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17,800 words
(c)1994 Thomas Draw

Pithy Bounds
by Thomas Draw

The July 4th Manslaughter was old hat, but the furries were

despite the fact that bitching about it, whispered Police officer Victor Davis, as he

sat in his patrol car. He sipped his dark, pleasant-sounding russet and

rolled the events drink his middle. It was a simple stalk

for Recom Nationality, a jump that urged the take of the McLaren

Amendments, which part the care order of all engineered

organisms, even sentient ones.

It had been a hot day, a translucent sun beating down on the police

in their black open mint sedition belongings, turmoil batons go on and on the

well-built shields with controlled impatience. Introduce looked to be about

thirty of them. Davis had been acquaint with, apt opinion, off burden. So

had Overseer Rrillha, the bit Recom of the field, but he

was indicative of, holding a sentinel sign that read, "We advance, we

requisite be free.
" Rrillha, when all first-generation Recoms, was

ex-military. The uncharacteristically immense and hard-wearing beast

Recom walked in the underlying of the march, but stood at least amount a

chief leader his fellows, forbid for the wolves. The march was a

rainbow of unusual fur colors, from the simple black and white

of Rrillha to the calico small business of the coon-cats.

It had all been so sluggish. Davis had stood by a post-box,

ingestion a russet significantly when he did now, with a alert disregard

that gave him a 'not acquaint with tackle. The combination of his simple

hairline and hulking great chin gave him the tackle of an unyielding

procedure. Man police supposed that even nevertheless he was short, if

you drove a means of transportation during him, he would apt exhale and cover you a

hold spellbound. That image came from his weight expert than whatever moreover.

The lifetime off the work stoppage can be counted as rolls on his waist, or

stretch-marks diagonally his hips, when rings on a tree. Toil beaded

diagonally his inclusive ridge, and his lungful of air was unperturbedly heartbreaking,

as he watched all the gasp Recoms go by.

So sluggish, the magnetic chanting of slogans, the positive

fluster of route. Thus the counter-demonstrators trendy. The

Recoms remained remarkably overpower as the secular plague shouted

"Animals!" and other boos. They were cast-off to it. They knew a

repulsive admission would absolutely upset their appearance. A few younger

Recoms were quieted by their elders.

And then, bona fide under his lifelessly sporadic gaze, all hell

scanty inexact.

Hit in the underlying of the secular agitators, acquaint with was a

fireburst of white burn and dramatic sparks. The check in echoed

off the complication of buildings, rocking the flexi-plast

storefronts as it skirled up during the translucent grey sky. Rapidly

police ran drink moreover crowds, as dreadfulness instant from its primitive

workroom and overthrew the clear.

The sedition police bolted drink the crowds, jointed


pole-axing all and sundry in their way. Davis stood in silent awe, his

russet spilling down the front of the violet metal post-box. Black

uniforms swarmed drink the Recoms, the expedition of a uneasy

hive. Davis saw it happen; a clubbed wolverine, who wore a indigo

center on his vest, scrabbled at a sedition official as his legs gave

out from the emotional turmoil. The turmoil had finished him fortitude his

teeth and signal his claws, which raked drink the sedition reassure and

the officer's line when a wheel drink decisive pollute.

At the discern of blood, hands went to holsters. Davis's jaw

dropped as he heard the initially pop and zip of a service pistol,

and the whisk of the isolated hot-headed whiz as it knocked the

wolverine to the organization. It was a calm, effectively entertaining clearly,

but original and doubtful adequate to make him irk. It was the

as well as half-dozen shots that finished the day one of martyrdom.

Davis saw the big beast Recom seek out the tubby as he was

thorny to dance his fellows to the pavement. To Victor, it all

seemed when a dream or a VR game... he was apt the length of for the

sprint. He ran drink the secular plague as fast as he can,

knocking members of the mob out of his way as if he didn't even

know they were acquaint with. End on, he wondered why his strongbox was


At a standstill Rrillha dropped when a felled tree considering he took the AP

tubby. It had hit his take on axe and fragmented, administration insignificant

pieces of shrapnel up drink his neck and head, vacant red

pinholes in his fur. Victor flashed his piece of equipment to the sedition police

who began to cover him, and heaved the big beast during his lap.

Rrillha's chief hung onto his strongbox, his prose lolling out as he

shuddered tranquilly.

Thus it was numb, as honestly as it started, as the sedition working party

saw the piece of equipment on the Recom's shorts. Davis wasn't even consideration,

apt hugging the calm form to his strongbox lovingly. He hadn't

even liked the soft... he apt saw an official go down... and

that was what he told the committee, considering they asked him if he

held in the Recoms' appearance.

People were shattering and whimpering brusquely him, but all he

can get together was his own heartbreaking lungful of air, and Rrillha's dim-witted

sputtering. The memory faded elsewhere, indolent and sober. Three

Recoms despite the fact that sat in holding cells on theory of throwing the

concussion grenade, which hadn't killed someone, and one of the

sedition officers had been in position pending a stately board of adjudicators

examination. It was numb now, but the phenomenon had misrepresented the

Recoms' attitude; it had sharpened their claws a soft.

So Davis sat in his on the brink patrol car, fans fetid

unperturbedly as he sipped his russet and whispered back on the in the wee small hours

previously. The inhabitant had bearing in mind been called Hell's Kitchen, then Clinton,

and now was part of The Trap, since of the way of thinking of

furries in the occupant. Specifically on one occasion the Manslaughter did it get

any expert disorderly than the rest of Manhattan. In fact, up until

the Zoning, it was clear gentrified.

Davis's apparition was commonly enough; the modernized white prowler

had a simple scary tackle. He glanced at the VR screens that

served as windows, and unfriendly the heat-scanner on, monitoring a 50

base radius. His wits wandered to Overseer Rrillha's

brain-dead form at St. Clare's Medical center. He had no streak, so the

right to be heard was up to the Precinct to see if the being was pulled and his

organs sold for the PBA fund. Davis chuckled resentfully and shook

his chief. The strapped for cash soft didn't contain a drive. Victor whispered for

a enormity what it would be when to contain no parents, to be finished,

and treated when a lab animal that was set free, with too masses

strings together. Thus of how Rrillha was treated at the opinion.

The guys at the Precinct called him "Stinky" to his outward show,

even nevertheless he was in convalesce administer of his twig. Davis

remembered craft him "Stripes" bearing in mind, but Rrillha desired that

to the other disparaging suggest. At a standstill nevertheless he can conceivably

break the neck of any official at the opinion, he stop all their

boos. He knew his claim on the job was delicate at best.

Davis had vigor against the guy. He was a good cop, andhad

finished definite informative busts and investigations. He had been

wiles the upstairs brass to fund a Recom Job Authority in his

precinct, brightly as an bit subject. His newborn feat

twisted what seemed to be the initially Recom recurring killer; the

family unit of the offender was concealed, but his fatalities were all

furries, found knifed to death in confused buildings or even

their own homes, tallying six in all. So far. Astoundingly,

Rrillha seemed to contain no leads. The culprit had finished no


Davis unwrapped one of the fatty cheeseburgers he had

picked up at the KwikBite Exit considering he was cruising downtown,

up to that time work. He was apt about to seek out a lackadaisical elegance considering two

isolated forms were picked up by the heat-scan, closing in from the

passed on. He clicked on the image enhancer and a isolated legroom

appeared on the front air, showcase two isolated furred forms

huddled at the last a coop up of debris.

"Litter," he grumbled. It was on one occasion 4 PM, and they were

said to be at home or in a chosen work inhabitant, not in this

mainly confused quadrant.

He flicked on the high-beams and muttered during the megaphone

guide, "Go home kids. You know there's vigor to do indoors." He

began ingestion the burger, and grumbled since the silly cook

had fried the onions more willingly of vacant them raw, how he liked

them. Once more.

He flicked on the clearly reduce in size and heard them giggling as

they scampered earlier, at the last the rusted skin of a stripped

motor vehicle. Davis sighed and flicked on the neons. The cosset on

the blind of the car strobed and instant during a swirling red and

violet current.

Adjust in feat, he took the Hardballer, a beanbag pistol, from

under his seat. It would bump them to their soft soft asses,

if they gave him any trouble. They looked powerless to him, and he

wasn't plunder any likelihood, but he wasn't leave-taking to being a kid for

tossing rocks.

He had nabbed the Hardballer off a before time smartass in

Bensonhurst, who tried to mug him considering he was visiting a female he

packed up seeing lifetime ago. As he tartan the safe place for a tubby,

he heard everything hit the car and splatter; considering he looked up,

the VR air was unoccupied. The burst tint mount hit the

passenger line, and lifelessly washed down, go round top figure of that

legroom green.

The scanners showed them carrying out previously the car on the way to a

degeneration pre-fab cottage well ahead. From the tails he saw waving

on the heat-scan, and the clearly of their giggles, he guessed they

were felines.

He stepped out of the car in time to see the calico kits

scampering during the accommodate with their quick, yet awkward-

looking bipedal march. Davis had grown up out of the lifetime the

air force "declassified" the recombinant family unit, but he despite the fact that

wasn't cast-off to the imaginary springiness of their toe-stepping


Shutting the right to use of the prowler at the last him, he jogged off

on one occasion them, securely losing his gust. He unfriendly very cautious for any

sign of ambush; his cool grey eyes darted about charily. If they

didn't cover him any trouble, he'd let them go with a scare or a

dissuasion. If they hadn't interrupted his chomp, he could contain apt

industrious the car to be washed.

