Waxing Gibbous Moon Moon Day
magick, magics, paganism 0 Comments »and open to Her Intensity."
14th Day of the 5th Astrophysical Age
Ruled by Gaia
Astrophysical Tree Age of Saille/Willow
4th Day of the Celtic Tree
Month of Hauth/Hawthorn
14th Day of the Age of Mab -
Time of Faeries
Moon Phase: waxing Gibbous
Moon sets: 5:08AM EDST
Moon rises: 8:02PM EDST
Moon in the Fixed Water Goal
of Scorpio
Rhiannon's Age of the Moon
Astrophysical Meditation: The secret
kingdom of thoughts.
Sun in Taurus
Sunrise: 6:03AM EDST
Sunset: 8:29PM EDST
Astrophysical Bring into disrepute for the Day: "What
makes you supreme angry? Why?"
Beltane (Calan Mai) Locale
May 16th, 2011
MOON DAY - the Day of Credit and Bash - Ambiance Day..... existing are unimportant magickal energies today for residence agreeableness and self-control.
MAGICKAL Descriptions
Put on are era equally it is worthy to confess a picture or image of the essence you are working for, trimming as equally you don't know the essence. Moment it is possible to work on a healing for recluse using their name, predict of shrink, Sun sign, etc. it is distant easier to marmalade your foresight if you confess their picture in front of you. Evidently photographs are the supreme worthy for this, but a originate can be average as worthy. Moment you may not be decent to get a laudable air, you can require particulars which a sketch may not key in, friendship the person's gorgeous color or the fact that they friendship promotion. You may well even require aspects such as the fact that they confess had their hair decorated and sort changed. It is a good revelation to practice this savoir-faire before you drought it. Try sketching a precise friend and as well as add-on other overfriendly particulars to wear an image of them and their life.
Just as, the control of an image sometimes called a fith-fath or poppet, can help you to dream the healing market for, say, a cracked field. Fith-faths are furthermore commonly hand-me-down in profitability spells wherever you can wear the image of pregnancy as part of your magickal working. The images can be ended of wax, ceramic objects, straw or any other medium. You can even add pieces of hair if the region gives them. Of course it is possible to wear an image with a sketch and a representation containing other particulars if you really drought the supplement help in your spell.
[From Kate West's "The Suitably Witches' Court"]
Packed MOON TOMORROW Emergence - 7:08AM EDST
Source: my-spiritual-path.blogspot.com