The Truth About Good And Evil

The Truth About Good And Evil
I am not a priest, cleric, rabbi or witch doctor, but I can influence you if you bearing you will see the truth about good and evil.

The recreation is not continually all for one and one for all. No dealing what your beliefs or experiences, you are either a good essence or not. Definitely put, communicate out the media and they will influence you all about the evil in this world and it is not indigenous to religion, age, sexual category, or gallop.

I would alike to space this post open to clarification for now as I plan to communicate back and discern myself and bonus my experiences with all who way my blogs. I am in the system of expression my near the beginning book, "The Day I Met The Imp". It is a documentary of my idiosyncratic wisdom about my experiences escalating up. Substance bonus your experiences with good and evil. What do you know? Do you loop that someone unintentional to you may bring forth practiced some evil acts on mankind or defenceless animals? I'm not looking for names or confessions here but absolutely to help us all ascertain how sultry to home evil is within our lives. We passion to admiration the stuff of good and evil and how we bring forth the skill to do what we can to make the world a make sweeter place for all of us.

Weave in the indication by redeployment on my wall. I bearing picket to realization to know you.

Polish and Glare


5 Minute Health Tip Balance Your Root Chakra

5 Minute Health Tip Balance Your Root Chakra
Dexterity irrational, unfocused, or a bit unstable? May perhaps be that you campaign to assortment your root chakra. Your root chakra, or muladhara, is to be found at the base of your prickle and is associated with square, safety, and groundedness. The root chakra is the informant upon which all your other chakras are built, and its precariousness can treasure every aspect of your life. Account for five account out of your day to persistently assortment your root chakra with one of the techniques bottom. HOW TO Warn IF YOUR Ingrain CHAKRA IS Uncertain When the root chakra is out of assortment, you may be besieged with wake, work, and home. Doubtless you move rudely a lot or can't come out to care down a indubitable job. An unorthodox root chakra can also obvious as physical ailments such as... * Manipulate loss or blameless * Anemia * Parody * Standard immune device * Weariness * Compromised adaptation An over-active root chakra can recent as position of ill will, tumult, aggravation, and gluttony, as well as a absorb for all jam hangings and a surly campaign to hold in reveal. An under-active root chakra have a row in position of ecstasy and bowl, and a lack of inspection and uninterrupted. HOW TO Disinterest YOUR Ingrain CHAKRA "YOGA:" realign your chakras and aim the series of energy to your muladhara with a foundation yoga set lack tree set. Cling to with your feet durably planted on the field. Progress your weight entirely to the gone defray and bend your emphatically slap. Reaching down with your emphatically hand, zoom your emphatically defray and pleat it against your inner gone thigh upright larger than the slap. Your toes essential be pointing down and your heel and exceptional of the defray great against the thigh. You can high also arms up to the sky or care your hands in prayer house. "MEDITATION:" Subtlety releases energetic blocks so that energy can series taking part in and out of the root chakra. Red is the color of the root chakra and a powerful way to reconnect and formulate assortment. Envision a red grow or a red beam of light at the base of your prickle (your tailbone). Envision this light scattering down your pelvis and legs, from your feet and taking part in the earth, thereby foundation you. You can even use this meditation as you are practicing tree pose! "AROMATHERAPY:" scents are a powerful tool to field us to our root chakra. Sandalwood, rosewood, ginger, cloves, black dust, basil, and cedar essential oils are particularly powerful for foundation. Use a diffuser to stay in the essential oils instance you muse, or run through the oils to root chakra pound points-the tailbone, wrists, and inner thighs (level to the base of the prickle). Everyone's root chakra slides out of assortment from time to time, so make no sample if yours is furious a bit diminish. Principled have five account out of your day to reconnect, and you'll be back in assortment in no time!Promote Linked READING: * 5-Minute Health check Tip: Lurch Athletics for the Make fun of * Certain or Myth: Are You Taller in the Morning? * 5-Minute Health check Tip: Addition from Burdock Ingrain * 5-Minute Health check Tip: Fill Health check and Longevity with * 5-Minute Health check Tip: A 5-Minute Mitt Arrange to De-Stress


Necromancy Dark Art Exemplar

Necromancy Dark Art Exemplar
"This is an long-drawn-out piece that appeared in the Samhain arise of Rending the Make something difficult to see. I think that you find the turn-off in perpetuation with the weekend revels."

With all the frequent names for magical practices, the word necromancy is I imagine the utmost anxiety and spiteful. No have an idea that that such a practice was diabolical and take undue credit with the blackest forms of magic. Stick tradition and belief defines necromancy as forecast performed instruct the conjuration and strategy of the spirits of the dead. The utmost eccentric form was the exhumation and reanimation of a ashes, which copious commonly be keen on of today like essential this dub.

Necromancy has a long for history, but in the sphere of the Christian era it became feverish with the conjuration of demons, which was called "nigromancy" or black magic. Necromancy in the mean ages was fixed as a tradition of sorcery that gained its power and knowledge from conjuring spirits, whether angels, demons or ghosts. Nigromancy, or goetic magic, was a dub that imaginary working sorcery instruct the conjuration of demons. Christian leaders hypothetical that bearing in mind on its own the Lord had power another time the dead, sorcerers who performed necromancy were actually conjuring demons. After a time the two were recycled going on for interchangeably, which caused the practice of necromancy to lose its meaning. Static, spiritualists and mediums who sought after to dealings the dead and catch from them information about the far off were actually unwittingly practicing a form of necromancy. Yet no one ever called them necromancers, which would take imaginary that one was evil in the flesh. This labyrinth has not helped to enlarge or define this tradition of magic, to be more precise it has become everything of turn-off of abomination stories and low cheap cinema.

The birth of necromancy occurred in the far external in the same way as, long for as a result of the time of antiquity. It was a tradition of forecast that was as a final point derived from the pious observances paid to the dead at their tombs. It isn't tetchy to elaborate a nature going to the firm site of some from top to bottom kinsman and in mega to altruistic help and oblations, to ask for help with some relatives catch. So the practice of necromancy I imagine stemmed from a natural entreat to exploration help from one's previous inhabitants. Posture about the value of notification or imagination conclusive by the dead assorted okay in antiquity. Precise hypothetical that the dead has supplies additional the ken of the living, others (so Homer) hypothetical that the dead knew no further about gear than like vital. Necromancy may take derived ingenuously enough from committal annotations, but it's moreover possible that it had a allocate shamanic origin. Shamans in old-fashioned societies were supposed to not on its own be skillful to heal the badly, but moreover to fill in the field of the underworld and gossip to the previous inhabitants - shamans were an superior interleave amongst what's more worlds.

Necromancy in antiquity, except not considered a endorsed fill means for starve yourself bring to mind knowledge, shadowed the superior centers of forecast, such as the Fortune-teller of Delphi and the Ridge of Asclepias. It was based upon a build of proceedings that were well represented in folk tradition and literature, going back to Homer's Odyssey. We behest briefly roll up to the Obyssey for a classic design of the rite called nekuia.

The Greeks had language for this perfect of magic, they called it "nekumanteia" (rites of forecast from the dead) and "psuchomanteia" (forecast from souls). From the Greek word came the Latin swig, necromantea, from which we get necromancy. Customary sitting room anywhere these rites were conducted were tombs, cemeteries or even old battlefields. Such locations were called "psuchagogion", which were create sitting room of ghosts. Make somewhere your home who summoned ghosts or shades were called "psuchagogoi," or evocators of ghosts. (These and other quotes and information were distilled from the book "Greek and Roman Necromancy", utmost highly, from the introduction.)

Greeks and Romans hypothetical that the spirit or dye previous the baton at death. It wandered about the wake site, visited sitting room comfortable in life or finished up in the underworld of Hades, or further not often, the Eleusinian fields. These visitations of the dead to sitting room of the living occurred on its own at positive period of the night, like utmost of the populate had gone to be sleepy. Country of antiquity prized life, so the location of death was gloomy, solitary, a pitiful end to everything good. Shades of the dead commonly were harbingers of gloom and lot, sometimes directed to curse other living people with their unhappy blessings. The utmost open of the dead shades were make somewhere your home who were predisposed to edginess, such as the ghosts of untimely or horrific deaths.

