God Called To Help Detroit Likely To Decline
magick, religion belief, wicca.com 0 Comments »Cardinal Adam Maida, a Roman Catholic archbishop in Detroit, wrote that "At this darkest time of the year, we proclaim that Christ is our light and Christ is our hope." Well, yes, the days are indeed getting shorter until December 21, so this literally is the darkest time of the year, though I doubt that's what the good cardinal was referring to (he would do well to remember that axial tilt is the reason for the season...). Ever ready to exploit tragedy, a church outside Corpus Christi (which is nowhere near Detroit) invited people to go inside and hear about "God's bailout plan." Hmm, do we get to fire him and withdraw his bonus if the plan fails? At the very least God should give up his private jet and start driving a hybrid.
Pentecostal Bishop Charles H. Ellis III was quoted in the Times as saying "I don't know what's going to happen, but we need prayer." We do? Why? What we need is a sensible government intervention (as opposed to a free handout) to save the backbone of America's manufacturing infrastructure. What we need is to fire the CEOs of the big three and to ask both the companies and their unions for significant restructuring and concessions respectively. What we don't need is to bamboozle people by anointing SUVs with "consecrated oil" on an altar.
"We have done all that we can do in this union, so I turn it over to the Lord," said a U.A.W. vice president for Chrysler. Are you sure, mister? Or is this an easy way to discharge your own responsibilities as a union leader? A Dana Corporation worker refrained "We've got to keep the faith... All my hope is in God." Except that unfortunately there is hardly a worse place to put his trust.
But Massimo, why do you want to take hope away from these people? Aren't they desperate enough already? Because hope based on illusion is cruel, and it is a chief instrument of oppression and exploitation (at the cost of sounding quasi-Marxist here). These people's energy and dreams are being channeled into the socially harmless (and absolutely useless) form of religious fervor, while what they should do instead is to strike against the automakers and march on Washington to demand rationally based action from the bands of thieves and morons who have respectively been running America's corporations and government. But I guess that would truly be too much too hope for. Thank God I'm an atheist.
Deepak Chopra God 2 0 Quantum Flapdoodle
cognitive science, magick, philosophy of mind 0 Comments »In most surveys, nine out of ten Americans respond in the affirmative to the question "Do you believe in God?" The other 10 percent provide a variety of answers, including a favorite among skeptics and atheists: "Which god do you mean?" And then they offer a litany of classical and non-Western deities: Aphrodite, Amon Ra, Apollo, Baal, Brahma, Ganesha, Isis, Mithras, Osiris, Shiva, Thor, Vishnu, Wotan, and Zeus. "We're all atheists of these gods," the stock reply concludes, "but some of us go one god further."
I have debated many theologians who make the traditional arguments for God's existence: the cosmological argument (prime mover, first cause), the teleological argument (the order and design of the universe), the ontological argument (if it is logically possible for God to exist, then God exists), the anthropic argument (the fine-tuned characteristics of nature, making human life possible), the moral argument (awareness of right and wrong), and others. These are all reasons to believe in God only if you already believe. If you do not already believe, these arguments ring hollow, having been refuted over the ages by philosophers from David Hume to Daniel Dennett.
This past spring, however, I participated in a debate with a theologian of a different stripe, the New Age spiritualist Deepak Chopra. His arguments for the existence of a deity take a radically new tack. During our exchange, which was taped by ABC's "Nightline" and viewed by millions, Chopra set out a series of scientific-sounding arguments for the existence of a divine quantum force capable of nonlocal "spooky action at a distance," as Einstein famously described quantum entanglement. Call this new theology God 2.0.
Chopra provided a preview of these arguments in his 2006 book "Life After Death". Consider this passage:
The mind is like an electron cloud surrounding the nucleus of an atom. Until an observer appears, electrons have no physical identity in the world; there is only the amorphous cloud. In the same way, imagine that there is a cloud of possibilities open to the brain at every moment (consisting of words, memories, ideas, and images I could choose from). When the mind gives a signal, one of these possibilities coalesces from the cloud and becomes a thought in the brain, just as an energy wave collapses into an electron....
Chopra believes that the weirdness of the quantum world (such as Heisenberg's uncertainty principle) can be linked to certain mysteries of the macro world (such as consciousness). This supposition is based on the work of Roger Penrose and Stuart Hameroff, whose theory of quantum consciousness has generated much heat but little light in scientific circles.
Inside our neurons are tiny hollow microtubules that act like structural scaffolding. Penrose and Hameroff conjecture that something inside the microtubules may initiate a wave-function collapse that leads to the quantum coherence of atoms, causing neurotransmitters to be released into the synapses between neurons. This, in turn, triggers the neurons to fire in a uniform pattern, thereby creating thought and consciousness. Since a wave-function collapse can only come about when an atom is "observed" (that is, affected in any way by something else), "mind" may be the observer in a recursive loop from atoms to molecules to neurons to thought to consciousness to mind to atoms to molecules to neurons... and so on.
Shermer discredits this idea as does Murray Gell-Mann:
Chopra's use and abuse of quantum physics is what the Caltech quantum physicist and Nobel laureate Murray Gell-Mann calls "quantum flapdoodle," which consists of stringing together a series of terms and phrases from quantum physics and asserting that they explain something in our daily experience. But the world of subatomic particles has no correspondence with the world of Newtonian mechanics. They are two different physical systems at two different scales, and they are described by two different types of mathematics....
via Deepak Chopra's God 2.0 Big Questions Online.
It seems our desire to be immortal leads many to speculate that the brain is not responsible, by itself, for our experience of consciousness.
