Druidism Or Druidry
esotericism, magick, religion 0 Comments »Seeing that highest residents grab hold of the word Druid, they questionable of old men with crave beards, concerning robes and frolicking more or less Stonehenge. Even, the modern Druid drive is a bit difficult from that. One of the leading Neopagan Druid groups out show is Ar nDraiocht Fein: A Druid Fellowship (ADF). According to their website, "Neopagan Druidry is a group of religions, philosophies and ways of life, surrounded in ancient dirt yet reaching for the stars."
However the word Druid conjures up visions of Celtic Reconstructionism to numerous residents, ADF welcomes members of any self-righteous path within the Indo-European spectrum. ADF says, "We're researching and interpreting bright modern confer (somewhat than impracticable fantasies) about the ancient Indo-European Pagans - the Celts, Norse, Slavs, Balts, Greeks, Romans, Persians, Vedics, and others."
ADF Groves:
ADF was founded by Isaac Bonewits, and is split indoors semi-autonomous fatherland groups proverbial as groves. However Bonewits retired from ADF in 1996, his writings and principles keep on as part of the ADF tradition. However ADF accepts sharing applications from every person, allowing them to become a Dedicant, a portly even of work is compelled to advance to the perception of Druid. Higher sixty ADF groves abide in the United States and luxury.
The Group of Bards, Oviates and Druids:
In accumulation to Ar nDraiocht Fein, show are a character of other Druid groups in existence. The Group of Bards, Oviates and Druids (OBOD) says, "As a spiritual way or philosophy, Modern Druidism began to top about three hundred time ago here a contemporary proverbial as the 'Druid New start. It was stimulated by the accounts of ancient Druids, and drew on the work of gone researchers, folklorists and dated literature. In this way Druidry's origin stretches far back indoors the earlier." OBOD was formed in England in the 1960s by Ross Nichols, in a object opposed to the take part in a ballot of a new Druid Chief in his group.
Druidism and Wicca:
However show has been a portly revival in point in stuff Celtic in the midst of wiccans and Pagans, it's significant to revive that Druidism is not Wicca. However some Wiccans are also Druids - being show are some overlapping similarities amid the two belief systems and like this the groups are not collected refined - not all Druids are Wiccans.
In accumulation to the higher mentioned groups, and other Druidic traditions, show are also solitary practitioners who self-identify as Druids. Seamus mac Owain, a Druid from Columbia, SC, says, "There's not a lot of in print cram about the Druids, so extensively of what we do is based upon Celtic myth and footer, as well as painstaking information that has been provided by anthropologists, historians, and so forth. We use this as a mind for rite, ritual, and practice."
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Credit: new-generation-witch.blogspot.com