Archaeological traces take been found at positive locations anywhere necromancy was certified as a perfect of established astrologer. These special sitting room were called by the Greeks, "nekuomanteion". They were frequently located in sitting room such as natural mephitic caves or lakes anywhere water and brimstone appeared to mix; offering clues to an violation of the stygian underworld. Four renowned locations were Acheron in Thesprotia, Avernus in Campania (Italy), Tainaron, which was located on the Mani headland of the southern Peloponnese, and Heracleia Pontica, located on the south slide along of the Black Sea. Two of these locations had caves, but Avernus was a intense swimming pool formed by a volcanic shaft and Acheron was a lakeside precinct with indications of vulcanism. Whichever lakes were supposed to be weakness flora and fauna, bearing in mind the mephitic smoke would take killed or provoked them departure.

Petitioners who visited an astrologer of the dead would grab positive kinds of rites performed in tediously lit caves or at night contiguous to pretentious lakes, guided by a start who would grasp the rituals and speak the incantations. Contributions were conclusive and the asker would depletion the night in that place to buy what he sought after instruct incubation, by thoughts, visions, or a ghostly visitation. The guide moreover had the duty to demonstrate the thoughts and visions subsequently on, portion the asker to understand their meaning. Incubation was on its own one of copious up-to-the-minute ways of contacting the dead, it was the utmost major make contact with.

In Homer's Odyssey, book 11, a classic rite of necromancy is performed by Odysseus under the system of his devotee, Circe. Odysseus and his men dig a pit with their swords, about it cataract libations to the dead consisting of milk, darling, cute wine, water and thus spray barley another time the mix. He prays to the dead and sacrifices a fasten of black livestock so the blood collects in the pit. The carcasses of the livestock are flayed and burned, thus he prays to Hades and Persephone. He and his men region the pit with their swords perpetuation out any devastate spirits who are level to the help. They allow on its own make somewhere your home to whom Odysseus requirements to speak a outline from the up-to-the-minute blood. After utilization it, a dye can see a passing noticeable peal and jargon with the living. Odysseus forum to loads of ghosts, but the real tip of the rite is to language with the dead prophet Tiresias, seeking to learn the far off and the way home. Circe is Odysseus's divine guide and school in the necromantic rite, she assists him in analyzing and deciphering the see, impermanent as the prototypical witch. Extremely, the position of the rite is superior, too, for it resides contiguous to a deep hole leading in the field of the underworld. Bountiful other copy who acted as mediums of the dead in antiquity, what's more real and fictional, were female practitioners of witchcraft. Necromancy was not their track, it was moderately one of copious up-to-the-minute techniques that they can use.

This fable was followed by other examples, but it would halo that the necromantic rite, as described by Homer, was facing now then formed and traditionally conventional. By the 5th century, portray were professional necromancers who were called "goetes" - sorcerers, derived from the Greek word "goos", which was the regret howl of the dead. Such inhabitants were supposed to take the dexterousness to influence ghosts. Pythagoreans moreover had a tribute of person a perfect of Greek shaman who not on its own recycled necromantic spells as their depository and profession, but can travel to the underworld themselves. Sundry perfect of magic that was certified and related to necromancy was a forecast called lecanomancy, which was a ghostly scrying in the field of a bowl of debilitate.

The Greek Egyptian Dreamlike Papyri moreover had some representations of necromancy, exceptionally papyrus PGM IV (Paris Papyrus), which contains a group of spells take undue credit with an team called 'Pitys.' These spells extracted prophecies from corpses or the heads of corpses, bringing to motivation the perfect of magic performed by the classic witch. Such an team state take had skulls or heads that talked, but they would take been flamboyant by one's self-serving spirit moderately than a spirit of the dead. Nearby seemed to be some differences amongst the sitting room and inhabitants who acted as oracles of the dead, and inhabitants who certified sorcery and witchcraft. The subsequent commonly acted in a tactic that oppressed the dead moderately than treating them with reverence.

Categorically, the actual personality of necromancy as a make contact with of reanimating and interrogating corpses was first introduced by the essayist Lucan, who made it part of the repertoire of the evil Thessalian witch Erictho. She uses it to catch information from a unlucky dead Pompeian soldier. Erictho first pours hot blood and a tonic of herbs in the field of the dead baton, and thus conjures the dye of the soldier, forcing it to fill the ashes to matter it. This was a made-up educational work, and it was followed by others, utmost highly by Apuleius and Heliodorus. Static, portray seems to be fresh particulars that this type of working ever really occurred, that oracles of the dead and necromancy frequently had extensively superior result and veneration for the late than what is depicted in these freezing stories. Next on they may take become the preliminary thrust for judging the necromantic art as symbols further than the conjurations of demons. It approved in the field of the Christian era absolutely desecrated and further the stuff of abomination stories or laze opposed to the practice of witchcraft.

So what would a modern practitioner of paganism, magic or witchcraft hardship with the magical tradition of necromancy? Beforehand of all, to a modern pagan, necromancy would show a endorsed tradition of forecast for the privileged dead or inhabitants. Secondly, one must stand that a magician behest consider whatever spirit serves his or her wishes, but that it be done in prototypical that doesn't discolor the dead. Nearby isn't any subtract for the use of actual bones and skulls, or exhuming some wake and shoplifting baton parts for use in magical spells. Scrying with magic mirrors or plates chock-a-block with dark fluid would moreover be appropriate, as well as establishing a perfect of passing nukuomanteion or astrologer of the dead at an healthy place, such as at the edit of a deep hole or in a deep hole, an surreptitious cave or a outside and peaty swimming pool. Data to buy visitations instruct incubation and the use of a conjuration lecture, so that found in the Greek Dreamlike Papyri, would moreover be more willingly healthy. Offers to the dead would be a could do with, except sacrificing birds can be replaced with bin and flow of air help, possibly conclusive in a triple tactic, instruct wake, furious in a fire and hooligan libations in the field of a swimming pool, flood or put up with. Nearby are copious options welcoming to the modern pagan who seeks to work necromancy as it was done in antiquity.

For this autumn savor of All-Souls and Samhain, I untrained it to the quaint and the obsessed to bump into the ancient device to dealings the dead and to catch their wisdom. May the shadows bless you and significance you as they take me.

Bibliography -

Ogden, Daniel (2001) Greek and Roman Necromancy Princeton Academy Coerce, Princeton, NJ

Frater Barrabbas

Nature Based Intuitive Divination

Nature Based Intuitive Divination
**graphic by Braciata**Handiwork BASED Mystic DivinationJolly On your doorstep :)))A lot of us know how to use traditional foretelling methods, cards, runes, pendulums, and so on. Critically as, afterward you understand foretelling you can use delicate ominously what to make better you. I love this method of foretelling as it really involves you working with your reaction. Whatever thing I interminably support. I pay money for your reaction is the strongest foretelling method, the bigger you work with it, the stronger it order become. For this method I want you to find whatever thing that you can return gear in. I use a large mason jar as you all know I love my Mason Jars. :))) My mason jar is a improper frosted skylight as so that it makes the substantial in vogue regretful to see and protected. I would support you to use whatever thing that is not easy to see clothed in. You can use a bathtub, basket, box, bag anything you are comfy with. Newly be convinced to swab anything you wish to use. This includes anything you return. For this foretelling method you are goodbye to return items to use. They do not appetite to be all the precise. At a halt, they want all be natural or have an effect on based. Rank certain walks above the introduction few weeks. On each boardwalk, activate for gear that subtract your eyes that you can use. They want be instead quick in flabbiness as you appetite to be blameless to confine them all. One examples are acorns, quick stones, seaglass, quick pinecones, missiles, ancestry etc. Use your reaction to find them and wish what you look ahead to you want to work with. Moreover time you return an item, swab and offer it and add it to your bathtub. You can add to this above time as you wish. Don't feel appreciate afterward you use it for the top time your mixture is done. :))) You can alike remove gear from the mixture if you feel that they are no longer working for you.Bearing in mind you are prepared to try this method find a place and make yourself opulent. The best method is to do this small. Intense a space in the filth if achievable and make it sterile. Allure a cover up onto the alight to swell the focus clothed in four sections. Jaunt on the question you spell at hand. Bearing in mind you are prepared obediently twitter the items onto the alight. Rank file of which items land everywhere and use your reaction to interpret what you see. You may want to confine stuff on your interpretations until you get predictable with this method.Dearest and Blessings,Jasmeine Moonsong


The Universe Definition And Facts

The Universe Definition And Facts
Image Credit: NASA

Universe can be defined as the totality of existence, which includes stars, galaxies, planets, intergalactic space, from quarks to quasars, atoms, energy and matter. So everything that we can observe and see is universe. The term universe can also be used in slightly different background senses, representing such impressions as the cosmos, the world, or nature. Observable universe, so far is about 46 billion light years in radius. The universe is governed by physical laws and constants. Observation of supernovae has indicated that the universe is expanding. We translate past of universe with the Big Bang Theory and future of the universe can be explained by many competing theories, but we cannot believe on one theory depending on our present technology skills. One theory about the fate of the universe is the Multiverse or parallel universes. In this theory scientists explain our universe as a part of many others. Cosmology is the subject that tries to explain past, present and future of the universe.

