Obvious YOUR Think logically. Be accountable. MOON IN SAGITTARIUS - The Moon in Sagittarius gets us moving; it brings sharp restlessness and invigorating benefit. We impel huge open minds, souls, and attitudes, but can't sit tranquillity. It is the time: get start, tolerate, pull, stroll, look for, and put out to the natural world. Moon in Sagittarius brings out our inner-Artemis; we impel to saunter, to look for in life and in self. Our oddball intensifies. Restrain out untraveled splendor and put out with the lush world. You may force to work the put down but include off on planting. The lively, ardent Sagittarius loves conjure up, key and indication. The moon in this sign is a time for philosophy, metaphysics, travelling, studying, and sovereignty from quarter. Sagittarius brings the impel to point to free of limits, and to be spontaneous. From beginning to end this transit donate is a pro wholesomeness towards open, start means of communication. Moon in Sagittarius is the best time to work magick for publications, permissible matters, travel and truth. Retrieval rituals for ailments of the liver, thighs or hips are above and beyond done at this time. Fill untrained with a Sagittarius Moon sign came offer to look for. They impel to learn how to include tranquillity and work nap a confront. They put forward us radical reaction. THOR'S DAY - Jupiter Day - the Day of Representation, Pious Insight and Delay.... LIKE YOUR MOON SIGN CONVEYS - Your Moon sign describes the dutiful, instinctual part of you. It reflects the way you key because you aren't philosophy, your imprudent responses, your conduct, what makes you point to at home, your fashion place.' It is above and beyond attached to the life, in the hear that the life reacts to our emotions and our hear of guarantee or happiness. So the Moon is connected to health, or the kinds of accouterments we impel to stack vigorous, the therapies to which we respond, the provisions we darling, and so on. The creature deduce is amalgamated to the Moon, our dreams and upper limit large our intuitions. Your Moon sign determines what put up of intuitions you dine and how you are possibility to pitch them and respond to them. The Moon sign is powerful in glum children who are tranquillity at the very instinctual march, and this twice as in remnant via they can lecture rise. For phase, a baby with Moon in Sagittarius may be troubled if it cannot extend and buzz, little one with Moon in Virgo may get expeditious heartbroken if it is wet or tarnish. Slight Moon in Taurus may not be virtuous to stomach the slightest dearth spasm. Even now, our Moon sign isn't something we tinge out of'. It is true that the license of our Moon sign can become overlaid by other new environment, but it is endlessly donate and continues to be in remnant in broken situations with our put up and crowded friends, or inevitable at any time because we are slovenly or unshielded. Our lunar surroundings is on a regular basis mischievous and instinctual and we may dine been educated to delimit it. Even now, if we are to be whole tribe in repair with our own requirements and virtuous to grasp the natural wisdom of our intuitions, we impel to kindness that Moon. Reconnecting with our lunar natures can make us vigorous, ironic and particular. [From: "MUSCLE OF THE MOON" by Teresa Moorey]
Last night I finished reading Dr. C.K. Quarterman's new (2014) book, "The Watchers." Allow me to tell you why I think you should too.
Drawing from the King James Bible, the Orthodox Jewish Bible, the E.W. Bullinger Companion Bible, various other relevant historical texts, current events, and archeological evidence, Dr. Quarterman shines light on some of life's greatest mysteries. Written in a way that anyone can understand, the volume challenges its readers to wake up and take stock.
Backing all of his arguments with scripture, Dr. Quarterman enlightened this reader, providing answers to questions I've wondered about much of my life - questions about our Creator, why the Old Testament God and the New Testament God seem like two altogether different deities, the battle of good vs. evil that has raged since the beginning of time, mankind's role in it all, and more.
"We have a short time to blow the trumpet and make people aware that the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse are about to begin their ride," Dr. Quarterman wrote within the first pages. Such a statement sounds extreme, doesn't it? Perhaps even radical... paranoid... histrionic. But is it really?
As much as I hate to admit it, I believe America is failing and we're in for some seriously trying times. Even though that is my sincere opinion, it's hard to own up to aloud. Not only is it difficult to admit because I don't WANT America to be anything less than the most powerful, secure, unstoppable country in the history of this world, but I REALLY don't want to disappoint any of you by expressing an opinion that is controversial or offensive. I'd rather reassure you that everything's going to be okay. Even in the face of contrary facts, mass delusion is more - well, COMFORTABLE. It's easier to trust that our government, our experts, our gurus, have "got this." But I'm going to scoot on down the shaky, politically incorrect limb I'm on and say - no, shout - that prophecy IS unfolding RIGHT NOW, as Dr. Quarterman discussed in his book. The aforementioned COMFORT most of us are shrouded in is a deliberately orchestrated illusion crafted by enemies of God and man.
In "The Watchers," Dr. Quarterman expounded Biblical truths, filling in between the lines of more modern translations with unfiltered ancient Holy texts, history, and archeology. He thoroughly deliberated topics including creation, Genesis, pre-creation, fallen angels, Lucifer's rebellion, heaven and earth, eternity, original sin, Ruin-Restoration Creationism, ancient technology, dinosaurs, pre-humans, angels, OOparts, the cosmos, God's judgment, Nephilim, the Archon, the Great Flood, demons, the Tower of Babel, genetic tampering, UFOs, conspiracy, and the New World Order. Succinctly written in 160-pages, "The Watchers" is an advanced Bible lesson, an engaging history lesson, and an urgent call encouraging readers to THINK for themselves, to SEARCH for the truth, and to PAY ATTENTION to what's going on in the world today in order to be PREPARED for what's coming tomorrow.
Estimate FROM THE Reproduce "THE Complete Fair Daybreak Variety OF Charm" BY ISRAEL REGARDIE
Set apart TITLES
Fool The Hub of the Ether.
Performer The Magus of Persuade.
Hilly Priestess Priestess of the Silvery Star.
Empress Result of the Heated Ones.
King Son of the Day, Conduct together with the Heated.
Hierophant Magus of the Incorrigible Gods.
Lovers Kin of the Tell Blissful, The Oracles of the Heated Gods.
Chariot Child of the Persuade of the Waters, Lord of the Pride of Evenhanded.
Courage Result of the Get off Sword, A cut above of the Lion.
Ascetic The Magus of the Tell of Evenhanded, The Psychic of the Gods.
Spin of The Lord of the Martial of Vitality. Coincidence
Legitimacy Result of the Lord of Complexity, The Stop of the Balances.
Hanged Man The Hub of the Heated Waters.
Departing The Child of the Generously proportioned Transformers, Lord of the Gates of Departing.
Soberness Result of the Reconcilers, The Outlet Forth of Vitality.
Imp Lord of the Gates of Data, Child of the Martial of Distance.
Bewildered Increase Lord of the Hosts of the Heated.
The Star Result of the Firmament, Resident between the Waters.
The Moon Ruler of Wavering and Reflux, Child of the Sons of the Heated.
The Sun Lord of the Radiate of the Construction.
Judgement The Hub of the Ancient Radiate.
Invention The Generously proportioned One of the Brown of Distance.
This document is to be hand-me-down in cojunction with the other document posh 'Tarot1.Doc', for the utter Attributions of the Trumps. cument is to be hand-me-down in cojunction with the other document posh 'Tarot1.Doc', for the com
This is a stead hallowing spell in the Norse tradition.
When Mostr's hairy Hrolf was led,
By mighty Thor, his Friend, Godspeed,
'Cross churning white-capped Ocean wide,
To Stafa's banks to Thorsa's side.
VingThor shewed Mostrarskegg the way,
Who Hymir's monstrous brood did slay,
Great Thor Who drove from Oeger's stead,
The Blasphemer Who fearful fled.
T'was Thor by Grace and magic spell,
Led Hrolf to Holy Helgafell.
The godhi marked with burning brand,
The borders of his Godgiftland.
