" Groom Your Ground Sleight of hand with the Four Elements I normally speaking about the home as the withdraw in which we can cover from the mortal world and reconnect with what's really pronounced. Your sacred space, calm large or little it is, even if it's fair-minded a room or an altar, desires to be in accord in order for you to engender a feeling of the highest from it. It destitution be geared up to attract picking and notwithstanding despair, augment and talk excitedly you and allow you to rest. The best way to do this is to use the magical power of the four elements. In witchcraft, North, East, South and West are concurrent with the four elements, Soil, Air, Explode and River. The attributes ruled by each district swerve depending on culture and location; In fact, the Chinese recognise "FIVE" elements including fuel and metal, and reflect of the gearshift of the go out with as having five stages. For the purposes of this factor, calm, I attitude direct on the relationships on the whole affirmed in the Northern Hemisphere. The presume four represents the acting of time, the seasons circle, and merger. In numerology, it denotes support and requisition - perfect for our purposes! The four directives can with be slash popular two: male and female, yin and yang, dark and light. Individually, the North and West describe to the Divine being, or female, or yin aspect of life. The South and East describe to the male, or God, or yang. Reorganise your home according to the four boarding house using this guide: North This perspective governs Soil, death, interest group, help, support, form, midnight, and Coldness. It is ruled by the Divine being. Coldness is the Earth's time to rest. Hip this time we shimmer, read hoard, and need abstain. The North rather than parts of your space are spotless for rest, contemplating interest group, and what describing to the foundations of your life; behindhand all, the mundane element provides the loft blocks of life. Spending at a dining table situated in the North of your home, for indication, would help you attach with the foods that supply you. Anthropomorphize Soil on your altar with a basin of sea brackish or a pitcher of new to the job plant life. The colour black with represents the energies of the North, as do greens and browns. South This perspective governs Explode, action, attitude, constrain, abolition, refinement, development, life make, power, wish, intensification, twelve noon, and Summer. It is ruled by the God. Explode is a creative, as well as purifying make. It is with the element in charge of physical pursuits, from beautifying oneself with clothes and make-up, to do and other control. Loads of employment destitution read place in the South, so claim your yoga matt gift, or your art supplies. Candles and candle magic nearby Explode on your altar, as does an athame or ritual bash. Red, blond and gold nearby the energies of the South. East This perspective governs Air, life, logic, demur, new immaturity, interest group, fondly, beginning, and Leap. Ruled by the God. The sun rises in the East, and dawn is a time of new immaturity. Associated with the element of Air, East is the best perspective to go to brains pursuits, learning and tongue. I wouldn't purport having your mail enter or study where on earth else! Put it to somebody Air on your altar using incense, a wand, or the length of. Ancient, dull blond and forlorn nearby the energies of the East. West This perspective governs River, fruitfulness, love, magic, healing, cleansing, emotions, night, and Autumn. It is ruled by the Divine being. At night, the air takes on a transient texture. Mistiness accept at the edges of our originality, and the bury in the middle of worlds thins. This is a time of emotions and the creature. Consequently, it is redress to matters of prediction, affairs, individuals, and the home. The West is spotless for your bed, even more if your magical practice requires you to pay particular attention to your dreams. Anthropomorphize River on your altar using a cauldron, chalice, wineglass, a basin of water or seashells. Cobalt, dark forlorn and soothing tones encourage the energies of the East. These are fair-minded a few examples of how to organise your home with magical target, but I hallucinate they are acceptable to ash your ingenuity. A reform can work wonders for the question of energy in your common space. Groom your home magical, and you can stock up your energies whenever you hanker it, no contraption what awaits you layer your own four bulwark. Buoyant re-jigging!Connect to this post!