Lies Myths And Sensationalized Truth Warriors
astrological aspects, astrology, magick 0 Comments »time of the Tipping Point!
The Sensational Truth Warriors Drop some Media Bombs!
If you listen to Max Keiser and Alex Jones, you might think that the empire is on the run. If you listen to Jay Rockefeller you know he is lying cause he is opening his mouth.
Senator Rockefeller To TSA Chief John Pistole: "I Think You're Doing A Terrific Job"
All in all the current transits of Mars in Sagittarius and Jupiter-Uranus in Pisces are pushing the buttons of mainstream media, now that more people trust alternative websites
than the likes of MSNBC, CNN or FOX. In fact FOX News has been paying attention to the
driving forces on the internet like Max and Alex.
Max Keiser
Max Keiser or Timothy Maxwell Keiser (born Jan 23, 1960) is a mercurial Aquarian (with a Sun-Mercury used to being in the spotlight. Max is on a mission to crash JPM by buying silver. Silver as a metal relates to the Moon and Cancer while gold relates to the Sun and Leo.
Relating to Silver, the S Node is now @ 3 Cancer 16 opposing N Node-Pluto in structural Capricorn. We are now into a tipping point highly symbolic act. Max has Uranus in Leo which reflects his over-the-top shocking style. In resonance with the current transits of Mercury-Mars-Pallas all in Sagittarius, Max personifies a lucky devil, enthusiastic yet immoderate and reckless natal Jupiter-Venus in Sag. Max also is shrewd character with Mars and Pallas in Capricorn - note that Pallas in Capricorn is about structural perception and being in the right place at the right time.
Tri-Wheel Chart Below has Mercury-Mars-Pallas conjunction on outer wheel - Alex Jones in the middle and Max Keiser Natal Inside.
Noticed that I have circled transiting Jupiter-Uranus now in Neptune ruled Pisces stationing direct with Uranus at 26 degrees the exact degree of Max Keisers S Node
past destiny. Alex Jones has N Node square @ 26 Sagittarius resonating all these energies. I alluded to the power of truth telling and myth building with the Nov. 20th conjunction of Mercury-Mars-Pallas all in the sign of the archer over Max's Jupiter-Venus
conjunction which also craves recognition while overestimating lucky streaks but..
Illusion-delusion oriented Neptune in Sag. @ 9 degrees in Jones chart conjuncts Keiser's
committed Vesta in Sag. Sabian Symbol for 10 Sag. A stage symbolization of the Goddess of Opportunity.
Alex Jones or Alexander Emerick Jones (born Feb. 11, 1974) not only has Sun-Jupiter conjunct in Aquarius (a feeling of being chosen) but they are part of a grand air trine. Sun-Jupiter trines Uranus in Libra (freedom in partnership) and to S Node/Saturn in Gemini with communication skills from past lives. Alex whose syndicated news/talk show The Alex Jones Show,is carried to over sixty AM, FM, and shortwave radio stations across the United States.
Here are the two of them together with Max's Kaiser Report/Stacy Herbert and Viral Campaign to crash JP Morgan and the Banks - Even truth warrior from France Eric Catona
aka Logical Frank per Cliff HIgh and HalfPastHuman.
Lest we forget all this fiery, crusading Sagittarian energy on a rant is catching
many people by surprise. Yet others are cashing in on the tipping point. All we need
now is some real hyperbolic bizarre testimony from Wild Colleen who tells us how
to Survive Operation Black Swan Invasion. That invasion that is always predicted but never comes except in our Piscean dreams.
You don't have to believe me but it is going to get a lot more crazy weird and maybe
just a little upsetting with Jupiter-Uranus in exact squares to Mercury-Mars in Sag. starting Nov. 25th to 27th. Right around Thanksgiving!
False Flags and Crags join the Freaky Clowns of the Ocean...