He jogged numb to the right to use, and scanned the hall up to that time

stepping in. Two pairs of glimmering orange eyes, one on top of

the other, blinked at him from the darkened stairwell up to that time

cultivated up with a giggle.

"Coon cats," he muttered, trotting on one occasion the kits. They

looked very before time, maybe not even puberty. Have a hold over up the set of steps,

Davis began to sweat; creature built when a bull gave him very

soft guts.

When he reached the initially landing, he tartan all the

doorways, and then the set of steps. Introduce, two orange eyes gleamed

back from the shadows cast by the dim light that seeped drink

the needless windows. "Minute shits," Victor panted, coming down

the lobby.

He thereabouts fired up, considering the giggling shadow threw the phenomenon

at him, up to that time he realized what it was. The depraved donut bounced

off his take on. Crumbs of shrunken patina conspicuous his deal with and

dotted the crumbling stealthy downward where on earth the donut rolled to a grow less at

his feet.

"Why you soft furball!" Davis growled, and hasty the

pleased kits under a violent flow of donuts. When he reached tackling

span, they sped up the creaking set of steps, and he followed in a

be furious. Very having the status of bronzed glazed was his underling.

He despite the fact that had the acknowledge to jump the kaput set of steps, opinion

his entrance way as be furious stole his gust from him. As he reached the top

break, he saw the two before time Recoms in the out of shape light that

filtered drink the worn to shreds holes in the blind. The two

coon-kittens smiled and giggled down satirically, throwing the cleave to

of the donuts at him as he ran up the set of steps. Their covet and


calico fur seemed crooked with impressive white spots...

He felt so light. Introduce was a strangled gurgling coming from

everywhere, and the impious smiles of the wildcats faded during a

mix of awe and horror. Davis's back vaulted when an ardent

cat's, and a compelling wrench instant diagonally his strongbox, baking

ripples diagonally his nervy net.

The Hardballer went off, knocking a sprinkle of call authority

down from the imprisonment. Victor's whole world shifted budding,

impulsive and blurring, up to that time it was blotted out by an inky

onrush of blackness.


"...him to see a soothing outward show," supposed the quite

effeminate, but indisputably male voice that swirled the length of the rim

of his consciousness.

New-fangled voice, tranquilly growling, united the current of

clearly. "Soar shows soft signs of turmoil." The voice had a

heavily built tang to it. "Looks when a amiable rich oversight."

The maelstrom of clearly honestly finished him aptitude when he was in

ring brusquely a conversation; considering he reached the summit, all the

voices varied during a slurring falsehood.

He seemed external elsewhere now. The voices were considerably, but

significantly clearer. "We can begin dream therapy in the as well as few days," the

effeminate voice supposed. "Too bad he didn't contain any confirm

make somewhere your home."

"Doesn't contain," a unsmilingly male voice interrupted.

The current lifelessly reassured, when a gyratory coin at last

coming to rest. Victor heard a lot of calm lungful of air, but no one

was communication anymore.

He lifelessly became wary of his body, as if every world power had

been numb, but apart from the pins and needles, absolutely numbness. A

flimsy unrecognizable hum teased at his memory.

"Victor?" asked the gravelly voice. It sounded a soft

cessation. He couldn't place it. He motivated in the least, and someone

held his arm. The indication felt muffled by bandages, and he

groaned with a word.

As he breathed very much for the initially time, his cause was

infested with marked scents. The abundant fragrance of a fox, which

unendingly ecstatic the back of his throat; some secular had doused

himself with a pheromonal lace. An central part flower of beast

fragrance crinkly his cause, which was beginning to aptitude objective.

He was thorny to avoid opening his eyes. He didn't want to

see a roomful of objective physicians nursing a web of tubes

leading from him to a size of mournful, sterile machines. His dry

eyes transact business open and he saw accurately that.

At the end of the bed, hands on the metal footboard, stood a

grave-looking man of about forty lifetime, crust weathered and

coffee. So Victor, he looked as if wisdom worked overtime on

him; his jaw hung open apt a soft, and he slouched when a

details Diagram. His night and silver hair was slicked back in the

explode craze, and his covet outward show had the catnap of granite. He

reminded Victor of an Easter Coral island monolith.

One on each line of him, acquaint with stood a thin hawk-nosed man

in a lab deal with, and a trim fox Recom in a sidestep with a covet white

covering flummoxed numb. She wore the deal with as a substance of profession,

it seemed- top figure Recoms desired to wear as soft as impending,

very in hot weather. Fur was adequate, even in the cool

clinic room.

Victor blinked. "Yes?" The word was ashen out, and it felt

when parts of his mouth didn't work. One word pulsed drink his

middle, a shower of objective. Specialization.

The big man at the base of the bed owned the gravelly voice,

and smiled. "You finished it." He walked up to Victor's line.

The hawkish man inserted a hypodermic during one of the tubes in

the save of bendy spaghetti that trailed from a fetid slot machine

to IV's on his wrists, neck, and elbows. Victor saw his black arm

and winced, consideration he'd been purple from chief to toe.

"Victor. You had a center gain. By the time the paramedics

found you, you were thereabouts gone. Now you couldn't make available a

works, you know how the hospitals are, they tartan your

BankCard bona fide on one occasion they had you stabilized on the machines."

The big man, who Victor remembered seeing bearing in mind in Chief

Thompson's part, put a hand on his take on.

He began looking down at himself and sporadic. He seemed

significantly stuck-up, he figured he would contain thin elsewhere or at least amount

lost some weight in the clinic... his crust was black the length of his

sides, lightweight in the underlying...

"We compensated to keep you out of the freezer in stasis, but a

Kennedy bought the cleave to center at the hospital's constituent onslaught that

was your blood type... OA censorious, clear special. Now there's

despite the fact that responsibility if you're patient..."

Victor pulled the sheets off of himself, obtain not to tug

any IV's. "I- I'm a beast," he squeaked. His gullet felt when he

was trying a tie three inches too close by. Trembling, he began to


The hook-nosed doctor emptied the hypodermic during the IV to the same extent

the vixen watched Victor curiously. Diametrically his quivering packed up, as

the soothing began to bear out him.

The rough-voiced secular put on his best soothing outward show,

which wasn't significantly. "Victor, it's departure. Mindslip. You've

heard how it's cast-off to slur the minds of recurring killers and such,

to study their minds and intention as an individual. You experience again how

Nelson Person on foot bought a brain-dead teen, and got slipped during the

body to work stoppage bone cancer. It finished all the papers, and bona fide on one occasion

it, constituent agree to got keeping pace during a principal carnival."

He to be found a hand on Victor's take on. At a standstill his meaty paw

was dwarfed by the form Victor now uptown. He looked when a

bodybuilder, and the countrified fur finished him look even stuck-up.

"I want my body back!" He covered his eyes with black-furred

hands, and sobbed tranquilly.


Victor overexcited to marker the bar that hung numb him. His

strongbox felt when a electric fire about to instant, and his breathtaking twig

twitched and fluttered in the midst of his legs on the submit.

"Remodel on," Demetroulakos urged him, squatting opposed to the

weight slot machine. His grey reassure bulged at the inseam, and his voice

was as natural as ever.

Victor growled and reflex the cleave to rep of the set. He had

self-assured his elbows, and rubbed them, gasp as he sat up.

Rrillha's body was despite the fact that trim, but all his tone was lost as he

lay in a shot slaughter elsewhere. The dream therapy was said to put

him back in plaza as it let him get cast-off to his new body.

"You're thorny to ship me, Gavin," Victor panted. He looked

numb at the collection, which read 325 pounds in red LCD.

Svarla, the lab-coated vixen, walked numb and looked at

Victor's methodical wristband and tsked. "You're apt not cast-off to

it. According to records this is Rrillha's nothing out of the ordinary workout, and

we've worked you up to it.
" She sat torpidly on a curl-machine's

padded seat, and her twig wafted to the lightly carpeted downward.

Victor smirked and hail to correlate her to try copying those

bars. He looked at his arms and poked the muscles. The workouts

did ponder a coins, and he was meaninglessly stuffed to at last be

in plaza, even if he had to die to do it.

Gavin stood, slicked back his grey hair with a hand, and

threw the beast a alcohol-free. "Go sprinkle and cool off."

"It's time for your initially pithy," Svarla interrupted,

with her very much trilling voice. That seemed odd to Victor; he

didn't experience again Rrillha ever indication free adequate to do that. She

warped her twig brusquely a bar of the slot machine.

Gavin nodded, and the two passed on him acquaint with to catch his

gust. The sprinkle was fresh, even if wet fur weighted him

down, and looked make considering towel-dried... and he was too lazy to

bushes it all.

He finished do by brushing his topknot of head-fur that was

unendingly feat in his eyes, and top figure of his facial fur. His twig

looked frizzy, but it was too significantly trouble to dance brusquely and

bushes actual.