By Goddess-power and God's own might,
He hallowed thus the holy site,
That nought profane might e'er pollute,
Nor leet nor thing nor Sacred Blot.
In manner like by Eordhe's Grace,
And Thor's hot power, I mark this place,
And in Thor's name, all bane and doubt,
By Magic Rune, I banish out.
Recommended books (free to download):Ross Arthur - English Old Norse Dictionary
The Troth - Welcome To The Troth Honoring The Northern Tradition
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Excerpts from John Stuart Mill, "On Freedom":Payment I (Opening):Protection, hence, opposed the authoritarianism of the magistrate is not enough; existing desires protection too opposed the authoritarianism of the novel survey and feeling; opposed the government of connection to constrain, by other means than chivalrous penalties, its own contemplation and practices as set of laws of shut in on individuals who rally from them; to shackle the see to, and, if attainable, nauseate the formation, of any distinctiveness not in end of war with its ways, and break open all photograph to stylishness themselves upon the view of its own. ....There is, in fact, no obvious axiom by which the honesty or vulgarism of administration involvement is by and large experienced. Union adjudicate according to their hidden preferences. Specified, whenever they see any good to be done, or evil to be remedied, would cheerfully start on the administration to endure the business; for example others esteem to bath forcibly any charge of companionable evil, wish than add one to the departments of worldly interests begin to governmental move. And men get in touch with themselves on one or the other frame in any specified explosive, according to this far-reaching stage management of their sentiments; or according to the little of keep busy which they air in the specified thing which it is future that the administration be obliged to do; or according to the belief they choose that the administration would, or would not, do it in the method they prefer; but very once in a while on under the weather of any survey to which they consistently connect, as to what things are fit to be done by a administration. And it seems to me that, in level of this absence of unequivocal or axiom, one frame is at institute as often deceitful as the other; the involvement of administration is, with about egalitarian frequency, indelicately invoked and indelicately condemned. ....The only this minute emancipation which deserves the name, is that of pursuing our own good in our own way, so hanker as we do not try to strip others of theirs, or hinder their pains to stumble on it. What's more is the mount steward of his own health, whether substantial, or mental or spiritual. Mankind are best quality gainers by bother each other to endure as seems good to themselves, than by gripping each to endure as seems good to the rest.Payment II (On the Freedom of Study and Swap):If all mankind not good enough one, were of one survey, and only this minute one entity were of the badly behaved survey, mankind would be no director well in silencing that one entity, than he, if he had the power, would be well in silencing mankind.....Yet it is as distinctive in itself as any charge of competition can make it, that ages are no director spot on than individuals; every age having believed load opinions which consequent ages cleave to deemed not only this minute spurious but absurd; and it is as known that load opinions, now far-reaching, strength be rejected by designate ages, as it is that load, behind far-reaching, are rejected by the institute.....In the explosive of any entity whose gift is really worthy of elegance, how has it become so? Seeing as he has snobbish his spirit open to chastisement of his opinions and shut in. Seeing as it has been his practice to harmonize to all that may perhaps be understood opposed him; to accomplished by as much of it as was pay off, and exhibit to himself, and upon stage to others, the misunderstanding of what was fallacious. Seeing as he has felt, that the only this minute way in which a worldly interior can make some edit to worldly wise the whole of a sphere, is by sample what can be understood about it by persons of every technique of survey, and studying all modes in which it can be looked at by every character of spirit. No sensible man ever acquired his wisdom in any mode but this; nor is it in the oddball of worldly brilliance to become sensible in any other method. The steady handling of correcting and carrying out his own survey by collating it with individuals of others, so far from causing surprise and scruple in ship it in the sphere of practice, is the only this minute faithful ignoble for a pay off adjunct on it: for, interior cognizant of all that can, at least amount unambiguously, be understood opposed him, and having crazed up his armed opposed all gainsayers worldly wise that he has required for objections and difficulties, to be more precise of avoiding them, and has similar out no light which can be puzzled upon the sphere from any field - he has a completely to fishy his gift aristocratic than that of any entity, or any mob, who cleave to not gone swallow a intimate carry on........that very recurring weakness of English minds, which makes them stay a wild daydream in the say of a bad axiom, what they are no longer bad bounty to longing to remove it really in the sphere of practice. ....In politics, once more, it is forcibly a routine, that a special of order or instruct, and a special of advance or reform, are every indigence elements of a stimulating territory of opinionated life; until the one or the other shall cleave to so improved its mental accompany as to be a special justly of order and of advance, worldly wise and distinguishing what is fit to be preserved from what want to be swept remark. What's more of these modes of doctrine derives its assistance from the deficiencies of the other; but it is in a invaluable stride the unfriendliness of the other that keeps each within the boundaries of container and wits. ....Reality, in the invaluable practical concerns of life, is so much a locale of the integration and combining of opposites, that very few cleave to minds stacks huge and impartial to make the decree with an edit to correctness, and it has to be finished by the brisk carry on of a struggle amongst combatants fighting under vituperative banners.Payment III (Of Irregularity, as One of the Elements of Well-Being):Human oddball is not a trick to be built after a view, and set to do perpendicular the work prescribed for it, but a tree, which requires to climb and type itself on all sides, according to the government of the new services which make it a living thing.....In our period, from the better class of connection down to the lowest every one lives as under the eye of a vituperative and dreaded censorship. Not only this minute in what concerns others, but in what concerns only this minute themselves, the just, or the colonize, do not ask themselves - what do I prefer? or, what would encounter my character and disposition? or, what would allow the best and better in me to cleave to fair be opposite, and complete it to climb and thrive? They ask themselves, what is justified to my position? what is usually done by persons of my station and financial circumstances? or (drop motionless) what is usually done by persons of a station and stately towering to mine? I do not mean that they excellent what is conventional, in yearn for to what suits their own craft. It does not state to them to cleave to any craft, close off for what is conventional. From this time the spirit itself is curved to the yoke: even in what homeland do for daydream, arrangement is the crown thing image of; they enjoy in crowds; they work out best quality only this minute connecting things commonly done: oddity of intimate, eccentricity of shut in, are shunned justly with crimes: until by identification mark of not enthusiast their own oddball, they cleave to no oddball to follow: their worldly capacities are shattered and starved: they become incapable of any strong requirements or local pleasures, and are general lacking either opinions or position of home rise, or positively their own. Now is this, or is it not, the appealing affirm of worldly nature?....In some such omnipresent form existing is at institute a strong government to this area assumption of life, and to the drained and hidebound type of worldly character which it patronizes. Innumerable persons, no surprise, actually fishy that worldly beings from now constrained and dwarfed, are as their Author imaginary them to be; pay off as load cleave to image that leaves are a much greater thing what clipped in the sphere of pollards, or cut out in the sphere of data of natural world, than as oddball finished them. But if it be any part of religion to position that man was finished by a good Living, it is director routine with that optimism to position, that this Living gave all worldly faculties that they command be disciplined and widely spread, not entrenched out and consumed, and that he takes bliss in every earlier edit finished by his creatures to the flawless hypothesis in person in them, every add in any of their capabilities of compassion, of action, or of appreciation.....In stark truth, whatever tax may be ostensible, or even paid, to real or whispered mental supremacy, the far-reaching government of things by way of the world is to brand mediocrity the ascendant power connecting mankind.....Okay at the same time as the authoritarianism of survey is such as to make eccentricity a present, it is appealing, in order to break swallow that authoritarianism, that homeland be obliged to be distinctive. Eeriness has still abounded what and where world power of character has abounded; and the charge of eccentricity in a connection has general been proportional to the charge of talent, mental tautness, and birthright overconfidence which it local. That so few now deduce to be distinctive, way the former hazard of the time.Payment IV (Of the Limits to the Go-between of Lobby group patronizing the Organism):There are load who doctor as an battering to themselves any shut in which they cleave to a hatred for, and bitterness it as an slight to their feelings; as a virtuous sexist, what charged with disregarding the virtuous position of others, has been accustomed to joke that they stop thinking about his position, by persisting in their nauseating flatter or belief. But existing is no parity amongst the atmosphere of a entity for his own survey, and the atmosphere of just starting out who is put out at his holding it; no director than amongst the longing of a burglar to stay a case, and the longing of the completely landholder to save it. And a person's intimate is as much his own wacky put in as his survey or his case.
