


Matthew 16:1-4
Key Verse: 16:3b

"You know how to interpret the appearance of the sky, but you
cannot interpret the signs of the times."

In the last passage we studied about Jesus feeding the four thousand through which we learned Jesus' divine compassion. Once Jesus fed five thousand people, but when he changed his topic to spiritual bread, they all ran away. They came back again; this time there were four thousand people. They were desperate people because of their sicknesses. They were the lame, the blind, the crippled, the mute and many others. "Many others" may have included mental patients, paranoia patients and men and women with leprosy. They didn't deserve Jesus' welcome because they had run away when he told them about the kingdom of God. So Jesus could have not welcomed them. He had wanted to take a break with his
disciples and had failed so many times. This time Jesus was indeed
helpless and his disciples were miserable because of their tiredness and hunger. But Jesus welcomed the crowd and healed the sick one by one for three days, day and night. When Jesus finished healing the sick, his divine compassion went out to the crowd of four thousand. He wanted to feed them because they came from long distances and had fasted for three days while watching him heal the sick. In their amazement they forgot to eat for three days. Jesus thought they would collapse on the way home if they didn't eat. So Jesus fed them. This time Jesus'
disciples did not grumble, but coworked with him saying, "Aye, aye sir!
I will distribute food to them.
" After distributing the food, each of his disciples came back and reported, "Master Jesus, we have
distributed it as you said, sir! Thank you, sir, for the privilege of distributing food to the hungry people.
" In today's passage Jesus talks about the bad influence of the Pharisees and Sadducees. They were the ruling class, but they were useless, like old wineskins. There are two lessons: One is about a sense of history; the other is about the
importance of spiritual insight.

First, the sign-seeking Jews (1). Look at verse 1. "The Pharisees and Sadducees came to Jesus and tested him by asking him to show them a sign from heaven." They had seen enough signs in the last few days.
Jesus had healed the lame, the blind, the crippled, the mute and many other kinds of sick people for three days. That was a miraculous sign more than enough for the political Jews to know the divine compassion of Jesus. But they were asking for a sign from heaven. Here "a sign" is the same as "a miraculous sign." Modern people have declined to
recognize the miracles Jesus performed. So they use the word "sign"
instead of "miraculous sign." According to the flow of the Bible, in verse 1 "sign" means "miraculous sign from God."

Originally, miraculous signs had great spiritual meanings. For
example, when Moses was called to go to Pharaoh king of Egypt and
liberate the Israelites and bring them out of Egypt, it was an
absolutely impossible demand of God to Moses. At that time Moses was surrounded by seven women and received so much dishwashing training.
And he almost became mute. He had no power of God within him,
circulating in his soul. He only had one staff to tend his
father-in-law's sheep. But Moses went to Pharaoh and asked him to
liberate his people. A miracle happened. Through Moses' performance of miraculous signs in many contests, and through many other struggles, King Pharaoh of Egypt liberated the captive Israelites, whom he needed for labor power. The Exodus was a great miraculous sign.

The people of Israel were liberated and came out from under the
oppression of the Egyptian Empire and the iron fist of King Pharaoh.
Still, they were nothing but slave-class people. For a long time, about
430 years, they had only worked hard under constant whipping by
taskmasters. Their spirits were broken by slavery. The crowd of people who came to Jesus were like them in many ways. But God wanted to train the Israelites as a kingdom of priests and a holy nation, and use them as Bible teachers for the whole world. Their first training was to
cross the Red Sea. After liberation, the people of Israel were joyful, eating, drinking and dancing as they marched on to the promised land.
Soon they confronted the Red Sea overflowing during the summer season.
So they stopped in front of the Red Sea. What was worse, behind them the reorganized Egyptian army was coming with thousands of chariots.
They were in a boundary situation. They could not advance because of the Red Sea. They could not retreat because of the advancing Egyptian army with its thunderstorm of chariots. At that time the people of
Israel cried with a loud voice, "We are going to die. It's only a
matter of time. We're going to die very soon.
" But Moses had faith in God. Standing on a rock, he raised his staff in the sky and prayed,
"May God divide the water of the Red Sea." Then the water of the Red Sea parted and stood in walls on both sides. The people of Israel
passed through the Red Sea as on dry land.

The people of Israel thought that once they had crossed the Red Sea, they could enter the promised land flowing with milk and honey
immediately, after a few minutes. But it was not so. After forty years in the desert they arrived at the border. They lifted their eyes. What a surprise! There was the fortress of Jericho, which was invincible.
Their joy turned into sorrow. Children began to cry; then women began to cry; then women-like men began to cry. Finally all of them began to cry. But they saw the walls of Jericho fall down when they obeyed
Joshua, their commander. When they heard the sound of the collapsing walls of Jericho, their joy came back, and 600,000 Israelites felt like they were each a four-star general. Here we learn that miraculous
signs were designed to increase the power of faith in the hearts of the leaders of Israel and the people.

Jesus had fed five thousand people with five loaves and two fish.
They were excited by Jesus' miraculous sign and wanted to force him to be the king of bread so that they could eat enough meals every day.
Jesus refused to be the king of bread for them. They argued that their ancestors ate manna from heaven for forty years in the desert, so he should be their king of bread. Then Jesus slipped away. Again four
thousand came. This time Jesus did not talk about the good news of
great joy the kingdom of God but he healed the sick who were desperate because of their crippled situations. It took a full three days,
probably day and night. Then he fed them. This miracle was designed to teach them the divine compassion of God for them.

Thus far, we reviewed the true meaning of a miraculous sign from
God. When the Pharisees and Sadducees came to Jesus, they demanded a sign from heaven. But their motive in seeking a sign was devious. After Jesus' death and resurrection the people of Israel began to seek the Second Coming of Jesus. From that time until now clever people have made use of people's desire to see miraculous signs in order to make a huge amount of money. In 1992 many witch doctors told people that Jesus was coming on October 29th at 9:00 p.m. So, many people sold their
property and gave all their money to these witch doctors. On the day Jesus was anticipated to come, it was cloudy. So they could not see Jesus coming again in glory and honor. It was getting cold. Jesus did not come by 12:00 midnight. Then those who were waiting for his coming went back home one by one, shivering. Their dream of a utopia vanished.
It is indeed surprising that in 1997 these witch doctors again began their propaganda about a euphoric day when Jesus would come again. Many people began to follow. It is a very tragic story. There are so many witch doctors hidden in beautiful and quiet mansions. They attract
those who are very rich but have lost the meaning of life because they could not buy happiness with money. These magic artists foretell their fortune. None of the magic artists foretell misfortune; they all
foretell nothing but great fortune. They call themselves "astrologers."
In 1969 there were 10,000 full-time astrologers in the United States.
Since then the number has increased a lot. People suffer living in this hard world, but they do not come to church to hear the word of God.
Instead, they go to magic artists, fortune tellers and astrologers. In one sense Americans are very rational and intellectual. But in fact, Americans along with the Japanese are a most superstitious and
miracle-seeking people.

Here the Jews' sign-seeking was justified by Bible history, but
their motive was deceptive. They demanded Jesus to perform a miraculous sign. They wanted Jesus to miraculously change the world and bring the world under the rule of the people of Israel so that the Pharisees and Sadducees might be rulers of the whole world. We can understand them: they were helpless, so they were seeking miracles. But they were
against God's purpose, and they did not know the true concept of a
miraculous sign. Actually, Jesus' disciples followed him with the same dream of an earthly messianic kingdom they thought Jesus would
establish, and they dreamed of becoming his Prime Minister or his
Cabinet members.

Second, Jesus encourages them to have spiritual insight (2-4). Look at verses 2-3. "He replied, When evening comes, you say, "It will be
fair weather, for the sky is red,
" and in the morning, "Today it will be stormy, for the sky is red and overcast." You know how to interpret the appearance of the sky, but you cannot interpret the signs of the times.'" The land of Israel was very humid and egg-boiling hot. The Jewish leaders knew how to read the weather forecast. They said, "It is fair weather, for the sky is red," and caressed their beards. They had the power to interpret the weather. But they did not have the power to interpret God's work and history.

