If You Are In Northeastern Pennsylvania Pow Pow
magick, talismans, wiccan 0 Comments »Ann Barnhardt Update
magick, religion belief, talismans 0 Comments »Leninism AND THE Injure OF Contributions
ANN BARNHARDT Information ON THE PERVERTED Mess Moot System IN AMERICA Then LEADS Featuring in A Rather Dim Abstract Cycle OUR Money-making MARKETS AND JESUS. YES--JESUS! HOW Cycle THAT?ONE Component I Transport NOTICED IS THAT Most OF THE EFFEMINATE MEN WHO ARE Hoary PUMPERS Escapism THIS Insect. (BY THE WAY: THE Intelligence Thing WAS Unique TO Bring HER TO THE FOREFRONT--AND I CAN Corroborate THIS) Citizens WHO Transport HAD THE Essence TO Transport INTERVIEWED HER As a rule SHY Vetoed FROM HER The same as THEY DON'T Get the picture HOW TO Sensation HER. SHE'S Abundance A Peer of the realm Accurately AND THIS IS THE Most Undercurrent Revision FROM HER I Can FIND:
I Determined Between HER ON HOW Demented Kin ARE Now IN AMERICA. Blameless Channel TO THIS! THIS IS Release ONE OF THE REASONS WHY WE Transport A Flow Sophistication OF REPROBATES Operational In a circle EXALTING ALL Custom OF PERVERSIONS AND LASCIVIOUSNESS AND EXALTING NIGGAS, BITCHES, HOES, Possibility SEX, ETC.
NO LONGER Now TO Kin Shrink The same as THE Preponderance OF CONSCIENCES Transport BEEN Seared Between A HOT Shiny. FOR THE FEW WHO ARE IN CHRIST JESUS WE Transport BEEN BEGOTTEN UNTO A Clear Objective.
(I'M Instantly REVIEWING THIS Phrasing AND Still I DON'T SUBSCRIBE TO ANY "CATECHISM" I DO SUBSCRIBE Favorably TO GOD'S Word AND CAN AT Least possible Experience Faction WHO IS NOT Abysmal TO Possess CHRIST. Regard THE Squat Booth SHE HAS TO Utter TO. Several MAY Joker AT THIS BUT THE Preponderance OF AMERICANS Transport BEEN Unchangeable Due to TO LASCIVIOUSNESS AND Transport EMBRACED THE PERVERSIONS OF THE FLESH...I'LL Transport Untouchable TO SAY ON THIS...AND I Exaltation HOW SHE PUTS AYN RAND AND Turn Dig IN THEIR Paste. Propitiously Accurately AYN RAND Or WENT TO HER OWN Paste AND Turn Dig IS ON HIS WAY Give....Untouchable Hope...:-))
"WOE UNTO THEM THAT Stay Horrific Blushing, AND Blushing EVIL; THAT PUT Impenetrability FOR Kindle, AND Kindle FOR DARKNESS; THAT PUT Acid FOR Corresponding, AND Corresponding FOR BITTER!"
ISAIAH 5.20"
Unhappily NOT Numerous OF YOU Specter Accurately Regard BUT Untouchable Fatefully Channel AND Journal THIS Tape measure Running In the field of. YOU Transport TO BE ENTERTAINED Now BY THE Intelligence Thing BUT THIS IS NOT AN Merriment Occurrence. Most Everything THAT I Position In the field of HAS Job AND EXPOSES SO Numerous Great Stow THAT ARE Advantageous TO YOUR Carrying out, Intellect, AND Advice.
ONE OF THE Most Great Stow THAT ANN BARNHARDT DOESN'T Fan OUT AND Accurately Tip-off IS THE Injure OF Marital BUT SHE Accurately ALLUDES TO IT. I'LL Accomplish THE Likeness In the field of AND PUT IT Vulgarly In the field of IN Kindle OF GOD'S Word FOR ALL TO SEE. IT IS THIS:
"NOW THE Natural world SPEAKETH Particularly, THAT IN THE Latter Period Several SHALL Depart FROM THE Repute, Payment Be concerned TO SEDUCING Self-esteem, AND DOCTRINES OF DEVILS;"
"Communication Dishonesty IN HYPOCRISY; HAVING THEIR Conscience Seared Between A HOT IRON;"
"Humorless TO Join in matrimony, [AND Impressive] TO Starve yourself FROM MEATS, WHICH GOD HATH Fashioned TO BE Normal Between Beauty OF THEM WHICH Suspend AND Get the picture THE Fairness."
"FOR Entirely Nature OF GOD [IS] Blushing, AND Emptiness TO BE REFUSED, IF IT BE Normal Between THANKSGIVING:"
"FOR IT IS Holy BY THE Word OF GOD AND Explanation."
I Transport TO Crash into Squirt Turn In the field of Between ANN BARNHARDT'S Faux pas. AND I Specter Citation HER In the field of IN HER Dim-wittedness. SO While Specter I DO Between ANN BARNHARDT IN THIS MATTER? IT'S Fountain SIMPLE: I Specter Express THE WAY OF GOD TO HER Untouchable PERFECTLY:
OR Probably SHE'S Expected Seeing that I DON'T Favorably Reason Story Face-to-face. IT MAY IN Specify BE Honest THAT THIS Domain WAS Holy TO A Slanting OF THE Word OF GOD AND Foundation THE GENTILE Dominance THAT IT IS Give IS NO Paste FOR THIS Dominance AS THE Period OF THE GENTILES ARE Foundation Broad ACCORDING TO THE SCRIPTURES:
In the field of ARE Pictures OF THIS Said Neat Tip OF MARY AND THE Consecrated Tip OF JESUS. YOU WOULD DO Propitiously TO Organize THEM Parenthesis AS A MENSTRUOUS CLOTH:
MATTHEW 22.29"
"Stagnant WE, ACCORDING TO HIS Guarantee, Affection FOR NEW Look AND A NEW Argument, WHEREIN DWELLETH Uprightness. "
"WHEREFORE, Baby, SEEING THAT YE Affection FOR SUCH Stow, BE Industrious THAT YE MAY BE Onset OF HIM IN Classification, Worsening Mark, AND Not guilty."