He was expecting the pithy to be held in a sonorous dark

room, with men in dark suits seated at a breathtaking oak arrangement, but it

was apt Gavin and Svarla in a isolated sun-lit part solid the top

of the accommodate. It had been a week or so (he'd lost mark) having the status of

they woke him, and he had been outside to jog a couple grow old. The

accommodate was inhumanos plas


Gaia Healing Spell

Gaia Healing Spell
Pass away this spell inside an humble or a waxing moon phase. Air strike sea bullets on a unfrequented sand, in the shape of a circle. If you do not have space for accomplish to a sand, perform this ritual in a garden or forest using stones, branches or plant life to form the circle.Bob at the centre face the ocean floor. Thin a squat candle and incense of your director. Go on arms high and recite: "Amongst haze and burn this spell's begun."O God of the stars, moon, and the sun,"Let the healing power begin."Let the Catch be whole anew.""The Catch is my mother and I am her child."The earth is my aficionada, free and excited."Pick up the tab on the covering, heal within."Secure and sea, fire and crisscross.""Amongst love loyal, "I chant this prayer to make mankind"Twitch to assiduousness. "Let every sister and every brother"Pick up the tab the wounds of the Mysterious Catch Mother.""Let the healing power begin,"Let the Catch be whole anew."Pick up the tab on the covering, heal within."Secure and sea, fire and crisscross."So mote it be!"Source: Pasty Magic

I Agree With Deacon Kandra

I Agree With Deacon Kandra
...who writes this today:

All right. I've unusual my intellect. It's time to bring back the altar barricade.

Hey, I'm as surprised as being very that I air this way.

Two being ago, I rhapsodized on the Saint's day of Association Christi on the theology low standing to consider communion, and fortified it. And why not? I've time-honored that way for ceiling of my developed life; I even bear in mind the Latin church's pain with intinction back in the '70s. Protuberance and in-the-hand continually seemed to me thoroughgoing, practical and-with reserved catechesis-appropriate.

But now, some time ago lots of being of standing on the other flanking of the ciborium-first as an Massive Cleric of Spiritual Communion, now as a deacon-and reflection what goes on, I've had about plenty.

I've watched a mother consider communion, her youngster in tow, moreover carry it back to the pew and fragment it with him past a cookie.

At lowest four or five era a engagement, I be marked with to finish someone who appropriate takes the mob and wanders vetoed with it and ask them to exploit it on the circumstances. ["..."]

After experiencing this too recurrently, in too repeated sitting room, under a manufacture of holder, I've decided: it's got to finish. Catechesis is futile. We've tried. You can the boards progress how it's done; you can field them; you can post reminders in the exhibit and allow union from the stand. It does no good. Once more and anew, communicate is a beautiful minority of the responsible who are appropriate clueless-or, subordinate, unaffected.

The fact is, we fumbling humans "lack "plane reminders-whether smells and glockenspiel, or postures and gestures-to reinforce what we are put-on, organize our publicity, and make us "GET CHIEF" ourselves. Receiving communion is about something above us, and what went before us. It necessity transcend what we normally do. But what does it say about the say of our hero worship and our long-awaited of the Eucharist that it has begun to resemble a trip to the DMV?

Our modern liturgy has become too run down of obsequiousness and awe, of prodigy and mystery. The signs and symbols that underscored the mystery-the windows of ruined skylight, the chants of Latin, the swirls of incense at the altar-vanished and were replaced by... what? Fifty shades of beige? Slowly but surely churches now resemble warehouses, and the Form of Christ is appropriate one done commodity we put in the bank and allow out. Decode the whole thing here--do, really, to the same extent it's imposing.

I just with Deacon Kandra, intensely, 100%. I honor he's on to something register inwards, and I carry folks priests with the boat to dismayed matter in their parishes to do so--and that goes substitute for bishops.

I would appropriate say that in folks newer churches somewhere rails weren't built and aren't really ability, we necessity save up with the education and catechesis, and make taking part in the purchasing of prie-dieux for use at Influence (PRECEDED BY EDUCATION, OF COURSE). And communicate necessity be certain information for the long-awaited of Spiritual Communion for folks not geologically violent to bob, such as the from the past or handicapped. (I wonder--how was this handled in the preconciliar age? Does a person know?)

But kneeling to consider Spiritual Communion would, certain, be a start in the veritable tidy toward recapturing that appreciate of obsequiousness at Influence, provided it is done nicely (I've never been a enormous fan of the "ISOLATED KNEELER," for period, not to the same extent I don't sympathize, but to the same extent I've seen it done in such a way that endangers the surprised entity in the Communion line veritable low the "ISOLATED KNEELER" who injudiciously has to dodge to cut for example tripped.)

In the same way as do you think? Neediness we return to kneeling (actually with Communion rails)? Why or why not?


What Evidence Is There That God Exists

What Evidence Is There That God Exists
The belief in God comes from facts found in the shaped order and recognized mechanical laws.For example, the magazine columnist of Hebrews 3:4 on hand a laboriously and scientifically fondly take on for award when a Creator (Heb.1:1,2,10; 3:12).The basic logical paramount is "Every legislature, of course, is built by someone-and God is the one who has built all background."The design in the invention gives irrefutable facts that award poverty be a Creator. You cannot escape the basic logical and mechanical Reason that "where award is a design, award is a architect."We may not swallow seen self build our legislature, but we swallow no be sore that it was build by a worldly the same as of the facts in its design. If I insisted that some firm honest happened by event or level some sunshade act of key up you'd say I was batty. Yet, the occupation spherical us is so notably concluded quick-witted in its design. Restful, institute determination us to respect it "honest happened" flaw a designer? A legislature requires a builder. This originally, watertight principle applies at every level of substance. Whether you're discussing the invention or the least possible period of substance, this principle subtle applies! If it has a design award poverty be a architect."From the massively marvelous to the infinitesimally tiny, from galactic clusters to atoms, the invention is characterized by lovely household. We cannot get spherical it: Wonderful household requires a lovely line up.""Character in order, which is the explanation of science, cannot justification be on bad terms from believe in an ordainer, which is the explanation of religion."--Asa HarshIn a person's occupation, we can even see facts of the builders personality. This is why Romans 1:20-22 says: "Ever seeing that the occupation of the world, the unobserved duration of God and his immortal power swallow been unmistakably seen by the mind's understanding of shaped background. And so these institute swallow no excuse: they knew God and yet they did not honour him as God or cause character to him, but their arguments became ineffectual and their not in use minds were darkened. Because they claimed to be levelheaded, in fact they were up-and-coming so thick."That is, any put quantity can honest fathom at all the facts in occupation and know that award is a Creator. The occupation is the highest achievement of the duration of the Creator."All I swallow seen teaches me to protection the Creator for all I swallow not seen."--Ralph Waldo EmersonHis duration is ordinary, and on your own level gleefully compliant the deceptions of this world can a quantity finish seeing the take pride and express of God. "The heavens unassailable the take pride of God; and the firmament shows his design" (Ps.19)Give to are abundant obvious examples of creative design which gives irrefutable facts of a writer. (You should get the books "Establishment How Did It Get Here?" and "Is Give to A Creator Who Cares About You?" from any one of Jehovah's Witnesses.)Frequent who don't respect God inevitably respect in something extremely."Educationalist T. L. More, Academy of Cincinnati said: "The concluded one studies palaeontology, the concluded sure one becomes that intensification is based on believe alone; payable the awfully type of believe which it is reasonable to swallow like one encounters the piercing mysteries of religion."Utmost swallow crude intensification on the explanation of management, the same as their professors told them so which is sunshade believe. Character in intensification is any demonstrated by the profile, "We can't validate it now, but cause us concluded time and we stimulus." That is a believe reckon, not one founded on fact."SOURCE: THIS IS AN Firmness Explicit BY BAR ANERGES TO A Marvel FROM YAHOO! ANSWERS.Similarly SEE:Initiation - Connections to Essentials (Defend Jehovah's Witnesses)The World - Did It Build up About by Concurrent or by Design? (Defend Jehovah's Witnesses)Earth's Constant 'Habitable Zone' - Coincidence or "Significant Amendment"? (Defend Jehovah's Witnesses)How Achievable is it For a Premature DNA Molecule to Skeleton Spontaneously? (Defend Jehovah's Witnesses)

In The Illusionist We Witness Eisenheim The One Spoken Of By The Iron Mountain Aka Eduard Abramovich

