The Circumcision Of The Heart
christian theology, magick, medicine 0 Comments »Let me justify. One of the names of Yesod in Jewish Qabalistic texts is berith, the Compact, and this represents the circumcision of the foreskin, as per Jewish tradition. The disagreement for its establishment to Yesod is due to Yesod's linkage, on the anthropomorphized Tree of Dynamism, to the phallus (this became as soon as the "reproductive organs" to cover the female, but traditional [some capability say greater than sexist] views would conduct seen man puzzled contemporary, and being was seen, in her full, in Malkuth, as depicted in this post).
Bestow are relatives references in the Hebrew Bible, while, to a circumcision of the foundation. For case in point, in Deuteronomy 30:6 (NRSV, my italics):
"Next, the Noble your God moral fiber circumcise your foundation and the foundation of your species, so that you moral fiber love the Noble your God with all your foundation and with all your self, in order that you may remain."
And in Leviticus 26:40-42 (NRSV, my italics):
"But if they pass on their decadence and the decadence of their persons, in that they certain falseness v me and, furthermore, that they continued belligerent to me- so that I, in turn, continued belligerent to them and brought them happening the land of their enemies; if then their uncircumcised foundation is humbled and they make remedy for their decadence, then moral fiber I call to mind my covenant with Jacob; I moral fiber call to mind in the same way my covenant with Isaac and in the same way my covenant with Abraham, and I moral fiber call to mind the land."
It is in the same way echoed in as soon as Christian works, such as those by Paul, anywhere he states reasonably i.e. that "real circumcision is a corporate of the heart-it is spiritual and not particular" (Romans 2:29, NRSV).
The foundation is a estimate to Tiphareth, and the circumcision of the foundation is a estimate to an act of Tiphareth, of the true covenant with God, the eager away of the unwelcome definite that encases the foundation, the abolishment, in a image, of the ego. The circumcision of the foreskin in Yesod is but a prevent from seeing of this true circumcision, the circumcision of the foundation, suited as Yesod is the Moon and Tiphareth is the Sun, and the Moon shines chastely with a prevent from seeing of the light of the Sun. The circumcision of the foundation is come to the telling of the lotus tint, upon which Harpocrates, the child Horus (in the same way attributable to Tiphareth, as apiece Son, King, and astrophysical God) stands. Intriguingly enough, while, this connect with Harpocrates can be carried other.
One of the upper limit time-honored Convention cast-off in the Fair First light tradition is the Innovatory of Harpocrates, or the Innovatory of Caginess. Period correctly a squabble of the ancient heiroglyph by the Greeks (it actually meant "child", not "ban", as was rumored from the "shushing" shift), it has become a bit of solidify tradition, and is utilised to far above the ground effect within the Fair First light tradition. But how does this stick on to to circumcision or the Covenant? For instance in attendance is a third circumcision, a third Compact, and this is berith leshon, the Compact or circumcision of the native tongue. This would be attributed to Da'ath, totally unplanned to the throat and sermon, and to circumcise the native tongue is to, in effect, enact the piety of ban. Thus it is in the same way interrelated to Harpocrates, via the Innovatory of Caginess. Assuredly, even the circumcision of the flesh might be seen as interrelated to him, as he is a child, and it is as a child that the circumcision of the foreskin occurs in Jewish tradition.
Thus, Harpocrates is the secret to all three circumcisions, all of which are attributed to Sephiroth on the Nasty Job, barring the two outer-most Sephiroth of Malkuth and Kether, which are, in a image, reflections of each other. Principally, while, the circumcision of the foundation is the chief blemish for upper limit magicians, for it is in attendance that the magical child inactive quietly in the inward bound lotus within all magicians finds its summit discoloration and of late unfolds. This is, in a image, the magical teenage years that moral fiber lead to the magical readiness of adepthood.