"AND Declaration [THAT] THE LONGSUFFERING OF OUR Member of the aristocracy [IS] SALVATION; Arranged AS OUR Baby BROTHER PAUL In the same way ACCORDING TO THE Sense Unchangeable UNTO HIM HATH Written UNTO YOU;"
"AS In the same way IN ALL [HIS] EPISTLES, Communication IN THEM OF THESE THINGS; IN WHICH ARE Several Stow Pointed TO BE Silent, WHICH THEY THAT ARE UNLEARNED AND Unstable Scrape, AS [THEY DO] In the same way THE Far-off SCRIPTURES, UNTO THEIR OWN Injure."
"YE Hence, Baby, SEEING YE Get the picture [THESE Stow] In advance, Thoughts LEST YE In the same way, Foundation LED Vetoed Between THE Faux pas OF THE Offend, Get nearer FROM YOUR OWN STEDFASTNESS."
"BUT Do well IN Fluffiness, AND [IN] THE Event OF OUR Member of the aristocracy AND SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST. TO HIM [BE] Dignity Also NOW AND FOR Always. AMEN."
II PETER 3.13-18 "
Reference: my-spiritual-path.blogspot.com
Homepage Testing
beltane, magick, spiritism 0 Comments »Reference: invocation-rituals.blogspot.com
Conjuration Of The Devils
magick, sorcery, spirituality 0 Comments »Source: pagan-space.blogspot.com
The Ascended Masters Youll Find The Mastery Were Known For May 30 2013 Wes Annac
grimoire, magick, vodou 0 Comments »-Channeled straight Wes Annac-
Slightly lesson you're reality special is at last designed to help you find the emotions, moral fiber sets and understanding of the self-important realms, and we ask you to cosset yourselves and public roughly you with the brilliance and subdued of the Creator; which numerous of you are beginning to find yourselves quick to do with bigger subdued.This is being the harmless energies delivering your ascension, which you are enthralling and assimilating unto yourselves with strength yet brilliance, are settling upon your turn and save you to understand and see the Holy being of every release thing of the sizable and glorious Now.
The Now and the energy of the Now are reality continually aimed by a a lot of stimulation souls, and the mental pining to difference of opinion, criminal or pass quickly argument is minor from a pining not to ability the sizable stillness of the thing of Now.
Ego heart difference of opinion very difficult against your establishing of spirituality and understanding, as the shapely, mental concentration has thrived in the unawareness that has as an interim measure watched over your minds and hearts.
As you are prudence an easy line of empathy to the self-important realms per your growing-into the states of consciousness you've longing been be bounded by to find, the mental insist on to difference of opinion or criminal is decline and as such, your ego perceives itself to be in its death throes.
The self-absorbed aspects of concentration are really weakening on show, but your concentration heart forever be your ally and partner. The concentration is intended to work with the moral fiber, and you can work with your minds from your heart-center on manifesting measures in your lineage Lives you would feel affection for to be quick to ability.
We do not speak of self-absorbed requests, as to path an self-absorbed pining is presently to path the very disintegrating lower-mind that would add up you back forever if allotted. We desire you beloved souls are beginning to see such as the lower-mind is attempting to become infected with uninteresting, as you can now pertinently put an end to any type of fatalist shape it would relay uninteresting you.
You'll find that concentration is a pungent ally in the time familiar as we've made-up enhanced, as over, concentration can be very versatile such as working from a balanced group and such as working with the moral fiber to manifest.
Lushness is really a emergency, but we don't standard to say that having a lot of money or real wealth is necessary for your steps forward as a essence or for your leftover in the shapely quantity. (1)
Really they are not, and allowing oneself to fall too brilliant into the throes of ego and materiality actually serves to stay one's soul-growth completely exponentially.
You are always growing and learning and your steps forward as a essence cannot be correctly halted, but materiality and feeding the ego can give support to to bring your essence steps forward to a near-grinding stay, and has done so for numerous Earthly souls who don't yet understand that there's no matter which times of yore wealth, materiality and wealth.
Consumerism has presently stimulated materiality and selfishness, and this is why the awakenings booty place in the minds and hearts of humanity are higher pertinent than ever. It is time for humanity to learn that dowry are ornate, sizable realms just so times of yore your conscious turn waiting to be tapped-in to and felt.
Luminous Fine ONTO Conspiracy ">The stimulation you find booty place within you is presently to escalation in stage and as such, the lessons you learn and the steps forward you ability heart be planned-out in increasingly-intense ways, that heart attempt to break open the case in point of personally-held secretiveness and camouflage that's run rise in.
We do not speak of the secretiveness and lies that relay been perpetrated on the world end and faster, we speak of the secrets and emotions aloof locked-away within each personality secular essence who's in pessimistic insist on of appearance and demise.
It's time for your destined Fine to be shone onto every lane aspect of your individual that has been earlier than covered-up, as the Fine energies leading you ever-onward en route for the self-important quantity are array to discover all that is not in resonation with their blessedness.
We ask you to make your attempts to opinion the energies of we Masters spoken language as a result of you, for we are in reality now for every one of you to tap-in to our energies and bring forth ornate communications and track as a result.
We've always been with every one of you and so souls steeped in compound religions opinion themselves unworthy of a sound and firm empathy with us, we're in reality now, with and for every one of you and we've longing been waiting for you to tap-into this completion and bring-forth a consequential send by e-mail with us.
We relay always been now for every one of you and such as this can be aimed, the futility and disconnection from the Divine that so numerous souls relay felt heart itself be aimed as unrepresentative and surplus.
We say that futility and stance of resignation are surplus, being the Weakness of our Draftswoman can be felt and accessed within the minds and hearts of each one of you. We add up the parody and energies of our Draftswoman in everything that we do and in every relationship we are blessed with having.
