Heres The Missing Link To Lasting Weight Loss
christian soteriology, magick, religion 0 Comments »Every day we see another "magic cure" for the problem. So what is the problem? We are intelligent, educated people, so why does this problem seem to grow every day and spread throughout the world?
Information shows us the need to change, but the power to change comes from the One who created us. I talk with people every day who tell me they just have no control when it comes to food. They have been on diets and are always looking for help in this area. They realize the serious threat to their health, but just can't seem to overcome the food issue in their life and control their weight.
I fought this battle for years until one day I saw five words that changed my life: "The devil wants you fat." These words pierced my heart! I hate the devil and did not want to give him control of my life in any area. When I read these words I was instantly convicted by the Holy Spirit and was aware that I was responsible and accountable for the care of my body. The Scriptures are very clear that we are to glorify God in our body (1 Cor. 6:19-20), and that we are to present our bodies to God (Rom. 12:1).
How can you present your body to God if you have no control over it?
The day I saw those five words I repented. I confessed my sin of neglect of my body that was created in His image, and I confessed my rebellious attitude towards this problem. Repentance is defined as "the action of repenting, sincere regret or remorse." When there is sincere regret, your behavior is going to change. Repentance is from the heart which affects your behavior.
Without the conviction of the Holy Spirit, you are just "trying" something new. I am amazed at how easy we fall into the world's trap of believing they have the answer. When I see the commercials by some of these weight loss programs for their new and improved diet plan, I think, "w"hy do they keep changing? I thought the last program was the best. They are all in competition with one another, and most of the programs are based on making money.
The missing link in lasting weight loss is repentance. I was always "sorry" that my new magic plan had not worked out, but I had never repented and asked God for His help in this situation. I am sure that I had said a few prayers along the way; evidently I had not been serious enough to repent.
Once I saw the truth and repented, the Lord gave me a battle plan that took 88 pounds from my body. It was not overnight, but as I continued asking the Holy Spirit to lead me in this battle, He continued to give me revelation that brought light to me. The Lord's program never changes; He is the same yesterday, today and forever.
We are placed in this earth for a purpose, and we cannot accomplish our purpose without His help. It is not about size; it is about stewardship. The devil has always used food against mankind, so why should we be surprised he is still doing it today? When Eve ate of the forbidden fruit, it exposed what was in her heart. She believed a lie and empowered the liar.
We have been trained to focus on food as the problem, rather than our mindset about eating and making wise choices.
We must unzip the truth, accept the truth and walk in the truth. In my book, "Why Diets Don't "Work--Food Is Not the Problem, "I share my walk and words of wisdom that the Lord put in my heart to win the battle. This month we published a workbook that is designed for personal or group study to help you win the battle of the bulge! You are not alone, my friend. We are all fighting the same devil and serving a God who has already won the battle.
You cannot fix a spiritual problem by natural means. Stop and think about your situation. Why do you want to lose weight?Without the conviction of the Holy Spirit leading us to repentance we will not have the power to resist when it gets tough, and it will. The unconvicted will be in constant battles in their mind with food as the ultimate prize. "But I say, walk and live [habitually] in the [Holy] Spirit [responsive to and controlled and guided by the Spirit]; then you will certainly not gratify the cravings and desires of the flesh (of human nature without God)" (Gal. 5:16, AMP).Our flesh is ruled by passion and desire, but our spirit is led by wisdom and truth. Join the walk today to honor God in your body.
JOYCE TILNEY" is the Founder of Women of God Ministries. She is a Bible teacher and author. You can find more information on her websites: "" and "". To receive a discount for her books, e-mail her at ""."