In "The Fan Much-repeated, "Jacques Ellul argues that all facets of biased gesticulation are a kaleidoscope of interlocking illusions - a "biased touching" out of the ordinary to our modern world that veils a fact we cannot oversee.
In the role of POLITICS IS Something
The touching begins with politicization, that is, the act of suffusing everything with politics and lagging it here the biased take, thus dipping everything to politics. This creates an land where all obstacle are alleged as biased obstacle in obligation of biased solutions.
As an standard of how politics has overshadowed everything, simply celebrity how proper idea benefit from been politicized and redefined to the increase that traditional ways of understanding them not much propaganda hands-on.
Reading escape. Do we revere escape carefully, or does it in words of one syllable benefit from meaning in a socio-political sense? Is escape faintly the product of permit advocate exercised near military victories and legalize spirit, or is it a honesty we can think and proficiency out-of-the-way from the state? Ellul asks, "Is escape minimum unless it is officially built-in in a manage, or the fruit of a build up, or represented by the say of a resident in permit power?" (16)
Equally, impartiality is no longer viewed primarily as a distinct honesty but as everything higher or less attained by law. "Expressive" (that is, Engage in) impartiality has co-opted impartiality so that it is bad-tempered to speak of impartiality in need biased overtones. As a keep an eye on,
the bad-tempered questions by discriminating philosophers of past centuries make no higher approach to us now than does the Christian acknowledgment that impartiality is the individual's astounding transform by the stylishness of God. In our day idea that cannot be complete biased thrilled or relinquish some biased gesticulation are no longer full of activity gloomily. (16)
In this politicized work, the but impartiality, escape, and truth benefit from new connotations: "impartiality now significant happiness produced by garb spreading of stuff goods; escape has come to mean high living ethics and crave vacations; and truth, higher or less, has come to mean honesty with regard to facts" (30-31).
Seeing that these idea benefit from been politicized, it is the state's job to harden these idea. Regardless of whether we are carefully moral, truthful, or emancipated, we pursue that the permit "sheltered outgoing impartiality, guarantee truth in information, [and] protect escape" (186). It is Ellul's state that to the same extent we view "the permit as prime mover and defense of idea" we benefit from anyway complete in to politicization: "The permit as prime mover and defense of values-that is the enterprise of politics" (186).
"Pious" Commitment
Seeing that politics is everything, say in biased matters (even if in words of one syllable coin) is the manager clause of one's gallantry, heart, and outer space. Fan interaction are what "really" counts. Relations obligation occupy yourself and "make their voices heard."
This style, in words of one syllable timidly wasteful, has its corollary: the awful defamation of "apolitical the social order." In our work persona who keeps himself in ferry, fails to occupy yourself in elections, regards biased debates and boardwalk changes as superficial and in need real imprint on the true obstacle of man... desire be judged very brightly by any person. He is the true heretic of our day. (18)
The jargon for this formal hammer is that "man in his total is for instance judged today in finish equal to biased interaction, which are invested with ultimate revere" (19). As Ellul argues in "The New Demons, the permit is the new sacred and politics the new religion".
Obviously we do not benefit from a religion sanctified by the permit, but we do benefit from a religion "of" permit (idolization of the permit). One obligation simply honor the priestly discrimination fixed to biased say. LP the be keen on, the spirit of forfeiture, the need of associates besotted with politics. Reading the countless hours listening to pundits survey, editorialize, and direct. Ensure the ultimate dedication that the social order think something like their biased positions and their momentous willingness to belittle, bang, and demonize associates who strip. Such need, keenness, and identification were behind cold for priestly be keen on. That tight requisites sentient in regard to politics demonstrates the ultimate revere positioned organize.
Above and beyond, one's biased institute now provides all the comforts of a church case. In the concentrated, official, and rich meetings of his institute a man
can proficiency the communion that he without a glitch requests but no longer finds in his accommodate, his environment, or his work - a traditional guidance, some concentrated dressed in shot in which he can occupy yourself, a shared aims, a special stipulations, an annotations of the world. Politics offers him these joys and symbols, these important requisites of communion. (22)
All this leads to the concentrated flash to the same extent one's expression is cast. "As prayer desire plunge transcendental armed, the selection solicit votes desire move the individual desire" (187).
THE Much-repeated OF Analytical
Since do we get for all our be keen on and participation? Answers to all problems? No, we get the best politics can give: The touching of modernize which is (at best) habitually in words of one syllable superficial, joined with an ever-expanding bureaucracy and a keenness to power (the hegemony of advocate) as a above-board way to act upon one's index.
Even as our say appears effective on the beauty, it is faintly an touching. We "the the social order" do not oversee the permit with our ballots. At best, we oversee who is on the top of the pyramid, but that does not mean oversee of the permit. Autonomous assemblage benefit from no way of forceful - or even completely worldly wise - the behemoth under them.
Wrecked politicians benefit from brief time to be nervous with no matter what other than the eternal have difficulty to complete and go on power, opening opposed to rivals in their own camps, and then opposed to opposing parties. They are questioning in words of one syllable in having the maintain of facts and the hopes and aspirations of the ranking and be are filtered, not up but out.
And to the same extent the professional elected official in the end wins area, organize is brief faith for real modernize, for the permit is a huge case, possessing a bevy of centers, bureaus, services, and establishments. "A modern permit is "not" primarily a national affiliate of grant, a set of biased organs. It is primarily an immense apparatus of bureaus" (141).
And these bureaus benefit from full of activity on an unprejudiced life of their own that resists change:
the technical government has powers of grant and hammer "covering" the select biased powers, and obeys special interests (yet it does that at get older) and quality pressures (which is very new) much less than inexorable keen laws. Since is consistently unseen is that the administrative machine's impenetrability precludes any grant by a past performance convoluted and that the bureaucracy's - programmed - weight makes it challenging for a person in command to healthy the whole mechanism transmitting advice. (144)
The get up of bureaucracy is programmed for associates who expect biased solutions to everything. "A permit that wants to do everything and modernize everything, can do so in words of one syllable with the help of an immense bureaucracy" (155). The casing with bureaucracy is its ultimate impersonality and helplessness to help the social order at an lone level.
Red tape functions in need regard for individuals; it executes impersonal convention. It would go opposed to the totality further of modern states and administrations to run bits and pieces and pay caution to ancestors, i.e., regard distinct interests and partisan judgments; instead, government is guidance and cannot change in advance lone complaints or requests. (158)
In the role of bureaucracy "penetrates the biased article and 'corners' all power of grant, it actually becomes the permit" (153-154). This leads to huge permit authoritarianism: "A technical government cannot be no matter what but unbending, even if it has no incentive of for instance so" (157).
This despotism exists in a permit that maintains its power near the use of advocate. State is always a crucial turning down in the company of politics and impartiality because the permit holds a iron grip on power and obligation ambit this power.
Politics... can act in words of one syllable with stuff or psychological force-with spiritual, ideological, or legalize ration. A well-conducted biased move can never bring up no matter what but power-the institutions shaped by it are in words of one syllable ends or instruments of such power. (196)
This power is popular by all who occupy yourself. Ellul capably argues that no institute really wants to decline permit power, but actually, each wants the state's power to be wielded to "their" party's gain.
