Religion And Spirituality Open Question Why Does Having A Dissenting Opinion Considered To Be Hateful

Religion And Spirituality Open Question Why Does Having A Dissenting Opinion Considered To Be Hateful
Please read the details before responding, Sil Vous Plait.

I actually respect gays. I have known some really cool gay people in my life. I have also known some gays who were unpleasant people. The truth is that there is good and bad in everything. Please do not make any assumptions about me, or lean on prejudiced beliefs. Please try not to judge me. What two grown adults do behind closed doors is none of my business. Maybe I am dead wrong by being against same sex marriage. I realize that I am not perfect, and I do not have a monopoly on the truth. I cannot know exactly what God thinks. How could I possibly make such a claim?

The thing is, when I die and meet my creator face to face, I have to answer to him for my life. I guess that I would rather be labeled a bigot in this life than have to explain to God why I never told anyone what I believed about gay marriage.

Based on what you have read here, do you honestly think that I am being hateful? If you can use a logical, non-emotionally based sound argument to prove that I am a hateful human being, I may choose yours as best answer. But please, no hitting below the belt. Please respect me, and do not stoop to juvenile insults. That solves nothing.

So am I being hateful? (By the way, if it is not clear, the reason I am against gay marriage is because I believe that God intended for one adult female and one adult male to be married)


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