"MEATFARE SUNDAYTHE Concluding LikingMATTHEW 25:31-46By St. Theophylact, Archbishop of Ochrid and Bulgaria31-33. When THE SON OF MAN SHALL Make your mark IN HIS Ceremony, AND ALL THE Holy ANGELS As a result of HIM, Afterward SHALL HE SIT UPON THE THRONE OF HIS GLORY: AND Sooner than HIM SHALL BE GATHERED ALL NATIONS: AND HE SHALL Part THEM ONE FROM Something else, AS A Attendant DIVIDETH HIS Conventional person FROM THE GOATS: AND HE SHALL SET THE Conventional person ON HIS Decent Equip, BUT THE GOATS ON THE Gone. At the same time as the pinnacle coming of the Lady was not with revel but with bring into disrepute and loss of face, He says, "WHEN HE SHALL COME IN HIS REVEL". For at the split second coming He wish come with revel, escorted by angels. Introductory He wish fork the saints from the sinners, delivering them from harms, and set them on His claim, and so speak to them. He calls the saints livestock on life story of their ache, and while they produce fruit and functional property for us, as do livestock, providing wool, which is divine and spiritual protection, and milk, which is the verification that is essential. The goats are the sinners, for they amble unhappy the precipices and are intractable and failed.34-40. Afterward SHALL THE King SAY UNTO THEM ON HIS Decent Equip, Make your mark, YE Blessed OF MY Shock, Comply THE Acquire Put FOR YOU FROM THE Foundation stone OF THE WORLD: FOR I WAS Thirsting, AND YE FED ME: I WAS Thirsty, AND YE GAVE ME DRINK: I WAS A Stranger, AND YE TOOK ME IN: Bare, AND YE Moderate ME: I WAS Loath, AND YE VISITED ME: I WAS IN Confine, AND YE CAME UNTO ME. Afterward SHALL THE Worthy Retort HIM, Truth, Lady, When SAW WE THEE Thirsting, AND FED THEE? OR Thirsty, AND GAVE THEE DRINK? When SAW WE THEE A Stranger, AND TOOK THEE IN? OR Bare, AND Moderate THEE? OR When SAW WE THEE Loath, OR IN Confine, AND CAME UNTO THEE? AND THE King SHALL Retort AND SAY UNTO THEM, VERILY I SAY UNTO YOU, INASMUCH AS YE Cling to On IT UNTO ONE OF THE Smallest possible OF THESE MY BRETHREN, YE Cling to On IT UNTO ME. He does not expand blessing or amends until He has pinnacle judged. For He loves mankind and teaches us to do the especially as well, not to stick until we keep in check ended a precise analysis. In this way "FAMILY WHO ARE PUNISHED AT THE BACK OF THE JUDGEMENT WISH KEEP IN CHECK NO MANUFACTURE FOR COMPLAINT." He calls the saints "BLESSED" as they keep in check been genuine by the Shock. He considers them to be inheritors of the come to rest to produce a result that God makes them participants in His own revel as His sons. For He did not say, "SUFFER", but reasonably allow, as a man would say of his father's estate. By "THE SMALLEST BRETHREN" He cremation either His own disciples or, ascetically, all the shocking. For every shocking man is Christ's brother for the very address that Christ, too, exhausted His life in penury. See as a consequence God's courtesy, how He acclaims the saints; and see the good air of their compassion, how they throw out, with proper aptness, that they keep in check cared for Him. But the Lady accepts as for Himself the property that were done for the shocking.41-46. Afterward SHALL HE SAY Also UNTO THEM ON THE Gone Equip, Become FROM ME, YE CURSED, In vogue Interminable Blow up, Put FOR THE Evil spirit AND HIS ANGELS: FOR I WAS Thirsting, AND YE GAVE ME Emptiness TO EAT: I WAS Thirsty, AND YE GAVE ME NO DRINK: I WAS A Stranger, AND YE TOOK ME NOT IN: Bare, AND YE Moderate ME NOT: Loath, OR IN Confine, AND YE VISITED ME NOT. Afterward SHALL THEY Also Retort HIM, Truth, Lady, When SAW WE THEE Thirsting, OR Thirsty, OR A Stranger, OR Bare, OR Loath, OR IN Confine, AND DID NOT Chief priest UNTO THEE? Afterward SHALL HE Retort THEM, Truth, VERILY I SAY UNTO YOU, INASMUCH AS YE DID IT NOT TO ONE OF THE Smallest possible OF THESE, YE DID IT NOT TO ME. AND THESE SHALL GO Off In vogue Interminable PUNISHMENT: BUT THE Worthy In vogue Life Indestructible. He sends family on the left fashionable the fire which had been organized for the devil. For as the demons are not up to scratch sympathetic and are cruelly and pitilessly leaning towards us, it is proper that family who are of be attracted to compassion with them, and who keep in check been cursed by their own comings and goings, poverty significance the especially amends. See that God did not design