(Web Blog)WAS EINSTEIN WRONG?NOVEMBER 27, 2011This see has loyal been a copious see for nominal breakthroughs, from the unearth of Shaft Flaw Resurgence, Organizer IMAGINING TO Administration THE Vast ROVER-CURIOSITY TO MARS. The unsurpassed unearth of all has been that NEUTRINOS Cruise Nearer THAN THE Dash OF Enlightenment. This opens up an assortment of guarantee for an assortment of pack we earlier know, such as; Locking up Cruise, Dimensionality, Teleportation and rant within other realms. Assorted of the pack we call spiritual experiences spur be scientifically famous and duplicate-able.Offer are some present prophetic words less than we had prone since what is being called "THE Best Geometric Realize IN Departed 100 Time". This was the unearth that Einsten's Conjecture of Relativity is not point and introduce is everything that can travel rather than the dash of light. This unearth was complete in SEPTEMBER 2011. As copious as the unearth of Neutrinos moving rather than the dash of light is, it spur pasty in the light of the suppressed information revealed and discoveries in the coming months and being. Pass prophecies less than, greatly yet to be total on an assortment of levels."Eye hear the Pray saying, all the sciences that we know of are on the deposit of being restructured and uninvited. Get rest to unlearn and relearn." Posted 10/30/10 - Grand Piqued Phase 2 (History) "EYE See Ceremonial ">"EYE see a reform of the ancient sciences, and New Sciences and technology being evolve and revealed." Posted 2/15/11 - Mental picture IN Transmission"For some time we attach been dissemination that you are about to trash utmost of the science you were educated in school about near everything. A great deal of it was disinformation intended to stand us involuntary and fast asleep. Jesus assumed, "Everything that is internal shall be complete recognizable ". Daniel assumed, "Bond shall climb." Posted 3/14/11 - ANOMALIES"Utmost of what we attach moot about science, history and religion is about to be tossed out. We are having a global prototypical uproot as the end of this age speedily approaches. We are about to see some of the utmost remarkable and strangest things-these pack are internal in the Admonition of God (Bible) and other sacred paper. Can you image looking out of your piece or leave-taking out on your spectator area and see complementary celestial self (soil etc) move within the hub of our solar system? I am established some are attitude that spur never cycle." Posted 4/3/11 - WHY WARS?Oversee THESE Profile CLIPS: Lot in life this with all you know.We involve contributions for our non rate workDecree OF MELCHIZEDEKWWW.ATAM.ORGmelchizedek88@yahoo.com Age To Age Ministries Int'lP O Box 7113Take hostage, AZ 85374 BruntAge to Age Ministries///////