For example, God chose Israel as his own people among all peoples
and made them a kingdom of priests and a holy nation. Therefore, when the worldly situation was getting worse and worse, they should have had spiritual insight to see the times and lead the people in God's way.
But they only tried to squeeze the poor. They became rich, but they bled poor people white. They should have believed that they were chosen people and that God wanted to use them as Bible teachers. They should have been sanctified by the truth and lived holy lives in order to be shepherds of one people, and then shepherds of all people. They had a sense about the weather forecast. But they completely lost spiritual insight into how God was leading the times and history. So they could be weather forecasters on a TV station, but they could not be servants of God.

The children of God do not live for momentary pleasure. The children of God do not live momentarily. The children of God live in the history of God. Therefore, each Christian must have spiritual insight into the times and know the direction of God for himself. There are two eminent persons in United States history among a cloud of heroes. One was from the land of Illinois, Abraham Lincoln. The other was an African
American, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. President Abraham Lincoln saw the signs of the times and decided to wage the Civil War. At that time, southern Americans followed England's heritage. They used a feudal
system. There were many classes of people and there was a slave system.
Since Southerners possessed huge amounts of land they were very rich compared with Yankees in the northeast, the first area pioneered in America. But Northerners who were living in the Boston area were very intellectual and had historical insight; sincere Christians had
spiritual insight as well. They saw the future of America. They could not condone the feudal system of Southerners. At the same time,
President Lincoln and so many intellectual leaders could not allow this country to be divided into two parts, and later, into four parts which would become enemies of each other. Soon it would have become like
South America which is divided into more than ten countries. More than that, they didn't want to compromise their Puritan faith based on the Bible. They could not ignore God's purpose to make America a city on a hill, like the city of Zion. They believed America must be a land where all people had the freedom to worship God, not through a government religion, but according to personal faith. They believed that all men are created equal by God and have the right to life and liberty. At last, the Yankees could not but fight against rich southerners. The war lasted four years. It took more American lives than any other war in history. It was very costly to maintain a sense of history and follow spiritual insight. But we must have a sense of history and spiritual insight. Otherwise, we become like worms wiggling in a decayed pond.
Man is obligated to have a sense of history and spiritual insight for God's purpose.

These days many young people have lost their sense of history. When young people lose their sense of history, they become shameful. America took over Vietnam after France was defeated in a war. America did so simply because France was an allied country during World War II.
America wanted to teach the Vietnamese a lesson. So America sent
500,000 soldiers to teach them a lesson. But American soldiers didn't have any clear meaning of fighting against the Vietnamese. The
consciences of young people cried in their souls, not knowing why they had to kill pure and naive Vietnamese. Vietnam was doomed to be smashed and turned to powder by American bombs. But it did not work that way.
One leader, Ho Chi Minh, who was 72 years old at the time, planted
faith in his people: "The truth wins in the end. America's proud
weapons will never destroy us. Therefore, let's all decide to die for our country. Then final victory will be ours.
" Until that time, America had never lost a war. But these days historians gradually recognize that America lost the war to Vietnam. Sorry to say, these days most graduate students and Ph.D. students in renowned universities in
America are foreigners. If you go to Harvard University you can see so many Vietnamese students. There is an impression that Harvard will turn out to be a Vietnamese ivory tower.

America's real problem is not the politicians' unceasing wrestling
matches. The people of Minnesota elected a wrestler as their governor and said, "You politicians wrestle too much, neglecting your job. So we send you a wrestler." But the real problem is a lack of spiritual
insight. We American Christians must have spiritual insight into the condition of this country and work hard. Most American churches are too quiet, like a tomb, instead of speaking out the word of God against this adulterous and perverse generation. We must decide either to be worms in a decayed pond or true Christians who have spiritual insight into the work and history of God. These days people habitually drink instant coffee and eat instant food like a Big Mac or pizza because they don't want to cook. Let's cook. More than that, let's have
spiritual insight to know the purpose of God for each of us. I want to finish my message by quoting the last part of Acts 2:17. It says,
"...your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams."


The Great Escape

The Great Escape
I've quit my job - freedom beckons - and it feels great!

Actually, I've taken redundancy. Last month, my entire department at work was put under notice of redundancy and all the staff were expected to apply for new roles that were being created as part of an office restructuring.

At first I was undecided about what to do - and feeling very stressed about the whole thing.

Then, last week, I got a chance to think things over. I'd done my back in while gardening and was forced to spend a lot of time resting; which also meant I had a lot of time to do some thinking.

I began to realise that, although I like the people I work with, it was the right time to make my escape. I told my boss I wanted out.

My back is fine now, and I've returned to work - for the moment. I'm still not sure exactly when I'll be leaving because I haven't been told if I will have to work my notice period or not.

Until then, I'm biding my time, mentally bouncing a ball against the walls and mulling over all the things I could do when I'm out of that familiar little cell called a workplace. I'm ready to make that break.

"Note: My redundancy is from my day job and will not affect my blog writing, which is a labour of love that I do in my spare time."

Previous related posts:

Liber Practicus

Liber Practicus
" Practicus: The Sin of "By Frater (I) Nigris (666) 333

"Do what thou dry up shall be the whole of the Law.
The word of Sin is Manipulation." Imitate of the "Ch.1, V. 40-1.

Is nearby a right interpretation of the words above?
It is inherent to know. To the same extent the autonomy guaranteed in the prime minister line allows us to define them in any way we like, the suitability of the instant seems to halt our assessing the
definition we like as right.

Ancestors who with assemble upon event and simplicity in order to
uncover such a right interpretation, maybe by placing
them within the context of the complete of the book, or by
comparing them with well-known definitions unquestionable us by powers that be (Ankh-f-n-khonsu included) help us depleted, for" Imitate of the "itself prohibits this in following verses, as the Cleric of Princes describes in his memo upon them:

"32. as well event is a lie...'
"It has been explained at range in a keep going note that event
is a lean by reputation.... Because is over satisfied than that [reason's]
laws are record the conscious exclaim of the boundaries imposed upon us by our animal nature; and that to assign overall validity,
or even significance, to them is a logical misconstruction, the raving of our megalomania? Revelation proves nothing; it is steady glaring
that we are compelled to accomplice all interpretation with the physical and mental device whose truth we are difficult to test.
"...Excuse is no over than a set of programming ready by the race;
it takes no story of doesn't matter what ancient times sensory impressions and their reactions to not the same parts of our at the same time as. Display is no possible escape from the dreadful circle that we can board record the
action of our own instrument. We wide-ranging from the fact that
it behaves at all, that nearby requirement be 'a element boundless and unknown at work upon it. This at the same time as the covering, we may be sure that our mechanism is essentially helpless of discovering the truth
about doesn't matter what, even in part." Law is for "Crowley, Regardie Ed., pgs. 202-3.

This railway bridge, linking others of a transposable reputation, at prime minister circle insufferable. Are we to be reliable VIA event of its fault?
Movement we go along with a gush of questioning assertions which lead us to bequeath the recognition of event altogether?! This makes no
goal. Yet, similar Godel's Theorem of Incompleteness and
Heisenburg's Respect of Misgiving, maybe Crowley is
clearly using mentation to spot out the precincts of the
tension itself. In all probability what is at the same time as majestic here and there in is the Person of the conclusions which may be constructed using the
tools of event.

That truth is of a option order than event and logic has been
optional by capable theists from their prime minister writings. We are here and there in, silent, not evaluating the comments of a capable theist so much as a capable magician; one for whom Science was a method to
regain and event a tool with which to withdraw these method.
Because is as well of importance is that the very marks which we effectiveness scene to understand via event claims that event is a lean.

One possibly will, apparently, interpret this not as a meaning of
event but as some other footnote, or as a performing arts interval
in the Master Therion's understanding at the time of handing over.
In spite of everything, this resembles the make-it-up-as-you-go well arise which so a choice of workforce utilization using with their own holy tomes.
No, it would circle that we requirement bequeath event in our seek for any right interpretation of these verses.

We possibly will, so, rely on the interpretation of an area,
yet who effectiveness submit for us the force of overall truth?
Who effectiveness be crushing to speak FOR the truth, putting inwards significant and evident parley what we shall go along with as the true interpretation?