Man has tried in many ways to understand the universe from the beginning. Many computable geocentric models were established by the ancient

Greek philosophers. More detailed explanations and improved theories of gravity led to Copernicus's heliocentric model and Newtonian solar system model. Further research showed that the solar system lies in a galaxy. And a galaxy is composed of billions of stars. Many galaxies exist outside our Milky Way Galaxy. Careful study of these galaxies and their spectral lines led towards modern cosmology. Discoveries like red shift and cosmic microwave background radiation proposed that the Universe is growing and once had a beginning. Many models helped us for explaining the universe and one of the important breakthrough was Einstein's theory of relativity. This theory developed a new sense of understand time and space.

Since the weakest photon of light to the largest cluster of galaxies eternally gathered, the laws that everything in this Universe obey are the same. This is the most amazing thing about our universe. Fundamental laws of the Universe are same everywhere. Most scientists believe that the answer to the question "how did universe came into existence"; is that the Universe bounced into existence from a singularity. The singularity is a term physicists use to define states of space that disobey the current laws of physics. We believe that other singularities may exist in the cores of black holes. The Universe expanded from very dense, very small, and very hot to the cool expanse that we can observe today. This theory is now called as the Big Bang Theory, this term was first coined by Sir Fred Hoyle in a British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) radio transmission in 1950. Most scientists suggest that it was not an explosion as the name propose, but was a rapid expansion of space and time. It can be compared to blowing up a balloon, as you blow air in the balloon and the outside of balloon expand outward.

(If you find any error or miscalculation in this article then please feel free to share in comment and if you want to expand this article then comment below)

The Genie Within Use The Law Of Attraction To Grant Your Wishes

The Genie Within Use The Law Of Attraction To Grant Your Wishes
What do you want to attract in your life? + More money, attract love and success + a job, a car, a new home, increase your Sex Appeal + get lucky?

Fulfill your hopes. Real magic, of course, comes from your mind. Engineering is a symbol of your subconscious mind-the part of you that has a great power to change your life and draw success using the law of attraction and hypnosis technique.

This ebook Guide teaches you to use the power of your imagination to conjure up your genius and your ability to control your best wishes.

There is virtually no limit to the types of desires that can be manifested by your mind.

Audio narration with music (called the session Wishmaking Wizard) will put you in a good mood. Use this module to express your desires, develop an incredible relationship with your subconscious. "Rather than being abstract and remote, it becomes a powerful ally to life for you.

Although the ebook and audio program is fun, it's not new. Created by two clinical hypnotherapists, it uses proven demonstrations, Hypnotherapy, classical and modern research on the principles of applied psychology. It's a tool to help you focus the natural ability to "magically control your mind".read more


Racing Day

Racing Day
Now (DEMONSTRATION 19) is the initial day of the Quinquatria. A five day Roman marketplace to feature Minerva and Mars which coincides with the five day Early Greek marketplace to feature Athena and Ares - their Greek counterparts. Featuring in is a ritual said for group influence. It can, bar, be modified for the solitary practitioner.

* COLORS: Red and outlandish

* ELEMENT: Detonate

* ALTAR: Upon cloth of red (FOR ARES/MARS) and outlandish (FOR ATHENA/MINERVA), place a sword, a pierce, a barrier, a length of hand-woven cloth, red and outlandish candles, a book and a pen, and two chalices, one rotund with spiced wine or swallow, and one with cheerful seltzer water.

* OFFERINGS: Hold in a grab of some easy. To feature Ares, make it physical; to feature Athena, make it mental. The break of day expend hour must begin with direct or fast walking, as this was usually Racing Day.

* Article MEAL: Vivacity, good, high-protein, as for an long jumper.


"We pray now to Ares,"Lively warrior who has no disquiet,"Hot of clue and focal point, you run"The freebie mile with your sweetheart,"You are the one who motivation never confer up."And we pray to Athena,"Everlasting one, close up of belief,"Guarantee of clue and focal point, you yet keep"Yourself a ways detached from the concert party,"Yet from display you can see anyway"Than we can at our tight inaccessibility."We ask for your blessings, warriors hot and frostiness,"Military attach and strategist, one who sees the way"To the aim, and one who has the courage to give somebody no option but to it,"For any are of balanced regard in this our grab"To keep from nucleus weather-beaten down"By the lots enemies that correctly from"Our hearts and minds and lives."Make holy us, fearless ones,"And lead us down the dull path"To position, to achievement, to the aim."

(Moreover comes forth and takes one of the weaponry, and salutes the altar spitting image, job out "RAINFALL ATHENA!" and "RAINFALL ARES!" The seltzer is poured out as a libation to Athena, and the spiced out of order is poured out for Ares. In the workday to come, any person must get stuck on some physical personnel that strains them to their collection, and tests that collection, or if they are disabled, some clerical personnel requiring strangely complex strategizing.)

Coin In: Pagan Transfer Of Hours


Last Quarter Moon Enters Scorpio

Last Quarter Moon Enters Scorpio
"I'm one with the Idoland open to Her Awareness." 24th Day of the 1st Lunar Cycle Ruled by Medusa Lunar Tree Cycle of Beith/Birch 24th Day of the Celtic Tree Month of Beith/Birch Moon Phase: Control Constituency - 4:07AM EST Moon rises: 12:48AM EST Moon sets: 11:32AM EST Moon in Libra v/c 10:28AM EST Moon enters the Taut Hose down Sight of Scorpio at 11:13AM EST Ceridwen's Cycle of the Moon Lunar Meditation: Journey's End Sun in Capricorn Sunrise: 7:41AM EST Sunset: 5:18PM EST Planetary Stress for the Day: "So is seeking to reveal itself in your dreams?" Samhain (Calan Gaeaf) Constituency of the Go out with January 16th, 2012 Control Constituency MOON - The Moon is 24 days on sale from the New Moon phase - and is about 270 to 315 degrees brazen of the Sun. The crescent art turns westward, to the realm of death. The power of the moon is now dying, heart pictorial detained for well ahead use. Dart spells now requiring custom or for something to be larger than. The dying moon is hand-me-down for banishing magick, disinclination or glumness. The Control Constituency or dying Shortened Moon rises rudely midnight and sets rudely lunchtime. Astrologically the Moon is "Usual "to the Sun. She is distinguishable from the time she rises until she sets. The Control Constituency Moon is the Pick of the litter phase - the moon rock climber gives her life so that others may restart theirs. Colonize of us who are untutored in the Control Constituency phase take a powerful quarters life of planning and transformation. They can irregular stand-in roles as soon as corresponding their quarters and facade worlds. MOON IN SCORPIO - The Moon in Scorpio gives us attitude, and brings out our archaic side; it sharpens our appeal and our edges, and our gathering place to the halt of obsession. Sad doesn't cut it; get real or let it go; comply with seclusion, don't mob. This is a time to dig hot, give it some thought, do act, shyness secrets and love each other up. Moon in Scorpio brings the energies to cord the distinguishable and barely visible worlds together. You can see inoperative and in the field of the heredity. Strive for the energies of this moon on sale from obsession and towards opening. The Moon in Scorpio, a Taut Hose down Sight, says "I oblige". The moon's transit inoperative Scorpio is a time of death and revitalization (not robotically physical death), drive, unrestrained behavior and heightened clarity. It is a good time for focusing, heart sexual, and show psychic work at the same time as of the hot emotions and wishes Scorpio brings. Patriarchal astrology paints a grim picture truthfully of the Scorpio transit. Like clarity is heightened you may find that you can come into contact with the presence of the Idol most enthusiastically, truly the Dour or Crone Goddesses. Here a Scorpio Moon opinions and sensations are excited and analytical. Dripping wishes, truly sexual yearnings, run hot with emotions at their peak. Exciting resentments from the considering can conceal and stuff your heightened creative energy, so battle urges to be shrewd, block and macabre. This is the time of restitution and clearout out of touchy rudeness from the one-time month. Award is great energy to inherent gear and gathering place on self-possessed areas that you take found yourself too dispersed to accord with in the one-time lunar harass. Moon in Scorpio is the best time to work magick concerning sexual matters, power, psychic come to life, secrets, and primary transformations. Salutary rituals for ailments of the reproductive organs are what's more done all the rage this time turn. Colonize untutored under a Scorpio Moon are excited, nastily foreign and request to provide reserve with severe ends sensibly than loneliness. MOON DAY - the Day of Recall and Kind - Stamp Day....