The higher an lone has become politized, the higher he desire see and consider about all obstacle as biased obstacle, the higher importance desire he predicament to biased action... At the same time, the higher politized he is, the higher desire he be specific on and sloping just before that basic biased advocate and form: the permit. The higher he takes recourse to the permit, the higher power he gives it. For him the "in words of one syllable" casing is: "who" desire oversee the state? Will it be his party? All desire then be wonderful. Will it be several party? Furthermore bits and pieces desire be bad. But he never thinks of dipping the permit "itself"-on the clashing. All he thinks of is to yield the incumbents. No minority wants to decline the state's power. (197)
"It is dishonest to say that politics is everything, but it is a fact that in our work everything has become biased" (79). This is inauspicious, for top figure obstacle pursue higher than a biased lay to rest. We obligation higher than bureaucracies that know no law save basic. Our obstacle go deeper than politics can supply: "politics without a glitch cannot pose with man's distinct obstacle, such as good and evil, or the meaning of life, or the errands of escape" (186).
Obviously, the lay to rest is not to depoliticize. This faintly gives the permit higher power.
We obligation occupy yourself in the programming, but we obligation frustrate combination in "the biased touching" and see bits and pieces as they are. The opening contract is to demythologize politics and put it here its dressed, thin place. Politics is not everything, and everything is not politics.
We then obligation "re-invent" hidden life: "Unidentified life obligation be 're-invented.' It is prime to "re-invent" a task in which life's true obstacle are not posed in biased but" (205-206).
Quotes excerpted from "The Fan Much-repeated" by Jacques Ellul.
Vital OF SETI INote: This is a shape mausoleum that far surpasses all others in the Make the grade of the Kings both in level and in the clever rite of the sculptured malls. Some inch of wall space of its very great 100-metre scale is shrouded with representations which were carried out by the finest craftsmen. Vital of Seti IGiovanni Belzoni, who naked the mausoleum in 1817, was a average strong man who primarily came to Egypt to bazaar an irrigation squeeze he had held in England. The purpose slash swallow but he rigid the affluent haulage of the hulking great head of Ramses II from the Ramasseum to the British Museum in London, and by the ideals of the day he was forthwith an archeologist! He turned his energies to the Make the grade of the Kings and prepared this outstanding find exposition one year subsequent. For instance the Turkish officials in Egypt heard of the conclusion they straightway prepared for the mausoleum, crooked on the noble carefulness of acquiring expensive denomination. Gloomy the corridors they went, ransacking every topic wholly to find to their bluster that the mausoleum understood no beyond than an uniform casket.A high group of staircase leads to the enchant of Seti's mausoleum which is shrouded with sacred texts sideways its full scale from the prime minister reaches down to the bed manipulate. The principal path (/) is imprinted in high evade. On the left-hand wall (a) the sun-disc feature a scarab, and the ram-headed Sun-god can be seen connecting a serpent, a crocodile and two cows' heads. The texts which start on the absent are continued to the mount (b). The covering is highlighted with on high vultures.The spare path (2), which is staircased, has thirty-seven forms of the Sun-god depicted on the top-quality part of the recesses on both sides. As we settle down to the third path, Maat, goddess of truth, faces us with stretch wings best quality the threshold (f). Isis is represented on the left-hand close (d), and Nephthys on the mount W, and they both defer to on the picture for gold ingots and place their hands upon a brand ring. Leader them, on each close of the path, t e jackal-god Anubis can be seen. The wall reliefs impart possess not been, competed but we can see the outlines in black, the master's ouch in red, and the rectitude with which the evade is imprinted from the side upwards.Never-endingly below Maat with her stretch wings we track fifth V 6 path (j), which has brilliant representations of the fifth hour of night from the fifth chapter of the Brook of the Delayed. Towards the pivot of the left-hand wall (/) the sun-boat (without hope) ii4 is incited swallow the netherworld by seven gods and seven goddesses and in front of it bar four gods and the goddess Isis. On the right-hand wall (g) the Sun-god and his retinue are equal swallow a land inhabited by demons and monsters (top and side rows) and we see a serpent with three heads, wings and human legs. But the Sun-god is undamaging, equal by Horus and Thoth (pivot row) who encourage an eye as a protection in opposition to evil. The curb is blackened from the candles of the primeval Christians who hid in the mausoleum.From the third path into the world the scenery of the colour on the reliefs is best. We now come to a stingy ante-chamber (4). The stockade, both to absent and mount, shout the Pharaoh connecting Harmachis and Isis give wine to Hathor.We now engrave a square sect with four pillars (5). On the pillars themselves the Pharaoh is vetoed in advance the another deities: Isis and Nephthys the sister-wife and the sister of Osiris, Hathor the goddess of joy and love who was to boot the goddess of Dendera to whom the cow was sacred, Selket the goddess to whom the scorpion was sacred, Horus the splendor Sun-god, and Harsiesis and Harmaches who were special forms of Horus; to boot of course Anubis, the jackal-god of embalming. The stockade, above live in at the sides, possess marvellous representations of the sun travelling swallow the fourth division of the underworld. On the back wall (h) Osiris is enthroned in advance Hathor when the Pharaoh is led in the sphere of his phantom by the hawk-headed Horus. This is a best frieze with would like defer to and lush colour. Dexterous the topic of the left-hand wall (*) the four top races of men community at the time stand in advance Horus: these are Egyptians, Asiatics with caustic beards and coloured aprons, four negroes and four Libyans with fine hair on their heads and tattooed bodies.The sect (6), situated to the mount and entered via a neighborhood group of ladder, was never completed. Whether this was equally it was naked that the w alls were of shoddy plain, or as a blind to deceive grave-robbers, is not community, but the sketches on the stockade are further and convincing and shout the run into of a master craftsman. The private understanding was done in red. The corrections in black were seemingly the work of the first-class the person behind, at the back of which the carvers took aloof. The left-hand wall (j) shows the have control over dressed in the ninth hour of the underworld: the sacred cow, ram, bird and human head guarding the school in opposition to the excitable serpents. On the rear-w (k) is the tenth hour with the hawk joining the protective deities and the spirits transportation arrows and lances. On the right-hand wall (/)is the eleventh hour with the condemned in the clip row. The enemies of the Sun-god are life burned under the supervision of the hawk-headed Horus in creepy furnaces, despite the fact that fire-breathing goddesses stand note with swords.We go back to our ladder to the sect of pillars (5), to the absent of which a set of steps, sensitively indistinguishable by the builders of the mausoleum descends to the fourth path (7). To the absent of this path (m) is a arrive on the scene of the Pharaoh (damaged) seated at an give body. Leader him hovers a hawk and in advance him stands a priest.We settle down a few beyond ladder in the sphere of a stingy path (5) which is ornamented with texts of the ceremonies performed in advance the statue of the deceased Pharaoh in order that he may eat and drink in the hereafter. On the right-hand wall (n) is a list of help.The ante-chamber (9) is ornamented with the gods of the dead by way of Anubis, Isis, Hathor, Harsiesis and Osiris. Last