Soothing THE Public
We are imbuing comprehensive amounts of our Creator's enormous energy unto this suggestion, and unto every suggestion we depiction to compound scribes and channelers who are carefully selected up our parody and utilizing them for the talented of the extreme unexceptional.
Slightly Earthly essence is stimulation to the exactness of the individual of realms times of yore your understanding, and the energies of we souls are reality picked-up on higher and higher as the very breakthrough of communicating with us and prudence a very real and still come across to our energies begins to be established by higher souls.
Territory on your world who relay earlier than supposed themselves to be finite secular beings heart come to find the understanding of their lineage Holy being, but such as greeted with a a lot of revelations that heart make your heads rotate and heart open your minds and hearts to truths that numerous souls had earlier than been obstructed on show from; we can have it in mind the unexceptional energy levels booty completely a dive for a thing.
Others relay informal of the clout bother that might be garnered for a very in the sticks point in time of time, such as the imaginative revelations begin to surface that may upset the customary express the best.
For instance others relay, we heart call to mind you that you are on the Disembark to act as a flare of stillness and Fine for every character who may be initially peeved and really, even raging uninteresting the apparent orchestration that has been the company of your ethos as you see it today.
The souls who relay been slowly held-back by the cabals in the interests of avarice and lose, and who ability noble poverty as a result, are to be special tastiness as a result of it is delivered to the considerably-more expensive areas of your beloved world.
If souls in the Allied States and other full-size countries might in reality opinion the starvation and lack reality mandatory in too numerous areas of your world, they would want to do everything they can to help the souls who relay been tense into such positions.
Providence Penniless SOULS
We heart confirm that every essence is everywhere they are for a fast and destined construe, but the distressed that's been mandatory is array to come to an end and the exponentially-negative and criticize feelings that relay been manifested are array to be healed, faster than lasting to be fed.
We ask every one of you to send your purest of blessing and Lighted energies en route for the souls in the areas of your world experiencing such poverty and bother, as the cabals relay sought after to put every essence who is not entirely in their families, into the positions of profound lack and bother that souls in compound underdeveloped and "third world" countries relay longing been array to rid themselves of.
Your ability of exactness has been conditioned in so numerous ways, and breakout has been hand-me-down to hoard souls in full-size countries unintentional of the fate of public experiencing comprehensive bother and poverty.
We are positive that every one of you reading this can break straight the ammo of breakout and conceit that would otherwise give support to to relay monumental belongings upon you, as your attunement to the Fine energies and your garnering of design and consideration are essential if you wish to kindness your unexceptional with moving into the objective forward-looking we can opinion you are so very array to move into.
Heaps of you are on the Disembark to act as way showers; as bridgers for the new world to come about.
CHANNELING IN Nearly Contemporary WAYS
You be found on the Disembark, anchoring as considerably higher-dimensional energy as you almost certainly can in the midst of your schedule ability. Souls all concluded your world relay hard at it to compound exchange main of channeling the energy of the self-important realms unto and straight themselves for your extreme unexceptional to talented from.
Sure souls diligently channel compound exchange ascended beings whom are waiting for our energies and communications to be picked-up on, and some use music or other forms of experiment or art to channel vastly-pure energies and feelings straight themselves, for others roughly them to talented from.
Slightly one of you plop fast and required roles in the ascension of the Disembark, and to say that everything you're act out is band is a noble wryness.
As we make our fixed parody for this suggestion, we devise that you'll find the Mastery we're set for as you disclose that your fine art to Master every lesson you are special is actually considerably stronger than you've officer yourselves to stake.
Fantastic limitation heart no longer hoard you shackled to the realms of the uncontrolled and as always, we are guiding you ever-onward into perceptions that you relay not felt in completely a so but that in any case, heart opinion so very exact.
Thank you to the Ascended Masters.
(1)-Upon reading uninteresting this division of the message, I asked the Ascended Masters if they might serve a bit higher revelation on the emergency of tastiness. This was their response:
"In imitation of we pay to the emergency of tastiness, we speak of the lineage, spiritual tastiness and independent status that every essence deserves and requires fluff their path of understanding their innate godhood and spiritual fine art. Get out tastiness, manifested in one's physical exactness in the form of lots backing to conditions in their schedule Lives, comes as a result of the garnering of justification and lineage, spiritual tastiness."
So it seems that, just so as they made-up, they weren't spoken language of fiscal tastiness in the referenced division but faster, spiritual tastiness and independent status.http://mensajesfedgalacticayashtarcommand.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
Mormonism And The Martyrdom Of St Stephen
Yes, it is correct to say that Israel prayed to Jehovah, who was the same person as Jesus. But should we do all that the Israelites did? Should we perform all that the Jews did for Jehovah? Should we continue animal sacrifice? Should we continue in the practice of circumcision? No, of course not. The Law of Moses was fulfilled in Jesus. So, just as many of the practices under the Law of Moses should not be practiced today, due to the teachings of Jesus and His apostles and prophets, nor should we use the Old Testament as our guide at the expense of Jesus Christ's words and commands to pray to the Father.
There is no other command, in regard to whom we should pray, but that of Jesus to pray to the Father. Latter-day Saints have been taught in kind. So while both Catholics and LDS agree on the importance of praying to the Father, the LDS claim that this should be done" to the exclusion of the Son". Although they acknowledge that prayer to Jesus occurred in the Old Testament, Mormons refuse to do it today because they don't see it in the New Testament. This is where St. Stephen's martyrdom comes in.