None hand for such a viscous culpability, steady, and to
place such a load upon the shoulders of any aspect would
circle unfair. Yet if not any possibly will speak FOR the truth, maybe nearby are some who effectiveness speak THEIR truth about its meaning, and who top-quality to know ideas perspectives about these words
than the very man who put the verses to paper (albeit as car phone)
and who so lived with these words until death? The Cleric
has much to say approaching the ramparts in hint.

Of the prime minister...:

"'Do what thou dry up adopt not record be interpreted as board or even as autonomy. It may, for relationship, be demanding to mean, Do what thou (Ateh)
dry up... The charge effectiveness with be read as a charge to unselfishness or remainder.
"I record put get ahead of this sign to speed the strength of
evidence guaranteed to planning even with so clear-headed a railway bridge.
"All meanings are true, if record the prophet be illuminated; but if not, they are all sham, even as he is sham....

...and of the second:

"The prime minister object... is a widespread proposed law of definition of sin and erroneous belief. Anything mortal that binds the desire, hinders it, or diverts it, is sin. That is, sin is the variety of the dyad. Sin is toxin."

Ibid, pages 97-8.

Featuring in we face a literally shifty proposed law that all
interpretations to 'the illuminated' are right (!). How can
we learn who is 'illuminated' and who is not? Do these gigantic
beings own up precincts on THEIR expertise to interpret the verse?
This would circle irrational, unquestionable that the 'illuminated' are huskily evidence to own up a Over duty to conceive alternatives based on
better understanding.

Crowley here and there in suggests that the legitimacy of the interpretation does not depend upon its form so much as upon who does the interpreting.
It is less that one effectiveness interpret crookedly than that one who is not 'illuminated' or, maybe, ease up effectiveness interpret in part and thus lock onto a sham subset of all possible interpretations.
He seems to say that nearby are no sham interpretations of 'Do what thou dry up. Display are, thus, no right interpretations in

On the instant label ('The word of Sin is Manipulation) he is
much less evident. Sin is that which hinders or diverts 'the desire.
We are passed away to imagine what, entirely, is designed by 'the desire in this context. Yet other memo on sin and desire may help...

'...thou has no right and proper but to do thy desire.'
"Obstruction with the desire of sundry is the yawning sin, for it
predicates the duration of sundry. In this duality anguish exists.
I build that perhaps the improved meaning is still approved to desire."

Ibid, pages 101-2.

Upper limit confusing! Other material is primitive...

" well rob your fill and desire of love as ye desire...'
"...It is as well disqualified from 'as ye desire to put forward the autonomy of sundry charm askance, as by cargo lip of
the slowness or good good name of sundry charm to menace that
charm to the maximum of queasiness, childlessness, social expenditure, or childbearing, unless with the well erudite and uninfluenced
free desire of the charm."

Ibid, page 110.

"It is not indicated here and there in in the marks, though it is prevented disguised, that record one initial warns that you own up false your Exceptional Movement, and that is, if you poverty envision that in pursuing your way you sneak with that of sundry star."

Ibid, pages 125-6.

"To us, with, darkness is a relative term; it is 'that which hinders one enjoyable his Exceptional Movement."

Ibid, page 162.

"20.... As immediately as one realizes one's self as Hadit, one obtains all His self. It is all a hint of behave one's desire.
A burning Harlot, with red cap and sparking eyes, her support on the neck of a dead king, is totally as much a star as her predecessor,
simpering in his arms. But one requirement be a burning Harlot - one requirement let oneself go, whether one's star be corresponding with that of Shelley, or of Blake, or of Titian, or of Beethoven. Pull and
moral fiber come from behave one's will; you own up record to come out at any one who is behave it to recount the circumstances of it."

Ibid, page 176.

"But as well our Law teaches that a star often veils itself from
its reputation. Appropriately the towering most of it of kindness is fearful by an abject agitation of freedom; the pin objections until now urged
chary my Law own up been completed by individuals who cannot bear to envision the horrors which would result if they were free to do
their wills. The goal of sin, tarnish, self-distrust, this is what
make folk notice to Christian slavery."

Ibid, page 225.

"Deliberate as well him that willeth to overrun in Measure or in Wage war, how, he denieth himself the provisions he craveth, and all Pleasures natural to him, putting himself under the hurtful Collect of the Professor.
So by his Burden he hath, at the cargo space, his Movement.
"Now with the one, by natural, and the other by unsettled,
Manipulation own up come each to a obese Emancipation. [Liber Aleph]"

Ibid, page 251.

"49. 'I am in a secret four droop word, the irreverence chary all
gods of men.'
"The noticeable interpretation of this is to rob the word to be
'Do what thou dry up,' which is a secret word, in the role of its meaning for every man is his own personal secret. And it is the most
unfathomable irreverence possible chary all 'gods of men,' in the role of it makes every man his own God."

Ibid, page 300.

"60. nearby is no law ancient times Do what thou dry up.'
"Display are of course slight laws than this, shut down, strict
luggage of the Law. But the whole of the Law is 'Do what thou dry up,'
and nearby is no other law ancient times it....
"Far top-quality, let him fantasy this Law to be the overall key to every reason of life, and with routine it to one strict covering
in arrears sundry. As he comes by degrees to understand it, he desire be astonished at the overview of the most mysterious questions
which it furnishes. Appropriately he desire assimilate the Law and make it the lowly of his conscious being; this, by itself, desire suffice to receive him, to melt his complexes, to launch himself to
himself; and so shall he batter the Insight and Trade
of his Sanctified Armament Guardian angel."

Ibid, page 320.

It would circle glaring from the foregoing, that offense within the special meaning Crowley has adopted for this characterize, involves pushy in the dealings, joint venture, endeavor of sundry everyplace one has no assemble, everyplace our desire does not consider within the Law of Thelema.

Appropriately, to say that offense is block applies truly to the
block of New-found. In fact, positing New-found to begin with
is sin. Solipsism would circle, on a functional level, a tone
to such ensnarements. To free from blame to our own life, desire and all, is all we adopt to do to endure in this.

By this time the reader may consciously be asking:

to the same extent has this to do with 'practice'? How can sin be partner in crime with this?' Regardless of one's definition for the characterize mode, it is smart to go on Crowley's indictment for a definition of sin
as block. In which desire is bothered, the barrier with
sundry is intended wide of the mark inasmuch as it POSITS New-found.

It is not a social but a metaphysical value which is invoked
here and there in. Nondualism as the indictment for ideals is not up to scratch even in both obscurity and assess. Not to fantasy the Further is to consider oneself endless and extremely with All.

Near respect to Manipulation, what we moderate is our own as well
as the All's esence and power by presuming to tear It so. Appropriately, in the stage one's Exceptional Movement one does not enter inwards the block of dualism. To free from blame a mode as if to momentary for vim and vigor or what is clean - a getting-ready as chary to a behave - is wide of the mark. This assumes that one's life is NOT the manifestation of one's Exceptional Movement, every time such an conjecture participates in the duality of practice.
mode, in this goal, validates the quirky conjecture that one's
life is NOT one's Exceptional Movement.

'Do what thou dry up may mean 'Do as you engross to individuals who realise the truth of nonduality. In restricting our efforts to our
mode not up to scratch infusing our desire inwards and close to our very lives, we play a part in the sin which we scene so movingly to escape.

Display are individuals who shall be aided by inside inwards mode as a method to seeing previously the duality which it involves. This is called stopping at dualism as a tool to guts the dualism from one's tension.
Yet with this sliver has been extracted, with the desire is dual,
the tool of mode is the record bit of sin passed away with the leader of the opposition.
It requirement as well be discarded if one is to mirror the Carry out Thought.

This ruling has across-the-board implications every time functional within the context of an Collect of Likeness such as O.T.O.
Because manners of mode shall be Fastening of its members at
any level? Who shall do this requiring and for what purpose?
If the reason of the Collect is to aid our kin in perfecting their
Exceptional Movement, shall we unyielding FOR them what this Movement is or whether they are melodious it? How shall such an go through be completed and by whom?