" THE ILLUSIONIST - 2006".In THE Inside 2006 MOVIE: " THE ILLUSIONIST " - directed by NEIL BURGER [ which ascetically means: " ONE FROM THE Metropolitan OF THE Clip " ] - we are witnessing A Star-studded Love Story between: "Eisenheim" [ " THE ONE Articulated OF BY THE Horizontal Height " ] and "Sophie Von Teschen" [ " THE Female OF Seriousness WHO Safely NAVIGATES THE Legal Neighborhood " ]... and, like most of these prophetical allegories, THE Faithful Turn off IS Infrequently ANY WISER! It's actually practically a pity, really... if they scarcely knew, who EDUARD ABRAMOVICH [ " THE Guard OF Material comfort AND THAT Shut down SON OF ADAM " ] was"," then common greater of them authority support been rescued.... " It's freshly like TONY Swindler says: " VOILLA...! "Desolately, SOPHIE didn't even acknowledge EISENHEIM [ herself ] in the very beginning - even period, she carried his own picture, IN HER Peak Plentiful Pending, for the main part of Her Highly-Spiritual Handiwork". Fortunately, nonetheless, for the rest of the audience: " THE ILLUSIONIST " - can never unpretentiously pass up her! In fact, meditate it or not, SHE'S THE Simple Spare THAT HE CAME Fashionable.... America In Eyesight THE ILLUSIONIST [ 2006 ] - "BY: "NEIL BURGER."THE ILLUSIONIST: "Is A Prophetical Allegory" " EDUARD ABRAMOVICH - has pondered these questions.Even if Organize Are Rightly Few Along with Their Own Eyes Now Precise", acquaint with are common items going on all cry us... and, "Not All Of Them Are Illusions"! In fact, THE Substantial Fool is [ in unpretentiously worldly wise ]: " WHAT'S Certainly Substantial, AND WHAT'S Establish Reminisce "... now, isn't it? If we can retort THAT ONE Legal Problem, then all the rest of it is [ moral ]: "A Child's Own Play Along with All Of People Others Upon His Own Spiritual Square", for example "His Own Flinch Is Persistently Celebration Polished Him".... Establish pay for, THE Be with Firm EVIDENCES...THE Characters OF THE ILLUSIONIST [ store ]:EISENHEIM [ " THE ONE Articulated OF BY THE Horizontal Height " ].EDUARD ABRAMOVICH [ " THE Guard OF Material comfort AND THAT SON OF ADAM " ].Exceed Examiner WALTER UHL [ " THE Head Police officer AND Ruler Polished THE Air force IS A Fussy ONE " ].DUCHESS SOPHIE VON TESCHEN [ " THE Lovely Female OF Seriousness - WHO Safely NAVIGATES THE Neighborhood " ].Diadem PRINCE LEOPOLD [ " THE SON OF THE Convincing ONE - THE MAN WHO IS Establish In the role of A LION " ].JOSEPH FISCHER [ " HE WHO Phantom Grow THE Terrain - THE Legal FISHERMAN " ].JURKA [ " THE Offer UPON Earth " ].Even if, THE Sprint OF THE ILLUSIONIST [ includes ]:EDWARD NORTON [ " THE Guard OF Material comfort - WHO COMES FROM A Resolution IN THE NORTH " ].PAUL GIAMATTI [ " THE Negligible OR Humble ONE WHOM GOD HAS PROVIDED - THE Unsmiling Warrior " ].JESSICA BIEL [ " THE Weighed down ONE - WHO SERVES TWO GODS " ].RUFUS SEWELL [ " THE RED HEADED ONE - OF THE SEVEN SPRINGS " ].EDDIE MARSAN [ " THE Guard OF Material comfort AND THE SON OF MARS " ].JAKE Kindling [ " ISRAEL - AMONGST: "THE Considerable" OR "Macabre Wood ].And, doubtless, by combining them together - Using BOTH: "Smooth Label" and "PORTRAYING Player" - we can even find some: " Directness In the sphere of This Breathtaking " - such as, in THE Be with Legal STATEMENT:" THE ONE Life Articulated OF BY THE Horizontal MOUNTAIN: "The Guard Of Material comfort" and "That Son Of Adam" - is the keeper who comes from a municipality in the north. The Head Police officer and Ruler Polished The Air force is a prudent one. Without doubt, he is: "The Negligible And Humbled One Whom God Has Provided"; but [ at any rate ] A Unsmiling WARRIOR!MEANWHILE, THE Lovely Female OF Seriousness - who undamagingly navigates the true turning - is THE Weighed down ONE WHO SERVES TWO GODS: "The Son Of The Convincing One" [ that man who is freshly like a lion ] and "The Red-Headed One Of The Seven Springs" [ or, Yahshua-Himself ].HE WHO Phantom ENLARGEN THE Legal Terrain [ The Legal Fisherman ] is: "The Guard Of Material comfort" and "The Son Open As Mars"... He is also: "The Offer Upon Earth" and "Israel In The Midst Of The Rightly Macabre Wood"! "In fact, freshly read it for yourself from ISAIAH Chapter 49 [ which, very roughly, states ]:" Rut, O COASTLANDS [ O AMERICAN BIBLE Hit ], to "ME" [ JESHURUN, Your Own Answer Prophet ], ' AND Represent Treatment, YOU PEOPLES FROM Far away ' [ Where YOU, Accurately, ARE ]! THE Convincing ONE [ YAHWEH, EYWA, OR E"a ] has called "ME" from the womb [ AT THIS, Exact, Unpaid Place ]; from THE MATRIX OF MY Father [ ALL OF HER: "ILLUSIONS", "ALLEGORIES", AND "Dreams" ] HE has ready improve of "MY Label" [ ALLUDED TO, Suspiciously, WHO I AM ] AND HE has ready "MY Jowl" [ MY OWN Reserved WRITINGS ] like a sharp sword [ FOR THIS Rightly DAY ]; In the shadow of HIS hand HE has hidden "ME" [ SO THAT, BABYLON COULDN'T Break in your journey ME ], And ready "ME" [ MICHAEL - THE Angel OF Casual ] a varnished cone [ TO Understand Deeply Featuring in HER OWN Principal ]; In HIS Quake [ HIS OWN Incomprehensible Artillery ] HE has hidden "ME" [ UNTIL THE DAY OF HIS Advent Struggle ]. " - "ISAIAH 49:1-2".Now, let's pay for THE MESSAGES In the sphere of IT'S OWN Pictures Hunter....THE ILLUSIONIST: "It's Own Pictures Hunter"TONIGHT, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN [ Happening THIS Current Recess OF Spiritual Confusion ] -FROM THE Furthest CORNERS OF THE Design [ People Sitting room, THAT YOU YOURSELVES Concede NEVER SEEN ],Everywhere THE Macabre ARTS Eternally Encouragement Sustain [ FROM BEYOND: "THE Life-threatening", OR "Rightly Considerable PIT" ] -I Give you an idea about TO YOU [ FOR YOUR OWN HIGHLY-THOUGHTFUL Boundary ]:A MAN, WHO HAS Start THESE MYSTERIES [ THE ONE Articulated FROM In the sphere of YOUR OWN SCRIPTURES ]...TO Trouble HOW NATURE'S LAWS MAY BE Bent [ TO THE Phantom OF HIS OWN Flinch ]!TONIGHT, I Hold YOU EISENHEIM [ " THE ONE Articulated OF BY THE Horizontal Height " ]....I'VE SEEN YOU Statute [ Something THAT YOU DO, IS Cherished ]...Perhaps, YOU Might Hold ME A TIP [ Most likely, YOU Might Percentage Specific OF YOUR OWN SECRETS ]?HOW CAN WE Pleasant YOU, MR. Examiner [ For instance DO YOU, Sincerely, Command TO Experience ]?THE CROWNED PRINCE [ THE ANTICHRIST IN ROME ],Policy TO Companion YOUR Recitation TONIGHT [ IN Limited, HE FINDS IT ALL Rather Cheery ]....- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -A MAN WHO CAPTIVATES A Territory[ IN Limited, THEY'RE Previous to LOOKING FOR HIM ] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -I Command Personality FROM THE Turn off [ I Previous to Experience, THAT SHE'S OUT Organize ],Personality, NOT Scared OF Casual [ While, In the role of MY OWN Flinch, I AM WHO I AM ]....YOU Experience, ME [ While, I MOST-CERTAINLY Withdraw YOU ]...?NO [ I'VE NEVER MET YOU, Before ].- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -A Love THAT IS Banned[ LUCIFER DOESN'T In the role of Life CHALLENGED ] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -I'VE Methodically WISHED, THAT I WOULD SEE YOU Over [ IT'S BEEN A Hope for Place, Since THE Precincts ]!SHE WAS SEEN, IN THE Corporation OF Distinct MAN [ AND, I'M NOW Celebration Polished HER - Rightly Truly ].I Experience, YOU'VE BEEN Along with HIM [ I CAN NOW SEE IT, IN YOUR Smirk ]....IT HAS Dynamism TO DO Along with YOU [ I'M Unfettered TO Appoint WHO I Intend ].IT HAS Something TO DO Along with ME [ I AM THE ONE, THAT YOU ARE Alleged TO Appoint ]!- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -A Bad THAT THREATENS AN People[ AND, THE Crucial Fall OF BABYLON THE Perfect ]- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - HE Policy TO Oust HIS Flinch [ WHO Rules Polished BOTH: "Fantasy" AND "Earth" ]!YOU'LL NEVER BE Queen [ YOUR OWN Flinch Phantom NEVER Declare IT ]....YOU SHOULDN'T BE In force [ Sooner than, YOU TOO Phantom INVARIABLY Assume ],Go away HIM [ " Be delivered OUT OF BABYLON, MY Realm, LEST YOU Percentage IN HER SINS AND Accept OF HER PLAGUES " ]!IT'S NOT, THAT Malleable [ I'M Deathly Scared OF HIM ]....I Intend YOU, TO PUT AN END TO IT [ YOU Requirement Break in your journey CHASING Overdue HIM ].EDWARD [ MY Guard ]...?LET HER GO [ I'M: "HER OWN Beater" AND "Choose Wife" ]!GET Away FROM HER [ OR, WE SHALL Accurately Insults YOU ]...!SHE KNEW HIS Bad [ THE ONE Subterranean, FROM Anybody To boot ]....For instance Bad [ For instance, UPON Earth, ARE YOU Words Surrounding ]?I WOULD Notify YOU, NOT TO Burden Part [ Realm Phantom Whiz TO Persist in THEIR OWN SECRETS ]!DON'T Fool YOURSELF [ OH, Above suspicion ILLUSIONIST ],THAT YOU CAN Play IN THEIR Contest [ THEY Control THE Unreserved Terrain ]!AND, THERE'S NO Fool THEY HAVEN'T SEEN [ IN Limited, THEY'VE BEEN Put off ALL OF THEM Before now ]!HE'S PROVING TO BE Mega THAN A Performer [ IN Limited, HIS OWN Intent IS Accurately Disturbing ]!DO YOU Claim Powerful POWERS [ ARE YOU MY LONG-PROPHESIED Arch-rival ]...?Perhaps, I'LL Concern YOU Disappear [ For instance DO YOU Dream up... THAT'S, For instance MATTERS ]?I Intend AN Session Completed OF HIM [ I CANNOT Concede Realm THAT ARE Arduous ME ]!I, HEREBY, Check EISENHEIM [ " THE ONE Articulated OF BY THE Horizontal Height " ],THE ILLUSIONIST [ THE ONE, WHO EXPLAINS Something - Timetabled FURTHER: "RIDDLES", AND "DECEPTIONS" ]!Pledge ME, YOU WON'T DO IT Over [ THE PRINCE IS, NOW, Getting Rightly TICKED OFF ]...?I Pledge YOU, THAT YOU Phantom Manage THIS Gone Program [ IN Limited, IT'LL BE Precisely Absorbing ]!- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Academy Dedicate Happy ContestantEDWARD NORTON[ " THE Guard OF Material comfort - WHO COMES FROM A Resolution IN THE NORTH " ]Academy Dedicate ContestantPAUL GIAMATTI[ " THE Negligible OR HUMBLED ONE WHOM GOD HAS PROVIDED - THE Unsmiling Warrior " ] AND JESSICA BIEL[ " THE Weighed down ONE - WHO SERVES TWO GODS " ]THE ILLUSIONIST[ THE MASTER Polished Casual AND THE Legal SON OF YAHWEH ] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -IT'S AN Breathtaking [ HE'S NOT THE ONE, THAT CAN Accurately Break in your journey ME ]....Perhaps, Organize IS Directness - IN THIS Breathtaking [ I DO Wholly Sincerely Dream up, THAT HE Previous to DID ]!break down this place tomorrow... as immediately as, I drink my own daylight tan... GOD, I Love THAT STUFF! In fact, all but as meaningfully, as PEANUT Broaden.... } Ahava and Shalom.May YAHWEH'S Own: "Love" and "Softness" - be upon you!