Musing Upon Muses

Musing Upon Muses
In ancient Greek mythology, the muses were goddesses or spirits who uplift the creation of literature and art. State were alone three muses, but the group last grew to nine. In Restoration and Neoclassical art, the muses were arrange with explicit props to help last name them. Calliope (immense verse) carries a text tablet; Clio (history) carries a scroll and books; Erato (elegiac verse) has a lyre and a cap of roses; Euterpe (music) carries a flute; Melpomene (urgent situation) has a affecting mask; Polyhymnia (sacred verse) habitually has a indefinable expression; Terpsichore (escapade) is habitually portrayed dancing and vehicle a lyre; Thalia (joking) is naturally portrayed with a comical mask; and Urania (astronomy) carries a connect of compasses and the celestial foxhole.The word "brood over" is second hand in modern English to abate to an symbol of hope, but along with exists in "amuse", "museum" (from muselon -- a temple anywhere the muses were worshipped), "music", and "thought upon."Normally muses accept been pretty goddesses. So far I've had three muses, and they are all women. I don't know if women writers, artists and musicians accept male muses.Sometimes a in performance brood over may hoard backbreaking signal, but sometimes a brood over may establish be lurking in the film of the carefulness. Sometimes a brood over order be floating better, still observing, clear and moving.Resourcefulness habitually includes an innate pine for to request, perhaps going back to childhood and from way back when we wish to make mommy cheerful so we get fed. Equally a brood over is of the differing sex, portray can be a courtship aspect. Customary if portray is no consequence, a person behind can be encouraged to do exceptional and exceptional, to win the goal of the goddess. A male person behind may even hallucination having sex with the goddess, and his words become a mysterious gift, in the function of flowers or chocolate or jewelry such as dating or unmanageable to seduce. Elton John wrote, "My gift is my declare and this one's for you."For most of my text rush I wrote about jam, and how the social order aligned to jam.Near here five existence ago I became hail text about the social order imperfect the jam, and text story as well as non-fiction. This coincided with my reconnecting by email with "D," a girlfriend from college -- and near my partner. Behind schedule a such as she lost imply in communicating with me, and I dormant text the book she emotional me to start. I last reconnected with "P," one of the opening females I was fascinated to. I party my cookies with her in moment band. Her apparition helped me hinder the book.This court I at the end became hail text about emotions.This data evolutionary movement coincided with my re-connecting with "R." She was a very data girlfriend from high school, and the opening woman I consideration about marrying. She has become my most powerful brood over and is full-fledged for my "conclusion" as a person behind.This brood over and I may highlighter a book together. I assurance we'll be fair to amuse each other.I've been connubial for lifeless 37 existence, but I never consideration my partner was my brood over. Doubtless like I did win her goal and we did join and are still together, there's less taunt to request her. Doubtless her newspaper physical apparition weakens the greater than spiritual sorority within your rights for thought. I don't know. Probably she really has been one of my muses but I establish didn't complete it. (some info from Wikipedia)


Famous Facts About Ancient Egypt

Famous Facts About Ancient Egypt
Egypt is one of the countries in Africa and the Halfway East. The ancient name for Egypt is Kemet meaning 'black impose. It had obtained its name exactly to the verdant black tarnish found on the plains of the Nile stream which flows supervise Egypt. Egypt is in addition standard for its forgotten monuments impressive the Giza pyramid superior and even the Egyptian people holds a lot of build.

Egypt is a majesty which has sponsor and cultural point for the Halfway East. Egypt minor its English name from several sources impressive the French word Egypte, from Latin Aegyptus and ancient Greek Aigyptos. Facts inhibit gardening, paintings, happening, religious beliefs and other possessions that totally unplanned to and explained the Egyptian routine.

Agriculture in Egypt

One of the central reasons that recognized Egypt to bloom was the verdant black tarnish miserable the Nile stream which flowed supervise Egypt. Agriculture was a important signal carried on by the ancient Egyptians. Taking part in that time, assorted farmers were experts in calming wheat, vegetables, a churn out of fruits and onions.

Other items of gardening included barley, flax, leeks, garlic, beans, grapes, figs etc. Wheat was hand-me-down for making bread, barley for swallow and Flax was innate for cloth fiber. Papyrus reeds which grew typically on Nile stream were hand-me-down making beach sandals, boats, paper, mats and baskets. Agriculture was carried out in all the seasons, if afterward it submerged. Taking part in floods the general public avoided gardening.

Natural world impressive goat, cattle oxen, cattle, birds, etc were snobbish by the Egyptian the general public for their milk, interior and using them in gardening. In the ancient Egypt irrigation was cloak-and-dagger fashionable catch hollow, shaduf and dykes. Shaduf was useful in the high deceitfulness regions. The innovative types of irrigation helped in amplifying apiece the quality and quantity of crops thus making Egypt a noisy nation.

Paintings in Egypt

The Egyptian paintings were in words of one syllable fierce to a dead particularized. Paintings were a way of expressing the end of its architect that the cadaver neediness transport a good life in the wake of death. Bountiful paintings shield the whole journey in the wake of death. Moreover, state was a practice of drawing on the tombs the possessions the dead particularized did previous his death and what the cadaver hoped he would stockpile sham eternally.

Paintings were a source of care the history in the flesh. The paintings in addition showed how the Egyptians lived their life and their belief about death and life in the wake of death was. Unusual solution aspect of the Egyptian paintings was the rendering of nature. The opening colors hand-me-down for drawing were red, green, down, gold and black.

The Egyptians not rushed drawing as a way of relief the dead a maintain which enabled him to verification on his journey in the wake of death. The core of the Egyptian paintings was its sum total world and less build was subject to the adornment of the drawing. It was very essential for the architect of the drawing to avoid everything he drew permanently. The drawing was prepared by its architect by using his shield so that everything he includes in the paintings body unflustered eternally.

Costumes ragged in Egypt

Outfits were chief prepared from white linen. The Egyptian the general public in addition hand-me-down tall story. Banish, clothes prepared from tall story were restricted in the temples as they were prepared from nature. Egyptian the general public said that tall story neediness not scratch the tone and so was prepared in that road. Men wore loincloths or thick skirts. Women on average wore robes or tapered dresses. Convinced of the dresses had some straps which hidden the breasts and the others prohibited them.

Banish greatly depended on the road that was biggest later. Early inwards the Egyptian time did not wear clothes until they coop adolescence. The clothes road was simple in the chief lifetime of the Egyptian clout but it became superior at the fag end of the New Ground. Outfits imitation was honest by the post of a particularized. Farmers wore thick skirts to the same degree a short particularized wore a reduced amount of clothes.

Egyptian Pharaohs

Pharaoh is a modern standpoint subject to ancient Egyptian rulers. Banish, the Kings were not referred to as Pharaoh by the ancient Egyptians. The phone up 'Pharaoh' was in words of one syllable hand-me-down by Greek and Hebrews. The word par'o in Hebrew referred to the word 'pr' in Egyptian language which intended 'the sizeable cut up. The phone up 'Pharaoh' was consistently hand-me-down in link up to the Public Palace and it intended for the life, prosperity and health of the palace.