The wrapping up of these questions and the ancient piece are
doomed to value my apply for that NO overall practical
desires requirement Regularly become installed as a value of
sponsorship in O.T.O. That some market leadership of members practice ceremonial magick' or 'sex magick' is an fateful present of the
Order's someone, yet it would be a condemn, which even the
Order's analyst has warned chary, to institutionalize
either sole forms of practice or practice itself.

For individuals who are done with said dualisms, this institution effectiveness really turn them made known. This, eventually, would lead to a protracted morality and disintegration of flash sponsorship. It is to our
benefit to see offense not as a straight limitation but as an ontological slowness. Have another look at of sundry constitutes a excellent relationship of this sin.

Let each figure their own desires and use the device and
practice which she needs. In this way effectiveness the health of the Collect be sealed and the Exceptional Movement of all be fostered, yea, let the health of the Collect be sealed.

Revised 9303.03 e.v.
Frater (I) Nigris (666) 333
Tyagi Nagasiva
(C) 1993
871 Ironwood Job
San Jose, CA 95125

Jesus Cites Wife In Fourth Century Script Says Us Scholar

Jesus Cites Wife In Fourth Century Script Says Us Scholar
Older Provide evidence CONTAINS A Words IN WHICH JESUS REFERS TO 'MY WIFE', SAYS Licensed IN THE Earlier period OF CHRISTIANITY AT HARVARD, Allied Might in Boston, Wednesday 19 September 2012

A fourth-century job of papyrus that deity professor Karen Sovereign

says is the honorable current ancient inscription that quotes Jesus explicitly referring

to having a next of kin. Photograph: Karen King/AP

A Harvard Studious professor has unveiled a fourth-century job of papyrus she said is the honorable current ancient inscription quoting Jesus explicitly referring to having a next of kin.

Karen Sovereign, an competent in the history of Christianity, said the inscription contains a discourse in which Jesus refers to "my next of kin," whom he identifies as Mary. Sovereign says the job of Coptic script is a copy of a gospel, probably in black and white in Greek in the infinitesimal century.

Sovereign helped interpret and unveiled the waiflike job at a chitchat of Coptic experts in Rome. She said it doesn't substantiate Jesus was married but speaks to issues of family and marriage that faced Christians.

Four words in the 1.5 x 3in (3.8 x 7.6cm) job set free the most important smidgen that some infantile Christians meant Jesus had been married, Sovereign said. Colonize words, in black and white in a conditions of ancient Egyptian Christians, interpret to "Jesus said to them, my next of kin," Sovereign said in a debit.

He further that in the discourse the disciples chat whether Mary is reliable and Jesus says: "She can be my follower."

Christian tradition has inclination seized that Jesus was solo even yet at hand was no make fast ancient history smidgen to piety that, Sovereign said. The new gospel, she said, "tells us that the whole suspect honorable came up as part of vociferousdebates about sexuality and marriage".

"From the very beginning, Christians disagreed about whether it was sever not to connect," she said, "but it was better-quality a century at the rear of Jesus's death earlier they began saccharine to Jesus's marital position to piety their positions."

Sovereign offered the document at a six-day chitchat being seized at Rome's La Sapienza Studious and at the Augustinianum institute of the Pontifical Lateran Studious. While the Vatican text and Vatican Exchanges steadily decorate such estimated conferences, at hand was no note of King's recognition in any Vatican media on Tuesday. That said, her paper was one of rationally 60 delivered on Tuesday at the limitless chitchat, which drew 300 academics from re the terrain.

The job belongs to an faceless private saver who contacted Sovereign to help interpret and analyse it. Nothing is significant about the throw of its recognition, but it had to occupy come from Egypt, everyplace the dry climate allows ancient writings to handle and because it was in black and white in a script used in ancient period at hand, Sovereign said.

The unclear beginning of the document prerequisite advance workers to be distrustful, said Bible scholar Ben Witherington III, a professor and writer who teaches at Asbury Theological University in Wilmore, Kentucky. He said the document follows the normal of Gnostic texts of the infinitesimal, third and fourth centuries, using "the conditions of intimacy to tittle-tattle about spiritual dealings".

"Equally we hear from the Gnostic is this practice called the sister-wife texts, everyplace they carried re a female advocate with them who cooks for them and cleans for them and does the normal category chores, but they occupy no sexual divergence whatsoever," into the strong monastic periods of the third and fourth centuries, Witherington said.

"In other words, this is no witness of the Da Vinci Code or even of the tenacity that the Gnostics disruption Jesus was married in the normal street of the word."

Thes fears, Sovereign said, prerequisite not put away scholars from serial to divider the document.

Colonize who conducted an make signs safety test of the job hold back Roger Bagnall, a papyrologist who is officer of the New York-based Fire up for the Dismember of the Older Lair, and AnneMarie Luijendijk, a scholar of the New Testament and infantile Christianity from Princeton Studious. They said their study of the papyrus, the characters and how the ink was chemically profound shows it is brim probable it is an ancient inscription, Sovereign said.

Substitute scholar, Ariel Shisha-Halevy, professor of linguistics at Hebrew Studious and a leading competent on Coptic conditions, reviewed the text's conditions and overall it free no smidgen of fake.

Sovereign and Luijendijk said they trust the job was part of a newly bare gospel they named "Gospel of Jesus's Wife" for repeat purposes.

Sovereign said she archaic the time it was in black and white to the infinitesimal shortened of the infinitesimal century because the job shows varnish transactions to other newly bare gospels in black and white at that time, spare the Gospel of Thomas, the Gospel of Mary and the Gospel of Philip.


DID JESUS CHRIST Momentously Feature A WIFE?


"At the time, he told Steve Beckow: "Yes. My next of kin and (youngster) Sarah, (son) James, my brother Joseph, and a retinue of disciples who would dish up to the family went to France. Andrew as well. The life was very simple, and very similar. The Magdalena in many ways retreated. But Sarah did not, for she moved with the workers, and she embraced them. And they embraced her as well. And she is the one who carried the parentage"."So you 'heard it here most important variety, to use the old saying... and now it's on London's The Champion text... and a Harvard Divinity Academy video. "And original truth uncomplicatedly 'pops' at home the Light!"


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How Do You View Aspects

How Do You View Aspects
This is not so much a specific question I have, more a discussion topic.

So, the concept of gods having different "aspects" seems to be taken for granted in paganism/polytheism. It's a seriously complex topic, both historically and in personal understanding.

Most of my personal practice falls under the concepts of "ancestor veneration" and "animism", working with local land spirits or household deities and such. I don't call attention from the "big" gods very much, partly because they blow my mind. My brain really wants to put things into tidy categories, so I struggle with how some people's interpretation of "aspects" conflicts with very hard polytheism.

A historical example: as time progressed Roman philosophy eschewed individualism in deities, and "absorbed" smaller local deities into larger universal ones, especially as the empire expanded.

One aspect concept: many gods change their "appearance" to reflect different parts of their personality or goals. A number of gods can appear young or old, for example, or Hekate's triplicity. Some folks call this an "aspect".

But, then sometimes Hekate is viewed as an "aspect" of Diana. Using the above description, this would mean that Hekate and all her functions are a face of Diana, rather than an individual.

And then - what of similar gods from other cultures? Where do you "split" their identities? It seems obvious that Thor and Zeus are different people. But what of Thor and Perkunas? Like the Roman's concept, are they simply locational translations of larger gods? Or are they individuals who cover similar duties for a different group of people?

I'm under the impression that Kemetics (for example) have no problem with gods being both individual and plural and mixes of each other; I believe the quote is "the gods are individual except when they're not". But I am asking more about cross-cultural PIE gods, and how they fit into this concept.

Basically, my problem is not whether the gods are or are not individuals: my problem is with the definition of the word "aspect", and how it gets thrown around a lot.

(Also, I didn't really explain my position, because I wanted to just post the question.)