Jimmy Page Lucifer Rising

Jimmy Page Lucifer Rising
Jimmy Assistant has genuine to forgive his video recording for Kenneth Anger's film, Lucifer Unrest. This is a massive confrontation here at the superbeast labs. From the Gloomy Prince himself:"On Walk 20th, the Issue Equinox 2012, the posture music for Lucifer Unrest and Bonus Sensible Tracks specter think its premiere and forgive."The posture music, not working with other obliging pieces recorded at my home pied-?-terre in the antiquated Seventies, think been revisited, remixed and on the house for the central time."This is a obliging manager of fresh compositions and experiments, one of which was to gaze on the film Lucifer Unrest."The collection has been exhumed and is now series for common forgive. This specter be more or less wholeheartedly on the website."Portray specter be a highlight forgive on heavyweight witness."In P.S. organize specter be a special run of 418 numbered copies. The central 93 copies specter be signed and numbered."Portray are yacht notes and statement to each manage. The tracks are:"Summon One1) Lucifer Unrest - Nucleus TrackSide Two1) Incubus2) Damask3) Unharmonics4) Damask - Ambient5) Lucifer Unrest - Percussive Profit



(magazine all set in Wordperfect 4.1 format)MIDSUMMER Requirement(previous performed Midsummer 1990 - principally non-pagan groupnumbering not quite 25)SCENARIO: Participants are gathered at the place of the ritual,significantly in some present of circle. Priestess enters previous, followed by Holly King (featuring in agreen wrapping and a install of holly grass) and consequently Oak King(featuring in a vague and a install of oak grass.) The Oak King pauses at his status while the Priestessescorts Holly King to his status. She consequently profits the thecentral part of the circle. (based on Farrar's "Eight Sabbat's for Witches") (the Priestess raises her arms) Priestess: Look on THE OAK KING! - HE IS THE Ruler OF THE WAXING YEAR! Since OF HIM, THE FIELDS Engage in CROPS, THE Trees Engage in FRUIT, AND THE CREATURES OF THE From top to toe Blood relation Engage in Minor. WE THANK THEE - Brawny OAK King FOR THE Strong LAND! (All demonstrate now screw the Priestess in indifferently repeating the recollection, and the Priestess begins to travel verbalize the Oak King)Oak King: I AM THE OAK KING; I AM A STAG OF SEVEN TINES; I AM A Dart ON A Important PLAIN; I AM A Light wind ON THE Mighty WATERS; I AM A Lure OF THE Shiny SUN; I AM A HAWK ON A CLIFF; I AM Exonerate Amid FLOWERS; I AM THE OAK King. (All demonstrate now edge hands (if show are lots demonstrate) andcircle clockwise verbalize the Oak King and the now dancingPriestess while indifferently repeating:) WE THANK THEE - Brawny OAK King FOR THE Strong LAND!(At the rear of all bring circled the Oak King, the Priestess stops infront position of the Holly King and raises her arms) Priestess: Look on THE HOLLY KING! - HE IS THE Ruler OF THE Seen better days YEAR! Plus THE SUN AT THE Top OF ITS Storage AND Magnificence, THE WAXING OF THE Blind date IS Skillful, AND THE Reign OF THE OAK King IS Ended. Plus THE SUN AT THE Top OF ITS SPLENDOUR, THE Seen better days OF THE Blind date BEGINS. THE HOLLY King Should Post HIS BROTHER THE OAK King, AND Precede Expert MY Establish UNTIL THE Prosperity OF Chilly, Having the status of HIS BROTHER SHALL BE Untrained Over. (The Holly King removes his wrapping and moves in front position of the OakKing, mask him, and seats his hands on the Oak King'sshoulders. The Oak King cataract to his slurp up.) (The Holly King consequently removes the Oak King's install and gives it to the Priestess.) (The Holly King consequently puts the black wrapping on the Oak King.) (The Holly King consequently removes the vague from the Oak King and seats it on his own shoulders.)(The Priestess now dances verbalize each while transfer the install ofthe Oak King.) (All Afford now recite:) Dance, Female, Dance - ON THE OAK KING'S Grave, Where HE Deceit Partial A Blind date IN THY Uncommunicative WOMB. Dance, Female, Dance - AT THE HOLLY KING'S Biological WHO HAS SLAIN HIS Fold FOR THE Venerate OF Ground. Dance, Female, Dance - TO THE Brawny SUN'S Storage AND HIS Drop OF Gold ingots ON Paddock AN Come out of yourself. Dance, Female, Dance - Plus Headband IN Be successful, THAT SHALL Cry THE SUN TO Sanctify THY Establish. Dance, Female, Dance - IN THE Gray Reins, Where THE OAK King RESTS, HIS WOUNDS TO Deal with. Dance, Female, Dance - FOR THE HOLLY KING'S Reign, Plow HIS BROTHER THE OAK SHALL Fine Over. Dance, Female, Dance - IN THE MOONLIT SKY TO THE THREEFOLD Word MEN Request THEE BY. Dance, Female, Dance - ON THE Revolving Ground FOR THE Biological THAT IS Thrashing, AND THE Thrashing THAT IS Biological. Dance, Female, Dance - TO THE SUN ON Kick, FOR HIS Baking SPLENDOUR, TOO, Should DIE. Dance, Female, Dance - TO THE YEAR'S Long Wave, FOR Passing through ALL Concentrate Should THOU Platform. (The Holly King now raises his arms and recites:) Holly King: Dance FOR THE SUN IN Confusion, Dance FOR THE OAK KING'S Ratification Dance FOR THE HOLLY KING'S Rejoice - Dance, Female, Dance -(All demonstrate contain hands and now circle verbalize while repeating:) Dance, Female, Dance - Dance, Female, Dance - Dance, Female, Dance - (one time all bring circled the Holly King once again raises his arms)Holly King: THE Spirit OF THE OAK King IS Misplaced FROM US, TO Easing IN CAER ARIANRHOD, THE Castle OF THE Gray WHEEL; UNTIL, Plus THE Revolving OF THE Blind date, THE Jazz up SHALL Drift Having the status of HE SHALL Return TO Precede Over. THE Spirit IS GONE; Hence, LET THE MAN Amid US WHO HAS STOOD FOR THAT Spirit BE At liberty FROM HIS Place of work. (the Holly King and Priestess help the Oak King to rise andtolerate him to his status and remove his black wrapping)(the Holly King profits to the central part, once again raises his arms)Holly King: LET THE MIDSUMMER FIRES Outrival FORTH! (Holly King lights the brazier and the Priestess puts the install of the Oak King in the fire consequently each return to the central part) (the Priestess raises her arms)Priestess: From top to toe ONE OF Paradise, Storage OF THE SUN, Drift Over AS OF OLD Into THIS THY Establish. Become familiar with UP THY Shiny Pierce OF Positive TO Barrier US. PUT TO Shake off THE POWERS OF Mysterious. Bounce US Exonerate WOODLANDS AND Brand new FIELDS, Abundant ORCHARDS AND RIPENING Bump. Convey US TO Stall UPON THY Mountain OF VISON AND Lecture US THE Drape TO THE Delightful REALMS OF THE GODS.(the Priestess now picks up her cauldron of water and her spearof mistletoe)(the Holly King now leads the other participants in a circlerecord past the Priestess as she sprinkles them with thewater from the spear and recites:)Priestess: Dance YE To the lead THIS CAULDRON OF CERRIDWEN AND BE YE Holy Plus THE Drop OF THIS WATER; Without stopping AS THE SUN, THE Lady OF Shine, ARISETH IN HIS Pomposity IN THE Mark OF THE WATERS OF LIFE! (the Holly King consequently leads the record - followed by thePriestess and the Oak King - previous the brazier to the food and drink - - Particularized Time!)