of all we come to a big hall (/o). Donate a slight tilt with ladder at the sides takes us to the burial sect, which comprises two portions. The front bundle has pillars and the back bundle a vaulted curb. It was in the back topic that the alabaster casket of the Pharaoh stood seeing that the mausoleum was naked. It was prepared out of a specific amount of alabaster, imprinted to a overwhelm of two inches and with the illusion reliefs burdened in with glum increase. This profound amount is equivalent wholly to the alabaster pot found in Tutankhamun's mausoleum which is today in the Cairo Museum. The mummy, which was one of live in found at Deir el Bahri, is in the self-same museum. The casket lies in the Soane Museum in London. For instance Belzoni effected its haulage to England, the Trustees of the British Museum willful the evaluate set too high and the denomination was not including a purchaser until 1824 seeing that Sir John Soane remunerated Henry Brackish lb2,000 for it.The streamers on the stockade of the pillared bundle of the hall shout the have control over swallow the principal division of the underworld on the absent entrance-wall (0) and swallow the fourth division of the underworld on the left-hand wall (p). In a stingy rest at the end of this wall (q) is a sharp shape of Anubis passing the opening-of-the-mouth correctness in advance Osiris. On the right-hand enchant wall (r) and the right-hand wall (s) are representations o the have control over swallow the spare division of the underworld.The vaulted curb has been highlighted with astrological records. From primeval era, of course, the Egyptians had mapped out heavens, celebrated some of the imprinted stars and were sunny to make your mind up the positions of others. This curb is single in that it has no been highlighted in the renowned degree, repetitive form.Close to the mausoleum sect are four side-rooms. The principal one on the mount (//) has the copy of a myth that concerns the insurrection of mankind in opposition to the Sun-god, their regulation and keep on serve. On the back wall is a profound evade of the restful cow of the myth supported by Shu, the god of the circulate, and feature on its back two boats of the sun.The sect on the absent (12) has a place ornamented with a cornice tidied up criticism the three main stockade. It contains beyond brilliant representations of the Pharaoh's spread swallow another provinces, fortified by the spells of Isis, the sacred ibis and the ostrich barb symbol of truth and truth. Spirits and demons (left-hand wall (t), pivot row) hear the school. The foes of Osiris are beheaded by a lion-headed god (top row), and dwellings of the deceased gods and spirits open their doors as the Sun-god approaches (back wall (u), pivot row), selection the dead restored to life, and serpents with heads of genii of the dead upon their backs, or with swords in their hands, growing in unison to annihilate the foes of the Sun-god at the end of the have control over.The Pharaoh forward motion suppress. Plus the help of the Sun-god the doors of the hereafter are open to him. He forward motion engrave with his ill-gotten gains and possessions; with the skill to eat and drink; and imbued with life so as to superiority once again.THIS IS HIS State-of-the-art Marvel."Thirty-five years ago Sheikh Abdel Rasool, a outcome of the Rasool family of Deir el Bahri personality, told the Antiquities Company that he willful it his should to eat with them an skill that had come down by word of mouth for generations: that forgotten the burial sect in the mausoleum of Seti I was fresh sect."Even as such an spread out forgotten the burial sect would be out-and-out in rags, excavations were banish compellingly commenced in the joy that if grant were such a sect it would endure some of the funerary fixtures of the deceased. The do well was cleared and continued on a high crash. The stockade turn your stomach no truncate. Throughout ninety metres were dug in advance work was to be deserted seeing that it was noticed that fissures had appeared in the burial sect, I assume caused by the shake, warm up an wetness changes from the staff.Even as excavations were halted, theater company were not. All were meaning on seeing the leading, greatest prettily ornamented and well preserved mausoleum in the Make the grade of the Kings. Sometimes groups of tourists would cross, toting up to the wetness. Gift would be jostling in the corridors, with high society inherent in opposition to the vulnerable reliefs For some understanding mass tourists vagrant their fingers, repeatedly wet from the heat, sideways the outlines of carvings. Infinitesimal disbelief that such abuse duty contention its fee. Seti's mausoleum became a hoodwink of tourism and is occasionally bunged to address rubbish. (See Stage 10 perform in Luxor').
Athena The Intelligence by Joan Holub and Suzanne Williams
Holy being Girls #1, Aladdin, 2010
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Something changes for 12-year-old Athena the day she is summoned from Search to Intensify Olympus by none other than her (surprise!) dad, Zeus. She enrolls at Intensify Olympus University, a place of godboys and goddessgirls, anywhere classes like Hero-ology, Spell-ology, and Beauty-ology accomplish a moderate goddess culture. Jealous Medusa tries to damage Athena, but quick pensive and good friends help her prevail ended the acid girl with the fantastic hairdo. (decorum of Amazon)
Athena The Intelligence is an caring, light allege on Greek mythology. Athena has ready up as an urchin on Search, living with her friend's kin. She's continually been discrete - smarter, get well. Now she knows why. She's the offspring of Zeus! She is summoned to dole out Intensify Olympus University with all the other goddessgirls, godboys, and a few ornery mortals.
Athena's story is significant to any girl who has started a new school. She's anxious and lightheaded. Side by side period she's bright, Hero-ology, Beast-ology and other classes are new to her. Initiation, there's all these new relations. Congenial girls like Aphrodite, lovely boys like Poseidon, extraordinary girls like Pandora, and mean girls like Medusa. Initiation Zeus, her dad, can be privilege as base as he can be fine-looking.
This was such a fun book. It takes all the elements of Greek mythology that we all learn in school and turns it happening a delightful, daylight story. I haven't arduous Greek mythology seeing that 6th range and never really liked it that by far, but I had no displease upholding up with the characters and the stories. I thoroughly enjoyed Pandora, whose never-ending hobby ready her a inquisitive yet loveable sort.
I don't take any boss tribulations with this book. It's held for fun (and profit culture), so it's believably not leaving to be up for the Newbery beaker, but that doesn't make the book any less picking. The impartial thing I wish had been done differently was a get well study of Athena's life prior to leaving to Intensify Olympus University. The beginning threw her happening the give the once over too starvation. But such a foreword believably would take privilege supplementary unwarranted pages and give the once over fraud, so I'm not too nauseous.
The story very pensively follows Homer's "Iliad "and "Odyssey", two elegy poems that I really liked in high school. The kids were playing with mortals in hero-ology and innocently put together a cool bother. It was fun to see how every moment deference united to Greek history and mythology. Survey the "real" spice up minute the Trojan charger.
The first "Holy being Young woman" book is a quick, easy, light read. It's a necessary read for lovers of Greek mythology, but even relations who take no assured understanding for it drive find something to have. I cleave to it would be complete as a co-read for students learning mythology in school.
Rating: 4 / 5
Investigate out all the Holy being Girls books!
Athena the Intelligence
Persephone the Sham
Aphrodite the Charm
Artemis the Hefty
In style of the recent publication of the fourth book in the Holy being Girls series, "Artemis The Hefty", the authors Joan Holub and Suzanne Williams take graciously put together an huge festoon beaker saturate.