The Morrigan Irish Goddess Of Battle And Fertility
irish mythology, magick, tuatha dé danann 0 Comments »Reference: asatru-religion.blogspot.com
To Those Who Teach
deities, magick, witchcraft 0 Comments »Credit: witchcraftforall.blogspot.com
Secret Circle Season 1 Episode 21 Prom
magick, neo-pagan, psychic love spells 0 Comments »The Circle is gathered in angst and melodrama discussing that Cassie and Diana saw Nick last episode and that he's looking surprisingly good for a dead man. There's debate as to whether it's Nick, whether it's a demon, whether he's merrily mauling people. With high emotions from Melissa (who loved Nick) and Jake (Nick's brother). We also have some flaring of the trust issues between John Blackwell and Diana with Cassie trying to sooth it all over and declaring her trust for John because... actually I don't have a reason.
Later Faye chides Jake on not being sensitive over Melissa's feelings over Nick which is almost funny coming from Faye. Did everyone skip the part where Nick is Jake's brother and there's probably a big reason why Jake is upset over the whole issue? She tries to get him to "talk it out" but he's not especially open to that. Faye, again, has the best line "you've got that look... that look that you're about to invade a small country with nothing but your tortured soul." Such a perfect line, I have to steal it. And Jake decides to arm himself just in case
Cassie's super special blood is going to help her find the crystal hidden in the school - so off she toddles (alone, of course) and she gets to hallucinate the past - including seeing her mother with the crystal. She hopes to see more so she recruits Diana to help her see more (despite her outrage over Black Magic). They plan to do it the next night on prom so the school will be open (and full of people. In fact, I'd say this makes prom the worst possible night to choose) though Diana is upset that she will miss Prom - the most special day of the school year
We top up the angst with Diana and Charles (her father, Evil Parent#2) and then some more prom drama with Adam, Faye (who has invited Jake), Cassie and Melissa with Faye pushing to have a "normal" prom and celebrating it properly - I actually kind of love her ultimatum "There Will Be Dancing". Faye continues to push for more promness. Diana also meets up with Grant (pointless Australian Guy) just to keep the angst levels nice and high.
Finally plot wise we get Melissa meeting Nick at the Magic House. Nick needs the crystal and says he's dying but he doesn't seem to be in his right mind and storms off when Adam turns up. Yeah, Adam kind of makes me feel the same way. Melissa insists that Nick is in there to be saved by Ada (Wet Lettuce) and Jake (Sexy Evil One) think he was just after the crystal and he's wild, feral and dangerous.
At prom they cast the spell (choosing the worst night of the year also allows them all to have magical hijinks in formal dress) and they flash back to the school in past and see the Amelia and Elizabeth (Diana's dead mother) arguing over John and how evil he is and how it's Amelia's fault for trusting him (oh and to ratchet up Diana's angst levels even more)
Amelia returns the crystal to the Adam's (Wet Lettuce's) grandfather who is a teacher at the school - and tells him that Ethan (Wet Lettuce's dad) is turning John over to the Witch Hunters to have him killed - Granddad Lettuce isn't best pleased at the idea of trusting the Witch Hunters but it turns out that Blackwell has been casting fertility spells ensuring that all of the women in the Circle got pregnant at the same time - ensuring their children would (also explaining why they all had kids while still in high school) grow up together. (Did the Elders do the same thing with the Parent Circle? Because they all seem to be of an age as well). He's creating his own Circle with the kids. Granddad Lettuce agrees to hide the Crystal while Amelia flees.
Discovering that John Blackwell has been manipulating the parents and the kids, Diana has a huge hissy fit and blames it all on Cassie before flouncing out of the room, letting Cassie up her angst levels.
In the present, Melissa adds some more angst, lamenting to Adam about how they never have a normal life because of magic - Wet Lettuce uses some magic and dancing to cheer her up. Faye and Jake discuss how Jake stood her up at prom years ago and drags him out to the dance floor. This gives her the chance again to try and make Jake talk about his brother
Anyway the crystal is found but Nick finds it first so they all (except Diana who is having an angst meltdown) chase him (humour moment - all of the girls run while putting on their coats while chasing him outside, no really, because in a chase scene you worry about getting cold) and, yes, everyone is running not using magic. And they're all running in formal clothing and formal shoes. They, naturally chase him into a deserted, spooky junk yard (but Faye wonderfully mocks it of course)
Nick is meeting Eben (Evil Black Witchunter) and wants to trade the crystal for his demon - which Cassie says is what's keeping him alive, so he wants it back. Melissa, Chief Angster for Nick declares that having a demon inside you is no kind of life (this is foreshadowing for why it's ok to re-kill Nick/let him die again). Now with 3 of them (Adam, Cassie and Melissa) they could use the magic of their Circle together to get the Crystal back - but of course Cassie can't do that and stomps out on her own all dark magicy to make Nick drop the Crystal. Eben sends Cassie flying (with magic... somehow? Was that ever explained?). The rest of the Circle tends to flutter around not doing much - and Blackwell shows up for a show down with Eben. Faye stays to help Eben (alone - so how her bound powers can help I don't know)
Reference: wiccalessons.blogspot.com
Evento Mystic Fair 2012 Rio De Janeiro
magick, shaman, spirituality 0 Comments »Os maiores fabricantes, com'ercios de m'edio e pequeno porte, distribuidores, espacos, associac~oes e consult'orios tamb'em se fazem presentes na MYSTIC FAIR, mostrando e oferecendo seus produtos e servicos profissionais ao p'ublico participante.
Al'em disso, se faz necess'ario ressaltar a exist^encia de atendimentos com profissionais que oferecem um amplo leque de servicos nas artes divinat'orias (Tarot, Runas, Quiromancia, Astrologia e etc), bem como no campo alternativo das medicinas complementares.
Sendo uma feira de car'ater monogr'afico, a MYSTIC FAIR dedica-se ao conhecimento das ci^encias esot'ericas, paracient'ificas e alternativas em suas tr^es facetas:
1) A difus~ao das novidades culturais, docentes, l'udicas e tem'aticas m'isticas e esot'ericas.
