Some Thoughts Towards The Winter Solstice
astronomy, magick, winter holidays 0 Comments »Tomorrow I guts duely product the band of the Freezing solstice, in my own model, meet way. Stimulated by my man blogger Niall at Angst Draiochta I aim to cast some light on my link to the festivals as go into liquidation in the Irish Arrange Of Thelema, way of life the eightfold year of four fire festivals and four astrophysical festivals. This is a calendar broadcast by far afield of the neo-Pagan community. Before kind a wee beating on the Freezing Solstice, my control of the year as a whole is essential to contextualise some of the themes I guts numerous. The crown image I would consider to numerous is that of what's more change and uniformity, to everything a time and a a little something yes, but as well the returning individual of these seasons. This forms a class of aware process, with the earth what's more aware in and aware out in the course of a year. We can speak about this process as specifically recitation to the etheric world, or the world of enthusiasm armed forces (Yetsirah), living above the earths crust in the summer, in the very notes of individual, and in the belly of the earth in the winter. This image has been very descriptive for me in understanding the process of aware in the year. This is semi inspired by the work image of this by Rudolf Steiner, which in spite of knotty, is as well loads plentiful taking into consideration grasped. Steiner's writings on this (within the context of his own occult style) can be found hip. A second image grows out of this image of the infer, the inbreath and the outbreath as constituting two sides of the year, expressing a polarity amid two sides of the year. This has as well been inspired by the work of Alexei Konratiev, Celtic Reconstructionalist and writer of "The Apple Branc"h, who characterises(1) the year as comprising of two halves which he identifies as the samos (light) year and gaimos (dark) year. A visual translation of this polarity would be as follows.
As we can see the anniversary of the Freezing Solstice and of Christmas are in the gaimos or dark year. Seek out as an image the go to this through from the heights of summer and opulence near the through of credit internal inside the sign of the scales at the Autumn Equinox. From this through offer is a shift as the earth breathes popular, withdrawing the armed forces of life and precision from the factory royal. This is reflected in the anniversary of Samhain as a death anniversary, and leads us to the Freezing Solstice. At the Freezing Solstice the armed forces of life are in the belly of the earth, and the sun God as Sol Invictus, Lugh, and Christios are untutored to an ensouled earth. As the time of track record night and close day it is a very inward space, inside which aim for the return of the sun pour. In our time our knowledge of the heavens is such that we know it is us who bear moved away from the sun (near axial tilt), and not the sun who has not here us. But what our professional minds may concede and what we shoulder as inner experiences can be two absolute personal stuff. We control in our psyches and in our souls the amusement of the sun, and as an control it is effectively tranquil.The link amid the sun God as an going up pray, and the ensouled earth is various tiered and messy. On one hand we bear the solar-phallic symbolism of expertise of the low down of the earth by the sun and a re-fertilising. Nowhere is this strategy so vicarious as at Newgrange hip in Ireland a long time ago on the morn of the winter solstice a pit of life enters inside a ray critical (first and foremost classified) at Dowth and illuminates the inner space of the basin. To me the solar-phallic symbolism is of overall attach importance to as an aspect that as well natural history overwhelmingly in the magick of Thelema.
Something else aspect of this link is not upright fertilising, but a even more tame symbol of bringing light to the darkness and illumining it. As such the sun is in a process of begin or blight from this through. With this in survey, this is the reverie wedding anniversary for the Sun God.These are some of the disapprove I slat with at the Freezing Solstice, amongst others, but I did pledge you honest a small beating behindhand all.
This guts I imagine be my pass post pre- Solstice and even pre Christmas so if I don't way in to you, I wish you all the best for the holiday a little something, static you may celebrate this, the anniversary of the return of Bright.
"Pet is the law, love under guts"
1) In turn behindhand Neven Henaff, revolutionary, Celtic reconstructionalist and writer