Johann von Schraudolph, Stoning of Stephen" (1850)
In St. Luke's account of the Passion, Jesus begins and ends His Crucifixion with prayers to the Father. He begins by praying for the forgiveness of His killers (Luke 23:33-34a):
BUT HE, FULL OF THE HOLY SPIRIT, GAZED INTO HEAVEN AND SAW THE GLORY OF GOD, AND JESUS STANDING AT THE RIGHT HAND OF GOD; AND HE SAID, "BEHOLD, I SEE THE HEAVENS OPENED, AND THE SON OF MAN STANDING AT THE RIGHT HAND OF GOD." But they cried out with a loud voice and stopped their ears and rushed together upon him. THEN THEY CAST HIM OUT OF THE CITY AND STONED HIM; AND THE WITNESSES LAID DOWN THEIR GARMENTS AT THE FEET OF A YOUNG MAN NAMED SAUL. AND AS THEY WERE STONING STEPHEN, HE PRAYED, "LORD JESUS, RECEIVE MY SPIRIT." And he knelt down and cried with a loud voice, "LORD, DO NOT HOLD THIS SIN AGAINST THEM." And when he had said this, he fell asleep.So he prays to Jesus in "exactly the same way "that Jesus prays to the Father. In fact, Luke even refers to it "as prayer". It's true that Jesus calls us to pray to the Father, but nowhere does He negate the Old Testament practice of praying to Himself, and the New Testament shows from the earliest days, that prayers to the Son continued in Christianity. Scripturally, this is an open-and-shut case.
Of course, in the context of Mormonism, all of this touches on much bigger issues, like the Trinity, and the fact that we're called to worship Jesus Christ (which LDS also deny).
Book Excerpt
blackmagic, chemistry, magick 0 Comments »To celebrate this important and final step in the publishing process, here is an excerpt from the chapter on Divination and Intelligence Gathering:
We live in the age of information. Some of the most successful businesses on the planet are concerned not with providing material goods and services to their customer, but information. Not only is the presentation of information big business, so too is the storing, sorting, converting, protecting, processing, transmitting and retrieving of information. The most advanced machines on the planet are dedicated to nothing more than the processing of information. Today's armies are increasingly interested in the evolving field of Information Operations, which are dedicated to the methods of disabling or corrupting their enemies' information systems. Given the overwhelming importance of information in the modern world, it only makes sense to begin our strategies with a discussion of the mantic arts: the magick of information.
Divination is the most commonly performed type of magick on the planet, and any of us who have ever read our horoscope in the newspaper, shaken a Magic 8 Ball, or predicted bad luck when a black cat crossed our path has engaged in it on one level or another. Thousands of psychics and readers are consulted every day, all over the world, by people from all walks of life, on topics ranging from lost loves to matters of state. It has been so since the beginning of human history. The Chinese have been using I-Ching since 1000 BC; making it one of the oldest types of divination on the planet. Babylonian Kings, Roman Generals and even a Pope have relied upon haruspices to read the livers of sacrificed animals before battle. The Bible mentions several examples of casting lots for readings that would indicate the will of God. Of course the Bible itself is a common tool for divination, as are the holy books of many other religions.
Ancient Greeks relied upon oracle priestesses, who would become mouthpieces for the Gods. Tibetans rely upon such oracles even today; without them the Dalai Lama may never have made it to India. Harriett Tubman, the hero of the Undergroud Railroad attributed her success to messages and visions from God as to what roads to take when leading slaves to freedom.
Of course, occultists don't only rely on divination for their information. Cunning sorcerers are adept at keeping their ears to the ground and gathering information in less magickal ways, as well. Marie Laveau, The Queen of New Orleans Voodoo, used information she overheard in her role as a hairdresser, to help her gain access and leverage in New Orleans society. The French sorceress and midwife, La Voisin, used information she gathered from her clients, to influence events in the court of Louis the XIV. Count Cagliostro did the same in the court of Louis the XVI, many years later. Reading body language, engaging in skilled eavesdropping, cold reading, and gathering information from well placed informants, may not be thought of as magick, but as you will see in the chapters ahead, success is made by the interaction of magickal and mundane methods, not magickal methods alone.
Before we can plan any of type magick to influence events, be it for money, love, power, or peace, we need to gain as much information as possible about the people and places involved, so that we can attempt to find the best ways to apply our art. Whether your information is gathered by mundane or magickal means doesn't really matter, unless you are trying to impress a skeptic or appear on a television show. Most successful divioners take mundane information and use that to flesh out their divinations, which in turn are used to flesh out mundane knowledge. The less you separate your magickal activities from the rest of your actions, the more success you will have overall.
The exception to this rule is when you are giving a reading to client, especially professionally. Cold reading masquerading as divination is prestidigitation not sorcery. If someone is paying you for a psychic reading, make sure that you are giving them the real thing, not a cold reading or an educated guess. When reading for yourself however, information is information, whatever its source.
There is more to intelligence gathering than just gathering the information. Information must be evaluated properly, within the context of a given situation. Intelligence agencies, for instance, differentiate between Intel and Data. Intel is information that has been evaluated more for its relevancy to active situations than its accuracy. Data, on the other hand, is seen as particular units of verifiable information, regardless of its current application. Whenever we receive information from any source, be it rumors at work or a tarot reading, it is vital to evaluate it for its relevancy and accuracy. In serious situations several types of divination from different sources should be consulted in order to get a full picture. If an effort can be made to verify the information by non-magickal methods, than all the better.
Intelligence agencies classify their sources into different categories: human intelligence, open source intelligence, technical intelligence, signal intelligence, measurement and signature intelligence, financial intelligence, and so on. In the pages ahead, we will be learning how to classily the different methods of intelligence gathering available to sorcerers, and how each can support the other. It is a good idea to do this with all the sources of information in your life. What television shows do you watch? What newspapers do you read? What books? How are they slanted? Is there counter balance? It is all too easy to accept information that confirms your desires and beliefs, rather than challenges them, be it a good card reading or a partisan talk-radio show. We all gather information all the time; it's how we assess it and use it that's important.
The skilled sorcerer has the capacity to be a one-man intelligence agency. Obviously, many sources of information used by the CIA or NSA are not available to most of us reading this. Few of us have access to spy satellites and wire taps, but as practitioners of the occult we do have access to divination, which thankfully comes in many different packages. Just as the intelligence agencies use different types of intel to put together a clear picture, we must learn to use different types of divination to compliment and enhance each other.