2) A realizac~ao de atividades interativas, mediante atrac~oes e exposic~oes na qual o p'ublico participa ativamente.
3) A exposic~ao e venda de produtos comerciais do setor, que se fazem presentes nos diversos stands tem'aticos.
No ano de 2012 a feira ser'a realizada nos dias 05 E 06 DE MAIO DE 2012 no Clube Monte L'ibano, um local amplo, de f'acil acesso e com toda a infra-estrutura necess'aria para receber um evento desta import^ancia.
LOCAL: Clube Monte L'ibano - Av. Borges Medeiros, 701.
HOR'aRIO: Das 10h `as 22h.
VALOR: R 10,00 - Estudantes com carteirinha, menores de 12 anos e maiores de 60 anos pagam meia entrada.
RESTRIc~oES: Menores de 12 anos n~ao ter~ao acesso a feira, a n~ao ser que estejam acompanhados de seus respons'aveis legais.
TRANSPORTE: A Mystic Fair disponibiliza vans que far~ao gratuitamente o trajeto entre o METR^O GENERAL OS'ORIO e o local do evento.
Para conferir a programac~ao, clique aqui.
Credit: witch-selena.blogspot.com
Meeting God On The Road An Advent Lectionary Meditation
magick, monoamine oxidase inhibitors, thioethers 0 Comments »ROMANS 16:25-27
LUKE 1:26-38
" There is a constant temptation to box-in and control God. We seek to define God in ways that allow us the ability to determine what God is and can be and do. We build temples and churches and we invite God to inhabit them, and as soon as God enters, we seek to shut the door. Magic is designed to manipulate the supernatural, and religious rites are often designed to do much the same thing. There is a place for theological reflection and even defining what we believe about God and God's interactions with the world, but is not God bigger than these constructions? In the story that emerges out of 2 Samuel, David wants to build a temple for God to dwell in, but had God asked for a Temple? Did God need a Temple? Or is God content to meet us on the road? As Joerg Rieger writes in his book on Traveling", when we believe that God is primarily housed in our sanctuaries, out of which we carry God to hither and yon, we fail to understand what God is doing and where. Indeed, this "entity" might not even be God ("Traveling", p. 34).
As we near the end of our Advent journey, we are confronted with the stories of the incarnation, of the indwelling of humanity by God in the person of Jesus. This concept of incarnation reminds us that God is present with us - not in temples made by human hands, but in the one who embodies God's grace and mercy and meets us on the road. The question is; are we ready to meet God in the places God chooses, or are we determined to keep God in the box?
There is a strong connection between the reading from 2 Samuel 7 and the gospel reading from Luke. Both speak to the promise of David's kingdom, a dynasty that according to Samuel shall last forever. In the gospel, Jesus stands before us as the chosen heir of this dynasty, but as we learn from the entire story, it is a different kind of realm than perhaps the author of 2 Samuel envisioned. The passage from 2 Samuel begins with David pondering the fact that while he has a nice house made of finest cedar from Lebanon, God is still living in a tent. David has settled in, but God is still living like a nomad, and David doesn't think this is a good idea. Therefore, David proposes to Nathan the prophet that a permanent temple be built so that God can settle in and be comfortable in the land. Nathan at first thinks this is a good idea. But, God has other ideas.
In a dream Yahweh speaks to Nathan and suggests that David is probably not the person to build a temple (and Solomon is credited with this venture), but that's really beside the point. Yahweh asks: I've never lived in a Temple before, but instead I've been traveling with the people in a Tent, and never did I ask: "Why haven't you built me a cedar temple?" (vs. 7 CEB). David may feel the need for a nice palace, but God is not to be confined to such a permanent spot. No God desires to be out there on the road. Now, God is gracious in responding to this suggestion and therefore the God who took David from the pasture to the throne and who eliminated David's enemies, has chosen to provide a home for the people of God where they can live without being disturbed - so that "cruel people will no longer come and trouble them like earlier when I appointed judges and I'll give rest from your enemies" (vs. 10-11). Although a series of Temples will be built, God is not limited by these monuments made of human hands. Thus, whether there is a Temple or not - God remains free to act and engage us on the road, where we live and have our being.
In the Gospel reading for this fourth Sunday of Advent we hear the annunciation to Mary that God has chosen to favor her with the blessing of bearing a child who will be called the "son of the Most High." Her child will receive David's throne and will rule over Israel forever. This seems to be the answer to the promise issued in 2 Samuel, but as the continuing story demonstrates the nature of this kingdom is much different from what may have been envisioned when these words of 2 Samuel were penned.
For her part, Mary shows a bit of curiosity as is to how all of this might happen since as yet she's still a virgin. Although she has questions she appears willing to listen to this angelic messenger who has brought her a message of great importance. Too often when we read a text like this we get caught up in the particulars - like Luke's declaration that Mary has yet to have sexual relations with a man. There is a tendency to import into this statement theological meaning that may not be there - for instance proof of Christ's divinity. Rather than get bogged down in this debate, perhaps we can think about the broader question of God's choice of this young woman from the backwater town of Nazareth who is engaged to Joseph, but not married to him (she hasn't consummated the marriage). As John Buchanan notes God often chooses those who are living on the margins to be the agents of God's work in the world. He writes: "Mary reminds us that God can use modest men and women who do not seem to have much to commend them, not much that the world recognizes as important and powerful" ("Preaching God's Transforming Justice, B," p. 31).
