Smoke Break Over

Smoke Break Over
Monday, cigarette #1

I'm back! More precisely, my laptop is back after a week at the tech support spas, and its recovery seems complete.

Things to expect in the coming week:

Who's a wittier gay playwright, Noel Coward or Mart Crowley?

More on campus conservatism: Should it feel illegal? Do we have to reject the cult of youth completely, or can we pull off spirit-of-'68-in-tweed?

How can Nicola make a Sigmund Freud/Ginger Rogers joke and still be so mistaken? How can Fassbinder be so loathsome and so right?

The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance: It's not about the gun. It's about the girl.

Watching the New York Times" write about Ivy League abstinence activists: And you thought that the smart set had given up on the concept of "primitive" societies."In the meantime, Elizabeth M. Whelan doesn't think the Catholic Church is very consistent, and I don't think Elizabeth Whelan is very right. Her hatchet-whack does make one point worth making, though: "pro-life" rhetoric has its perks and bugs, but it's "not much help" when the enemy is the cult of health and not the culture of death.


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