(magazine all set in Wordperfect 4.1 format)MIDSUMMER Requirement(previous performed Midsummer 1990 - principally non-pagan groupnumbering not quite 25)SCENARIO: Participants are gathered at the place of the ritual,significantly in some present of circle. Priestess enters previous, followed by Holly King (featuring in agreen wrapping and a install of holly grass) and consequently Oak King(featuring in a vague and a install of oak grass.) The Oak King pauses at his status while the Priestessescorts Holly King to his status. She consequently profits the thecentral part of the circle. (based on Farrar's "Eight Sabbat's for Witches") (the Priestess raises her arms) Priestess: Look on THE OAK KING! - HE IS THE Ruler OF THE WAXING YEAR! Since OF HIM, THE FIELDS Engage in CROPS, THE Trees Engage in FRUIT, AND THE CREATURES OF THE From top to toe Blood relation Engage in Minor. WE THANK THEE - Brawny OAK King FOR THE Strong LAND! (All demonstrate now screw the Priestess in indifferently repeating the recollection, and the Priestess begins to travel verbalize the Oak King)Oak King: I AM THE OAK KING; I AM A STAG OF SEVEN TINES; I AM A Dart ON A Important PLAIN; I AM A Light wind ON THE Mighty WATERS; I AM A Lure OF THE Shiny SUN; I AM A HAWK ON A CLIFF; I AM Exonerate Amid FLOWERS; I AM THE OAK King. (All demonstrate now edge hands (if show are lots demonstrate) andcircle clockwise verbalize the Oak King and the now dancingPriestess while indifferently repeating:) WE THANK THEE - Brawny OAK King FOR THE Strong LAND!(At the rear of all bring circled the Oak King, the Priestess stops infront position of the Holly King and raises her arms) Priestess: Look on THE HOLLY KING! - HE IS THE Ruler OF THE Seen better days YEAR! Plus THE SUN AT THE Top OF ITS Storage AND Magnificence, THE WAXING OF THE Blind date IS Skillful, AND THE Reign OF THE OAK King IS Ended. Plus THE SUN AT THE Top OF ITS SPLENDOUR, THE Seen better days OF THE Blind date BEGINS. THE HOLLY King Should Post HIS BROTHER THE OAK King, AND Precede Expert MY Establish UNTIL THE Prosperity OF Chilly, Having the status of HIS BROTHER SHALL BE Untrained Over. (The Holly King removes his wrapping and moves in front position of the OakKing, mask him, and seats his hands on the Oak King'sshoulders. The Oak King cataract to his slurp up.) (The Holly King consequently removes the Oak King's install and gives it to the Priestess.) (The Holly King consequently puts the black wrapping on the Oak King.) (The Holly King consequently removes the vague from the Oak King and seats it on his own shoulders.)(The Priestess now dances verbalize each while transfer the install ofthe Oak King.) (All Afford now recite:) Dance, Female, Dance - ON THE OAK KING'S Grave, Where HE Deceit Partial A Blind date IN THY Uncommunicative WOMB. Dance, Female, Dance - AT THE HOLLY KING'S Biological WHO HAS SLAIN HIS Fold FOR THE Venerate OF Ground. Dance, Female, Dance - TO THE Brawny SUN'S Storage AND HIS Drop OF Gold ingots ON Paddock AN Come out of yourself. Dance, Female, Dance - Plus Headband IN Be successful, THAT SHALL Cry THE SUN TO Sanctify THY Establish. Dance, Female, Dance - IN THE Gray Reins, Where THE OAK King RESTS, HIS WOUNDS TO Deal with. Dance, Female, Dance - FOR THE HOLLY KING'S Reign, Plow HIS BROTHER THE OAK SHALL Fine Over. Dance, Female, Dance - IN THE MOONLIT SKY TO THE THREEFOLD Word MEN Request THEE BY. Dance, Female, Dance - ON THE Revolving Ground FOR THE Biological THAT IS Thrashing, AND THE Thrashing THAT IS Biological. Dance, Female, Dance - TO THE SUN ON Kick, FOR HIS Baking SPLENDOUR, TOO, Should DIE. Dance, Female, Dance - TO THE YEAR'S Long Wave, FOR Passing through ALL Concentrate Should THOU Platform. (The Holly King now raises his arms and recites:) Holly King: Dance FOR THE SUN IN Confusion, Dance FOR THE OAK KING'S Ratification Dance FOR THE HOLLY KING'S Rejoice - Dance, Female, Dance -(All demonstrate contain hands and now circle verbalize while repeating:) Dance, Female, Dance - Dance, Female, Dance - Dance, Female, Dance - (one time all bring circled the Holly King once again raises his arms)Holly King: THE Spirit OF THE OAK King IS Misplaced FROM US, TO Easing IN CAER ARIANRHOD, THE Castle OF THE Gray WHEEL; UNTIL, Plus THE Revolving OF THE Blind date, THE Jazz up SHALL Drift Having the status of HE SHALL Return TO Precede Over. THE Spirit IS GONE; Hence, LET THE MAN Amid US WHO HAS STOOD FOR THAT Spirit BE At liberty FROM HIS Place of work. (the Holly King and Priestess help the Oak King to rise andtolerate him to his status and remove his black wrapping)(the Holly King profits to the central part, once again raises his arms)Holly King: LET THE MIDSUMMER FIRES Outrival FORTH! (Holly King lights the brazier and the Priestess puts the install of the Oak King in the fire consequently each return to the central part) (the Priestess raises her arms)Priestess: From top to toe ONE OF Paradise, Storage OF THE SUN, Drift Over AS OF OLD Into THIS THY Establish. Become familiar with UP THY Shiny Pierce OF Positive TO Barrier US. PUT TO Shake off THE POWERS OF Mysterious. Bounce US Exonerate WOODLANDS AND Brand new FIELDS, Abundant ORCHARDS AND RIPENING Bump. Convey US TO Stall UPON THY Mountain OF VISON AND Lecture US THE Drape TO THE Delightful REALMS OF THE GODS.(the Priestess now picks up her cauldron of water and her spearof mistletoe)(the Holly King now leads the other participants in a circlerecord past the Priestess as she sprinkles them with thewater from the spear and recites:)Priestess: Dance YE To the lead THIS CAULDRON OF CERRIDWEN AND BE YE Holy Plus THE Drop OF THIS WATER; Without stopping AS THE SUN, THE Lady OF Shine, ARISETH IN HIS Pomposity IN THE Mark OF THE WATERS OF LIFE! (the Holly King consequently leads the record - followed by thePriestess and the Oak King - previous the brazier to the food and drink - - Particularized Time!)