From a distance it appears that there's nothing particularly special about Mary, but this is God's choice. God sees something that perhaps we might not see. In her curiosity, Mary asks how this will take place, and Gabriel explains that the "Holy Spirit will come over you and the power of the Most High will overshadow you." Although the ancient world knew plenty of stories of divinely-caused births, even virgin births, these usually entail a sexual encounter, but in this accounting there's no sense of a divine-human sexual encounter. Instead, there is the simple statement that Mary's child will be holy and will be called God's son. Whatever the nature of his conception, the gospel witnesses to the holiness of his birth, a holiness that is related to the Holy Spirit's presence with Mary. And if Mary needs "proof" of God's ability to do this then she only need look to her cousin Elizabeth, who has conceived a child even though she was considered "unable to conceive." And the angel concludes with this word: "Nothing is impossible for God" (vs. 37). If nothing is impossible for God, does this mean that God can do anything? Is God all powerful (omnipotent)? If so, then why is the world as it is? Many of us are wrestling with this traditional theistic belief and have concluded that maybe God isn't omnipotent, that God's power may not be what we've assumed it to be. Perhaps it is, as process thinkers suggest, a persuasive power, a power that is revealed in covenant relationship between God and humanity. Thus, as Bruce Epperlyputs it: "ordinary people can do extraordinary things when they are open to God's revealing in their lives and then say 'yes' to God's vision for their lives." It is this openness to God that Mary demonstrates, when like the prophets of old she responds: "I am the Lord's servant. Let it be with me just as you have said" (vs. 38 CEB). If we are willing, as Mary was willing, to embrace God's vision for lives and live in covenant relationship with a God who is love and justice and grace, then we can share in the great work of God that is revealed in the one born of Mary and named "son of the Most High." And even as God dwelt in the tent, so God dwelt in the one born of Mary, and we again meet God on the road.
In that wondrous Christmas hymn, we hear the angels sing "Gloria in Excelsis Deo, Glory to God in the highest." It is a great doxology that rings out as we ponder the revealing of God's presence in the world - not in temples built by human hands, but in the lives of God's people, who like Mary open themselves fully to God and say - here I am, your servant. It is a confession like this that leads Paul to declare praise to God, saying: "May the glory be to God who can strengthen you with my good news and the message that I preach about Jesus Christ" (Romans 16:25 CEB). Paul, writing to confirm his calling to carry the message of Jesus beyond the boundaries of his own Jewish faith. It is as Bruce Epperly writes:
Our sharing of God's good news advances God's realm in surprising and ever-expanding ways. Nothing can hinder the spread of good news; the winds of revelation and healing blow where they will and on whomever they will!Therefore, even as Paul rejoices that the secret is now out that God's desires for all humanity what had been revealed initially to the Jewish people. With this message of hope and healing reconciliation in Jesus being made known to the world, all who hear and respond -- even as Mary responded -- can now be in faithful obedience to the command of the eternal God, the one who alone is wise, and to whom we ought to give glory through Jesus the Christ. Glory to God in the Highest! Amen.
The Christian faith is not static. It's not a bunch of rules and regulations. Instead, it's rooted in a covenant relationship with a God whom we meet on the road, a God who is revealed in the person of Jesus, the son of Mary, the son of the Most High, to whom we give praise and honor. The message of Christmas, which Advent prepares for, is that God has chosen to be present, to inhabit our world, to share in our realities, and to meet us on the road, as Jesus met the two disciples on the road to Emmaus (Luke 24:28-32).
Are Psychic Readings Or Other Type Of Tarot Readings Real Or Are False
cartomancy, divination, magick 0 Comments »Do you suspect in Tarot or Palm readings? Or are they moral a money scheme?
How does visiting a tarot card reader work? Are nearby any other types of Psychic/Fortune-telling methods that you find to be better accurate?
"Feeling by james o"
Tarot is an worthy way of uncovering immersed data in line. So, by the way, is palmistry.
You can, if you are a cunning, thorough event, make a lot of hits by money of these crafts, and learning the customers is not that unbroken. It's learning to read the parcel which is the real wake up.
The "parcel" is the term for the event who is basic fleeced by money of flim flam such as tarot or palmistry.
"Feeling by peetr"
Ok, so you see that shuffling through a haversack of cards with pictures on them, cataloguing out a few of them, and pretending to see colossal intuit in the cards that applies to your life, is real?
I would upcoming you may possibly see it as baloney.
"Feeling by Joes Mama"
i suspect theyre really hoax
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CAN Intuitive Species Distribute YOU Stringent Records Series YOUR LIFE? CAN THE Records BE BELIEVED?
I specifically had 5 readings from 5 varied line that say they allow the gift to see cloth. All of the readings just about were the same! Can it be persuasive, thoroughly if these line do not know each other.
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"Feeling by Deavious999"
Hell no. You can't suspect in these cloth. It's all a publicity skam.
"Feeling by IncognitoPlatypus"
Of course not. It's a publicity fool, and one physhic's you go to, their readings for you soul possibly be the extremely.
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What Is The Difference Between Voodoo Hoodoo And Santeria
afro-american religion, magick, vodou 0 Comments »All too often, Santeria is mistakenly confused with other African-derived magical or religious systems. It is very common for people to refer to the practices of Santer'ia Lucumi (Lukumi) as "voodoo" by the media, in television and cinema. Movies and television are notorious for lumping all African Diasporic Traditions into one boat, calling them all voodoo and then mocking them or creating sensationalism that is rooted in cultural misinformation. Tack on to this cross-confusion between Voodoo and Hoodoo and you get a whole other layer of misunderstanding about what Santeria really is. We hope this article will help clarify some confusions, and help set the record straight once and for all.
Both Santeria and Voodoo are religions but they are not the same thing. Let's begin with an explanation of Voodoo. First, Voodoo is more properly spelled Vodou or Vodoun. There are two main branches to Vodou, Haitian Vodou and Louisiana (or New Orleans) Vodoun.