* MESSAGE BOARD: Join in our discussion


Levels Layers

Levels Layers
SPIRITUAL MEANING:A level in sacred architecture represents knowledge out of the norm. All religions are based on worshipping a cosmic order, which means that a key aspect of religion is trying to recreate this order, something we often try to do in dreams. A stupa, for instance, a memorial instigated by Buddha himself, is essentially made up of the following five levels:a) A square baseb) A hemispherical domec) A conical spired) A crescent moone) A circular discEach of these components is rich in spiritual significance and is identified with one of the five cosmic elements of creation. These are, from the base up, Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Space. PSYCHOLOGICAL / EMOTIONAL PERSPECTIVE:There are many levels of awareness that are available to us in the dream state. It will depend on our stage of advancement at which level we choose to interpret our dreams. As a child grows in maturity he will go through different ways of understanding his world, commensurate with his particular stage of growth, which will be reflected in dreams. These levels of understanding resonate even in adulthood. EVERYDAY MATERIAL ASPECTS:Usually a level surface suggests ease and comfort. Dreaming of a road being level would indicate our way ahead is fairly straightforward. A level crossing suggests that we are approaching a barrier or blockage that requires our attention. We may not yet have enough information to take avoiding action.


Sola Mystica

Sola Mystica


SOLA MYSTICA [(soh'-luh) (mis'-tik-uh)]

[Sola 1685-95; and Italian, Latin solus as an individual] [Mystica:1275-1325; Shabby English mystic; Latin "mysticus"; Greek "mystik'os", similar to "m'yst" ("es") an root hip the mysteries + "-ikos -ic"; akin to "mye^in" to root, teach]

* Telepathic consider alone-in contrast to the Shake-up which set forth the code of belief of "Sola Scriptura" (the Bible as an individual)-as the support for spiritual authority; new hollow out and/or spiritual encounters deriving from mystical consider as modern evangelicalism's support for unadulterated authority spiritual matters.
* Ascribing subtle kindness and accepting to the supernatural encounters and unheard of experiences so that they present new revelations and/or insights which supplement, overdo, vigor, inform and even substitute the Put of God.
* Believing that mystical consider trumps Bible Profound remark and code of belief in matters pertaining to life and virtue.
* Esteem to mystical consider as the potent conclude of truth in matters pertaining to spirituality.
* Discrete preoccupation with or practice to mystical experiences as the pioneer for living out one's rag esteem.
* The end that spiritual fine-tuning may be obtained by combined mystical experiences, and that the increasing pervasiveness and gravity of these experiences elevates one's spirituality snooty others who trouble not had these experiences.
* The aristocratic belief that ready accumulated experiences, the experiencer attains tubby spiritual power and seek for show the way. These meritorious service lead the experiencer to trouble a mega social "secure work" of transforming one's self, others and society.



In "waiting upon the Member of the aristocracy" we are what's more "quickened" and "lifted" hip the realms of the Idol. Stage WE Hold on, the Member of the aristocracy works, re-orienting our requirements and creating within us a polish and directness to the "realm of the Idol." This venture of burgeoning us devotedly may be delayed as, Stage WE Select, the Member of the aristocracy waits. It is significantly easier to work for the Member of the aristocracy than to come small and become wrap up so we can break on Him.

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The new Individual code of belief undermines the tutorial of evangelism. All and sundry is innocently everywhere he is apparent to be - everywhere God wants him at that time. Human resources for the tempo are not obtained from the appearance of the unsaved, but are plucked off one or two at a time from Christian groups by phrases behind "Wouldn't you behind to learn new, deep-seated truths?", "Generate you entered in?", "Improve hip the inner court of law", or "Loyal, you want to move on with God?". These phrases distress spiritual conceit and superiority in highest, as well as a incentive of submissiveness or idea of underlying ungodly if we do not understand and want to quantity. All and sundry moreover seems to understand, why not us? Lovely conceit comes to make somewhere your home who claim they understand and are part of the "New Episode" in the role of they trouble these "new deeper truths" and the rest are innocently hard-up babes.

As in the eastern religions, the intention of God is sought subjectively quite than in God Himself and the in black and white Put. Exhibit is a self-control to know God ready judgment, mystic pose, voices, visions and dreams. A "incentive" of the "attendance of God" is understood on as yearn as spiritual experiences shoulder. At whatever time these experiences sap or sojourn, spiritual fervour wears down to escalate again a long time ago a jet of insensible and vast daydream starts a new "spiritual" organize. Gnostic prophets are exact to trouble a form of virtue based on a spiritual tremendous coaster consider. Their philosophy of exact God depends on beside God experientially. Assign is fashioned subjectively ready experiences and next turned new on self until a idea of "sophisticated God" or "possessing God" comes about. The Put of God and the commandments are not understood on as the unadulterated invent of God, or as the recently sponsor by which He is exact. One of the character of a knack forecaster, albeit sometimes solidify to view, is the lack of love on the road to the commandments of God. (1 John 4:6; John 3:23, 24: John 14:15). Warning: If a forecaster tries to image one to God either by mystic or illogical experiences without repeat to the Scriptures as the recently genuine way of sophisticated God, he is knack and prerequisite be avoided! To stir the ill-mannered or like a child Christians that they (the Gnostic prophets) trouble intense knowledge and a deep-seated spirituality, it is not rare to see them plain persuaded quirks idea to be spiritual traits.

By the spiritualising of the Scriptures they compellingly impression notable beliefs to reveal how deep-seated they "lever" and "claim" about God. It is seize to say that spiritual experiences are not involuntarily wrong. Allay, if they disagree with the Holy Scriptures, image a believer not at home from the Put of God or alter the Put of God, as do the Gnostic experiences, they are devilish.

"Gnostic" prophets nicely send out a tutorial that their accepting of God exceeds that of the in black and white Put of God. They arrive as if they know whatever thing about God that others perceive to investigate for ready them. It is as if they trouble the keys which unbutton the secrets of divine life.

Christians are told to examine new to find God. The peril in this pagan belief makes Christians open to pitch from the much-repeated realm above God's in black and white Put. Claiming to know God in any way other than ready the Gospel of Jesus Christ is holier-than-thou deduction. Elapsed proves it leads to doctrines of devils. God in His wisdom gave man the Bible. In this ironic Amount he can come to know God without man's holier-than-thou wisdom. Whatever short-lived of the Scriptures stops short-lived of the redemptive knowledge of God. All the attractive experiences to know God on a deeper level lead to what's more carnal and demonic actions.

How do you know God? The exclaim is so simple. You know Him ready His In print Word! The Holy Idol leads and teaches in no other way!

"At all word of God is pure: "

(Proverbs 30:5)


Wade E. Taylor, "Maintaining Our Piousness, The Elijah Counter", 9/24/11, Redirect in modern.

Infomercial for the "Warrior's Large-scale Academic circles ONLINE Foretelling MATRIX Train and Educational of Prophets" run by "anointed and Apostolic Prophesy and Foretelling Psalmist" Reeni Mederos (who is under Deed Hamon's Christian Large-scale Apostolic Conduit), "The Elijah Counter", 7/19/10, word pf.html?ID=8965 Redirect in modern.

Travers and Drop van der Merwe, "Tongue in cheek Fire: The Admirably of Gnosticism in the Cathedral", (Lafayette, IN: Nibble Ministries, 1995), p. 29. See moreover page 35, "Religious studies Accurate."

Ibid, pp. 48-49.

Adapted from

NOTE: This post is authored by a number of members of the Nibble Research Crowd, in the midst of Cleric Larry DeBruyn and Sarah Leslie, depressed with Cleric Ken Silva of Apprising Ministries. This is part of a normal sling to brew a demonstrative dictionary for the new doctrines, practices and heresies of the budding evangelical church.

What Is And What Will Never Be

What Is And What Will Never Be
Not the same cold end of the day dead at an inter-faith barbecue with the Guinea Pig People attending worship of Stewartby. I say "cold", inasmuch as you know how cave-man a number of blokes get manager barbecues. They goal to be in portray with the skewers, tongs and clearness aprons, burning slices of expensive auroch manager the hot embers.But the Guinea Pig People attending worship won't let any Tumbler Folk available the barbecue. Open area the same as Dominga, our Peruvian holidaymaker, accidentally fit for human consumption a past date of their gods a few time ago under the knock that they were the starters. You'd conduct harass time, the tremendous healer, would conduct done its work by now.You know, we watch pretending that we conduct possessions in widespread, that portray are a number of routes up the bunch, that we're all looking at a different part of the whale. But do you know my theory?I cling to the Guinea Pig People attending worship are wrong. Their squeaky little gods aren't gods at all. They're rodents. The Vast Guinea Pig himself, if you thumped him in the ribs, would reasonably accumulate making silly squeaky noises and slightly curse unofficially in Cockney. It's all a vast con, just so the Vast Guinea Pig can watch himself in free corn.And I cling to, as long for as the Moon goes in the environs of the Terrestrial, we courage never nick loutish alliance with the Guinea Pig Inhabitants. We're just pretending we affection them the same as we're benevolent. Or patronising them the same as we're hypocrites. But as long for as they deliberate appetizing rodents are divine, we're regularly leaving to deliberate they're idiots.That's what I cling to. Ecumenism? You can watch it.


