Life In The Astral Spheres
esotericism, magick, religion 0 Comments »THE CLIMATE AND GEOGRAPHY OF THE AREAS ASTRAL
There are also air, wind and in some areas (THE SPIRITS SAY THERE ARE THOUSANDS OF THE ASTRAL WORLDS OR SPHERES) of occasional light rain intensity, dew, fog and even light snow at higher elevations as happens on Earth. Weather patterns of the astral worlds tend to be mild and never against the needs of the inhabitants. The temperature ranges from moderately cool to comfortably warm depending on weather and conditions were the original inhabitants the most commonly used on Earth. There are all the same climate and natural conditions of life that are on earth, including deserts, mountain regions, polar regions, forest regions, the tropics, ocean environments, and land masses ranging from vast continents to the beautiful tropical islands.
Many of the journalists Leslie Flint say theyve seen the rivers and lakes with some being quite large and always very quiet and beautiful in a constant warm summer afternoon. It is possible to to swim and do many souls. You can also travel by boat or ship, and go scuba diving, etc. It can also drink this water pure and there is no contamination, insects or bacteria in ponds, lakes and rivers to worry, no water, air or noise pollution, either as there is no need for cars, roads, sewers and factories. The water is crystalline pure and very suitable for drinking. Oddly enough, they say that souls can enjoy all the benefits of swimming, bathing, etc. However, are completely dry (INCLUDING CLOTHES) in the instant it out!
Imagine a physical common world of three dimensions of space and fourth time. Then add a fifth dimension (AN EXTRA MANAGEMENT TIME AND SPACE TO EXPAND) in this box and then you have a rough idea of what the atmosphere is like in the afterlife. While traveling through the vibration areas (ACTUALLY HAS A BIT OF PRACTICE AND EXPERIENCE TO DO THIS), the whole landscape can be transformed into an amazing variety geographies, for example, the location was a vast plain, there is now a landscape of alpine forests and the sources operating. Before it was fog, now is cloudless, and billions of subtle colors of the atmosphere extends further above prismatically is refracted through the sky glorious whole. The atmosphere astral which is much larger Earths atmosphere seems much deeper and, if there are clouds, tend to have many layers of clouds.
On the surface of the astral worlds: imagine that interact innumerable, between layers of an onion: a below the surface of the Earth and many above each with a higher rate and higher vibration and lighter than the composition of those below. This rough estimate would be the areas of existence beyond one finds. If you could visualize a four dimensional "GROUND" this would be very close to reality. Such a sphere of four dimensions would have a three-dimensional "SURFACE" which expands in size as one goes higher and higher on the scale of atomic vibrations. Most of the material in the universe (SEE "THE TRUE NATURE OF DARK MATTER") is in fact composed of these substances finest astronomers throughout the world can see Evidence of gravity on different parts of the distant universe and are still trying to understand what the "DARK MATTER" really is. I think it is the astral matter.
Some trees grow very tall and can often be in full bloom and / or produce much fruit. The flowers of all kinds, shapes and sizes exist in the astral worlds and grow in wet soils as they do on Earth. Because they are alive and very much alive, not are to be collected, and can often grow taller than houses. In fact, there are entire forests of flowers high growth as high as the creation of perfumes trees gorgeous are carried for miles and miles in mild breezes astral. Gardens and gardening is a very common thing among most of the souls, as most souls who have houses to have and enjoy wonderful and lush gardens. Yes, nature is very real and abundant natural part of the astral worlds, especially the most high worlds where the beauty of nature becomes almost infinite. In fact, the astral worlds are the real source of all physical existence, while the Earth is only a tenuous almost artificial, reflecting what nature intends to create and manifest. To think that the physical universe is the only universe is very sexist. Not only are there other stocks, but even higher, as well as!
The astral planes have joined with all manner of both extinct and currently living plants and animals on Earth. No annoying insects, pests or predators to be. (YOU MAY, HOWEVER, THAT THERE ARE SOME OF THE LOWER PLANES OR SPHERES.) The Lion Sleeps definitely lambs and all races, creeds and nationalities definitely live in perfect harmony and peace with one another just as seen in "Jehovahs Witnesses in their illustrations international journals, "AWAKE!" and "THE WATCHTOWER." The funny thing is the similarity of the ideal world that the Jehovahs Witness describes is real, the description of spirits. There are wonderful places or "BELIEF SYSTEM TERRITORIES" in the astral worlds, where even the dead Witnesses Lord "can hang waiting for the ideal new earth to come even though there is a perfectly world right under his nose that completely surrounded!