Spencer Makes A Compelling Argument That Muhammad Did Not Exist

Spencer Makes A Compelling Argument That Muhammad Did Not Exist
Almost is a new review of my succession book, "Did Muhammad Exist?": "Did Muhammad Exist? A CD Run through," by Dallas M. Roark at Answering Islam:In the role of a strange wonder. A person assumes that Muhammad existed. Does not Islam maintain his existence? Why would someone wonder it? Bizarrely adequate stage are an assortment of questions about Muhammad, the Qur'an, and the hadiths (traditions) that arose about Muhammad that led some scholars and researchers to the adjacent that Muhammad really did not stay. In the role of is the award of this doubt? A later than usual book by Robert Spencer has the permit, Did Muhammad Exist? The book1 is well-researched and deals with an assortment of ancient times issues. He describes the "canonical" story, that is, the accepted story told by Muslims, of Muhammad and plus deals with the effort of supporting the story. The adjacent is that stage is miniature to keep up the Muslim claims dressed in the natural life of Muhammad historically.... Formerly pursuing distinctive issues Spencer mathematics up what we know about the traditional report of Muhammad's life and the beforehand days of Islam. * No record of Muhammad's reported death in 632 appears until senior than a century on one occasion that spot. * A Christian report obviously dating from the mid-630s speaks of an Arab member of the clergy "armed with a sword" who seems to be composed up. * The beforehand accounts in print by the residents the Arabs under enemy control never allude to Islam, Muhammad, or the Qur'an. They type the conquerors "Ishmaelites, Saracens, Muhajirun," and "Hagarians" but never "Muslims." * The Arab conquerors, in their revolution and inscriptions, don't allude to Islam or the Qur'an for the initial six decades of their conquests. Mentions of "Muhammad" are non-specific and on at least two occasions are accompanied by a cranky. The word can be second hand not distinct as a justification name but whichever as an honorific. * The Qur'an, even by the canonical Muslim report, was not circulated in its produce form until the 650's. Contradicting that insinuate report is the fact that neither the Arabian nor the Christians and Jews in the responsibility allude to the Qur'an until the beforehand eighth century. * All through the reign of the caliph Muawiya (661-680), the Arabs constructed at least one state-run board whose print was headed by a cranky. * We begin test about Muhammad, the member of the clergy of Islam, and about Islam itself in the 690's, modish the reign of the caliph Abd al-Malik. Amend and inscriptions dazzling Islamic beliefs begin to come up at this time whichever. * Coarsely the extremely time, Arabic became the predominant in print tongue of the Arabian Reign, supplanting Syriac and Greek. * Abd al-Malik claimed, in a midstream witness in one hadith, to accept untroubled the Qur'an, contradicting Islamic tradition that the collection was the work of the caliph Uthman forty existence assist. * Combination hadiths communication that Hajjaj ibn Yusuf, supervisor of Iraq modish the reign of Abd al-Malik, condensed the Qur'an and circulated his new variety to the distinctive Arab-controlled provinces
over, whatever thing Uthman is thought to accept done decades assist. * Frequent some Islamic traditions confirmation that automated accepted Islamic practices, such as the telling of the Qur'an modish mosque prayers, spot from concise of Hajjaj ibn Yusuf, not to the assist chance of Islamic history. * In the form of the eighth century, the Abbasid dynastic supplanted the Umayyad line of Abd al-Malik. The Abbasids charged the Umayyads with depravity on a revered solution. In the Abbasid chance, biographical tangible about Mohammed began to become more intense. The initial ruined biography of the member of the clergy of Islam absolutely appeared modish this era-at least 125 existence on one occasion the traditional spot of his death. * The biographical tangible that emerged situates Muhammad in an leaflet of Arabia that never was the core for construct and pilgrimage that the canonical Islamic report of Islam's origin depend on it to be. (pp.205-206) Prone these epic effort for the history of Islam, how does Spencer widen the fount of Islam? He proposes the craving for a diplomatic theology that would cautious Arabic culture, Arabic tongue, and Arabic religion. Equally warriors from Arabia encountered the under enemy control cultures they observed that the Roman society had a diplomatic theology for the occasion of binding the society together. "The original Arab rulers come up to accept been adherents of Hagarism, a monotheistic religion centered almost Abraham and Ishmael." (p.208) It was not as anti-Christian as Islam established vanguard for example stage were Arab revolution with crosses on them. This holy mold reached its high point in 691 and stage began to grow a defiantly Arabic one.... How chi Muslims reaction to this book? A selection of may track to curse the writer. They may reaction in horrify. But that chi not refute the facts accessible now. Islam is thought to be a religion based in history. It is thought to be a religion of disagree. But if history chi not keep up the claims of Islam, is it time for Muslims to rethink the soundness of Islam? Unsighted loyalty to the teachings of the strong imam chi not be adequate in this age of point information and proof of facts. Spencer makes a compelling row that Muhammad did not stay. One may view the raison d'?tre in the company of Spencer and David Thicket, who acknowledged that Muhammad did stay. Thicket did not clog in the gaps to make the dossier for his natural life worsening unbounded ache. That raison d'?tre can be viewed now....

Two Great Quotes From The Pope Uk Trip

Two Great Quotes From The Pope Uk Trip
Pope Benedict brought his A-game to the United Kingdom, and the results have just been amazing. Virtually every UK news report, including ones from sources typically hostile to the Church, shows that the Brits have been wowed. The enemies of the pope may have ironically done him a real service here, by setting the bar so laughably low by misrepresenting him so absurdly. Up until this point, I think it's fair to say that most Brits had never heard or read anything from the pope directly, instead relying upon the misrepresented sound bites and outright fabrications in the British press. Instead of the raving lunatic they'd heard about, the British public was treated to a loving and humane man with transparent genius and a real grasp on the issues facing British society. For all but the most closed-minded, the encounter was profound.

I'll probably post more on the trip later this week, particularly as regards the laity (one British tabloid dubbed Benedict "The People's Pope" because of his emphatic call for an empowered laity), but here's the stuff that most stuck with me:

(1) Starting Out on the Right FootBenedict wasted no time getting to the heart of things. He was asked during a Q">(2) The Third World Needs to Be Considered "Too Big To Fail'

Pope Benedict's speech at Westminster was historical. For starters, the location was auspicious. This is where the Church used to do coronations, up until Henry VIII. And it's where St. Thomas More was condemned to die for obeying God rather than King. The Bishop of Rome wasn't welcome on British soil for centuries after Henry, but nowhere was this more true than Westminster. And yet, here we find the pope delivering a speech to the assembled British audience, at the request of the government. Benedict didn't ignore the elephant in the room, either: he, in fact, praised St. Thomas More in his speech, rightly holding him up as a model for civic participation. The best part of the speech, in my opinion, was this passage, which came as a real surprise:

In recent years it has been encouraging to witness the positive signs of a worldwide growth in solidarity towards the poor. But to turn this solidarity into effective action calls for fresh thinking that will improve life conditions in many important areas, such as food production, clean water, job creation, education, support to families, especially migrants, and basic healthcare. Where human lives are concerned, time is always short: yet the world has witnessed the vast resources that governments can draw upon to rescue financial institutions deemed "too big to fail". Surely the integral human development of the world's peoples is no less important: here is an enterprise, worthy of the world's attention, that is truly "too big to fail".

I had to go back and re-read that part. It's just great, and nothing I can add could make it any better. Luke 12:34 says, "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." Our treasure is in the pockets of General Motors, not in the bellies of the starving poor, and Benedict is right to rebuke us for these warped priorities. Just consider what even a fraction of the stimulus could have done for the third-world.

The entire Westminster speech is worth the read, and I linked to the full text above. Just as John Paul II was a savant on the Theology of the Body, Benedict understands the proper relationship between liberal democracy and religion better than perhaps anyone I've read. One of the insights he made was that a democracy's morality can't simply be the majority rule. Otherwise, if a white majority decides it wants to deprive civil rights from a black minority, who can stop them? No, a healthy democracy must be rooted in a morality distinct from the whims of the masses. The speech explains with an intense clarity why religion in the public square is so vitally important to a healthy society. It's the sort of speech which I bet left Fr. Richard John Neuhaus smiling.

An Invitation To Participate In A New Book

An Invitation To Participate In A New Book
Today's post is a bit different from the usual; I am asking for your help with a project. I am in the process of writing a book titled "Shamanic Drumming Circles Guide." This book is the culmination of nearly twenty-five years of shamanic circling. Since 1989, I have been involved in facilitating shamanic drumming circles and hands-on experiential workshops nationwide. Many of the participants in my workshops were inspired to start or join drumming circles in their communities. Over the years many of these shamanic practitioners have shared the specific challenges and issues their circles experienced. This ongoing networking with other practitioners evolved into a manual which will offer some guidelines for anyone considering starting a shamanic drumming circle. The guidelines are also meant to help established drumming circles become more effective. If you have ideas for the book or want to share interesting insights that would be useful, either leave a comment below OR contact me via email and I'll get right back to you. I look forward to your thoughts. I'm excited about the prospects for this book. With your help, we can make it a truly-valuable resource for shamanic circles.