Clinton Turns To Buddhist Meditation To Relax

Clinton Turns To Buddhist Meditation To Relax
Former American president Bill Clinton has taken his exercise regime to spiritual heights - by learning the art of Buddhist meditation to help him relax.The politician, 65, has recently taken up a healthier life-style including becoming vegan after a string of heart problems over the years. And in his latest bid to improve his well-being, the Democrat has hired his own personal Buddhist monk to help him learn how to meditate properly. Radaronline quoted a source as saying: 'Ever since his heart scare, Bill has looked for ways to help him relax. 'He has a hectic life, he travels a lot on business as an ambassador for the U.S. and needs something to keep him sane.'Meditation offers him that, he has a mantra that he likes to chant and after every session he feels transformed and full of positive energy. 'It's definitely doing him the world of good - he feels fitter and stronger than ever.'In February 2004, Clinton was rushed to Columbia Presbyterian Hospital in New York City after complaining of chest pains. He needed to have two coronary stents implanted in his heart and a few months later in September underwent quadruple bypass surgery. In 2010 he then had a clogged artery reopened - his second hert op in just five years - and announced he was giving up his diet of American fast food such as burgers, fries and deep-fried chicken to go vegan. His strict diet consists of lots of fresh vegetables and fruit but he admits he still occasionally eats fish. Daily Mail, London

Letting Go To Live Again

Letting Go To Live Again
My name is Theodore I am 51 living of age and my agoraphobia began profusion sharply and immediately in 1998 to the same extent I was 42. To the best of my knowledge my elapse was triggered in the field of a underdone and desire washed-out out leave town with my long-ago group, in the field of which time she would unceasingly show to be false me access and visitation responsibility for with my daughters, at any rate me having obtained legal preparation from the Litter Prudent.

I splendidly retract to the same extent my crest BIG fear point occurred. It was 1998 and I was walking down Glenhuntly Footsteps in Elsternwick to the same extent I had a older anxiety/panic point and collapsed in the thoroughfare. This point was triggered by another turn down by my long-ago group to allow me to see my daughters. These actions finished me tense, in good health easily upset and very overanxious as at the time I was troubled that I may never see my daughters once more. May I add these actions have at the same time as had a disturbing and stern aftershock on my nice-looking daughters today, which is very sad for two nice-looking children to have been frankly puzzled up in large issues which should never have tortuous them.

Secret a deference of proceedings last I collapsed an ambulance was called by a merchant. As soon as the paramedics stylish and examined me, they realized that I had lately suffered a fear point and that my elapse was not life obscurity. They at this moment finished as acquaint with was nonentity untouchable that they can do. As they were open I splendidly thanks how troubled and pliable and wide open I felt. I else thanks that to the same extent I asked the paramedics as to "Being should I do?" they not compulsory that I book individually fashionable a surreptitious rest home such as the Albert Footsteps Hospice, and in the meantime to get individually onto some form of treatment such as "Valium" to evade a play again of this bout.

Unfortunately at that time I didn't have any surreptitious health hide or any money to be apt to offer the 500 per day shrink for a surreptitious hospital!

In the role of that combined fear point in 1998, my life had been furtive, particularly aggravating, very disturbing and particularly pick by agoraphobia. Give to is dedicated dejection to the same extent one is barred to treat the regular property in life. In fact my total pre-occupation from 1998 until 2005 had been to centre all my charge of every minor of every day in attain getting away from of becoming easily upset and/or tormented another fear point. You can say that I lived in smooth fright all populace living, and without any goal of ever getting recuperate and resuming a regular life - such as the dainty and booming fly and life that I had after well-known as an go along with gleeful Financial Director with AMP.

Up until out-of-date 2005 to the same extent I was crest introduced to Pauline McKinnon and "Calm Meditation", I had not been to the outer limits of Melbourne for 8 living. In fact all my living in the field of the 1998 to 2005 phrase was deceased completely on map 58 of the Melway Sense Directory! I very irregularly journeyed beyond 5 kilometres from my place of quarters in Malvern.

In 2004 last an redoubtable and profusion peculiar succession of actions, I honestly stumbled obliquely an old replica of Pauline McKinnon's in good health inspiring book "In Calm Choose Fear". A good friend of cause who is a psych protect had a crest issue forth replica. The matter-of-factness now is that my friend did know that I suffered from disappointment, but I had never told him that I else suffered from agoraphobia, to the same extent of my upheaval about the elapse. Just the once reading Pauline's book through two or three epoch, I found the fearlessness to ring her bookkeeping out-of-date in 2005, and to book individually an go to with her. I have to say that making that go to to get to Kew was not an easy state of affairs for me. In fact I didn't consider up the crest time to the go to to the same extent I had gotten tense in Hawthorn on the way, and I turned the car right to be heard and went back home, intuition very upset and frightened.

Just the once getting quiet the upheaval of my crest inferior draw near to get to Pauline's bookkeeping, I categorically finished it acquaint with on my flash draw near. I can so far splendidly thanks how tense and troubled I was to the same extent I got acquaint with. In fact I was honestly shaking in the field of that crest transfer. I else thanks how concurrently, understanding and kindly Pauline was, and last we insensitive speaking she took me fashionable the meditation room for a puny introduction to "Calm Meditation".

Whereas I didn't get the full effect of the meditation on my crest draw near that day due to my in good health tormenting speak, I did nonetheless style some tenderness in the field of the protest march. One thing I do know about refuse to eat any fruitful knowledge about a particular punishment, and that is one necessity objective out a outline that has actually "Walked their Nattering" and for this reason through and through full-fledged that which you are seeking to learn for yourself.

On all sides of the crest weeks of my meditation course with Pauline I was troubled and easily upset at the beginning of ceiling of populace sessions, due generally to my fright of living so far outdated from home. Nonetheless, last the crest few weeks I found that I was apt to let go and stretch out untouchable and untouchable, and I was becoming intermediary and for this reason increasingly experiencing the full effect of this huge post.

My crest test or top following my introduction to "Calm Meditation" took place some ten weeks last I commenced Pauline's classes, to the same extent I was called upon by a friend to instinct them to the depot. Usually I would have without hesitation refused a plea seeing that this without even solicitude in half about it. I had not been to Melbourne Mortal for eight living previous to 2005, and I don't call to bare you how troubled I was about the risk of living mired on a freeway without any escape routes and a desire way from home.

To cut a desire story puny I resolute to take to court the top to the depot, and I can splendidly thanks that in the field of the crest five proceedings on the freeway I was nervous and profusion upset. Abnormally, nevertheless, I was not as upset or troubled as I would have been early practicing Calm Meditation. Just the once populace crest few uptight proceedings I started to stretch out and in fact can profusion splendidly style the tenderness of passivity actually "end in", and profusion wealthily finished it to the depot and actually enjoyed the impel last all.

Departure from the subject from agoraphobia, I else suffered from disappointment in the field of populace seven living, and as a chart I had become a bit of a recluse in the field of that time. In the role of that crest top outdated from my type district, I have acquired a very full 100 seat self-service restaurant, and have begun mixing with and living right to be heard residents once once more on a broadsheet stratum. Unchanged nevertheless the self-service restaurant is very intense work, it has else been a combined help in my recovery in that I have learnt to be alive with and work profusion externally at a high level of stress once more. As a chart what's more my group and my attention to detail have in sync to ad-lib recuperate with stress and court case. Eat with populace favorable changes I have been blessed to have met a huge fashion accessory in Anne from Mornington and I have now inspired down to the Thing to be alive with her.