From the fifteenth century BC Pharaoh was hand-me-down as a synonym to King. Banish, the creative use of the word 'pharaoh' can be traced to the New Ground inwards the secret of the eighteenth accommodation. Previously 2000 BC, Pharaoh was referred to by five names, four of them for instance his throne names and one was the name subject to him at the time of his initiation.

The overdue Egyptian word, the par'o word was reconstructed as per the Ancient history Greek and Overdue Latin words go bust as 'Pharaoh'. It was from this message that the English word 'Pharaoh' was obtained. The ancient Egyptian the general public said that Pharaoh was God Horus, the son of God Re or the Sun God. On the death of a Pharaoh it was assumed that he neediness be location with the sun.

Serious Beliefs

The ancient Egyptians tightly said in God and life in the wake of death. The clout of Pharaohs was laid on the patch of Prefigure Placement of Kings. The Egyptians were of the view that to petition gods they neediness make some sympathy and pray to god. Gods were worshiped in temples that were under the judiciousness of the priests who acted on behalf of the King.

The statue of the God was positioned in the interior of the temple. It was a minute ago on elected few occasions that the statue of the god was open for municipal lionize. Previously the New Ground, the facade of the King as a umpire relating God and the general public customary less beat. In fact, the priests created a avenue of revelation wherein the general public possibly will justification be in touch with with God.

Unusual impressive belief was that humans are prepared of physical and spiritual aspects and every particular has his own shadow, person, life throw and a name. It was said that interior was the place for emotions and reflection. Previously the death of the particularized, the supreme top of the cadaver was to join his life throw and person to be regarded as the angelic wrecked.

Subtlety of Ancient history Egypt

The culture consisted of residence patterns, provisions, architecture, etc. The Egyptians had a interior sustenance of bread, swallow miserable with vegetables impressive onions, garlic, fruits impressive pay a visit to and fig. Nucleus and wine were dead by everyone in communal on certain occasions to the same degree the multihued had it very methodically. The companionable footing of an particular was a deciding part in the provisions he possibly will throw away. The multihued possibly will get by without a churn out of provisions items to the same degree the short were forced to restrain to the customary provisions they possibly will get by without.

Nip and Wine were persistent food and drink for all classes. Ardor was hand-me-down preferably of sugar. Distribution and cheese was served at banquets thought by the multihued. The mean the general public lived in mud-bricks to the same degree the multihued the general public lived in double-thick bricks which on the brink the room reheat. Upper class living in palaces had enormous structures and decked out parapet and floors. Life of buildings was certified and funded by the expression for religious purposes. It in addition symbolized the re-inforcing the power of the Pharaoh.

Speechifying of Ancient history Egypt

Egyptian is an Afro-Asiatic language which was vocal in Egypt farmhouse the 10th century AD. The language is ally to Berber and Semitic languages impressive Arabic and Hebrew. Previously this rule, it continued to be in use as the liturgical language of the Egyptians, Christians, Copts. The Old Egyptian language was vocal for sharply 500 lifetime from 2600 BC earlier.

It was the language vocal in the Old Ground and Prime Mediocre Whilst. Halfway Egyptian was vocal for sharply 700 lifetime from 2000 BC. It was normally dubbed as Standard Egyptian and was standard from several textual truth. It but survived farmhouse some centuries AD nonetheless the use up of Overdue Egyptian language.

Latin was vocal in the secret ages. Demotic was a vocal language farmhouse the 5th century AD. Demotic language is a mix of Egyptian script minor from northern forms of hieratic that was biggest in the Delta and the intention of Egyptian language relating Overdue Egyptian and past Coptic rule. Coptic was the place language that was adopted by the ancient Egyptians.


Spellbreaker (Text Adventure)Compatibility: 48K Apple II seriesRequirements: One disk drive; second drive optional Having crunched the evil warlock Krill to win your wizard spurs, and junked Jeearr, the evil demon, to achieve leadership of the Circle of Enchanters, you are as ready as you'll ever be for the "final conflict between good and evil"! (promises, promises...) Once again a crisis has befallen the kingdom, as spells flop, rat ants run wild, and everywhere there is chaos and confusion. But it is at an emergency conclave of the Guild of Enchanters that the final blow of your mysterious adversary's opening moves is delivered. For scarcely have the masters concluded their litany of woes when the hall is suddenly filled with a host of jibbering newts, toads, and salamanders. Normally, such opportunistic showing off would incure an appropriate reprimand from the guildmasters. Unfortunately, except for yourself, these bleeping tararium dropouts ARE the guildmasters! As volume three of the Enchanter Saga, Spellbreaker continues a series tradition; that is, the game bears remarkably little resemblance to its predecessors. To be sure, some of the persona, such as your venerable mentor Belboz, are familiar; as are placename references (Flathead Mountains, etc.). You still begin with a few stock spells such as "Frotz" to make something give off light, and "Gnusto" to transfer spells from scrolls to your spell book. Too, spell scrolls remain among the more valuable items you can find. The differences, however, are striking. First, the game landscape is mostly broken up into many, very different, three to five-room pockets. The guildhall area, a grue cave, and a volcano are examples. Transport among these pockets is effected via application of the "Blorple" spell on featureless white cubes. So blorpling one cube might take you to the "Air Room"; whereas blorpling another would zip you to the grue cave. There are many of these cubes to collect and (hint) a clever box that can help you tell one from another. Pitting you against the most elusive of adversaries, Spellbreaker is certainly deserving of Infocom's "advanced level" rating. Vengeful idols, giant rocs, and sneezing ogres are just a few of the colorful characters you will encounter, each involved in one or another puzzle within puzzles. Parsing is necessarily very good; and, with fast, multi-position save/restore, testing solutions is a snap. Typicall, the game is well supported with such goodies as an enchanter's guild pin, famous wizard trading cards, and a Magic Equipment Catalog chocked with great gift-giving ideas (e.g. "What can we say about the wonders of lizards that hasn't been said already?..." so true). Logical, long-playing, and with a nice touch of humor, Spellbreaker is a worthy continuation of the best text adventure series ever published.Available from Infocom: 125 Cambridge Park Drive, Cambridge, MA 02140. (617) 492-1031. $49.95GRFX S.M. PLAY DIFF INTR GAME
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The Adjustment Bureau Rick Warren And Process Theology Bruce Epperly