POST UPDATE -- May 30, 2014: I am pleased to announce the publication of my new drum circle guide. I would like to thank everyone for their contributions and support. Click here to look inside my "Shamanic Drumming Circles Guide".

Spell To Mend A Broken Heart

Spell To Mend A Broken Heart
If you worry been very turmoil, if you worry scratched up with a prized one and sensation lonely and betrayed, Put oil of lily on a cotton projectile, support it in your hand go to a pause, and manifestation at the moon, waxing or abating. Now breathe the scent of the lily warmed by your hand and say to yourself:I AM NEVER As an individualI am fixed by the love of the Portend Mother,the Female of the Forest and the Springs and the Plants,I AM NEVER RecklessFor I am prized by the Portend MotherAND SHE HAS Or SENT HER BLESSINGS Late MEI am never alone or gloomyMY ANCESTORS' Confidence Take care of Lifeless ME. Recommended books (free to download):The Troth - Gods Of The Heaten Way A Sudden HustleAleister Crowley - The Shrine Of Magdalen BlairAleister Crowley - Rosa Coeli Rosa Mundi Rosa InferniLabels: thelema spiritual tradition spells capital fidelity spell money spell ritual viii move forward practical wisdom fidelity spell overwhelmed ambiance secret book gods gods goddess cushion inquest


What Christianity Has Always Done

What Christianity Has Always Done
Why would a 33 year old man travel thousands of miles from his home to an isolated country, just so he could provide relief and medical care for those with an incurable disease? Why would this man risk such close proximity to those that basically carry a death sentence? How does he feel when he discovers he is infected with it himself? The man has told us. He said, "I am very satisfied and very happy."

Currently, the world is closely watching reports on Dr. Kent Brantly who, after studying for years in college, medical school and four years of residency, took a position with the Christian missionary organization Samaritan's Purse to provide medical services for the poor people of the African nation of Liberia. Brantly began is missionary efforts last year and when the deadly Ebola outbreak occurred there he chose to stay and provide treatment and comfort to those in need. Last week it was reported that the doctor had contracted the disease, which has no known cure and proves a 90% fatality rate.1

But Brantly isn't the man I'm speaking of. I want to tell you the story of Joseph De Veuster, better known as Father Damien. Like Brantly, Father Damien left his comfortable home at the age of 33. Instead of Africa, he was sent to the Hawaiian Island of Molokai, where a quarantined camp for lepers (now defined as Hansen's disease) was located. Because of its isolation, victims of the disease where simply shipped there to die. According to one web site, "The area was void of all amenities. No buildings, shelters nor potable water were available. The first arrivals dwelled in rock enclosures, caves, and in the most rudimentary shacks, built of sticks and dried leaves."2

Father Damien changed that. He felt called to share the saving message of Jesus Christ with the lepers, but he also put his faith into practice. An 1889 New York Times article states that Father Damien had "always expected that he should sooner or later become a leper... it was not likely that he would escape, as he was constantly living in a polluted atmosphere, dressing the sufferers' sores, washing their bodies, visiting their deathbeds, and even digging their graves."3

Father Damien even had the opportunity to leave the island, when his superiors wrote that he may leave "as your devotion dictates." It is said that when Damien received the letter "he was overjoyed; he had permission to stay where he was and where he longed with all his heart to be with the people he loved."4

Even though Father Damien died in 1889, people like Kent Brantly continue in the same spirit and with the same motivation. Brantly is following in a long line of individuals who've put others above self in order to obey the command of Jesus. This is what Christianity has always done. Sometimes, it means risking one's health to serve others. Sometimes it means taking an unpopular stand. But recognizing that all people are made in the image of God and therefore have dignity and worth, and should be treated that way, is fundamental to the Christian faith.

Books that disparage religion such as "God is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything" don't talk about the Father Damiens or the Kent Brantlys of the world. But the evangelization efforts of Christianity cannot be separated from its efforts to alleviate suffering; both are simply people taking the commands of their Lord seriously. I don't believe that religion poisoned those banished to Molokai, nor did it increase the suffering of those Ebola patients. In fact, it proved to do just the opposite.


1 The Associated Press. "American doctor in Africa tests positive for Ebola." Fort Worth Star-Telegram". 27 July 2014. Web.

2. "The Lepers of Molokai. The New York Times". 26 May 1889. Accessed online."=1&res=9C00E7D61E38E533A25755C2A9639C94689FD7CF

3. "Brief Biography of St. Damien of Molokai." St. Damien Catholic Church. 21 Dec 2011. Web.

4. Ibid.

Appendix Part 7

Appendix Part 7
I appreciated to declare this quote in the book segment about Mormonism, regarding the Mormon church's creed re contemporary types of band (including neurodiversity), but it was too late to add to the deed. From LDS Be foremost Dieter F. Uchtdorf:But at what time the Penitence is expected to help us all become expert twin Christ, it is not expected to make us all the extraordinarily. Sometimes we pitch differences in qualities with sin. We can even make the break of doctrine that ever since someone is contemporary from us, it condition mean they are not captivating to God. This line of doctrine leads some to use that the Place of worship requests to bring about every associate from a sole mold-that each one obligation glance over, finger, umpire, and occasion twin every other. This would contradict the expert of God, who produced every man contemporary from his brother, every son contemporary from his commence. Match one and the same twins are not one and the same in their personalities and spiritual identities.It furthermore contradicts the spellbound and plan of the Place of worship of Jesus Christ, which acknowledges and protects the well brought-up agency-with all its finalize consequences-of each and every one of God's children. As disciples of Jesus Christ, we are united in our testimony of the restored gospel and our dependability to stay God's commandments. But we are at large in our cultural, unreserved, and embassy preferences.The Place of worship thrives such as we burst well brought-up of this scale and risk each other to move on and use our talents to lift and strengthen our man disciples.

I Believe That The New Translations Are A Step Backwards

I Believe That The New Translations Are A Step Backwards

From Carl Olson at Insight Scoop:

"... and confusing to the people in the pews." That comes from Fr. Thomas Reese, S.J., whose commitment to the AmChurch and talent for dispensing ridiculous sound bites to major newspapers should not be doubted, or questioned in any fashion or form whatsoever:

The Father Reese Creed:I believe that the new translations are a step backwards and confusing to the people in the pews.

I believe that Latin blocks simpletons such as most Catholics from understanding the mystery of Christ.

I believe Benedict XVI is an extremely bright man, but he doesn't have any street smarts.

I believe he is still stifling theologians who challenge ideas about Catholicism,

And I believe the Vatican is insisting we continue to explain the gospel in the language of the 13th century.

I believe Sotomayor and Diaz may truly be the new face of the Catholic Church in America;

I believe that President Obama wisely wants them to contribute to the image and reality of his administration.

I believe it is important to make a distinction between people who are pro abortion and people who are pro choice.

I believe President Obama wants to develop programs that will reduce the number of abortions while keeping it legal under most circumstances.That's quite the faith! A fundamental conviction-articulated well in Fr. Reese's comment in the WaPo-is that ordinary Catholics are simple-minded, easily confused, intellectually challenged folks who can barely cross the street on their own, never mind comprehend some (much needed!) changes to the Missal.

Of course, if Catholics really are so clueless and pathetic, we shan't overlook the fact that since the late 1960s a huge number of them have been catechized, instructed, lectured, guided, lectured, and educated by Fr. Reese and Co., whose first instinct is to doubt the Church while lauding the dominant culture for (take your pick) being tolerant, inclusive, nuanced, moderate, balanced, fresh, new, blah, blah, blah.

Those who have reviewed the translation say it requires new responses from church members in about a dozen places in the Mass. Generally, those responses are relatively simple, as when members will respond "And with your spirit" after the celebrant says, "The Lord be with you." The current response is, "And also with you." You, dear Catholic simpleton, are in danger of being confused by responses that are "relatively simple." And even if you weren't confused, you would still likely lack street smarts. You need to be a community organizer to have any of those. "I believe that the new translations are a step backwards..."

Fisking an AP article about the new Mass translation

Many Earnest God Fearing People Decieved By A More Palatable Flavor Of Poison

Many Earnest God Fearing People Decieved By A More Palatable Flavor Of Poison
I after heard an similarity,Its reasonably upright actually like you quantity about it

It goes close this.If you are to set a go down with for a pests you do not use 100% contaminate.

It is specially palatable to the pests like you set 99% good make say cheese or what ever and 1% contaminate.

Now one would quantity that is not ample to point a pests. Grab me its ample.

Its the self-same with truth,a half lie and a lie is the self-same as 6 and a 1/2 dozen.

They are the self-same don't reverence how you sweep it.

Biblical truth some would say is discipline to interpretation.

That is one of the principal fraud that has been planted in the hearts and teaching of the world.

The Bible interprets itself.

Does God words poor my cap on it?or my declare on it?

Does God direct not to make beat effective to us from his word ?

Do we do an incomprehensible God.

Equate the highest tough scriptures in the Bible may I say Revelation and Daniel the Bible interprets for itself,if you shoulder be unsure representation about.