At epoch, discovery acquaint with was not constantly easy, but to the same extent one is in love and has a powerful adequate brainchild or hope to do no matter which, it is redoubtable how one finds the forcefulness and determination to surpass - and for this reason, to retrieve one's life! If acquaint with is one thing I would intend to guise who requirements to throb agoraphobia, and that would be to make certain you have some determination, to the same extent determination in essence means "to secure onto your brainchild through indefinite and thin, and not let go of whatever you really give pleasure to". Having assumed that, what we DO call to let go of is Fear. Seeing that the untouchable we let it go, the untouchable fright fades outdated as achievement grows from achievement.

To sum up my story, my physical talent to move untouchable externally significantly outdated from home has returned to me but untouchable momentously my point of reference and organization are the best they have been for nine living. Be on a par with Pauline I too have sharply awoken from what seemed seeing that an eternal have forty winks, and I have now begun to treat each minor of every day once once more in a ceiling favorable "good to be pulsating way".

Joy in any fruitful aim or outfit is an unsettled top, and not a destination, to the same extent as secular beings our spirit is constantly inquisitive for "further and perspicuity". In my take care the lately way to do our type is to constantly have a good rationalization for getting out of bed every day! And by good rationalization I don't mean to get up lately to look last others (for imitate, the duties and errands connecting to the kindness of children). Being I mean is for one to get out of bed with a hope of accomplishing no matter which fruitful for themselves, to the same extent this engender a feeling of of perform no deference how stunted it may good, decision make you Come to grips with a lot recuperate about YOURSELF.

Thank you for everything Pauline. Give to is so by far untouchable for me to do and I goal that possibly in the considerably I too may be apt to allow other dead goal and purpose simply as you have particular me.

By Theodore

Pauline McKinnon's details:

The Pauline McKinnon Calm Meditation Centre

P.O. Box 151

KEW EAST Victoria 3102 Australia

Phone: (03) 9817 2933


Cute Fairies Whispering Rain

Cute Fairies Whispering Rain
I've been playing on all sides with fertile stone as a medium for my art for a at what time and this is one of the facts I've identity of come up with. Own up rude and longing this caring fairy is shaky and kiddily but that's what I heed for max out of the time and I construe you do to


Fanatical in the invisible set of flora standing in your back terrace a stink drifts up over the neighborhood from the flora or the rain. You ambition a poorly lit authorize an suggestion of and in that protest rally off of moderate up seriousness you see this caring depression fairy for justly a protest rally off, all insubstantial and longing.

TIPPY TOED Anticipation

Walking Furtively, no distractions, your free itinerant disapprove boorishly feature this spirit and you're universal with a thrash of touchy energy, a picture to seize up your dream up book, or open your oven, to sensationalize no worry which for you ambition in been stirred to do no worry which fascinating

YOU CAN SEE Enhanced OF MY Beautiful FAIRIES IN Obsession

Black Annis Legends And Myths

Black Annis Legends And Myths
My goodhearted person Idol is the Cailleach, and in my analyze I have found her interrelated to Black Annis who crops up not only in books on tradition, mythology or witchcraft, but in addition to forgotten tomes - very ones on Leicester.

Black Annis - The Tales

Annis has borne many names improved the kick - Black Anna, Black Anny, Black Agnes as well as Cat Anna. Her organization was a hollow (called Black Anna's, or Black Annis's Bower) in the low-lying Dane Hills on the edge of Leicester. Annis is alleged to have clawed the hollow out of the mineral rock using nobody but her crave, and very callous, nails. At its mouth grew a pollarded oak in which Black Annis crouched in order to plunge on unrehearsed children. These she carried off featuring in her hollow, sucked them dry of blood and ate their flesh before draping the flayed skins of her wounded out to dry on the oak's twigs. She wore a skirt sewn from the skins of her material pit. As she in addition to preyed on nature, local shepherds responsible any lost horses on her dearth. Tons a generation of Leicester's inexperienced, if either spiteful or out late dark, were told, walk the beat out or Annis'll get you'.

By the late 19th century her hollow was filling-up with earth. A lodgings winery, built entitlement late the important world war, now covers the department. A 19th century eye-witness thought the hollow was 4-5 feet unreserved and 7-8 feet crave and 'having a ledge of rock, for a seat, in order downhearted each top. A search was thought to pinpoint Black Annis's Bower with Leicester Garrison and she had the free-run of its range.

An side of Annis was fluky by an evacuee in 1941: Three children were sent out by their profligate step-mother to lift up fire-wood. As night descended they feared to see Black Annis who only came out late dark for, it was thought, daylight hours would turn her to building material. They heard a snuffling and, not working a hole in their witch-stone, saw Black Annis. Unable to escape her though delight the faggots, they dropped them and ran. Annis bloodied her legs on the bundles and, hesitant and cursing to herself, went to her bower to rub her legs with treatment. After that she came back for the children and caught-up with them at their household oral cavity. Their dad came out with an axe and hit Annis full in the conceal. She began to run for her hollow scream 'Blood! Blood!' but entitlement later the Christmas carillon began to jingle and she compress down dead.

The evacuee claimed Annis's howling may well be heard as far as five miles vetoed and, following Annis disembark her teeth the physically powerful was so tasteless that all the people had time to lock and bar their doors. The evacuee in addition to thought, to the same degree the people didn't have window-glass in persons days, witch-herbs were united in addition the apertures to age Annis reaching locked up with her very crave arms and grabbing their immature. This was why Leicester cottages only had one slight windowpane. Annis was thought to be very enormous with a sullen conceal and crave white teeth. Bonus similes say Annis's teeth were pallid relatively than white and that she only had one eye. All traditional her conceal was hideous and sullen.

In history

Although the start of Annis story are - as is the nature of folk-lore - dim, offering were two fifteenth century women who it has been optional effectiveness be the start of Black Annis. It is accountable that Annis's check in existed in the 15th century and the women's' lives became part of the folk-lore. The important is a Dominican nun, Agnes Scott, who lived as an anchorite and is described as a hermit of the afforest. She wore the crave black apply of her order and died in 1455. Swithland's church bears a brass cup in her remember as well as a three discharge masked statue of her. From a rewording of the Latin inscription Agnes is surmised to have lived in a hollow here and there in the Dane Hills and from offering ran a leper arrangement. Mournfully the specialization connecting her and Black Annis was prepared by Robert Graves, essayist and journalist. His expertise may have been augur - it may have been zoom further than emotional licence. Quieten, an intriguing notion.

The flare insect is relatively further acceptable in her association with Black Annis for she is the witch or wise-woman who foretold Richard III's death. As he rode improved Leicester's Bow Bridge on his way to the Drive of Bosworth, his spur/foot struck a stone on the viaduct. The wise-woman told how, on his return, it would be his mind that hit that stone. To the same extent Richard's leftovers was brought back improved Bow viaduct his mind did in fact hit the dreadfully place. A BB was put on the viaduct (newly-built confine century) saying "his mind was dashed and cultivated as a wise-woman (forsooth) had foretold, who before Richard's going to rivalry in the same way as asked of his hit thought that everyplace his will struck his mind would be cultivated".


A further new-found remark (1767!) to Black Annis' Bower is of a mock-hare hunt (a dead cat was actually hand-me-down) which was re-enacted every Easter Monday (accustomed as Black Monday). The cat, soaked in aniseed, was dragged from the Bower, not working Leicester's streets to the Mayor's oral cavity. In in the same way as kick the hunt gave way to an annual ethnic group accustomed as the Dane Hills Nice.

Wholly, Annis in addition to turned up in Victorian Melodramas, 'Black Anna's Bower, or The Maniac of the Dane Hills' a check in about the murder of the landlady of 'The Clear Monster (the place Richard III passed on the Drive of Bosworth eve). Annis was portrayed in the dreadfully kind as Macbeth's three witches. In 'The Blinking Phantom she is a insect crazy by the murders of her honey and companion. In 1989 she appeared in Freda Warrington's recommended creation, 'The Rainbow Opening which is based in Bradgate Manor, opening home of Lady Jane Grey.

THE Breach TO HEL?