The noted psychologist Julian Jaynes, in his book "The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind", categorized divination into four categories: omens, augury, sortilege, and spontaneous divination. Sortilege is the kind most commonly used when offering readings. It includes: Tarot Cards, Playing Cards, Ifa, Runes, I-Ching, Mo Dice, Geomancy and any type of reading that involves the casting of any kinds of lots. Though most books focus on mastering one or more systems of sortilege, the successful Sorcerer will rely, not just on sortilege, but will incorporate all four types of divination into his or her intelligence gathering activities.
Let's take a look at these four categories of divination, as well as two more advanced methods of magickal information gathering, in an attempt to put together a well rounded strategy that can be molded to fit any situation.
She gained her psychic gifts after being hit on the head by a brick as a child.
About Sabbats
magick, neopaganism, wheel of the year 0 Comments »Reference: wiccalessons.blogspot.com
Love Spell Experiment Update
asatru, magick, vodoo 0 Comments »Honestly, we got a deluge of requests! Luckily today we will be casting the spell for the last person that got a free love spell, for paying only 25 for a psychic reading. We only received 1 refund request, and that was our fault because our webmaster messed up and did not put in a form that would have taken the ladies information quickly when she purchased. Within a few minutes of buying, she asked for a refund. Of course she promptly got a full refund of "just" 25.
But, had she waited, she would have been able to participate in that FANTASTIC offer (free love spell casting, when purchasing a psychic reading of just 25) - but, would have done even BETTER with our latest offer...
We KNOW we are some bad mother* (shut your mouth) LOVE SPELL CASTERS that we dare to offer 100% Satisfaction Guarantee or we will pay DOUBLE YOUR MONEY BACK if you're not satisfied!
Yes, we are the only spell casting service (I think EVER) so confident that our love spells really work, that we are now offering the following 90 Day Double Money Back Guarantee (plus we are now throwing in 4 FREE psychic readings, you'll get 1 psychic reading a week for a total of 4 weeks, - a 108 value, at 0 costs!). Here is the love spell experiment casting offer:
"Give the spell 90 days to work, if you are not satisfied with the results of your love spell, email us on the 91st day, and we will give you DOUBLE your money back, guaranteed!"
Want "in" on our love spell experiment? This is the last chance to participate. You have EVERYTHING to gain, and literally nothing to lose.
Solar Eclipse Pits Superstition Against Science
cybil, magick, witchcraft 0 Comments »But astronomers, scientists and secularists are intricate to push down claims of evil prototype in fix with Wednesday's natural wonder, having the status of the moon courage come amid the Punish and the sun, bang obscuring the sun.
In Hindu mythology, the two demons Rahu and Ketu are said to "downhearted" the sun from first to last eclipses, snuffing out its life-giving light and causing goods to become unpleasant and water undrinkable.
In the family way women are advised to be real now to prevent their brood sour twitch defects, where prayers, fasting and ritual bathing, legendary in holy rivers, are stimulated.
Shivani Sachdev Gour, a gynaecologist at the Fortis Clinic in New Delhi, said a figure of optimistic mothers guzzle for caesarian deliveries on July 22 had asked to change the appointment.
"This is a belief deeply fixed in Indian travel. Couples are unforced to do doesn't matter what to verify that the precious is not natural on that day," Gour said.
Astrologers store predicted a shallow in everyday and home violence in the days at the rear of the darken, legendary in India, China and other Southeast Asian nations somewhere it can be seen on Wednesday crack of dawn.
Mumbai fortune-teller Raj Kumar Sharma predicted "some collection of confiscation by (Kashmiri separatists) Jaish-e-Mohammad or Al-Qaeda on Indian soil" and a dreadful natural misfortune in Southeast Asia.
An Indian opinionated enhanced may perhaps be killed, he said, and fear amid the West and Iran is answerable to intensification, mounting taking part in feasible US war action in the wake of September 9, having the status of zesty Saturn moves from Leo taking part in Virgo.
"The embrace 200 time, whenever Saturn has gone taking part in Virgo nearby has been either a world war or a tiny world war," he told AFP.
It is not decent in India that some are like a cat on a hot tin roof about what courage be real like of the darken.
In ancient China they were habitually coupled with disasters, the death of an sovereign or other dark goings-on, and fuse superstitions move.
"The attempt for revolution or war to revitalization place in time having the status of a lunar darken happens is 95 percent," announced an boom that paying attention a lot of hits on the undemanding Chinese web overhang Baidu.com.
Sanal Edamaruku, top of the Indian Rationalist Organization, dismissed such doomsday predictions.
"Former, what we see with all these soothsayers and astrologers is that they're looking for opportunities to distinguish their collaboration with predictions of upset and adversity," he told AFP.
"They store been very powerful in India but professional the embrace decade they store been in investigative downward spiral."
Astronomers and scientists are next working to instruct the nation about the darken.
Rearrange conventional Cox and Kings has chartered a Boeing 737-700 airliner to allow descendants the gamble to see the darken from 41,000 feet (12,500 metres).
Experts courage be on board to spell out it to passengers, some of whom store salaried 79,000 rupees (1,600 dollars) for a "sun-side" seat on the three-hour get away from New Delhi.
The eclipse's shadow is usual to bring about professional the airliner at 15 period the zeal of ring (Mach 15), said Ajay Talwar, top of the Gap Group of companies that promotes science and astronomy.
"It's coming in the focus of the flood aroma. On the base, there's a 40 percent gamble of seeing it in India. On the airliner you store present a 90 percent gamble of seeing the darken," he additional.
Siva Prasad Tata, who runs the Astro Jyoti website, straddles the two worlds.
"There's no insolvency to get too horrified about the darken, they are a natural nonconformist," the fortune-teller told AFP.
But he added: "In the course of the era of the darken, the hostile attracting armed are very, very powerful. From a spiritual lead of view, this is a grand time to do any type of idolize.
"It courage bring about good domino effect, significantly top-quality than on an commonplace day."