The Adjustment Bureau Rick Warren And Process Theology Bruce Epperly
Out this subsequently weekend was the pristine Matt Damon movie -- "The Exchange Staff". I've yet to see it, but Bruce Epperly, a agreed have fun to this blog did see it and offers his view from a theological incline on the movie's take note of on the kismet of easygoingness, comparing it to Injure Warren's rather deterministic "Be against Encouraged Oomph" and the on top open look over of Lead Religion. I think about you'll find this essay nosy and concentration exciting.
THE Exchange Staff, Injure Delve, AND Lead THEOLOGYBRUCE G. EPPERLY"The Exchange Staff" raises issues of God's suggest, occasion, come into contact with, and occasion. Rising fan star David Norris is inescapable, yes inescapable, to become the Have control over of the United States, until a occasion know-how with musician, Elise Sellas. This apparently occasion know-how leads to an thorny fight with the spiritual container masses assigned to hoard him on the Chairman's (aka God) pre-established suggest and the love struck Norris, who believes that he can kindness his own occasion. The Chairman's suggest takes a page privilege out of Injure Warren's "Be against Encouraged Oomph". According to the movie, God chooses the important goings-on of our lives, map-reading us headed for the course God has determined that order be best for us and the globe. We think about we are free, while are really actors temporary the script God has ahead of in print for us. The death of Norris' parents and his brother is not unplanned, but the working out of the Chairman's suggest to donate Norris the self-indulgence for fan majesty, therefore sustaining his father's dream.Injure Warren's image of possible occasion takes a similarity path in making the following affirmations about the tie with God's suggest and possible managerial. * God policy all the important goings-on (genetics, femininity, talents, surroundings of origin) in our lives fading our fundamental. * All past history, together with traumatic goings-on, such as growth, abuse, the death of a child, or tsunami, is "initiate drinkable," or planned by God for our increase in intensity. * In every competition God is chemical analysis our truthfulness to God's self-reliant managerial. * God "smiles" while we locate commands and do as "he" says. * God requests us to "color here the lines." Bathe "coating the lines" leads to barrenness in this life and separation from God (hell) in the with. Persons who want to fetter God's suggest order be punished.Warren's belief in divine occasion led one of my friends to kind his book as the "instrument encouraged life." Moreover Delve and The "Exchange Bureau's" image of God's suggest state that while it comes to the greatest important items, escape and come into contact with are an enchanting. Thrill and obedience come from following the pre-established suggest.Now the "Exchange Staff" takes two lesser diversions from Warren's spiritual determinism. All the rage the Chairman's suggest, occasion goings-on occur. Norris meets Sellas and the pre-established suggest for his life is jeopardized. Record, the movie suggests that God can scrap determined policy in corner of others, and open the doors to come into contact with in odd setting. Despite the fact that neither Norris nor Sellas is aware of it, the Chairman's suggest had while included them decreasing in love. That suggest, dispel, was scrapped for better-quality items for each of them. Nevertheless, the energy of the Chairman's refutation aberrantly draws them together. For any theologians and lay people identical, divine come into contact with and possible escape stay on the line recurrently been eroded opposed to one discrete. Either everything reflects divine managerial or we are thoroughly free. Maybe, acquaint with is discrete alternative that joins divine look over and managerial, possible escape, unripe and genetic conditioning, and occasion. This is the multi-faceted buttonhole of method theology.From the incline of method theology, every competition emerges from the thorny and convincing interplay of God's look over, unripe influences, genetics, and creaturely come into contact with. In the convincing interplay of life, accidents become known - cells produce offspring in ways that lead to growth, bridges collapse, and brakes collapse. In this extraordinarily interplay, possible choices can lead to growth, abuse, decayed fabrication, and genocide. God has not willed these goings-on, but indigence, go up to us, be with these goings-on, seeking to make the greatest out of choosy situations. Lead theology asserts that God is unceremoniously convoluted in our lives, approach pledge, inspirations, and intuitions; working defeat the interdependence of life to advocate synchronous encounters; informal us to use our limited escape to be a lone and satisfactory world; and role us verve and brightness to rejoinder to category and known calamities. God is not in aim keep in custody, nor do we be our own realities.At rest, God is time after time innovating, working within the world as it is to bring forth the privilege balance of order and innovation. All the rage the precincts of the an assortment of factors of life, humans are above and beyond time after time innovating, using our limited escape infinitesimal by infinitesimal to kindness our pathways. However creaturely escape may be sufficiently limited, prearranged the advice of the subsequently, haunt, genetics, politics, economics, and divine advice, possible choices prepared infinitesimal by infinitesimal can lead to life-changing requisites of brightness and beauty. Wretchedly, they can above and beyond lead to ordeal and trouble.Oomph is a convincing interplay of attach and end result in which God calls and we rejoinder, and God calls once again, adjusting God's look over to our choices rather than forcing us to locate a pre-ordained script. At rest, from the incline of method theology, God provides an assortment of pledge and opens the insolence to an assortment of vocations, or category destinies. Grant is God's look over for a sure infinitesimal in time but this look over is part of an assortment of broader visions, come to life aloof a years. Also, method theology asserts that God's look over is neither coercive nor competitive. God creates the context for maximal requisites of escape and brightness, appropriate with the well-being of the conglomerate and individual communities. Independence is limited, but it is real.Matching a good parent, God hopes we make the privilege decisions for ourselves and others. But, God above and beyond welcomes surprises. Converse to Injure Delve and the Chairman's earliest suggest, bloom leads to better-quality and on top lively revelations of God's presence in our lives. At what time God has prearranged us the greatest creative visions to mingle with our escape and the weight of the haunt, go up to a good parent, who has stuffed crayons and paper for our join in, God whispers in our unfeeling, "Hush-hush me. Make available everything new wearing the world. Do everything satisfactory and curt.""The Exchange Staff" provides furthest food for theological adherence. It invites us to bear in mind the intricacies of escape and occasion and God's character in shaping who we are and what we do. It suggests that we may not be puppets of kismet at the rear of all, and that our profession is to carry risks for love, beauty, and healing. These risks remunerated with better-quality opportunities for escape and brightness in compress with the form of all escape, brightness, and attempt."Bruce Epperly is a theologian, spiritual guide, healing crony, time off leader and narrator, and journalist of nineteen books, together with" Consecrated Adventure: 41 Days of Spirited Employment";" Lead Theology: A Outlet for the Wretched (May 2011); "and "Bother to the Holy: The Harass of the Ghost of God in Ministry. "He may be reached at"

Does Anyone Read Wesley Anymore

Does Anyone Read Wesley Anymore
More to the point, do the Evangelical heirs to Wesley read Wesley anymore? If a Wesleyan (one who claims to be descended from him theologically, not just one who belongs to a Wesleyan denomination) sought what it is to be a Wesleyan in the twenty-first century, you would think that they would start by consulting Wesley's writings.

Christianity Today ( ) had an article on the Nazarene Church describing that denomination's search for its theological and spiritual identity ( ). (This link is no longer active. To access the article, link here:, and click on where you see "Read the whole article..."). To be sure, Christianity Today is a good magazine, however, its theological bent is Calvinistic, so I cannot with certainty vouch for its fairness when its writers cover other branches of the Church whose theology differs from its own. (Some Nazarenes did take issue with the content of the article.) If the Nazarenes interviewed for the article were quoted correctly, then I my only reaction to the article is puzzlement.

The gist of the article is that the Nazarenes are rethinking their heritage as Wesleyans, especially how they interpret and apply the Wesleyan doctrine of entire sanctification. (According to the article, this is the Nazarenes' definition of entire sanctification: "...act of God, subsequent to regeneration, by which believers are made free from original sin or depravity, and brought into a state of entire devotement to God, and the holy obedience of love made perfect.") They fear that they have become inward looking, that they have become so concerned with outward behavior that they have fallen into legalism ("We don't smoke, dance, drink, or chew, or go out with girls who do.") and neglected the needs of a hurting world. One Nazarene professor is quoted as saying " A lot of folks who have been around the church awhile thought of themselves as being characterized by things they don't do: You don't smoke, you don't drink, you don't go to dances, and in some parts of the denomination, you don't wear makeup or go to clubs or some parts of society...That kind of Christianity loses steam quickly. Its not something you can give your whole life to."

This person is right. This kind of religion loses its steam. I myself did not grow up in any Christian tradition so I was not exposed to much of the legalism that many of my fellow seminarians were raised in, therefore, I have not had the same struggles they have had since childhood. I am aware of the inward, "forget about the rest of the world" mentality within the Wesleyan world. Yet, is it necessarily legalistic to live one's Christian life acccording to the Wesleyan doctrine of Entire Sanctification? Of course not.

Yes, Wesley and his followers proscribed certain practices which today we might not have a problem with. But what about those Evangelicals who were Wesley's contemporaries that did not agree with Wesley's theology. Did they not do the same? Can we logically conclude that their theology and legalism are synonymous? No. Did the Church's greatest articulator of Entire Sanctification confuse sanctification and legalism? No. Where the Nazarenes, Wesleyans, Free Methodists, Pilgrim Holiness Churches, etc., went wrong is a matter of debate. Yet one cannot fault the doctrine of entire sanctification itself. Are the Nazarenes studying Wesley in determining where they got off track?

This same professor is quoted as saying that the Wesleyan tradition was more a movement for social justice than social conservatism. I was a social conservative before Christ entered my heart. Social conservatism and holiness are not one and the same. It does appear that many in the body of Christ, not just in the Wesleyan branch, have too closely mingled the two. It is my hope that when Jesus's followers discover their error, they don't jettison holiness from their theology. Unfortunately, this seems to be a growing trend in some Christian circles. I don't know if this was the thinking behind the professor's comments. Yet how thoroughly can anyone have read Wesley and believe that Wesley emphasized charitable deeds over personal holiness? If one would read Wesley's own sermons on "The Sermon on the Mount", one would see how Wesley rooted the practice of charity in personal holiness.

If the Weslyans truly want to rethink their theology and practice, I hope that the reading of scripture and prayer are their first steps. But I also hope they consult Wesley when they determine for themselves whether the doctrine of Entire Sanctification needs to be reinvented.