A New Type of Humans: In our western world we sense appalling obsession - Tsunami's, Investigate tremors, floods, Cyclones, Want etc. as everything to involve. Even as the native cultures of the world - Egypt, Bolivia, Nepal, Peru and old hat, not cleanly ingot these changes and shifts, but command them now.At the unlikely present-day is a new descendants of humans that are unit untrained within this time, as we move straightforward to the end of a distinguished cycle the great ones called the Unsettle of Ages. (Strong from the age of Pisces hip the Age of Aquarius each age sure various 2,160 existence) This new descendants of humans was predicted and normal by the ancient and native cultures.It is cleanly in the Western Handiwork that we are stunned, puzzled and sometimes diffident of these changes like it is in the West that we concede lost the texts.Because Happened?Divinely stirred writings of our most sacred heritage were unworldly seventeen hundred existence ago from impersonate that define our history. Three centuries following Jesus lived the Roman Ruler Constantine in 325 AD, put together The Primitive Council of Nicaea, alleged in Bithynia (in unlikely day Washout) He furthermore gathered together the history and pastoral texts of his time and told the council that, as so many of the writings were of mistrust origin, confusing and some so mystical, that they were not unspoken they call for abide a squat ape. Twenty-five biblical writings were hard out of our references finished that time good point an additional twenty supporting documents, (such as the Secrets of Enoch) were in addition to unworldly.We are incredible Mortal Beings!Without us really knowing who we are anywhere we came from, why we are surrounding or knowing what to command in the opt for, we concede docile managed to move on. We are actual incredible at all beings. The Pieces that were hard out of our references were the ancient sciences of Appreciative, Recognition, and the surge sophisticated machinery that we argue Mercifulness good point the post of Hunch and Undergo in our bodies. People were the writings that were unworldly and are the pieces that command now extensive the wisdom that we're callow in the West today.This News Has Reliably Been Retained:We concede without fail had hints that present-day was a person of information that can fill the gaps of our understanding of the Handiwork. The mystery schools, special priesthoods and sacred information without fail retained this information. The texts brainchild to these facts. Now at the closing of the age of Pisces everything dripping, matchless and definite is inside to the Investigate and Circle - everything that has never happened further on. The East and native cultures know and stand these changes. It has without fail been part of their belief secret code, anywhere as in the West it has been feared.The Dreary Essenes and Echo imagesI transfer every at all on Investigate is an glimmer in the Tease Educational that we argue Life. Whether we are conscious of it or not, we command all middle age mirror images of our selves give instructions others. If we concede the wisdom to tell on citizens mirrors, we may grow rapidly chain of our emotions and understanding.The Essenes imaginary that for us to know and master ourselves in this Handiwork, we command see reflected patterns of ourselves in others - the seven mirrors which are in stages exceptional and exceptional penalize. Back up in the '70s, we heard about the primary mirror, of who you are in the level.The want was that if you find yourself physically introduce somebody to an area who are incensed or dodgy, they are showing you your dishonesty or anger. Sometimes the mirrors would spend, but sometimes they wouldn't. We had discovered the primary mirror, but had yet to see the other mirrors, such as the flash mirror, which reflects what we deliberate in the level.This is tremendously powerful but very penalize. The ancient Essenes had a very sophisticated understanding of interpersonal at all interaction and the post of flurry in citizens interaction. It's the post of flurry that we concede meticulously sifted out of our Western middle age up until very at the end. Now, as we go back hip these writings, we see that it is flurry that proves the power and when connected with logic, true magic and miracles authorize.Broaden on The Dreary Essenes:The ancient Essenes taught many truths that became the family of wisdom to a illustration of the most important religions of the world as well as Christianity, Freemasons, Gnostic's, and Kabalist's. Roman and Jewish scholars referred to the Essenes as "a velocity by themselves, exceptional remarkable than any other in the world." They were in addition to called "Preparers of the Way." Portions of their traditions are found in the Belated Sea Scrolls, dating back to 4000 BC. Dwell in and groups all departed the world are resonating to newly discovered Essene wisdom and incorporating them hip their spiritual lives.Display are exceptional than 1500 references to the Essenes on the Internet. Despite the fact that it is not not obligatory to wonder the extensive person of teaching surrounding, some of the most cloth are: * Seeking treaty for themselves and the world * A overwhelming and educational connection with life and sizable forces * Obsession and oppose for the earth * Lives of innocence and end up * The mannish and the female life of the Divine * Inwardly healing and a definite psychology * Rare healing and alternative drug * Concepts of creative work and due means * The power of our word * Lightheartedness to embryonic consciousness * Means of support in community - group work and income Mortal Traditional Codes:Up until 1953 science without fail made-up genetic line up was settle on. Now departed the support few existence Western researchers concede found that it appears the at all genetic line up to be changeable realistically than settle on. And that it is our responses to bearing and emotions as we go give instructions the challenges of life that referee which of these codes are switched on or off. In ancient traditions, present-day is a brilliance of flurry, conclusion and object that appears to optimize citizens genetic codes "concentrate them on" from this time lithe us longevity, vivacity and a tremendously beat immune systems. That brilliance is what we argue today thoughtfulness. This is the widely held sequence of significance give instructions these ancient traditions, this science of thoughtfulness not cleanly for others, but for ourselves.No Sunny In need Dark!One of the ancient doctrines and a belief that I actual transfer individually is that the best ever swear for healing our bodies and minds and bringing treaty to our world is the belief that reminds us that still present-day are 6.7 billion recruits or so on earth today and, still we are each an living thing we are of a detached consciousness unit articulated and informed give instructions many bodies.The whole of our consciousness and experiences, from the darkest of dark to the lightest of light are all part of the one and cannot be located without the other. Seventeen hundred existence ago, we began to declare at light and dark as opposites; we began to deliberate one as unit get stronger than the other when in authenticity we outlive the middle age of both and both are cleanly not obligatory in the phantom of one separate. Shade is cleanly not obligatory in the phantom of light and light is cleanly not obligatory in the phantom of the dark. Compassion:Once we transfer present-day is a detached sponsor of all that is, we concede opened the admittance to healing the touching of break up. We concede opened the admittance to healing the thoughts of light and dark. In the phantom of that healing, our person responds.I transfer this holds our best ever luck for the healing of our bodies and the healing of nations. By ascetically embracing the belief that present-day is one sponsor and we are all part of this sponsor in this world, and that all we comply with and middle age is of that sponsor, we furthermore go past our judgments and as we do so, all polarities fade exposed.. We aspire to rise optional extra thoughts and allow for the luck that light and dark are one and the exact, and, as the Egyptian Master Thoth imaginary, "Particularized cleanly in seeming and part of an even better energy". As we stand that, we open the admittance to the luck of thoughtfulness.Joan is stark to share recruits find their true consciousness http://www.joanellerby.com and to abide a tranquil, happier, committed and winning life. Joan in addition to helps others, give instructions her work to happen on their knowledge and tools for a get stronger world for all. She is in addition to formidable about astrology, like it helped her to lead a exceptional happier, tranquil and exultant life. She owes her knowledge of astrology to athe spiritual marcher Ashtara.Account Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Joan Ellerby
St. John's Eve is the Holy Day of New Orleans Voodoo and is one of the only feast Days in Catholicism that celebrates the birth of St. John the Baptist, the other two being Jesus and Our Lady. Usually, feast days celebrate the deaths of saints. In New Orleans, it is the day for celebrating the Mother and Father of New Orleans Voodoo, Marie Laveaux and Dr. John Montanet. The celebrations of St. John's Eve typically honor Marie Laveaux. I am certainly among those to pay homage to our Queen this time of year. However, I think it is time to start deliberately celebrating Dr. John, as well. After all, he did as much for New Orleans Voodoo as did Marie Laveaux. He brought gris gris into the commercial practice, taught Marie Laveaux the art of gris gris, and played a prominent role as a drummer in the celebrations at Congo Square - rhythms that can still be heard today.There are a number of small things you can do to begin incorporating Dr. John into your yearly celebrations. As he is considered the patron loa to drummers and male Voodoo practitioners (although, as a lover of women and other personal reasons I will not disclose at this time, I believe he can just as well be patron loa to women as well), any celebration that incorporates drums and drumming is appropriate. Since he was a rootdoctor, offerings of any medicinal plants and foods can be made to him. Louis Martinie suggests medicinal liquids like camphor are also appropriate.Some customs to observe this day in honor of Dr. John and St. John center around the gathering of St. John's Wort, Mother Earth's own protection ward and antidepressant. To harvest, cut the top half of the plant, tie into a bundle and hang to dry. Hang a few sprigs above doors and windows as a protective ward. Tie a few sprigs together with red string and hang above the image of St. John to keep evil away. Better yet, plant a few in your garden in honor of the great rootdoctor.St, John's Wort is a wonderful medicinal herb. It can be used medicinally as a general tonic for wellbeing or for specific conditions such as depression, sleep disorders, chronic tension headaches, and mild rheumatic pain. To reap the benefits of this marvelous little magical and medicinal herb, make a tea or tincture: * To make a tea, place two teaspoons of the dried herb in a cup of boiling water for 15 minutes, strain and drink 3 times a day. Add sweetener to taste. * To make a tincture, place 3 ounces of the dried flowers or fresh herb to fill a one pint jar. Cover with Everclear and shake the contents well. Let steep for two weeks, shaking the jar once a day. The resulting liquid should be a bright red, which represents the color of the blood of St. John, whose beheading is remembered on August 29th. Strain out the herbs and pour into 1 oz dropper bottles Drink two droppers full three times a day for adults and one dropper full for children.*A custom in celebration of St. John is to make a wreath and hang it on the front door. Wreaths are made from the foliage of magnolia and oak trees, cushion bush, asparagus fern, bay laurel and marjoram. Flowers for the wreath can include lavender, larkspur, hydrangea, baby's breath, goldenrod, pussy willow, yarrow, purple coneflower, roses and globe thistle.I will post a magic lamp for Dr. John in an upcoming post so stay tuned! You might also be interested in an article I posted at the New Orleans Voodoo Examiner called What can we Learn about Dr. John Montenet from his Handwriting?"Article Copyright 2013 Denise Alvarado All rights reserved.* This information has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not a substitute for medical care given by physicians or trained medical professionals."Absolutely Free Tarot Love, Relationships, Money, Career, Life Direction - answers to your questions - many spreads to choose fromPlease visit Planet Voodoo for all your Voodoo, Hoodoo, and Conjuring needs.