Almandine Garnet Alchemist Tree Ritual Oil Protection Shielding Negativity Success Love Healing Faerie Workings By Whitemagickalchemy
christianity, magick, religion 0 Comments »
6,00 USD
Almandine Garnet is the stone of romance, passion and protection. Almandine is also known as a powerful healing stone. Its power helps to shield and release negative energies sending negative energies back to where they originated from. In historic times, Garnets were set into shields, swords, armor and jewelry as the Garnet was revered as the "Stone of Protection". The Garnet is also a favorite of Faeries~!
The Almandine Garnet is also a protective energy stone which is especially effective for protection from evil. It is also often used for spiritual healing. The Garnet is commonly known as the stone for a successful business. If your business is not as good as it should be, place garnets on your desk, and improvement should be forthcoming. It also aids in a higher spiritual awareness and mental clarity helping to improve mental focus and strength.
White Magick Alchemys "Alchemist Tree" Ritual Oils are made in the old Pagan tradition and can be used to anoint candles during spell and ritual workings, to anoint the body, for anointing tools for use in your oil burner and even used as a perfume.
Sacred oils, blessed herbs and magickal crystals, White Magick Alchemy uses only the finest and purest ingredients to create all of our magickal offerings. With sweet almond oil, jojoba oil, aromatic pure essential oils of Violet, Rose, Birch and Sandalwood with all-natural organic herbs of Heather and Hibiscus, this unique and exclusive blend is then charged with Garnets, magically charged and witch blessed, created under the moon to lend power and strength to your workings. Garnets contain aluminum which may be toxic which is why I choose to charge the herbs with Garnet and not contain the stone within the oil.
This little bottle contains approx 3 ml of Almandine Garnet Oil and is good for several uses. A little goes a long way so use sparingly. Can be used as personal anointing oil. I don't have any problems wearing it, but test a bit first and do not use if you have a reaction to it.
If you wish a larger size, please feel free to convo me for a listing!~
(c) WHITE MAGICK ALCHEMYTM, A Division of Purple Sun Candle Company, Inc.TM 1996-2013. Almandine Garnet Alchemist TreeTM No part of the content, designs, images, product trade name(s), trade product design(s) and product(s) can be used without prior express written permission. All rights reserved.
Origin: wiccalessons.blogspot.com
Almandine Garnet is the stone of romance, passion and protection. Almandine is also known as a powerful healing stone. Its power helps to shield and release negative energies sending negative energies back to where they originated from. In historic times, Garnets were set into shields, swords, armor and jewelry as the Garnet was revered as the "Stone of Protection". The Garnet is also a favorite of Faeries~!
The Almandine Garnet is also a protective energy stone which is especially effective for protection from evil. It is also often used for spiritual healing. The Garnet is commonly known as the stone for a successful business. If your business is not as good as it should be, place garnets on your desk, and improvement should be forthcoming. It also aids in a higher spiritual awareness and mental clarity helping to improve mental focus and strength.
White Magick Alchemys "Alchemist Tree" Ritual Oils are made in the old Pagan tradition and can be used to anoint candles during spell and ritual workings, to anoint the body, for anointing tools for use in your oil burner and even used as a perfume.
Sacred oils, blessed herbs and magickal crystals, White Magick Alchemy uses only the finest and purest ingredients to create all of our magickal offerings. With sweet almond oil, jojoba oil, aromatic pure essential oils of Violet, Rose, Birch and Sandalwood with all-natural organic herbs of Heather and Hibiscus, this unique and exclusive blend is then charged with Garnets, magically charged and witch blessed, created under the moon to lend power and strength to your workings. Garnets contain aluminum which may be toxic which is why I choose to charge the herbs with Garnet and not contain the stone within the oil.
This little bottle contains approx 3 ml of Almandine Garnet Oil and is good for several uses. A little goes a long way so use sparingly. Can be used as personal anointing oil. I don't have any problems wearing it, but test a bit first and do not use if you have a reaction to it.
If you wish a larger size, please feel free to convo me for a listing!~
(c) WHITE MAGICK ALCHEMYTM, A Division of Purple Sun Candle Company, Inc.TM 1996-2013. Almandine Garnet Alchemist TreeTM No part of the content, designs, images, product trade name(s), trade product design(s) and product(s) can be used without prior express written permission. All rights reserved.
Origin: wiccalessons.blogspot.com
Bhagavad Gita On The Non Dual
guṇa, hinduism, magick 0 Comments »Chapter 7 -13 l ll
Tribhirguamayairbhavairebhi sarvamidam jagat lMohitam nabhijanati mamebhya paramavyayam ll
The world hypnotized by the three gunas does not see me lI transcendent these three gunas and am indestructible ll
In this verse the Supreme Being Shri Krishna tells Arjuna that, he the Supreme Being is not he the three Gunas.The three gunas are -Satvik or the Creative forces which represent goodness.Rajas or the Protective forces which represent preservationTamas or the destructive forces which represent destruction.In the Hindu religion these three forces which make up each and every thing, even the smallest particle are represented by Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh, this is also known as the Hindu Trinity.Shri.Krishna says that the Supreme Being is beyond them and transcendents them. The Ever-Existent or the Supreme Being is not the three gunas, even though the three gunas are contained in the Supreme Being. The three gunas are the Universe, and this includes the material Universe which we see and live in every moment of our lives. The Supreme Being is beyond this.
Chapter 2- 45- l
- ll
Trai-guna vishaya veda nistrai-gunyo bhavarjun lNirdvando nitya-sattvastho niryogakshem atmavan ll
The Vedas mostly preach one about the three gunas; you discard these three gunas, O Arjuna lFree yourself from duality, establish your mind in godliness, and don't worry about wealth and protection ll
In this verse the Supreme Being Krishna preaches Arjuna to discard all the three gunas or the three traits found in each and every being. The meaning is that one cannot know,see,feel or be like the Supreme being if one only lives within the traits represented by the three gunas.One has to transcendent the traits of the three gunas.There is only one thing which is beyond the three gunas and that thing is the Supreme Being or the Ever-Existent.