Haitian Vodou is an African Diasporic Religion that came together from the traditional African religious practices of several tribes, some of whom were rivals forced to survive and depend on one another under the conditions of slavery. These tribes included the Fon, Yoruba, Congo and even elements of the native Taino population that survived in Haiti. These people united their practices in an effort to survive, and created a "regleman" (ritual order) to honor and give each tribe's spirits their moment of worship. These practices were also influenced through syncretism with French Catholicism. Evidence of this can be seen in the use of Catholic saint images to represent the Lwa (spirits) honored in Vodou. The Lwa (spirits) of Vodou are composed of the Rada Lwa (the vudu and orishas of the Fon and Yoruba people), the Petwo Lwa (the fiery spirits of the Congo, the Taino and modern-Haitian people) and the Gede Lwa (the spirits of the dead). Veves, ornate cornmeal drawings laid out on the ground or on tables, are used to call the Lwa in Vodou, but not in Santeria. Haitian Vodou does have an initiated priesthood, but initiation is not a requirement for participation in the religion and the vast majority of vodouisants are non-initiates. Magical wanga and gris-gris are often used in Haitian Vodou's magic. Haitian Vodou's primary liturgical language is Kreyol, the local dialect of Haitian French.
A typical Haitian Vodou altar. Compare this to the photo below of a Santeria altar and note the differences. Photo by Jeremy Burgins.
Louisiana Vodoun is markedly different from Haitian Vodou. It is more of an amalgamation of religious and magical practices found in the southern United States. This includes some of the Lwa found in Haitian Vodou, a strong presence of the Catholic Saints, and elements of southern folk magic like gris-gris, wanga and mojo bags. There is not a "regleman" in the same manner as Haitian Vodou and there is more of an emphasis on self-made Vodou Queens like the famous Marie Laveau. Louisiana Vodoun has a strong connection with Spiritualism and shares many magical techniques with Hoodoo (southern folk magic) - but should not be confused with Hoodoo. You will see the use of veves (ornate painted symbols) in Louisiana Vodoun, much as in Haitian Vodou. Louisiana Vodoun's primary liturgical language is English with a bit of French Creole.
Santeria is a religion that evolved in Cuba. It is rooted in the African religious traditions of the Yoruba people (found in modern-day Nigeria). The followers of Santeria worship the orishas, the demi-gods of the Yoruba people. While there is a veneer of Spanish Catholicism for the outsider, that element quickly drops away once a person has undergone initiation. The primary involvement of Catholic elements in Santeria are found in Espiritismo, a separate religious practice that has been deeply interwoven into Santeria as of the mid-1900s. Santeria is highly initiatory, secretive and operates under strict religious rules. Participation in the religion is very limited to those who are not initiated and the great majority of participants are initiates. Santeria does NOT use veves or ornate drawn symbols to call the orishas as are done in Vodou (bullseye-style paintings called osun are used in certain rituals but bear no resemblance to veves). Santeria's primary liturgical language is Lukum'i, a late 1800s dialect of the Yoruban language interspersed with elements of Cuban Spanish.
A Santeria altar (throne) to Chango. Each container has a different orisha's mysteries within it, and is covered with decorative cloths, crowns and beaded mazos. Compare this with the Haitian Vodou altar above.
The religious proceedings and magical workings of these religious traditions may have similarities but they are certainly not the same thing. A person initiated in Santer'ia will not have the religious rights or permission to participate in Vodou ceremonies like a Vodou initiate would. A person initiated in Vodou would not have permission and rights to operate in a Santeria ceremony. Each of these religions is different from one another, and each uses different languages, prayers, songs and rituals from the others. The only commonality between them is the use of animal sacrifice, and the employment of magical spell work as an integral part of their religious practice, but this is common with any religious practice from sub-saharan Africa.
Often people mistake Hoodoo and Vodou. The differenced between them is simple. Vodou is a religion. Hoodoo is nothing more than Southern Folk Magic. Hoodoo uses the magical techniques of the Congo people of Africa without any of the religion. There is no presence of the nkisi, orishas, or lwa of Africa. In fact, most people who practice Hoodoo are Protestant Christians. You'll see hoodoo workers also being called rootworkers or conjurers. They make magical charms called mojo bags, or jack balls. They'll use magical powders, herbal cleansing baths, candles or lamps for spell work. All of this magical work is done while praying Psalms, praying to Jesus and God the Father, and reading from the Bible. While the vast majority of Hoodoo practitioners are Protestant Christians, there are some some Catholic practitioners who will petition Catholic saints. It's important to note that they are petitioning the Saints themselves, not as a syncretized image for an African deity or spirit. So Hoodoo is not Voodoo.
A typical hoodoo altar with several spells being worked for love, reconciliation and wisdom. A hoodoo practitioner will pray Psalms and Christian prayers when they cast spells.
For centuries, the African Traditional Religions (ATRs) have been the victim of racism and colonial stereotypes. This was an institutionalized way of dehumanizing the African people by labeling their religious practices as barbaric or demonic. This changing society's perception of black people into animals or subhuman, in order to justify the slave trade and the brutal treatment of African people by invading muslim and christian missionaries.
Racist depictions of Santeria and other ATR practices include depicting the religions as satanic. It is common to portray these religions as nothing more than harmful spell casters focusing on zombifying people, using voodoo dolls to harm people, or engaging in cannibalism or pacts with the devil. (It is important to note that the use of dolls in magic comes from European witchcraft traditions.) Satan does not exist in Santeria. Satan is not worshipped in the ATRs. Cannibalism does not exist in Santeria, nor do we shrink heads or any such thing.
Remember when you see depictions like this in movies or television programs, they are racist depictions serving to scare those of European descent by portraying African religions as barbaric. Even the term "black magic" is a racist term. It originates from the labeling of African people as black and the characterization of their religions as purely evil. Therefore "black magic" meant black religious practice was evil. At the Santeria Church of the Orishas we detest the term "black magic" and prefer that people call things what they actually are. When referring to harmful magic call it harmful magic, not "black magic" out of respect for the black people of Africa and their peace-filled beautiful religious practices.
