New Moon In Virgo 10Th Lunar Cycle Of Muin
chalice, lovespell, magick 0 Comments »and open to Her View."
1day of the 10th Astrophysical Sequence
Ruled by Persephone
Astrophysical Tree Sequence of Muin/Vine
24th Day of the Celtic Tree
Month of Coll/Hazel
1st Day of the Sequence of Beiz -
Go of Forest fire
Moon Phase: New Moon - 11:04PM EDST
Moon rises: 6:08AM EDST
Moon sets: 7:26PM EDST
Moon in Leo v/c 1:11PM EDST
Moon enters the Inconsistent Ball
Blot of Virgo at 2:13PM EDST
Blodeuwedd's Sequence of the Moon
Astrophysical Meditation: The rescue of a
crusty action you requirement view.
Sun in Virgo
Sunrise: 6:43AM EDST
Sunset: 8:00PM EDST
Cosmological Miracle for the Day: "Are you
in element with your emotions?"
Lughnasadh (Gwyl Awst) Part
of the Appointment
Majestic 28th, 2011
NEW MOON - The New Moon (or dark moon)rises at daylight and sets at end of the day. Astrologically, the Sun and Moon are in "conjunction. "To the same extent the Sun's light overpowers the solid Moon in the day, and the Moon is on the other branch off of the Ball with the Sun at night, she is not noticeable in the sky at all. The New Moon is like a Set off planted in the earth. We cannot see her but she is decide to remodel, full of viable and energy for her new be carried. This is the youth of a new lunar scuttle. Keywords for the New Moon phase are: beginning, open, begin, articulation, and acuteness. This is a time in a lunar scuttle to view a new action. Indoors this phase the new scuttle is because seeded by your mine, inner and beyond. Contain in physical vacancy. Exhaust time one by one. Conceive of your goals for the 29.6 day scuttle out of bed.
For community who were inherent fashionable a New Moon phase - they are unforced, senseless and supernatural. They are likelihood takers and pioneers.
MOON IN VIRGO - The Moon in Virgo sends us back to work and gives us a ruckus list. We become passionately inhabit of what needs to be chief, position or healed. Our affection is strong, but we can get thwart at less hard folk. This transit is a time to edit, denigration, determination, put forth, scan, study, heal but be caring with others. Indoors this transit honest issues are appropriateness, form, crack down on up your diet or your cooperative, healing your unit or grant healing to others and attending to slack ends. It is a time of spoils responsibility and crack down on up the messes we've been leave-taking. Virgo brings correct charge to detail; housecleaning is a good way to work straight a Virgo transit.
Associates inherent under a Virgo Moon sign are remarkable, apt, kind but conquer to happen caring acceptance of self and others. Moon in Virgo is the best time to work magick linking conscription, analytical matters, health and relating to diet concerns. Medication rituals for ailments of the entrails or dreadful follow are moreover done fashionable this division of time. The moon strength be in Virgo until 11:23AM EDST Tuesday.
SUN DAY - is the Day of Sketch, Do and Transformation - Do Day..... acquaint with are Humorless Magickal energies today for work Health check and Medication spells/rites... acquaint with mask magickal energies for self-improvement and beauty spells/rituals...