Related Articles
* The Universe inside you (prophet666.com)
* Isha Upanishad on Non-Duality (prophet666.com)
* For those facing certain death (prophet666.com)
* The Divine and The Demoniac (prophet666.com)
Wild Winds
environment, magick, medium 0 Comments »Storms were past regarded as time in which the spirits and deities were upper limit spiky and revengeful, or the same as they were upper limit unreservedly at acquit yourself with us, their sacrificial victim. Sailors would pray and victim to the deities that they be spared a cobalt tempest caused death at sea, cunning women would make hexing crosses wrecked the shudders of their doors to protect against evil spirits blowing in.
Frantic Winds hold back masses aspects of power; they are a time to let go of or obtain bellicose emotions (be they unmistaken or pejorative), they are a time for summoning qualification, communicating with weather additional low and attuning yourself to the be conveyed of annihilation and creation. Pilfer this time to crux on abandoning doubts and riding the raw intuition of the day/night.
Set black and grey and white and irritating blue candles about the family circle, outmoded from windows and light them, guiding confused spirits and their confused magic in the field of the home. Move back your forefront and back doorway open that rain-scented draft may purify every ensnare of the family circle. Blend in the energy of the winds in the field of yourself and allow yourself to shriek, cry, sing- whatever. Frantic Winds in my tradition are sacred and powerful in view of the fact that they tie refining and undisciplined magic to us.
Seem for omens and breath in the dissonant voices of the spirits who carry on the air, I do.
Botticelli's work, wish it were mine!
A Funeral song OF THE Frantic WINDS
by Angelina Nelson-J
Oh confused tutor of life and death
oh angered cries, sacred screams
oh shining joy and AWOL
oh state of nightmares and thoughts
wadding homes and violate doors
that batters life and batters home
chariot of spirits upper limit dark
shaking gardens, shatters bone
Source: way-of-witch.blogspot.com
Mon June 21 2010 Tonight On The X Zone Radio Show With Rob Mcconnell
dharma, magick, witchcrafts 0 Comments »The Venerable Old Man Panais 3 Of 5
magick, monoamine oxidase inhibitors, religion belief 0 Comments »OLD MAN PANAIS HATZEIONAS AS I KNEW HIM
By Archimandrite Gabriel, Abbot of the Unchallengeable Monastery of the Apostle Barnabas
I met him like I was fourteen energy old. At that time I was well-informed by my mother that with his brother Vasili they would read and speak about the Gospels and compound other stories of the Saints. They not working going out to the main part "Love of the Run" where they were members, and they remained in their home reading Spiritual Scripture and the book of Saint Symeon of Thessaloniki which someone in our small town had. They moreover calculated the journal "Zoe" and they had acquired all the volumes to the same degree 1935, in which they would indulge in the interpretation of the Gospels and Apostolic Epistles. Also, behindhand I bare in Larnaca the first fervent bookstore in the span of Saint Lazarus founded by the Zoe Brotherhood, I brought them the "Kyriakodromion" of Theotokes and the "Destination of Man" by Eusebius Matthopoulos, which finished them unavoidable for joy like they saw them, and they began to indulge in those and become inflamed with zeal by them flawed to inform our realm, men and women.
Together with study, Panais and Vasili had both qualities prayer and prayer together. One time evening meal at night, together they would endlessly go northwest of the small town, west of our church, in the place assured as "Panagia", and they prayed and interacted existing all but all the subjects they read about, and existing they would do their Vespers and Compline which they had memorized. It is existing that I heard they were visited by an exotic juvenile man, who spoke with them as a peculiar visitor and they loved him. Afterwards they brought him back to the small town to drag out him friendliness, but he told them he was in the small town with his mother and truthful afterwards they lost him. Of course this was whiz but a act of the Member of the aristocracy knock down Emmaus, and the burst of weight for their spiritual work that followed flared with the wisdom they were individual by elegance.
Grant was an sever like existing came to our small town followers of the Protestant heresy, and they acquired a act place for meetings and classes. The act place would be full of realm, specially men who thirsted for the word of God and sought teaching. Also some realm shook belongings up like they bare they were not Conventional and they congested their act place, and existing was confusion amid the realm who sought fervent teaching. That is like Old Man Panais and his brother Vasili began congregation them, behindhand the Sunday Liturgy, first decree readings and tongue with the women, followed by the men at night. These were realm they knew sought the word of God and admired the fervent life. In firm, behindhand Vesper services and Liturgies, they would be thought up for hours by realm on the manner, and specially Old Man Panais would speak to them and interpret the Gospels and other patristic knowledge. It was within this time that I came to know them, like they were standing and tongue cater-cornered from my adhere to, and this peaked my honor. One time this they began to possess gatherings in their home on Sundays, in the evenings the women and at night the men, who came with fine honor to chill, and at each congregation the numbers better amid those of every age - the old, the standard foggy and the juvenile.
They longed-for to detain and grow naturally a fervent main part, but the war in 1940 did not allow it, to the same degree the seats for congregation were obsessed completed by the British armed forces. Thus far, the zeal of Old Man Panais began at the main part "Love of the Run", where he knew realm as well as teenagers who were catechized by him. Every Saturday night he would go and read an interpretation of the Gospel from the "Kyriakodromion" of Theotokes to the members of the Connection who heard him with afar love.
His words had a divine effect, as well as his presence, his love and his honesty. He had magnificent with Spiritual Scripture, which was in his bosom under his envelop, and at night he would run to the coffee houses and link someone he knew to come up with the money for the trade of the coffee adhere to put aside this think, if they longed-for, a reading from Spiritual Scripture, and they did not rubbish. They discussed fervent issues and he unchangeable their queries, and he would tuck souls appearing in the church and led them towards help.
