Friday February 01 2013

Friday February 01 2013
False ReligionIt All Began in Babylon False ReligionIt All Began in Babylon False ReligionIt All Began in Babylon The very first rebellion against our creator startedin Ancient Babylon with Nimrod and his mother.His family devised a new religion that wouldreplace the worship of Jehovah God with a "nameless"Lord syndrome that would eventually encompass theentire world of mankind. Even down to this day,the earth is still held tightly in the religiousmysteries of Nimrod and his Babylonian rebellion. The Dual godhead of Nimrod and Tammuz and the trinity delusions of the Babylonian gods haveremained in all religions of the world. A brieflook at all the religious holidays observed todayand in the past - can all be traced to Nimrod andSemiramis of Ancient Babylon. "Babylonian religion invaded the whole world and is the basis for every system of idolatry... The world's major religions can be traced back to ancient Babylon...Nimrod was the human "father" of all false religion."--World Religions by David Terrell "Nimrod, who built Babel or Babylon in the land of Shinar, instituted a pagan worship system that rejected the Lord God Jehovah."-The Book; THE HISTORY OF HALLOWEEN The Nimrod - Druid Connection David L. Brown, Ph.D. "Much of the Babylonian worship was carried on through mysterious symbols - thus it was called the "Mystery" religion. This system of idolatry spread from Babylon to the nations, for it was from this location that men were scattered over the face of the earth (Gen. 11:9). As they went from Babylon, they took their occult worship and its various mystery symbols with them."--Babylon - Source of False Religion "Babylon, Mystery Religion" by Ralph Woodrow"Nimrod's religion is identified in scripture with Satan - Isaiah Chapter 14 and in Revelation Chapters 17-18." --World Religions by David Terrell "Nimrod, and his wife, Semiramis, were the prototypes for all gods and goddesses that permeated all subsequent cultures and societies." --World Religions by David Terrell "Not only has the original Babylonian religious system served as the source of all the world's non-Christian religions, but it has also infiltrated and corrupted Christendom to an alarming degree."--Babylon - Source of False Religion "Babylon, Mystery Religion" by Ralph Woodrow "Satan worship could not be done openly because of the many who still believed in the true God of Noah. So a mystery religion began at Babel where Satan could be worshipped in secret."- Alexander Hislop, The Two Babylons, 2nd American ed. 1959 5, 24(Neptune, NJ: Loizeaux Brothers) "In ancient days Satan seemed to make Babylon the capital of his evil operation. From this headquarters was started false religion."-(Revelation Illustrated and Made Plain p. 224)."There in ancient Babylon were born the false beliefs that have wormed their way into almost every religion. Even today people are not aware that their manner of worship follows very closely that of ancient idol worship and pagan rites thatbegun at Babel. People today, calling themselves Christians, keep the Babylonian festivals of the Solstice at Christmas and of Easter."- Nimrod and False Religion; Adapted from Chapters 5 of The Bible Story Volume 1 by Basil Wolverton Published by Ambassador College Press. "Shinar is the land where Nimrod built his five cities, of which Babylon was the capital. Babylon continued to be the seat of pagan 'hate for Jehovah' from Nimrod onward."- Prophecy--BabylonThe Woman in the Ephahby Steve Van Nattan"Nimrod, who began to prevail in wickedness, for he shed innocent blood, and rebelled against Jehovah."--The Companion Bible E.W. Bullinger;(Appendix 28, pg. 29)"As the people increased in number, the Way of Jehovah was corrupted and a principal figure of rebellion in those days was Nimrod, who was described as a mighty hunter before Jehovah. The word 'before' used in this sensemeans, 'totally antagonistic to Jehovah."-The Ensign TrustVOLUME I No.2 - JUNE 1999'NARROW IS THE WAY'By Harry Lancaster "Thus from Babylon there emerged the entire complex of human "religions". All the various gods and goddesses of Rome, Greece, India, Egypt, and othernations can be identified with corresponding gods from Babel."--Babylon - Source of False Religion "Babylon, Mystery Religion" by Ralph Woodrow"His name is Nimrod, It means 'the rebel,'and is evidently meant to designate the nature of the man. He was the first specimen of giant tyranny after the flood. His Defiance of Jehovahwas perpetrated in wickedness and ambition under the very eye of Jehovah. Nimrod's assumptions were religious as well as political. His awful greatness was of ambitious rebellion, apostasy and defiance of Jehovah. And as it was Babel that was the beginning of his empire, so is 'Babylon the great' its consummation and close."-Nimrodby Horatius Bonar1808-1889"History reveals that the trinity concept is a pagan invention and belief found in many ancient countries. The worship of the trinity traces back to the worship of Nimrod, Semiramis, and Tammuz (of ancient Babylon) soon afterthe Flood!"