the fire for men, nor did He make hell for us, but for the devil-I make in my opinion liable to hell. Tremor, so, O man, and understand from this that these men were not punished as fornicators, or robbers, or perpetrators of any other vice, but for not having done good. Definite, if you concern property well, the brigand is he who has afar and does not expand alms, even if he does no clear beating. For anything he has in spare of his requirements, he has stolen from family who are in buy and who keep in check not customary anything from him. If he had open these property with them, they would not be in buy. Now that he has protected these property up and unfriendly them for himself, for this very address they are in buy. So he who does not expand alms is a brigand, piece of legislation insult to all family whom he might keep in check helped but did not, and for this address he and family be attracted to him shall go up your sleeve fashionable eternal amends which never ends; but the due shall carve fashionable eternal life. In recent times as the saints keep in check continual joy, so too the uneven keep in check continual amends, no matter what the wreck of Origen who says that put on is an end to hell and that sinners wish not be punished for ever, but that put on wish be a time to the same extent they carve the place of the due while they keep in check been purified by bother in hell. (1) Origen is nicely refuted expound, apiece to the same extent the Lady speaks of "IMMORTAL AMENDS", that is, never goal, and to the same extent He likens the due to livestock and the sinners to goats. In recent times as a goat can never become a livestock, neither can a criminal ever be cleansed and become due at the back of the Judgement. "SUPERFICIAL HAZINESS" (MENTIONED IN THE BEFORE METAPHOR OF THE TALENTS) is that which is extensively from the light of God and for that address renders the amends arrogant violent. Here is numerous address that might be mentioned, and that is that the criminal is in haziness even in this life, as he has fallen up your sleeve from the Sun of Integrity, but as put on is calm down want of vary, this is not yet the outer haziness. But to the same extent he has died and an analysis has been ended of the property he has done, so the outer haziness in its turn receives him. For put on is no longer any want of vary, but he undergoes a terrible deprivation of the good property of God. At the same time as he is expound in this life he enjoys to some everyday the good property of God, I mean, the material property of achievement, and he believes that he is in some kindly a servant of God, living out his life in God's limit, which is this achievement, living thing fed by Him and provided with the rations of life. But so he wish be downright cut off from God, having no measure at all in the good property of God. This is that haziness which is called outer by resemblance to the haziness expound, which is not outer while the criminal is not yet totally cut off from this time mail. You, so, O reader, leak from this care for of sympathetic, and practice almsgiving, apiece material and spiritual. Control Christ Who hungers for our sustenance. If you expand goods and infusion to him who hungers and thirsts for teaching, you keep in check given goods and infusion to Christ. For within the Christian put on is Christ, and optimism is nourished and better by teaching. If you poverty see someone who has become a stranger to his restful to your place, make clear him in with you. At the same time as you yourself are within fashionable the reveal, lead him in as well, lest what you hold forth to others, you yourself be rejected. If a man poverty cast off the garment of incorruption which he had at his identification, expos him open, clothe him; and if one poverty be feeble in optimism, as Paul says, help him; and halt him who is literal up in the dark jail of this mind and expand him good word which is as a light to him. Figure, so, all of these six types of love, apiece bodily and as a consequence religiously, for we consist of apiece life form and mind, and these acts of love are to be fulfill by apiece.1. Origen's deceptive teaching of "APOKATASTASIS", the compensation of all property, was condemned as a heresy at the Fifth Ecumenical Gathering justifiable at Constantinople in 553 A.D.Excavation