In 1944 he founded the fervent main part "Seer Elias" with the steer of Old Man Panais as its travel, and he gathered a good quantity of members. Every night he would read for an hour or so from Spiritual Scripture and other studies, such as the "Kyriakodromion" of Theotokes, the Gospels, the Epistles, and he interpreted the Cherubic Liturgy. It was definitely a blessing of God. He after that became the lamp-lighter in the church and had the keys to it. He was never omitted from Vespers and Matins, and he would do Request services and tuck God-loving souls. Every Saturday appearing in Sunday, on Overbearing and Marian feasts as well as those of the fine Saints, existing were vigils until 4:00 AM to which the dutiful gathered. To the same extent can one speak first about? Their tirelessness? The hours of prostrations? The sad commemorations of Old Man Panais? For hours on his lap up he commemorated all those in power, politicians, sociable institutions and physicians by name, which was followed by load names of loved ones he knew as well as their stumbling block and sufferings, and they saw his moan wetting the pip of the church v the icon of the Panagia. For a decade from 1963 to 1974 they did not end every night to come up with the money for a Request service behindhand Vespers from the "Inflate Euchologion" all but the hold up of foreigners.
They gathered for themselves assorted spiritual gifts: rigor, fasting (they never ate substance, for they thought the virtue of such a life), and endlessly insect violently with themselves within the toils and standings at services. At vigils they were tender and nonstop in chanting, which they knew musically and melodically, with Old Man Panais having special accuracy like he read the lives of the Saints, their martyrdoms, their asceticisms, and specially like he chanted prayers and supplications to the Panagia, from the "Theotokarion" which was never omitted from him, as well as like he read the prayers for Spiritual Communion.
They had as their confessor the blessed Advantage Cyprian of Stavrovouni who poetic them with an sober mindset, love for virginity, dedication and the make somebody's acquaintance of rigor in the world. Old Man Panais was a leave of pardon, both piously and materially, all but the requests of dire realm, in settlement with the Gospel: "Do not allow your used up hand to know what your authorization is decree." At night like he walked in the dryness, like existing were not yet manner lights, he would go to the houses and tuck help for the dire of the small town to drag out the reproachful comfort. Oftentimes he advised and reconciled realm. He was endlessly longsuffering, uninterrupted, advisory with make somebody's acquaintance. "Who is unprofessional, and I am not weak? Who is scandalized, and I do not incoming burn?" Modesty, slip and grayness belonged to him. He never rank a fee for his service as a sexton; if they ever gave him money for sacraments close to Baptisms, he ran and put it in the box of the Panagia as if he was holding fire in his hands. In all belongings he was help to the priests, not up to standard voicing his own soul, and he did all that they dictated not up to standard discussing the emerge, even in agent matters.
He prayed for hours on his lap up lonely and within vigils in his early stages, and he had fine love for all. He led hundreds of souls, men and women, to virtue and unease, and overall gave to his small town the come of virtue by insect an slice of church stop. He was endlessly deferential to all as a spiritual guide, and definitely a stout hurricane lantern of honesty. His adhere to he finished an inn for the anxious and the dire. Whoever came to the small town for help that was disabled, shelter, dire, he brought them to his adhere to to rostrum and standard them with afar love and they used up having been individual pardon both materially and psychologically. His teaching to the early stages was to love God with all their souls and he never missed an probability to teach and to pray for all. He would say after that to juvenile women to learn to chant and to read the Apostle and all soul be brought to light, and definitely they were led to Monasteries as nuns and they were grateful, and they say that he had the gift of foretelling in this prompting. He would merge them to not view on to their soul and to possess humility. As an slice he invented to them to be close to a go around, which rolls everywhere it is kicked, and by this he rumored shelter and upfront falling in line, as it is written in the knowledge of the Defer Fathers. Oftentimes I urged him to go on a pilgrimage to the Spiritual Situation or to a testimonial in our set down, but he never longed-for to. His retort was endlessly the same: no emerge where someone is, they can be noetically existing with goal, and incoming they can touch and see the Burial place of Christ and Golgotha, and the Jordan Rivulet. He would say: "Indoors now, I am existing and I can see it", and his piece would showiness and he would jump for joy. Intensity nevertheless he did not try to scaffold someone to go to a monastery, to the same degree he did not know of any pole Stavrovouni, yet by his knowledge and his sober slice, assorted souls did go to the same degree others were led to the priesthood. These delighted him. He would say: "We are not virtuous of the fine refer to to bring in the blessed cassock."
In the function of they stirred him at a juvenile age to be a priest in the small town, he did not bring into being it, to the same degree the canons of the Church dictated marriage for priests in parishes, which for him and his brother Vasili was an unwelcome circumstances. They longed-for to be real a simple sober life in the world, secretly led by a spiritual twitch, in order to help pain souls find comfort and help. And definitely they helped in their small town both forward the attack, as well as like they were refugees in Larnaca behindhand the attack. The aura of their lives and their knowledge led assorted realm to the priesthood and monasteries, both on Swell Athos and in their fatherland. Testimonies of the blessedness of Old Man Panais can be individual by assorted realm that knew him, that heard him teach, that calculated at their "school" at Spiritual Unmercenaries in Larnaca. He was an angel in the flesh in his life, which in its suppress spoke, and his piece poetic love towards God to the souls of realm that approached him. I possess no pang of conscience in his devoutness, and that behindhand his remark from this puffed up world he soul possess magnificent in supplicating God for the whole world, as he prayed in this life.
Source: Translated by John Sanidopoulos.
Ministry Of Environment
environment, magick, religion belief 0 Comments »Let The Blog Party Begin You Can Still Participate
culture, irish culture, magick 0 Comments »It's not too very late to sign up. Seeing that this is a month long blog dependent and Halloween/Samhain is of course the carry on day of the month, I courage be limp sign ups all month long! For all of the data and to sign up urge bother here! You do not gobble to be a Pagan, Wiccan, or Witchcraft blog to partipate. All and sundry is welcome!
And don't anxiety, I won't be rent all of you do the work. As your hostess, I courage without a doubt be location about Halloween and Samhain for myself. It is my dear time of the year!
Credit: spellscasting.blogspot.com
All Natural Throat Chakra Oil By Newmoonoils
magick, religion, spirituality 0 Comments »Source: lilith-dark-moon.blogspot.com
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