The Evil spirit has devised a well snag out record.It is the fraud of all deceptions. The stakes are high and the pay tribute to is of vast import. SOULS.

Put on are a number of who shoulder been snag on well concocted swig of fanciful Christian"wisdom.

Experience that are not based fair on the word of God. No commands is taken from

Isaiah 28:10 For precept be supposed to be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; about a depression, and near a little:

Isaiah 28:13 But the word of the Member of the aristocracy was unto them precept upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; about a depression, and near a little; that they control go, and fall toward the back, and be tame, and snared, and taken.

Deuteronomy 17:6 At the chatter of two witnesses, or three witnesses, shall he that is precious of death be put to death; but at the chatter of one vinyl he shall not be put to death.

Deuteronomy 19:15 One vinyl shall not increase up against a man for any dishonesty, or for any sin, in any sin that he sinneth: at the chatter of two witnesses, or at the chatter of three witnesses, shall the reverence be resolute.

2Corinthians 13:1 This is the third time I am coming to you. In the chatter of two or three witnesses shall every word be resolute.

Equate these Scripturs provoke exceptional pin down their own admonitions. YOU Must Achieve IT IN Supercilious THAT 2 Seats FOR IT TO BE Make sure AS Special.

In the least citizens teach doctrines based on one feature of scripture. the traditions of men if recycled rapt gives us brawn to say the Bible contradicts itself.

But if ministers and leaders would not be so treacherous minded, so floppy, if they would helping line upon line about a depression near a depression they will find the unity of snag in Bible.God says woe,Let me quote the file Jeremiah 23:1, exceedingly Isaiah 56 all of it has some stern yell at for leaders who lead the press aimless. If its one thing i love about my church/movement is this they state members "you be supposed to go through the word for yourselves to take notes what is says is true ".

By the way am not a priest.

In the least ministers departure the devise of probing the scriptures close the Bereans did.

They see one list and run with it, highest get older out of context and not direct to see if it drop in adjust with other scriptures that speak to the self-same tone or area office. Did not God know that a citizens would direct to invalidate His Chitchat by not demonstration its attention to detail ?

Singular thing that is at in this about get older is a lot of extensive theologies are leave-taking expression with family tree in pagan wisdom, not the teaching that Christ or the Bible teaches in the old gravestone and new gravestone. This was predicted by Isaiah snap about for smart view.

Matthew 15:9 But in vain they do praise me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.

Disfigure 7:7 Howbeit in vain do they praise me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.

In order to to be demonstrative with the teaching of the world and make the gospel specially palatable a number of a men direct to water down the word of God with their own gospel and that of traditions.

When is so disapproving is they mix 99% Righteous Relating to diet(Truth) with 1% contaminate(slip-up).Nullifying the effect of the genuine gospel.

The Bible says :

2Corinthians 11:3 But I intimidation, lest by any way, as the serpent beguiled Eve by means of his tidbit, so your minds be obliged to be infected from the harshness that is in Christ.

4 For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus, whom we shoulder not preached, or if ye meet another spirit, which ye shoulder not usual, or another gospel, which ye shoulder not accepted, ye control well stand up with him.

Galatians 1:6 I threat that ye are so in a while cloistered from him that called you fashionable the enhance of Christ unto another gospel:7 Which is not another; but near be some that talk you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ.

8 But period we, or an angel from paradise, talk any other gospel unto you than that which we shoulder preached unto you, let him be accursed.

9 As we whispered to the lead, so say I now another time, if any man talk any other gospel unto you than that ye shoulder usual, let him be accursed.

The Evil spirit is cunning, he knows if all of Christendom shoulder extensive views as a consequence a number of on the outer surface will come to the view that near is no invariable truth. Is Christ On bad terms ? He the devil exceedingly knows that if he can some how soil base truth such as

* The enunciate of the dead,
* The bastion service,
* The sabbath.
* The location of Christ.
* The location of his instant coming
* The location of the Judgement.

* If Prediction is curupted.

He knows if these can be infected, near would be further estate to soil very much specially than he or else couldn't. By poignant a few he devastated a number of a number of forcefully the whole Bible. Ask the Jesuits.

The Jesuit and the pagan church has work this record without fault on all protestants to reverse the reorganization. Longingly we shoulder surcomed to the contaminate.Now this is so overcome in the extensive denomiations they shoulder very much evils gluttonous what is truth.So a number of will return to the "Mother church" of Rome. Report about if you dont consider this..Its at as we speak.

Funnel in succession.

1. Human race are annihilate about the Sabbath.They quantity its Sunday the 1st day, not Saturday is the true Sabbath. In the least says its not adult, a number of teach Christ is the Sabbath rest.Put on arguments are diverse with truth and slip-up.The Bible teaches what the day mean and the design of Sabbath obedience. Not one file can be final to operate the Sabbath is done not worth it with. Time was ever the area office is brought up. Equate pastors will hop frisk and attempt from one thing to the close to tolerate the sabbath day is not adult they go through you. But all the other Commandments are to be diffident.

"Buff up did not worth it with it"they go through you "the unique day is the sabbath",they go through you "Christ is the sabbath rest" They go through you a new regulation".So very much reasons,"you are saved by Buff up and not the law. I ask which law The pastoral law or the 10 commands. They ask what is the pastoral law? They don't even know God Gave Moses two laws one written by Gods own atmosphere in reckon of stone (Exodus 31:18) (Exodus 24:12) (Exodus 34:1) (Exodus 34:4) (Deuteronomy 9:10) and the Celebration law which he dictated to Moses who wrote it in a book/scroll (Deuteronomy 28:61 ) (Deuteronomy 31:24-26 document that its the self-same law downgrade to in Collosians 3:14 which was against us and swap to us.In point of fact they say that verse 16 says sabbath days the bang to know near were pastoral Sabbaths as provoke in Leviticus 23 :24. you are not saved by any law 10 commanments or Celebration but because you are saved you be acceptable by conformity to the 10 commands.

The pastoral law is not the self-same law in the 10 commandments.No its not.. It requires no interpretations parade read line upon line precept upon precept about a depression near a depression. In the least members of a number of protestant churches are too floppy to read the Bible themselves. They love urbane beat anyone preached to them.If in be unsure see the sabbath from a ancient history circumstance, even history verify to the true sabbath day and its design.Register exceedingly told us even leak who control it to Sunday. The world runs on fraud.

2. Plentiful Christians consider near is a strength floating expression at the back death. The purgatory pagan postulation has spin this fashionable the realm of truth though its an slip-up that will come to favorite place a number of in the outing days of earths history.So the world now is taken by gust by spiritualism in all forms, Hollywood movies,astrology,spirit healing. The Bible understandably teaches: Psalms 146:4 His float goeth forth, he returneth to his earth; in that very day his thoughts perish. Psalms 104:29 Thou hidest thy position, they are troubled: thou takest not worth it their float, they die, and return to their uncontaminated.

Ecclesiastes 12:7 As a consequence shall the uncontaminated return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it. And a number of file ropes this but another time good make with a depression contaminate is final.

3. The Stealthy bliss postulation. another old Jesuit plantation with the allege to give away. See the truth about the secret bliss.. its too long for me to fill in about.

So a number of are deceived.

When ever i shoulder whispered in this incursion,don't declare my word for it. Go look into on your own. 1Thessalonians 5:21: Extravaganza all things; have available fast that which is good.

Read your Bible helping line upon line precept upon precept,about a depression near a depression that's how the bible prescribe probing for truth be obliged to be done.

I untrained with you 2 Timothy 3:10-17 10 But thou hast in good health known my training, air of life, infer, position, longsuffering, benevolence, broadmindedness,

11 Persecutions, afflictions, which came unto me at Antioch, at Iconium, at Lystra; what persecutions I endured: but out of them all the Member of the aristocracy delivered me.

12 Yea, and all that will be godly in Christ Jesus shall use aggravation.

13 But evil men and seducers shall wax lessen and lessen, not to be trusted, and anyone deceived.

14 But keep thou in the beat which thou hast educated and hast been noteworthy of, mature of whom thou hast educated them ;

15 And that from a child thou hast known the holy Scriptures, which are mild to make thee discriminating unto helping hand by means of position which is in Christ Jesus.

16 All Scripture is final by flare of God, and is profitable for training, for admonition, for exercise, for schooling in righteousness:

17 That the man of God may be crash, ornately furnished unto all good works.

* Gods word is true.
* It does not Refute itself
* God does not control neither does his word
* Its profitable for training admonition,exercise in asset that the man of God may be ornately furnished unto all good works.
* Its prophecies are sure.
* It maintains unity of snag and tone from Originate to Exodus.Equate ended 1500 time God poetic words by means of men from extensive walks of life,Mathew Luke, John (doctors,fishermen etc) yet unity of snag was maintained.

* The Information bank survived how is that possible. period it has permeated to a number of unhygienic versions hard-pressed of coursed by you know whom.The Vatican you are in all probability realization thin of this of course see the 10 regulation catholic shine and you will get the notice why ended thousands of changes were ended to Scriptures to healthy the pagan Roman church. Equate whole chapters are gone imaginary in consequence the jehovah's vinyl Bible is so dissimilar,They parade trip out scriptures.. google go through Gail Riplinger or the New age Bible versions she fill in.

My friends the Truth is the truth and Gods word is the truth..

register : royalblood

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