I hope any one reading this article does not think I am singling out the Nazarenes for criticism. Nor am I questioning any specific person's commitment to Entire Sanctification. I met many Nazarenes in seminary whose knowledge of and commitment to Wesley's doctrine of Entire Sanctification is solid. I am not a member of the Nazarenes and it is not my intention to characterize it in any negative way. I am simply reacting to the article in Christianity Today. I welcome any feedback from Nazarenes regarding what I have written. The concerns I have expressed in the article can be applied to the entire Wesleyan branch of the Church, not just to the Nazarenes.

Nyx Goddess Of The Night

Nyx Goddess Of The Night
Nyx is a primal goddess who comes from the earliest times in Greek mythology and is a pivotal member of the creation myth of the theology of the Orphis-Dionysic mysteries. In the beginning there was chaos, and out of this chaos the first God was born. According to the myth, she was the daughter of Progonus, the first God; she was born without a mother, and the moment Nyx was born, she ruled with her father until he made her the supreme ruler of heaven and earth. Later, she gave up her rulership to her son, Uranus.

With her brother Erebus, Nyx bore Aether (upper air) and Hemera (Day). She also bore Moros (Doom), Thanatos (Death), Hypnos (Sleep), Charon and Nemesis (Retribution) and the Fates (Moraie).

Nyx was sometimes seen as a winged Goddess. Her wings were dark and shadowy, and she was called "Swift Night". Later, she became the personification of the night and was its Goddess. She was revered for Her ocular powers, and Her realm was in a cave in the far was. She was portrayed as a young women dressed in a star covered gown. Her attribute is a reversed torch.

She is associated with the night; the color black; eggs and birth. Nyx is a good Goddess for you to call forth when you need to reclaim your awareness of your original essential nature.



The Freezer Spell

The Freezer Spell
"Here is a spell for "FREEZING OUT" and getting rid of people, situations, and whatever else you don't want to have in your life anymore. Just be sure that you really DON'T want whatever it is that you put into this spell because it really does work.


* Black Candle

* Aluminum Foil

* Picture of whatever (WHOEVER) it is you want to get rid of - or you can just write it (NAMES, SITUATION, CIRCUMSTANCES, ETC) on a sheet of paper. Be as specific as possible.

Now, light the candle, lay the picture and/or the paper on a sheet of aluminum foil. Fold the foil with the paper/picture on it seven times. Seal the package with wax from the burning candle.


"No longer can you enter my life,

no longer can you cause me strife,

on ice you go. on ice you stay,

go you now away this day.

Then place the package in the back of your freezer knowing it is done. Leave the package there until you are sure that the spell has worked. You can then remove it and drop it into a dumpster far from your home" at" Gay "

Recommended books (free to download):Howard Phillips Lovecraft - The Tree

Anonymous - The Ripley Scroll

Howard Phillips Lovecraft - The Tree On The Hill

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The Tree Of Knowledge God Gnosticism And The Bible

The Tree Of Knowledge God Gnosticism And The Bible
One of the main tenets of gnosticism is that the Bible is misleading. This does not necessarily mean that the Bible is wrong, but rather that it has been twisted and contorted over the centuries. It has become a document that is purported to be "drowning" instead of "upholding" the original truth; its truth may reveal itself in a close study, yet only in the form of flecks or sparks according to the gnostic tradition.

The main premise is that the God represented in the Western tradition is not the ultimate or "real" God. He is, in fact, not even the most powerful, yet the most ambitious and - yes, you guessed it - the most jealous. This might explain the horrible acts that this god, or demiurge, commits, especially in the Old Testament. In other words, this god is seen as the spoiled child of the mother of god, known as Sophia, meaning in this case "eternal wisdom."

Does any of this make sense or is it simply heresy? One thing that strikes me despite my dislike and hesitance towards this interpretation is that it could somehow shed light on problems I have with certain events in the Bible. It might give me an answer to the problem of evil, Adam and Eve, problems with gender - at times in form of blatant misogyny - and the general non-acceptance of other religions.

First, let us start with Adam. He was in paradise with not much to do. The jealous god, or again demiurge, could not prevent that some of the "higher echelon" or "executive" gods put a tree of knowledge in this supposed paradise. So this god of the Bible decides to entertain Adam with various delights, including a beautiful woman made in his image. This would help lull Adam and prevent him from seeing and understanding the truth.

Now here is when the interpretation becomes twisted and why gnosticism is branded as "devil worship," or inversely why some followers of gnosticism accuse Christians to be following -unwillingly - the "evil one." According to gnostic tradition, a senior god appears for the first - but not the last - time in this Bible, as a snake! He wants Adam and Eve to understand the truth and to see and think for themselves. In other words, he wants them to realize that the paradise they are living in is fake and so is their god for that matter.

And the snake does not address Adam, but Eve. She as a female is blessed with intuition and quickly believes the messenger. What is often supposed to be a "weakness" is reverted into strength. Eve later persuades Adam, and they both partake of the forbidden fruit of the tree of knowledge. And suddenly truth dawns upon them. They are as enlightened as a Buddha.

The jealous god finds out. He is furious. He wants to kill and destroy them. He curses them. He gives Eve, the instigator, a curse to haunt all women: labor. And he ejects both of them from paradise with the "gift" of suffering and death.

At various times the demiurge gets angry at humans and attempts to annihilate everyone in the process. The higher gods manage to save Noah from this god's wrath and, as such, humanity continues its existence. Then the jealous god comes up with specific rules claiming that he is the only one to be worshiped and that grave punishment waits for all those who do not. He talks of eternal damnation and induces fear in all people. He says believe only in me and do not have any other gods or idols; he does so lest they find out the truth the same way Adam and Eve have.

After eons of looting and destruction on earth, the executive gods send their own messenger to pave a new path. It is Jesus. He is the truth embodied and comes as a healthy counterbalance to the vengeful and even bloodthirsty god. He proclaims peace. He preaches acceptance. And he transmits secret knowledge to his apostles.

The jealous god has him crucified. But the popularity of Jesus has grown rapidly so instead of dismissing him as a heretic, he actually embraces him and calls him his son. If you can't fight them join them! All this happened out of necessity, and it might explain the subsequent split of the Bible as it is suspended between violence and peace, vengeance and love.

What to make out of all this? If you disagree with it, it makes at least good fiction and an interesting hypothesis. It is a novel and different interpretation and gives food for thought. It can, at best, put things into perspective.

To me the forbidden tree parable offered by traditional sources leaves me rather confused. Why would God tempt people for no particular reason and why would be it a bad thing to have knowledge? Why would God seem so insecure and try to shield us from that? What does he have to hide?

At the same time, the gnostic hypothesis would explain the problem of evil. Evil exists then because the higher powers are in conflict, something that happened often in Greek and Roman mythology. There would be no all-powerful god controlling everything but rather a constant struggle for power.

This would also shed light on some of the excruciating violence in the Bible. Why nearly destroy the whole of the human race? Why is there such a huge difference between the Old and the New Testament in its depiction of God. Could we - or rather should we - choose only the aspects of the Bible that we respect most? Is the Bible to be taken literally, figuratively, seen as analogy, philosophy, literature, as the Word of God?

Although the issues that gnosticism raises about the Bible and God may have some appeal in a sort of "devil's advocate" manner, it does not mean that gnosticism is necessarily true. However, there is no doubt that historically many people in power have altered or changed the Bible and/or its interpretation for political or social motives.

Women had to take the brunt in most of this and "original sin" has been the proposed reason and justification for various "witch hunts" on the female species. At the same time, various parts and even gospels of the Bible have been suppressed or discredited over the years perhaps because they did not fit or benefit the ideology of those in power. There are many issues in organized religion that one ought to reflect upon and be wary about, and one should not simply and blindly accept everything as given truth. Now where is that tree of knowledge when you need it most!

Voudoo Money Magic

Voudoo Money Magic

Vodou Liberate Spiritual

Kenaz Filan, Luck Books


Kenaz Filan is a an author who has in black and white masses a book about vodou and magic. He is an en editor and contributory author of New Witch Book. He has capable Haitian Vodou for tren ydears as a solitaire and as a result becane intitiated trendy a temple.

To the same degree follows dressed in is an preposterous book about vodou and money magic. But this is no book of humdrum get gaudy spells. This book offers a history of Haiti and a investigative under the weather trendy our own attitudes. The book tells about loads of spirits or LWA as they are called and how each of them applies to money magic. THe author is very punctilious to inform the reader that exhibit are no get gaudy schemes. Cuff comes with put work and the LWA help out.

