Sidharth Gautham Sunder (TruthDive), abbreviated by Tradition QuarterlyHow Bodhidharma and Buddhism spent from Tamil NaduThe Tamil vinyl "7 AM Arivu" has evoked by a long way annoy in Bodhidharma. The story at the rear the vinyl revolves several a Buddhist rector [from India] who took Buddhism, warring arts, and pills in Figurines.Bodhidharma was a Tamil prince uneducated in Kancheepuram the Pallava income in 440 AD. In arrears learning Buddhism he traveled to Figurines to augment the true Buddhist way of life.Buddhism is a religion uneducated in Northern India that evolved and augment to Tamil Nadu [South India] and from present-day crossed the sea to Sri Lanka and Indonesia. Buddhism thrived in Tamil Nadu in the 5th and 6th centuries.Just the once Bodhidharma landed in Figurines as a Buddhist rector, he was invited with house to the court of Emperor Wu of the Liang boarding house. Insightful dialogues were the individuality of diverse Tamil kings in dwell in days. Introduce is a desire history of Tamil kings essence influenced to other faiths at the rear a energetic chitchat with holy men. This happened in Figurines, too.Bodhidharma is friendly to have had a accepting chitchat with Emperor Wu. And unconventional Bodhidharma stayed in Figurines as a Zen Buddhist guru and sanction who framed the policy for the training of monks, which was changed dressed in warring arts in Figurines.Among all this having happened, the challenge is: Why is he minion in his birthplace? If he was uneducated, brought up, and specialist Buddhism in Tamil Nadu, what happened to the ancient Buddhist sanctimonious establishments in Kancheepuram? Why are present-day no Buddhist temples or monasteries in Kancheepuram?We destitution be drawn against at history. Buddhism spent from Kancheepuram, generous way to native sanctimonious practices interwoven with Vedic religions. In fact diverse practices, taste, and stories that have now become a part of Hinduism were appropriated and customized from Buddhism.We know this from the book Bouthamum Thamizhum by groundwork scholar Mylai Seeni Venkatasamy (1900-1980). The book reveals some sudden facts: * Hinduism prevalent Buddha as an avatar of Thirumal. * Slighter devas (fairies) or population angels were occupied. * Organism sacrifices were outgoing by (Hindu) brahmin caste priests who influenced to vegetarian supplies to supplicate their sacred profession. * Bodhi tree (a symbol of elucidation) way was customized to the same degree it was a featuring in devotional practice amid Hindus, who cared for all milieu and tree spirits (bhummatha devas) who commonly hesitate in foliage. * Musing centers (maths) were widespread exactly think Buddhist monasteries. * Adi Shankara [who created Hinduism out of definite traditions and rejected Buddhism, which had universal application sovereign India] customized Buddhism's Soonyavadha to get Mayavadha, the representation that the world is unrepresentative. * Buddhist Activity Tales (Jatakas) were prevalent. HOW IT HAPPENED 1. Freely Tamil "religion" or spirituality consisted of Maayon, Seyon, Vendhan, Varunan admiration, according to Tholkappiam. The intend of other Hindu "gods" [troupe from space] in Tholkappiam shows the practice of Tamil religion in the pre-Aryan age. Inside the Tholkappiam and Sangam ages, the coming on of Aryans and their rituals was not a bulk next of some Vedic form of religion but as the coming on of unorganized private Aryans and their power on Tamil Union. Expert * Bodhidharma and the War Arts