Communication with Animals and singing in an ethereal atmosphere
Spirits are often told that if they tuned into it, there seems to be a gentle and relaxing vibration, healing music or the atmosphere generated by either the nature and / or creative souls that somehow registered left () in songs well. You can talk, sing, play instruments and create a sound like on Earth, but can also communicate by thought and most of the souls to find quickly that telepathy is the most efficient way to communicate especially if the other person speaks only Spanish, for example, and can only speak English. Amazing as it may seem, the telepathic communication between animals and humans is very easy and common in the astral levels. A spirit that came through Leslie Flint saying he had an amazing "CONVERSATION" with his pet dog died. Animals can also be realized in seances. During a seance held in Mansfield David Thompson, October 10, 2007, became operational a dog and barked!
Another amazing thing is that people who have never learned to read or write properly on Earth often in the afterlife! There are so many libraries, colleges, schools, etc in the astral planes to learn those things as well as many other topics ranging from basic to far beyond the scope and imagination of materiality. Joy, inspiration, breathing and laughter always comes naturally and easily, one always feels light, or total energy, vitality, and one never gets old, sick or suffer from any pain. Breathing air is a joy, "IS LIKE WINE," says Mary Ivan (NEAR TOP OF THE LIST ON THE LEFT) toward the end of your session of spiritualism. Often, the air is filled with fragrance of flowers that naturally grow in many surrounding gardens, fields, etc.
Lighting (SUN?) Astral world
The sun still seems to have any effect on the lower astral areas where souls say there is still a night and day, fog, rain, etc. The lowest areas appears to be deep fog or darkness created by all the negative thoughts and fears of physical people materialistic mentality Earth. However, in the central part to a higher astral worlds does not seem to be a constant "ENLIGHTENMENT" or the source of a very calming, loving, healing light of nature magic and mystery that emanates from "GOD" and / or the higher realms. The souls have reported seeing a mysterious light gold with increased brightness on the horizon. I heard of some of the recordings of Leslie Flint, there are periods of rest and dusk but no real night, except at least the areas where you can get completely dark. My speculation is that there are many possibilities for up to seven main areas or heavens (PERHAPS HUNDREDS OF KILOMETERS IN SPACE?) That are concentric with the earth and rotate with the earth ground.
Much of the light enjoyed in the astral spheres probably emanates from the suns outer chromosphere as a series or layers of ethereal "SUNS" to expand further, however, concentric with the physical sun and every sphere astral light for their level of vibration. After the sun sets over the western horizon, much of its outer chromosphere and, especially, its magnetosphere is extended remains above the horizon most of the night, especially toward the upper and lower latitudes, thus creating a shadow effect rather than the more experienced complete darkness on Earth. However, the souls also say that the atmosphere of the higher astral extend farther and farther into space as vibration increasing, reflecting the suns rays back to the planet no matter what time of night is with the effect being that of a long twilight during the night instead complete darkness. The light or illumination in high places is quite impressive: much more vibrant and more beautiful than anything experienced on Earth. Sri Yukteswar said in Chapter 43 "THE RESURRECTION OF SRI YUKTESWAR" in Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramhansa Yogananda that there were many luminaries astral or "SUNS" illuminating the astral worlds and countless astral solar systems floating in space. astral matter tends to be self-luminescent anyway, especially towards the upper echelons where the astral material tends to become brighter, lighter, richer, more colorful, bright, multi-dimensional, transparent and more charming. I would have to say, things are going well beyond the description of the highest and most dazzling levels I refer to areas such as mental, causal and blue.
Living on Earth compared to the upper echelons is like living in a very backward and isolated country where the technology has not yet reached their borders. There are other realities of existence much less a limitation and a challenge that the Earth, which is probably one of the most difficult he has lived. Often embodied in Souls Earth to face the challenges that might not otherwise encounter in higher spheres. Learning that there are so many higher worlds of light and beauty beyond the scope Earth material initially can be quite surprising.
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