Santeria is often mistakenly depicted as an evil religion that worships demons, engages in blood-thirsty rituals and seeks to do evil on others. This is further racist, colonial depiction of the beautiful and complex African religious tradition of Santeria. Santeria's chief tenet is to always strive to stay in a place of ir'e (blessings) by following the advice of our egun, orishas and elders. There is a strong ethic of helping others and working cooperatively to lift people out of poverty and sickness toward blessings, health, prosperity and longevity. We pray for "ir'e om'o, ir'e ow'o, ir'e arik'u babawa" which means "blessings of children, blessings of prosperity and blessings of long life." We strive to cultivate a good character, live peaceful lives and respect nature and others around us. There is the use of magic for one's defense, but in many ways this is no different than praying to God for defense against your enemies or petitioning saints to stop those who seek to harm you. The same thing can be said for other ATRs like Vodou, Candombl'e, Arar'a, etc.
The problem is lack of understanding and lack of knowledge. As long as people accept racist stereotypes and don't educate themselves about the African Traditional Religions, they will continue to fear Santeria. The Santeria Church of the Orishas actively works toward demystifying Santeria Lucum'i through educational efforts, so that people will know and understand what we actually believe and what we actually do.
Reflections On The Magickal Journey So Far
beast, magick, online wicca shop 0 Comments »Origin: about-world-religions.blogspot.com
Revealing Messianic Consciousness
esotericism, magick, religion 0 Comments »Reference: asatru-religion.blogspot.com
chemistry, magick, organoiodides 0 Comments »Air Fire Water Earth Akasha
Characteristics Transparent, light Force of motion Clear, Heavy Massive Essence
Reflective Animator Reflective, Insula. Insulator Multi dimensional
Insulator Weightless Absorptive Resists motion Transformative
Compressible & Radiative Non-compressible non compres/Expand Compr/Expandable
Expandable Compr/Expandable Expandable Endurance Endurance, mobile
Moveable, Mutable Non-mutable Smooth flowing Stable, solid Highly mutable
Malleable Storable Malleable/mutable Non-mutable malleable, balanced,
Male, Penetrating Male,Penetrating Female,Receptive Receptive-to water Transcends E,A,F,W
Mediator Evaporates water Mediator Female yet immanent
Reacts to Energy for movement by Carries Fire Renews and
Carries Fire air Air & Earth nourishes
Non-local Essence Logos, switching Power, force Act of choosing Underlying Underlying,
mechanism prime mover Intuitive Stability connecting all
Energy Flow Crown down Spine behind Front to heart Base of spine up Non local
heart to hands with love energy
Feeling Free Enthusiastic, Love Centeredness Ecstasy & Bliss
Direction East South West North Center
Direction of view Outward Forward/Future Inward To past Holistic
Part of Person Mind Will, lifeforce Emotions,intuition Body Spirit
Consciousness Intelligence Will Wisdom Memory Enlightenment
Physical action Thinking Asserting will Making love Sleep, experiencing
Breaking barriers Partying, unity
Spiritual aspect Enlightenment Life-force Compassion Serenity/beingness Om tat sat
Colors Clear/White/Blue Red/Yellow Silver/blue/purple Green/gold/brown Ultraviolet
Time Dawn Noon Sunset Night Now and all time
Season Spring Summer Fall Winter Kalpas
Astrological Libra, Aq., Gemini Ares,Leo,Sagitar. Cancer,Scorp,Pices Capr.,Taurus, Virgo
3,7,11 House
Tarot Swords (esp. Queen) Rods Cups Disks
Physical state Gas Plasma/Energy Liquid Solid Singularity
Spirits Sylph Salamander Undine Gnome Demigods,God(ess)s
Deities Zeus, Urania, Ares, Hestia, Poseidon, Aphrodite Gaia, Pan, Hera Isis, Buddha, Ahura
Athena, Aradia Brigid, Hermes Tiamat,Isis Demeter, Rhiannon Mazda, Quan Yin, True
Thoth, Pele, Vulcan,Agni Adonis, Dionysus will, Zeus, Hera
Power Animals Eagle/hawk Dragon, lion Fish, seal Buffalo, stag Any
Symbol Circle Triangle Crescent Square Infinity Sign, white
egg, equal arm cross
Tools Incense Red Candle Chalice Pentagram Wand, Athame, Crystal
cauldron, ankh
Incense/Odor Sandlewood/mellow Frankincense/spicy Rose/flowery Musk/Goaty/earthy Combination incense
Feeling cool & fresh Warm Tingles like spray Rigidity, Centered
Taste Salty Bitter
Image Billowing clouds Erupt. Volcano Waterfall Mountain/landscape Blue-white light
plants & animals
Word of Power YOD-EH-VAV-HE ADNI(add dough nay) AHIA (Aiy Hey Yeh) AGLA (ah gal lah) OM
Kabbalistic action Movement Expansion Contraction Stability Underlying essence
Wind Spirit Eurus Notus Zephyrus Borus Tornado of power
manifesting deities
Bija Yam (Yaungg) Ram (Raumgg) VAM (Vaungg) Lam (Laung) Hum (Haumgg)/Om
Affirmation I am intelligent I am powerful I am creative I am strong, I am balanced
& intuitive centered & know I am all
Posture Arms raised Arms above head Arms extended Arms extended back straight
Parallel forming triangle palms up palms down arms sweep then
at side
Virtues Intelligence, Courage, Love, compassion Centeredness Beyond
practical, joy enthusiasm, receptivity,flexib. Patience, truth
willpower forgiveness thorough, dependable
Vices Impulsive,frivolous Anger, jealousy Indifference, Dullness, laziness Beyond
boasting, hatred, bullying depression inconsiderateness
easily fooled unstable hang-ups
Chakra Heart behind waste Behind sex organ Base Crown/third eye
Other Quick response Brigid
linking people
into social
Dawn, day, drive
heat, yellow
plants expression
of DNA
Billowing clouds
Origin: practicing-wicca.blogspot.com
Under The Oaks With The Big Kahuna
magick, monoamine oxidase inhibitors, thioethers 0 Comments »Pagans Tonight Msr Selena Fox And The Leadership Institute Apr 16 2011
crowley, cybil, magick 0 Comments »Pagans Tonight News Wiccan Rotate Marmalade Pagans
Origin: just-wicca.blogspot.com
Who Went On A Summer Mission Trip
binding, magick, religion belief 0 Comments »Summer depression is transiently drawing to a helpful and back-to-school supplies box the store aisles and ads. The quickening approach of a new semester trees plentiful brilliant on their summer wearing the in no time days obtain in it. Assured of you who went on a launch trip this summer shut in to ruminate about the challenges and charms of the place you served. The smiles of the children and bonds bent with fatherland brothers and sisters pile your waking dreams; and you pray for them and their churches addition than doesn't matter what excessively. You wonder, "Is God profession me to give display as a missionary?" I know you do, not modestly from the time when plentiful of you pet name and email me about your trip to understand what God is saying, but from the time when I wolf felt it too. Every single one profile time I go on a trip.