-Forerunner Commentary"Trinity" by John W. Ritenbaughunder - The Nature of God - Elohim"...the whoredoms of all perverted Christian religionists are still in essence the same old harlotry which first found place and embodiment on the banks of the Euphrates. It is the same old Babylon, and her harlot daughters...intoxicating the inhabitants ther out of the wine of her fornication."- THE WINE OF OLD BABYLON Excerpt from 'The Apocalypse' by J. A. Seiss "Nimrod's rebellion was an organized revolt against Jehovah God. From this point onward "Babylon" in Scripture always stands for that which is in opposition to God "--Fundamental Baptist InstituteGleanings In Genesis; chapter 16Nimrod And The Tower Of Babelby Author W. Pink"Nimrod...rebelled against Jehovah."--The Companion Bible E.W. Bullinger; (Appendix 28, pg. 29) "The whole picture seems to indicate a slow change over from the worship of Jehovah, derived originally from Abraham and an exaltation of Nimrod or Baal of Babylon."--The Hyksos, CHAPTER VIIKings of Egypt and the land of EdomReligion and Date of the Edomite EmpireThe Nabataens, Builders of Petra "Baal" was a generic term for "Lord" and it encompassed many gods fashioned after Nimrod." --Egyptian Myth and Legend; Changes in Social and Religious Life Chapter XXIV; p307 "The Garden of Eden was in Southern Iraq, not far from where Nimrod, under Satan's motivation, built Babel, which was the beginning of Babylon.The Babylonian spirit is invading the world.Its influence is breathtaking...and spreading its idea to the entire world. There is no other proper description of Babel and the evil intent of this first expression of false religion."--Babylon: The Axis of Evilby Joseph Chambers"Later, the Roman Empire assimilated into its system the gods and religions of the countries over which it ruled. Since Babylon was the source of this paganism, we can easily see how Rome's early religion was a form of Babylonish worship."-Source --Satan's Counterfeit Christianity by Roderick C. Meredith Babylon Will Never Be Rebuilt(click-here) The End of the Harlot's ControlA Vivid Description of her Exposure(click-here) What Happened to Those Who Attemptedto Rebuild "Babylon" ? (click-here) All Things Hidden - Will Be Exposedin the "Last Days" (click-here) False Religion Will be Openly ExposedAll Religious Lies will be Exposed(click-here) False ReligionIt All Began in Babylon(click-here) '"EASTER" and "Babylon The Great"(click-here)....... From Babylon to Rome - The "Pathway" of False Religion (click-here).......The Destruction of "Babylon The Great"When, How and Why? (click-here) ....... Who Really is The Cult ?(click-here) ....... Babylon The GreatGet Out of Her - My People !(click-here) ....... False Religion is Responsiblefor All the Blood Shed upon the Earth(click-here) ....... Nimrod, Baal, and The Nameless "LORD" Connection(click-here) ....... "The Cross"and "Babylon-The-Great"(click-here) ....... "EASTER" and "Babylon The Great"(click-here) ....... Christmas and "Babylon The Great" (click-here) ....... The "Trinity" and Babylon-The-Great - (click-here) ....... Babylon and Valentine's DayWhat is the Connection ? (click-here) ....... Halloween and "Babylon The Great"What is the Connection ?(click-here) ....... ....... Nimrod, Baal, and The Nameless "LORD" Syndrome(click-here) The Snake - The Tree - and Christmas (click-here) The Great Religious Apostasywas Foretold (click-here) ....... The Dual "GodHead" Started with Rome and Babylon(click-here) ....... Concealing Christ's Jewish Nameand his Jewish Heritage(click-here) The "Trinity" - From Babylon to Rome - (click-here) .............. JUDGEMENT WILL BEGINWITH GOD'S OWN PEOPLE(click-here) .............. The "PARABLE" of The WEEDSand the WHEAT (click-here) ..............Many Will be "STUMBLED"on Account of Christ's True Name(click-here) ..............The "DIVIDING" of God's Own PeopleWhat will Cause it ? (click-here) ..............Christ Discusses the Weedswith His Disciples (click-here) ..............The "KEY" to PronouncingGod's Name - (click-here).............."Jehoshua" - NOT "G-Zeus"(click-here).............. Jehovah's Decree - "Call My Sonby his Rightful Name !" (click-here) .............. The Name "Jesus" is a Dishonor tothe Jewish Messiah - Why ? (click-here) .............. "Jehoshua" - There is No Other Nameby which we can Get Saved. (click-here) .............. A "Literal" New Earth What Will Happen to the Old One ?Why did God Create a "NEW EARTH"Refusing to Build Upon pagan Foundations(click-here) .............. Wicked Angels Releasedat the Euphrates River(Woe and Trouble)(click-here) ..............CHRIST NEVER HEARD HIMSELF CALLED "JESUS"WHILE HE WAS ON EARTH(click-here) .............. 'ESUS' and JESUS' (Coincidence?)The "Trinity" of 'Esus"the pagan gods - Esus and Hesus(click-here) ..............ARE YOU SAYING "AMEN"IN IGNORANCE ? (click-here) ..............DID CHRIST USE THE WORD "AMEN"IN HIS MODEL PRAYER ? (click-here) .............. "AMEN" - Was Borrowed From The EgyptiansSO BE IT ? (click-here) .............."AMEN" - Giving Honor to an Egyptian god.(click-here) ..............Prophecy in ActionRight Before Your Eyes(click-here)

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