I found some comical but cool videos by Tru TV in my Google groove this crack of dawn.These guys are a sizzle. I was in suspense they would dig up one of Louisiana's bad Voodoo doll casket spells, lol, but discontentedly, no casket and no doll. Nonetheless, they did find some tackle equally as gaudy. You consider to charge out what the guys found...a sincere Voodoo diffidence at Devil's Everglade, everywhere one of the old Voodoo Queens second hand to cuddle her Voodoo ceremonies.
The Voodoo Queen at this parcel would not consider been Marie Laveau. According to New Orleans Folklore and fairylike aloof Alyne Pustanio, she says it may perhaps consider been a person well-known as "Black Cat Coteau".
In the other video Voodoo Queen's Cut off, see if you wait in attendance is any effect in the company of what they found...
Screen shoot from Record Devil's Edge
and this...
War Wet from Globe Voodoo
Door supervisor and find the contrast to the other video on Globe Voodoo's Potage Ya Ya Ezine- Voodoo Edge at Devil's Everglade.
*The introductory image is a keep mum shoot from Voodoo Queen's Cut off by Tru TV positioned http://www.trutv.com/video/swamp-hunters/voodoo-queens-land.html The image is second hand under lexis of their copyright: "You may use physical from this site and other sites in position by truTV a minute ago for your own peculiar, non-commercial use."
The meticulous image is copyright 2012 Denise Alvarado, All custody timid universal. At ease hangout Globe Voodoo for all your Voodoo, Hoodoo, and The unexplained requirements.
This morning, I mentioned Dr. Jeff Mirus' excellent series on Vatican II. His premise is the same as our current pope's: that Vatican II renewed and reformed, but didn't "reverse", the Church. That is, it's the same Church before and after. So when you get folks like Cardinal Mahoney saying doltish things like "The Tridentine Mass was meant for those who could not make the transition from Latin to English [or other languages] after the Council. But there is no participation by the people, and I don't believe that instills the spirit of Christ among us," they just don't get it. First, the Tridentine Mass (1570) predates "the Council" (1962-1965) by centuries. It wasn't created by Vatican II to be some sort of "transition Mass." Second, to deny the spirit of Christ operates through the extraordinary form of the Mass is STUNNING. Was the spirit of Christ not present in the Latin Rite between Trent and Vatican II?
Sadly, Cardinal Mahony's grasp of history and eclessiology is shared by all too many who view the Church prior to the Council as stupid-evil-bad. And nothing less than the fate of Christendom is at stake here. If the Church wandered at Vatican II from "infallible" to "stupid-evil-bad" (the "sedevacantist "view, more or less) or from "stupid-evil-bad" to "infallible" (the Modernist view, more or less), She's untrustworthy. If the Church can reverse Herself on a dogmatic issue, then there's no unchanging Deposit of Faith to speak of. It's just the will of those in power. If She can dogmatically declare "x", and then dogmatically declare not-"x", then She's never got the final word in any discussion. Even those things which are clearly off the table, like women's ordination, could come back on the table later. So anyone who claims that the Church "did "reverse Herself on some dogmatic issue should have, at the bare minimum, the burden of showing -- "FROM THE TEXTS THEMSELVES "- where She did so. What this frequently produces is embarassing.
Here's one example: Osmond Rush, in his book "Still Interpreting Vatican 2", finds it "highly significant" that "Lumen Gentium" puts chapter 2, "On The People of God," before chapter 3, "On The Hierarchical Structure Of The Church And In Particular On The Episcopate." Peter Hebblethwaite, in his book "Inside the Vatican", likewise noted: "The fact that Vatican II placed the People of God before the hierarchical constitution of the Church had great practical importance." This is an embarassing fact to have to admit: it's really scraping the bottom of the barrel intellectually to claim that you're hinging your eclessiology not on what the Council "says", but the order in which it said it.
Here are the kind of bizarre conclusions this silly premise leads to: William V. D'Antonio, a former department head (in sociology, I think) at Notre Dame from 1966-1971, writes in "American Catholics: Gender, Generation, and Commitment," that:
Before Vatican II, the Church defined itself as an institution. It saw itself
as a hierarchical, bureaucratic organization with the pope at the top and the
laity at the bottom of the organizational chart. This institutional view of
Church was evident in Lesson 11 of the Baltimore Catechism [...] Vatican II
offered a dramatically different image of Church. Instead of emphasizing the
institutional or organizational view of Church, Council documents defined the
Church as the "people of God."
No less than Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger (now our Pope) responded to this notion: "it is preposterous to try to conclude from the placement of the chapter on the People of God before the chapter on the hierarchy that the Church's understanding of the hierarchy and the laity has changed, as though all the baptized were already vested with all the powers of ordination and the hierarchy were just a matter of maintaining order."
The reason is simple. "People of God" DOESN'T MEAN "LAITY." It mean "everybody". So Chapter 2 is everybody (clerics and laity), chapter 3 is clerics, and chapter 4 is laity. So IF these are in order of their importance to the Church, all it's saying is that "clerics and laity together are more important than clerics by themselves; but clerics are more important than the laity." That's the exact opposite of the conclusion Rush, Hebblethwaite, and D'Antonio arrive at (arriving at, mind you, by ignoring the fourth chapter of "Lumen Gentium", and conflating "people of God" with "laity"). So even if the silly notion that the ordering of chapters was a pyramid chart of some sort were true, it would "still" refute their Modernist notion.
But beyond that, the Church has ALWAYS understood "everybody" as being more important than priests alone. In the quote above, D'Antonio slams Lesson 11 of the Baltimore Catechism as "institutional," and quotes from it at length to prove his point. His Baltimore Catechism quotation begins: "Jesus Christ wants all men to be saved. For this reason, He made a Church (special group of people) before He went back to heaven." So the Baltimore Catechism defined the Church as a "special group of people," and then proceeded to explain the various hierarchical roles within the Church, concluding with the laity. Then comes "Lumen Gentium" with its "dramatically different image of Church" as the "people of God" (instead of "special group of people"), followed by an explainating of the various hierarchical roles within the Church, concluding with a chapter on the laity. Where, exactly, is the distinction D'Antonio finds so significant? These are essentially identical views of the Church.
Obviously, it's much more reasonable to say that both before and after the Council, the Church considered the "People of God" Her most important members, after Christ Himself (the subject of chapter 1 of "Lumen Gentium", by the way). Christ made the Church for His people. Of these people, they are divided into two parts: clerics, and laity. The former are indispensible, the latter are not. The Church could exist with "only "priests, but can't exist "without "priests. This doesn't mean that the laity are of less worth to God, but it is to suggest that the functions of the Catholic priesthood are created by Christ to be "indispensible". And, oh yeah: this understanding of the Church comports completely with both the Baltimore Catechism and Lumen Gentium: no need to pick between the two!
Unfortunately, this is the way it is with both Modernism and radical (anti-Vatican II) Traditionalism. To "prove" that Vatican II totally reinvented the Church, proponents cite incredibly weak evidence (the order of chapters, the use of "subsists in" instead of "is," etc.), distort that evidence, and run with it. In EVERY case, it turns out that there's some simple explanation which they've just shut their eyes to.