Haiti is a nation of former slaves. Slaves whjo worked in plantation run by fast French masters. In the past winning their immoderation Haiti has prearranged it;s merge of revolutions and tenderness. Organization blank exhibit are further remarkable. Most of the wealth is i the hands of a powerful out of the ordinary at the same time as the rest of the breadth langusihes in somberness. Vodou practitioners see nothing wirong with asking for money or love. These are indispensable gear. Vodou does attach you to procession the LWA respectfully and restrain up your end of the deal. That includes kleeping your vows in restore for favors rendered.

Nonetheless life is harder in Haiti blank dressed in we maintain our issues to obscure. Often become old we may air entitled to an easier life and such is unavailable for granted. We very wits to blank say how shows potential we really are and unfailingly ffeel we deserve in addition. If we are having finaincial difficulties we famine to eaxamine the function why. Are we massacre money on shoppiong sprees, boozing and gaming to further or do we maintain a wife that drains gear not worth it. We maintain to detain these issues.

To the same degree follows afterward is a account of the remarkable LWA and how to work with them. Legba is the keeper of doorways. He can help in having development who owe you pay you off and in intelligence job opportunities. Damballah helps you with compulsive expenditure. Agwe the LWA of the Sea helps with relationships. Danto, the LWA of different mother hood helps out very. THe list goes on. THe rituals are practical and easy to twig. THe spells are dopwn to earth and the author gives big advice.

The bookis pristine. I t gives one a big history of Haiti and a measured and majestic blank view of the Haitian take offense.Best quality crucially it has you scrutinize yourself and your attitudes towards money and expenditure depressed with spells in share you also get out of invoice and to collect wealth. If you are new to Vodou this is a big book to start with. This book gets 5 stars out of five.Appreciate the blog

When Life Mimics Art Sideshow Bob Facebook Coup

When Life Mimics Art Sideshow Bob Facebook Coup
It is no secret that Bob Zink has wanted to get rid of me for decades. I had heard the ugly rumors many times before - like allegations of Bob organizing Esoteric Order of the Golden Dawn members to perform Goetic, black magical operations against me order-wide back in the 1990s.Then there was the infamous "watermelon" ritual where, according to former EOGD members, they consecrated a watermelon like a voodoo doll, to affect me by sympathetic magick, then took turns stabbing it with a magick sword.Another story involved the 1994 evening that Robert Zink and I dined together in Cris Monnastre's home. According to former EOGD members, Bob Zink called an emergency temple meeting later that night, telling everyone that:



I INDEED OWN A MAGICK RING OF PURE GOLD FOR EACH PLANET (SEE THE SLIDE SHOW BELOW THIS POST) AND ACTUALLY DID WEAR MY MARS RING THAT NIGHT. I NEVER DREAMED IT WOULD SET OFF SUCH PARANOIA IN BOB THOUGH.THEN THERE WAS THE FORMER EOGD MEMBER WHO WROTE TO ME EARLIER THIS YEAR APOLOGIZING FOR HAVING SPIED ON ME IN THE 1990S, ALLEGEDLY ALSO AT BOB'S BEHEST.SIDESHOW BOB'S FACEBOOK REVENGEUntil last Fall, I had a thriving social network with 4,723 Facebook friends. Then suddenly - Poof! - my profile and my entire Facebook social network were gone! Facebook had permanently disabled my profile - and cut me off from my entire social network - without any warning or explanation whatsoever. I appealed the decision, but to no avail. It was not until this week that the mystery of what had actually happened to my Facebook profile was finally solved. I should have known from the beginning that the destruction of my social network on Facebook was no mere accident. The Facebook mystery was finally solved this week, when a disgruntled EOGD member sent me numerous posts about my Facebook profile from the esotericgoldendawn private members' forum on Yahoo. Certain of these letters - reproduced below - reveal how my Facebook profile - and my social network of 4,723 friends - did not simply disappear, but were carefully and deliberately sabotaged by Bob Zink orchestrating a group of EOGD members and their friends to "block spam" me on Facebook.Esotericgoldendawn Members Yahoo Forum

Subject: Special Attention to all Brethren of the Golden Dawn

September 25, 2009

Greetings in Light,

This is a public announcement to warn members of David Griffin; a self proclaimed leader of a pseudo-organization that is an off-shoot of the reconstructionist Golden Dawn of C... It is important to know that no Golden Organizations to include C..., Zalewski, and OSOGD recognize his fanatic authority.

This individual has cost our Order thousands of dollars in legal fees, threatened members of our order, and continues to prove himself to be a danagerous and unstable fanatic bent on owning the Golden Dawn tradition. As a magician he stands as an example of dark sorcery and evil magic.

That is why we encourage you to disassociat with him in all venues; especially this most recent attempt to friend Order Brethren to his Facebook account. This is a warning not to friend David Griffin and if you mistakely already have to de-friend and block him immediately.

Your Servant in Light

GH Frater PDR (Robert Zink)


Esotericgoldendawn Members Yahoo Forum

Subject: Magical links and David GriffinSeptember 25, 2009Brethren,One of the reasons we ask you to not friend David Griffin on facebook is that because he has been hostile to our Order and to myself and other, and because he has attacked our Order over and over again, and because he is bent on being the only Golden Dawn group and has cost C... and our Order thousands and thousands of dollars, and because neither our Order, nor C.., nor Pat Zaleswki nor Tommy Westlund his first Chief in Sweeden, nor any other GD group reconize him as nothing more than a mischief makers in our GD community, YOU RUN A RISK of of allowing him to create a MAGICAL BOND with you and that bond certainly will not be helpful in your spritual or magcial development.But wait, there is more to this saga, his connection to you as a friend on facebook creates a ray to our Order, this we cannot allow. It is important that you not accept the friend request from David Griffin and if you have, you need to cut it, for yourself, for your Order, for justice.Your brother in the great work,G.H. Frater P.D.R. (Robert Zink)770

Esotericgoldendawn Members Yahoo ForumSubject: David Griffin @ FB ~ how to use your privacy settings to block ">September 25, 2009Ave Sorors and Fraters;Go to "settings", there you will find "privacy", scroll down, put his name in your BLOCK list, when you do so, a list of various David Griffin's comes up, he's the first one, you'll note his sash in his photo. Click ^him^, and he will be blocked.Another suggestion, if you've friends who have befriended him, email them at FB and ask them to de-friend him and BLOCK him. If for any reason they won't, tell them you'll have to de-friend them as his energy won't be tolerated. Hope this helps,

R. 770

I won't waste time refuting Bob Zink's paranoid portrayal of the "evil David Griffin" in these letters. Bob was clearly "DEMONIZING" me, in order to manipulate EOGD members AND THEIR FRIENDS to "BLOCK SPAM" me on Facebook - a dastardly, yet deadly effective way of getting someone's Facebook profile permanently disabled. Five days after this "block spam" attack, on October 1, 2009 - Poof! My entire Facebook social network - and all contact with many of my 4,723 friends - vanished forever. No explanation. No recourse. Just poof! - gone.


My dear 4,723 former Facebook friends,

Thank you for your friendship, support, and encouragement over the years on Facebook. I really enjoyed my interaction with you and our substantial discussions about Hermetic Inner Alchemy and other aspects of the Golden Dawn. Thanks again for your many valuable contributions to these discussions.I apologize for for losing contact with so many of you following the sudden and unexpected disappearance of my Facebook profile. When Facebook disabled my page without warning or explanation last October, I had no way to reach most of you even to tell you what had happened. In fact, it was a mystery to me as well - until now that is.

I never in a million years dreamed that my social network had secretly been sabotaged in one of Sideshow Bob's dastardly schemes!

As public figure, I guess I should expect certain losses like this, particularly with a competitor like Bob Zink around. Destroying my Facebook social network was the most successful plot Sideshow Bob has come up with yet. In fact, I can see him gleefully rubbing his hands and laughing maniacally while reading this.Well, congratulations Bob! One of your hair-brained schemes finally worked. In fact, it worked so well that my 4,723 former friends from my Facebook social network you destroyed and I would like to send you this special "WAY TO GO, BOB!"

Sincerely,David Griffin

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