The Center Of The Known Universe Via Greg Daugherty January 14Th 2013

The Center Of The Known Universe Via Greg Daugherty January 14Th 2013
As channeled by Greg Daugherty

The Center of the Known UniverseThe expansive nature of the mandala

Found in the potentiation of the mind

Experiencing the totality of the arrested moment

As the impossibility exposing expansion

Uses the awareness of movement beyond limits

To gather the new perspectives together into a flow

Of aroused energy moving toward the value fulfillment

Of imagination giving form to art

That expands the known with the maturation of the desire

For the nourishment of imagination's blessings.The practice of making love visible

In the study of the higher truths

In the belief of the Universe as a sanctum

Where wisdom's elimination of choice

Melts self into the subconscious,

And the contemplation of this wisdom,

Brings forth the beautiful resolution

Nurtured by the intuitional flow

Of self-awareness making known of the unknown

As the plenteous plentitude of love.The expansion of understanding

Through the meditation of intuitive practice

From the center of the Universe

Plays with the timing of the intervention

Of the vision of the new understanding

Of a cosmic consciousness

That expands through the aspiration

Of a creative imagination

Bringing forth the fruit feeding the expansion

Vitalizing love's playful frolic.The emotional manifestation of reality

In the focus of the allurement

Conjured by the center of the Universe

Calls forth the reckoning,

Where the integrated self enters form

In signification of the form's perspective

To accomplish the intention

Of the visceral awareness of the womb bearer

Conscious of the loving environment

Flowering the faith's delight.From the work in the garden of basic reality

Contemplating the study of Nature and the Mysteries,

A conscious responsibility for infinity's potential

Uses the thoughtful observation

Attuned to the frequency of trusting inner wisdom

As the metamorphosis of the afterthought

That brings up the rite of passage

That is the creative furtherance

Of the call for more accomplishment

As a celebration of the sublime abundance.The effort to clear the way

For the independence of the balanced judgment

By the moment's epilogue

Allows the spiritual receptivity

Of stability and harmony

To facilitate the realignment

Of focused attention

Toward the sympathetic harmonies

That create the environment of peace

In emotional alignment with Source.Engineering the moment's alignment with balance

In the focus on recognized potential,

The balanced actuation of lessons learned

Is able to move beyond hindrances

With the frequency attunement

Removing belief from old patterns

To regain the psychic equilibrium

Able to allow the loving integration

Of love, wisdom and creativity with potential

To give love back to its Source.The creative work of the communal cooperation

Focused on dreamed spiritual forces

Is the majesty of the Universe,

Where the organization of expansion

Portrays the dynamism of spiritual power

In the voluntary sacrifice for the appreciation of All That Is,

Moving the brilliant creation forward

Through a maturation of emotion

Peaking in new heights of love's certitude

In the delightful expansion of such abundance.With the study of the shared equilibrium

Compared to the inner balance

In a ceaseless flow of resolutions,

Their organization of conclusive possibilities

Reveals the harmony between conscious and unconscious

And the evolving initiation of their transitions

To manifest the flame of spirit

With an intensity of imaginative compassion

For the enjoyment of recognizing the greatest equilibrium

Continually raising the plane of emotional existence.Experiencing the advancement beyond creation

While considering the depths of the future's memory,

The all-encompassing experience

Brings up the conclusions that identify expansion

From the fusion of will and imagination,

Where continually new waves of rhythm

Carry their openings for new possibilities

Artistically illuminating the new depths of concern

To call forth the appreciative augmentation

Enhancing the realization of the known Universe.(3 of Pentacles, the High Priestess, the Universe, 8 of Swords, 9 of Wands, the Hanged Man, 4 of Wands, Queen of Cups, 9 of Pentacles, 3 of Cups - 11/13-14/13)

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