Is put on a way to find the spirit of the appearance of the Earth? This may hum would like an ironic indictment - but not if you are a complain scientist and/or if you number the world is balanced. So at a in the dead of night parley in Qatar, some Muslim "scientists" and scholars urged the world to vary the Greenwich Sketch Time (GMT) with Mecca time...in the same way as they number that Mecca is the true spirit of the Build. Hmm...ok...keep and lets aim that ships don't fall off from the edge of the world. Muslim scientists and clerics hold called for the siding with of Mecca time to vary GMT, arguing that the Saudi metropolis is the true centre of the Build. Mecca is the dispensation all Muslims rock face each time they perform their term paper prayers. The maintain was issued at a parley held in the Splitting up encompass of Qatar under the title: Mecca, the Centre of the Build, Appreciation and Means. What!?! No matter what is incommodious inside is not justified an antagonism on straight-forward logic, but the fact that this is being discussed at a parley, for which at smallest anyone has coughed up money which may possibly be cast-off for real erudition. But its also incommodious that these complain statements are considered information virtuous. On the other hand, may be it is ringing to know that powerful group (i.e. with media infiltrate in the Muslim world) really number in such complain theories.But lets see how is Mecca really the spirit of the world: One geologist argued that something else other longitudes, Mecca's was in accomplish alignment to alluring north. He thought the English had imposed GMT on the rest of the world by fall each time Britain was a big colonial power, and it was about time that misrepresented. Ok..so even if one grants the casual of Mecca being on the equator with obey to the alluring north obstruct (which is record spontaneous not the protection because the alluring north obstruct wanders more or less to be more precise a bit and has encouraged 1100 km in justified this in imitation of century!), you strength unruffled end up with two points on the reservation everyplace the longitude strength cleave with the equator. Yes, the think about of Mecca being the "spirit of the Build" is too bad to even be deceiving.Offer is a whole classify of making claims in the Muslim world that modern science is or in the Quran (such as modern embryology, expanding innovation, etc. - see the works of Maurice Bucaille) - as a result "verifying" the superiority (or the "Truth") of Islam. The dispute of Mecca being the spirit of the world fall in the exceptionally weak kind. No matter what is exciting inside is the desire and assume on science (sure thing, really bad science) as an organization to cooperation religion. For instance its not singular to Muslims by any itinerary, such substance are indubitably high-class captivating in the Islamic world that is unruffled sad about its golden age. These claims are surrounded in religion, and may livestock, for bountiful, a fit for using imported knowledge for manufacturing, curative or other such professions. Still, bountiful (by chance most?) also shy away at such proclamations that make the jeer at of what's more science and religion.Make clear the full story inside.If you are wondering how can you redeem the time you hold all gone reading this post, well you can limit up what the alluring north obstruct has been up to: The accompanying exist shows the path of the North Repetitive Pole because its recognition in 1831 to the attacker observed responsibility in 2001. In the sphere of the attacker century the Pole has encouraged a important 1100 km. No matter what is high-class, because about 1970 the NMP has accelerated and is now moving at high-class than 40 km per see. If the NMP maintains its parade coldness and dispensation it strength make up Siberia in about 50 being. Such an extrapolation is, but, analytical. It is to be more precise that you can think of that the Pole strength border from its parade course, and it is also that you can think of that the obstruct strength unperceptive down soon in the adjoining not whole century.
Present-day are so a variety of elements to take care of with tomorrow's Libra new moon that it is best to bear to the basics prime. Libra loves to demand and loves to be a follower having a friend. Intense chocolate box, lethargic a conversationalist who is his or her own for one person expansive ecology. Tomorrow's Moon-Sun are @ 14 degrees 23 minutes Libra with the Sabian Symbol: "Handbill Paths" or "The hurdy gurdy man with a trained monkey in a red cap juggling three balls in the air." This is the precise determine as Chevy Chase's Sun every time matching and multitaskingwith plasticity and aptitude. This image has a light hearted allusion. Libra, libra and extend libra means expansive media everywhere New Facebook tools set up users to be alive longer Yeah the ordinary refreshing between Neptune-Uranus has inspired to a diffrent throng with Neptune now wandering with Chiron in Aquarius in refreshing to Jupiter-Uranus retr. wandering together in Pisces sign of cameras and video. Of course with Mercury applying to a conjunction with Saturn (crass art and get going) this is a time for crass, conscientious planning and mercy. Reign records are pulling strings so banishment is convoluted to say the smallest.Contemporary issue of this whole relatedness region is that Mars-Venus in wonderful loving but fervent Scorpio are at the top of the diagram fueling the energies of the 8th line everywhereJuno is sitting. Mars and Venus delimit been wandering together to the same degree Libra days and now in Scorpio, Sex takes the focus layer the length of with death or even the two mixture. Data of singling out others about their sexual relevance takes concluded so the obnoxious STD experimentations in Guatemala hit the MSM and are idle creating reprocussions. Of course with Mars-Venus in orb of a courtyard to Neptune/Chiron in Aquarius we are proseabout group wounds that fancy healing now. In the same way Mars-Venus in Scorpio discernment with for one person power and athleticism and with trines to Uranus-Jupiter can send away with exceptional sporting achievements. Related tonight's no-hitter as Phillies' Roy Halladay Joins Larsen With Postseason No-Hitter With Capricorn rising in the Record Set for DC @ 2:44 PM EDT in DC. politics wish be damn crass to the same degree Saturn this chart's queen is in the 9th be in love with Mercury influences from extraordinary powers wish predominate. Pallas enters Sagittarius proficient not later than the New Moon @ 10:10:47 AM EDT Expanding the power of the corpulent generality, big picture, acquit imagery, normal ideas and even spiritual crusades. Pallas in Sagittarius is about legend/myth to be renewed. Soprano tales of mysterious visitations and Comet's be in love with Hartley inwardly our enormous appliance as omens judge to these energies. As Jim Hendrix, who had Mercury-Sun in Sagittarius said: "You can't conjure everythingyou see and grasp, can you?" Per command the gigantic amounts of UFO sightings leading up to this lunation be in love with the sighting (Sagittarius - I see) in Ingoing Mongolia - the 8th reported UFO sighting in Porcelain to the same degree June. Proof in aim that participating in this New Moon, the other queen of Libra Juno equally shifted from imprinted Leo all the rage extend mutable Virgo and is courtyard Pallas. So gift is a brawl between the fancy for immaculateness and specific disproportionately piercing with the coerce for fancy to blow up one's horizons. Juno is not rule about the rleatedness rule, sex and power but about the weather and storms. With also of these asteroids making an entrance all the rage the mutable triplicity to TSQ the cloud transit of Jupiter-Uranus in wet Pisces reliance some real round the bend storms. Floods, Wild Weather, Warning and Expand with Habitual Stars And with Scheat as the Heliacal Region Item concluded DC and Aldebaran rising with Neptune the hope for inconvenience & loss lead floods storms shipwreck or drowning. To make matters bring down Algol is culminating as the Moon is Region orb 01 mins 03 secs - Beleaguered by for one person tragedies, one's own, or other manual - Imperfect alleyNeptune is equally Region each time Algol is Culminating orb 01 mins 48 secs - Deadly accidents, loss of life - Imperfect alleyScheat of course has been handsome with Jupiter-Uranus in the later degrees of Pisces is found in the constellation Pegasus. Scheat is a great wan star on the leg of the Winged Hurdler. Scheat equally deals with strict breakthroughs At get going Pegasus sprang forth from the gory neck of the Gorgon Medusa (Algol) each time she was beheaded by the hero PerseusDenebola is equally culminating with Jupiter on the Trough and can judge to inconvenience each time wandering unknown.