I Did Try Really Hard Not T
magick, religion belief, zoroastrianism 0 Comments »The revolutionize may tinkle small from the rise, but to persons of us who relay -faith- in the Church, it's an far-reaching one.
Female Aletria Said:
"FRIENDLY*" neighbourhood seminarian.
*please designate stress on friendly/
Female Aletria said:
Catholics ARE Christians.. moreover of these religions are entourage of Christ
Angela Spidertarot )O( said:
Satan was not in parallel part of Christianity. He was practically created to bolt from the blue recruits into soul with pleasure reasonable by the Church. Multitude Christians and Catholics do edition why their God would rig up such a place as "HELL".
Satan in parallel didn't relay horns either. That was their defend to say that the Pagan traditions (WHICH ARE CLEAR-CUT THAN THE NEO-PAGAN ONES SUCH AS WICCA) were evil and offense.