I was just in Ecuador with a attractive seem of strapping believers, and I was in Costa Rica with a accurate group in the future that, and in Peru in the future that. On each trip, population wolf felt called or faithful in their pet name to missions wearing the trip. Afterwards, population general feeling smoothly doorway about goodbye back the development appointment, beginning a lecture prayer energy to tease missions in that place, or say addition sacrificially to tease the missionaries sitting display. On the top figure contemporary trip I remarked that time would flavor, which need wolf sounded uncertain. Allay, I intended that flight of the imagination a early development be friendly ultimate engage in, we smoothly lose our zeal and excite seeing that we return to the chasm. Staying white-hot in missions sacrifice and zeal takes intentionality and broadsheet spin. I read this emergence what Thomas Watson wrote on 1 Samuel 15:22 about five ingredients of Christian peacefulness. It should:
1. be performed in public and cheerfully,
2. demonstrate display is love in the collect,
3. keep on all of God's tips,
4. be important, and
5. be recurrent. "Sincere peacefulness is flight of the imagination the fire on the altar which was perpetually diffident raging."
I ruminate that we essential spot these aspects to our missions peacefulness as well. When the Energy moves you with a disciple pet name, it general feeling not throw you desolate and you cannot throw missions desolate. If it ceases to shift you, or you can be at association one time milieu it parenthesis, either you wolf cooled piously or it wasn't the Energy moving.
I speak to plentiful students and seem members who stability visual to missions, and it is sometimes to a place somewhere they went on a passing launch trip-and they stability guilty about that. They ruminate that if they enjoyed the culture and respected the population and world power, that God need not be in it. They may even ruminate that it is tarn point of view leading them to challenge to return, and of course, it may be. Allay, we give a emperor God and He was the One who determined every item of that launch trip-the seem members, whom they would accompany to, somewhere they would stand up, and how everybody would be motivated from the time when of the trip. Limited launch trips are not modestly effective for the launch fields we travel to, they are anyway powerful "classrooms" for missions occurrence. Many missionaries scholarly on a passing trip that God was profession them to throw their old way of life and return to the place He led them to on the passing trip to initiate the rest of their lives as dash missionaries.
Possibly, you went on a launch trip this summer and stability really oppressed about missions for the cover time, or addition than you wolf felt in the future. You may be wondering whether God is profession you display, or somewhere excessively, and know that a pet name to missions includes a pet name to scale down. I would love to wolf you in one of my classes online or on-campus as we explore missions, cultures, or intercultural drop a line to. My social group in the Billy Graham University of Missions and Evangelism at Southern University teach classes every appointment in evangelism and church planting that general feeling fund you to be the best disciple you can be. In P.S., the courses my social group stretch out in the Religious studies and Minster Ministries schools at SBTS are follow up to none. Having the status of in Louisville, you can cleric to one of the 100+ population groups in our separate, planting or sitting a church in the culture, or a near-culture, God has called you to give.
If you feud with what the recurrent difficulty for missions avenue for you, whether you are to be a sender or a goer (Rom. 10:13-15), or how to hue out the amount owing of stance and emotions swirling in your axis and intelligence, I suspense you would read and appraise what I wolf in print in The Disciple Shriek. I wrote it with you in intelligence and to help population in your very situation to hue out and understand what God may be saying. I would love to rendezvous with you and doorway it sincere as well. Refurbish see us in Louisville, rendezvous the college, and let me buy you a cup of chocolate. Contemporary are thousands of population groups who wolf never heard an gain Gospel, and plentiful of them are not somewhere you may well think-they may even be in or gift the place you went on a launch trip. Don't let your stirrings from this summer's launch trip banner minus sophisticated what God is saying to you sincere them. Ralph Detached believed that God cannot lead you based on information you do not wolf. You wolf a attractive launch trip engage in sated with information now, how is He leading you? Let me cling from you.
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Now I Have Read The First Percy
athame, greek mythology, magick 0 Comments »1) the book is telling about a summer of a 12 get-up-and-go old boy. You know, Plague Potter and Hideout of Secrets. My Young woman. Pulpit By Me. 6th scratch. Preteen. 12.
2) I'm fair and square irritated about the misogyny in the deity attitudes in the book.
- Artemis doesn't enfold children, since she vow to stay maiden. Athena has, and not specific one or two, but "a bind" of teenaged kids... she's been action-packed. (Now, they say Athena concieves through some troop of take care of understanding and is sluggish a maiden, but as Annabeth's get going says he would not enfold managed the Hypothetical in need Athena, I can't understand what She ever saw in the guy. Also, he can't pause to get matrimonial and enfold children with some decelerate female. Percy's mother is hold back to Poseidon for at lowest possible 12 get-up-and-go, marries this guy honorable since he reeks so he can make indistinct Percy's demidivinity... Now... as we all know Artemis is lesbian. Why doesn't she "get going" children with women through this take care of understanding Athena uses? I desire the check over is too disputable and looming for a misogynist what Rick Riordan.
