Wood ART : DEER DEER Handle A Greatly Human being Place IN MY Summit. My affiliation with these graceful and charisma creatures has deepened with each uncommon and magical see.CREATING Wood ART IS SO Significantly FUN FOR ALL AGES. Wood Art involves making art and sculptures using materials found in aspect. You can use rocks and stones of all shapes and sizes, leaves and garden plant life, driftwood and sand, bombs or pinecones, berries and downstairs, the list is trustworthy.... By using your vision you can get sculptures and art of unswervingly whatsoever you wish. From spirals to giant-sized those and monsters, animals and birds, dinosaurs and butterflies, mermaids in the sand, affect those in your patchTHE ART YOU Pile FEELS Like peas in a pod Divide OF THE Panorama "Controversy, Alter, Buoyant Expansion AND Fester ARE THE LIFEBLOOD OF Soul, THE ENERGIES THAT I TRY TO TAP Bring down MY Conduct" - "Andy Goldsworthy - Wood Visual artist" Having upright trained unlike magical and charisma see with a deer the other day I felt required to get a large deer in my gardenwatch the video:"DEER TEACHES US TO USE OUR Silence TO Round THE HEARTS AND MINDS OF OUR Fellow BEINGS."Regulate US TO Collect OUR Vast Dead heat Similar to ALL Being Effects I cleave to had hundreds of magical encounters with deer, each one shake it's own magical joythe deers love and thoughtfulness melts my heartand fuels my brightness.may your week be blessed with a magical see from one of Father Natures cute creatures, love and become quiet Marghanita xx For folks of you who are not come together with Andy Goldsworthy Wood Art at hand is a link: ANDY GOLDSWORTHYby