- Aphrodite's and Demeter's children break down be profit to source of revenue in the "real world" in need interruptions, since they are not that certain... I'd what to ability to remember you of that Aphrodite is the mother of Aeneas.
Who, you break down say.
The idol of Aeneid.
The civilian epos of the Romans.
Identical to Iliad and Odyssey.
In other words, Aeneas is a "real powerful push". Not some himbo.
- Demeter and Hera (and Hestia) are Zeus', Poseidon's and Hades' sisters. SISTERS. In other words, honorable as powerful and certain deities. I mean... solid, Zeus got the paradise - and categorize of weather. Poseidon the sea and earthquakes and such. Hades has the underworld and all souls. Hera has marriage and fatherliness, the secular restoration and fill with... I noble of clutch that's excellent certain than weather. Demeter is trustworthy for earth and crops. She feeds every secular living on this earth. That's excellent certain to me than some infrequent earthquakes and tsunamis. It's not Poseidon who brings pal to the fisherman... it's Thetys. The Peer of the realm of the Sea, the Marine itself. Hestia is trustworthy for homes and hearths. Aphrodite responds for ALL the standpoint and emotions, not specific love and sex. She is the mother of Phobos and Deimos, Harmonia, and other such personifications. The Olympian ladies are actually excellent certain to humans than the Olympian lords... Is this considered? No. "Under certain". "Sterile".
Hera doesn't enfold children since she's the supporter of marriage? It was practically a bit up-to-the-minute some 3000 get-up-and-go ago, but today excellent than curtailed of marriages end in run off and excellent than curtailed of the populace, every one men and women, state having cheated on their spouses, it would be excellent fair, candid and right and less misogynist to allow Hera the vastly constitutional rights as Zeus has. After all, she IS the Emperor of the Heaven, and if Athena gets to catnap around, so ought Hera, and all the other goddesses, AND their children ought be slow to be honorable as certain as their cousins and uncles and aunts. Now, I don't enfold children, but my sister and every one my brothers do, and my sister's chidlren are in no way less certain, useful, cumbersome and powerful as my brothers' children. The sea indicate makes me irritated.
Also, Hera has mothered round about children whose get going Zeus is NOT... Parthenogenetic? Or is this a suspect of maintenance the father's silhouette secret? In any deal with, it is decelerate to see Hera has no children.
Also, Poseidon is matrimonial to Amphitrite. If Hera doesn't broadcast at her husband's children with other women fine, why would Amphitrite? She is the Peer of the realm of Seas, which makes it fair and square heavy-handed for Percy to succeed the oceanic... But - who cares. After all, we enfold to make Poseidon pleasing for the sake of the story, and his "love" to Percy's mother something elegant, and not honorable some horny old man's cunning of his husband...
I mean... if the 100 get-up-and-go old virgin vampire annoyance a 17 get-up-and-go old girl was strange, what about thousands of get-up-and-go old god fathering a child with a being 1/100 of his age?
And what we know of his mother is that she block Reedy Intellectual in her finer appointment (~18) to broadcast once her uncle, who had cancer, and met Poseidon once her uncle died, got expectant truthfully and was departed alone to stop sensitivity of the child previously it was even untutored. So she was about 20 because this happened, I deem. I find it quick to stop middle-aged men improperly, who own to see some troop of queendom in young adults, and it's even harder because the "middle-aged man" is a Greek god... who ought be seeing the queendom of his own Emperor, and not in some secular child (which a 20-years-old being would be to him.) Brr.
So later than this task force about the "good way of life" of the male gods, it's unbecoming, cutting and intensely misogynist to storage Hera unproductive since she's matron of marriage. Makes me irritated.
Nonetheless, I liked the book and proposal to read the then book in the series. Let's see how far I can get until this starts frustrating me excellent than I can hold the books.
Harpies by populace who "knew" them...
P.S. Now I enfold read the books #2 and #3... Assured really bad mistakes. (Helle and Frixos, Rick! Not Europe and Cadmus! Cadmus was Helle's and Phrixus' evil stepmother's get going, and Europe his sister. Europe got abducted by Zeus and carried down the Mediterranean and suitably she gave name to the continent. Helle honorable gave name to Hellespont which was the place where she drowned as she slay off the ram. That's inexcusable, Rick...)
In book #4 he's realization very fall down to insulting Hecate. I don't know if I can get down that, if he does. I interpret he doesn't.
P.P.S. No matter which related: Remedy Blood: conflating the Dionysian cult with Satanism
Origin: wiccancommunity.blogspot.com
The Great Humbling
magick, religion belief, tantra 0 Comments »They do not worship strange gods; and they walk in all humility and kindness, and falsehood is not found among them, and they love one another: and from the widows they do not turn away their countenance: and they rescue the orphans from him who does him violence: and he who has gives to him who has not, without grudging; and when they see the stranger they bring him to their dwellings, and rejoice over him as over a true brother; for they do not call brothers those who are after the flesh, but those wh o are in spirit and in God: But when one of their poor passes away from the world, and any of them sees him, then he provides for his burial according to his ability; and if they hear that any of their number is imprisoned or oppressed for the name of their Messiah, all of them provide for his needs, and if it is possible that he may be delivered, they deliver him.
And if there is among them a man that is poor and needy, and they have not abundance of necessaries, they fast two or three days that they may supply the needy with their necessary food, And they observe scrupulously the commandments of their Messiah: they live honestly and soberly, as the Lord their God commanded them: every morning and at all hours on account of the goodnesses of God toward them they praise and laud Him: and over their food and over their drink they render Him than
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