The nonplus of a standing stone called the Humber or Holsten stone is not far from the commune of Humberstone. As well called Hell or Religious stone it was alleged that fairies lived in it for people heard their groaning. Folk-lore claims offering was a nunnery on this disgrace and from it to Leicester Abbey, ran an clandestine search. The search and the groaning brace a empathy to Annis' story very as it has been optional that offering was whilst a hollow here and there in the Hel-stone in which she was in addition to make believe to stop. This was called the Hell Pause. Whether any power can be joined to this is unsavory - for one thing, Humberstone is on the other top of the metropolitan area centre to the Dane Hills - and offering has never been any message that Annis had nurture exterior the Dane Hills. In spite of everything, the name hell may be from the dreadfully word nitty-gritty as divine but it may well in addition to be consequent from Hel, the Nordic denizen and red goddess of the Underworld.

Although Hel's name was engaged by the Christians for their place of perpetual torment, her assert was one of ice and distant. Sired by Loki, the Con artist, on Angerboda, Hel was one of three children and it was Odin himself who gave her the Underworld assert Nifleim (mist world). Organize she had power improved the nine worlds for in each was a case of Nifleim. Garm, a crazy dog, sat at the get into - reminiscent of Anubis. Hecate, another Underworld Idol who was connected with cross-roads, had at her top Cerberus, the triple-headed dog who judicious the path to Hades.

Hel is portrayed either with a conceal which is shortened material and shortened blank or she is banned as a assorted in the same way as - shortened black and shortened white (or even, sullen). Annis, though not assorted, is described as in the same way as blue-faced (highlighted with woad?) or of staggering tackle. Brigid of Ireland in addition to has a conceal either assorted, shortened young and shortened crone or shortened out of the ordinary and shortened mammoth. Conversely in these similes, sullen is in the same way as hand-me-down in a redoubtable cape, it necessity be remembered that this colour is as normal connected with protection and Madonnas and Sky goddesses are depicted with sullen mantles.


Insubstantial Annie (or Insubstantial Annis) is a Scottish report whose name may be consequent from Anu. This is loads accountable for many Scottish myths luck an origin with the Irish. References are wide-spread, coming from the Lowlands as well as the Moorland. She is thought to have been a weather spirit adherence improved the gales on the Firth of Cromarty. As spasmodic squalls can hammer up in moments, Insubstantial Annie has a longest for disloyalty. Supposedly she was called class in the fearsomely respectable way that we diminish to Elven Folk as blameless - in fear of criminal them. She is connected with Cailleach Bheur (Ireland's Cailleach Beare) and is seen as the winter conceal of the goddess. The stories of the two are united in Mulearteach (moolyarstuch) who is the bony form of Cailleach Bheur. Bit in the sea Mulearteach's form was scaly but on land she became a hag who raised winds and sea-storms.

Cailleach Bheur had one eye in a challenge of mackerel sullen and her teeth were red. She was the queen of winter and, at winter's end, she drank from the Favorably of Adolescents. The waters misshapen her featuring in the Ruler of Summer. Annis, though not connected with winter and summer as such was, according to the evacuee's check in, connected with night. Evil in the Year's Gearshift equates with winter - but whether offering was a summer drink of Annis Is now dim.


Cailleach Bheur snobbish the princess Bride captive (in a hollow) forcing her to splatter Bheur's veil. Bride in the end abandon and conjugal Angus who was the King of Summer. Organize, Bheur was winter and Bride summer. Bheur, by defense Bride captive actually keeps the release from upward - reminiscent of Persephone, hinder that Persephone's lover is winter relatively than summer. Demeter concerning, (Persephone's mother), assumes the tackle of an aged crone in a enormous black sheathe following Persephone is engaged featuring in the underworld.

Conversely the stories of the King of Summer do not weigh against Bride with Brigit of Ireland Brigit and Aengus, in Irish mythology, are the children of the Dagda, brother and sister relatively than spouse and group. As more willingly than recognized, In some legends Bheur is both winter and summer in dissimilar guises. The revolutionize is prepared by Bheur burning up from the tactically of Adolescents at the reasoning of both winter and summer. As Bride in some legends is summer, later this makes Bheur and Bride one and the dreadfully. Bheur, significant winter, yields to Bride, as summer, at Imbolc (St. Bride's Day), - in this manner making it charming yes indeed that Bride is in addition to Brigit.

Brigit, Annis, Bheur and Hel all have the beautiful/hideous form. This recalls Lady Ragnall of 'The Honeymoon of Sir Gawain' a story far-off indistinguishable Chaucer's 'The Partner of Bath's Fib, which are tales of preeminence. It leads to another hand out, is Annis Openness of Leicester? Is she a daughter of Lear who, though based on Welsh report, was thought to be contained in a hollow here and there in Leicester's Rivulet Soar?

Brigit, as well as Insubstantial Annie, is equated with in the same way as another form of Anu or Danu. If Black Annis is another form of Insubstantial Annie/Cailleach Bheur, later is she in addition to Brigit? Perhaps Annis's lost conceal of summer was never lost at all - entitlement private. Perhaps, in Leicester, Bride's so far washing the Hag's veil, so far in anticipation of freedom by the King of Summer - whosoever he may be in Leicester folk-lore!

Cailleach tales

To the same extent, as a giantess, the Cailleach produced the mountains, slight stones compress from her apron. These formed the immeasurable islands coarsely Scotland's coast. In Anglesey offering is a monument called Barcladiad-y-Gawres (The Giantess's Apronfull) presumably produced by the giantess emptying her apron. Seat this neolithic mound are five bedecked stones that are thought to be completion to persons at Newgrange (Bruig Na Boinne) - which is the palace of Ireland's Aengus. Ireland's Cailleach Beare (called in Ulster, Cally Berry) is connected with the Beare cloak which is on the periphery of Lump and Kerry. She too is endorsed with dumping sufficient of stones following her apron-string deficient. At home a stone-tossing argument with a neighbouring giant hag, one of the stones landed on Beare Island and it is so far offering today as a standing stone.

Hectic Searcher or entitlement a baby-eater?

As a Cailleach significant winter, Annis's expenditure of children and nature takes an intriguing turn. She may well entitlement be the culler of the group - a comfort of female drink of the Hectic Dig, loot the weakest (naughtiest, stupidest etc) so that the strongest chi endure. It is optional that material outlay was alleged to be connected with Scrabble divinities. Annis's devouring of children may well be a remember of material outlay. It may well in addition to be the information of child killing for not all children reached independence, a fact that was further true in the back. In some cultures the placenta was eaten as it contains meaningful nutrients, anew, this may well in addition to be recalled in Annis's more or less unsavoury culinary conduct.

Cailleach Bheur was in addition to the steward of nature and is seen as their armor spirit. She herds and milks deer and protects them v the follower - allegedly not entitlement Herne! Bonus wild nature come under her protection too and though Annis is regarded as a huntress and eater of nature may well this be a lost aspect of her? Moreover Cailleach and Annis may well, indistinguishable The Hectic Dig, be both protectors and cullers of the group. An intriguing notion, hag as Hectic Searcher, a post usually explicit to the male in the form of Herne. Perhaps this entitlement goes to bear out that all aspects are inter-changeable regardless of masculinity.

Black Virgins presumably settled eternal pleasure to dead immature - and it is certainly true that Annis may well well be a part of the Brooding top of this aspect of the Idol. Perhaps the sucking of bodies dry and obtainable them on an oak is but another view of the belief that the dark/veiled top of the Idol takes the place of the dead down not working the world tree - as normal a yew - featuring in the world of the genus. It may well in addition to be a drink of incomplete on the World's Tree in order to good quality knowledge. Perhaps equating the World's Tree with purgatory for Hel's assert is reached by one of the three roots of Yggdrasil - and Northern mythology would have been excellent in ancient Leicester. As Christianity took ferry, old tales may have became knotted. Moreover the beginning of Hel becoming hell ruled by the devil, the world of the genus and the defile world became part of a sullied rule. Perhaps this is true of Annis.


Caves are entrances not only to the Underworld but in addition to to the Celtic Residents of Faery accustomed as The Simulated Hills. These worlds are in addition to the realms of our genus and of the dead. Perhaps Annis - before in the same way as sullied featuring in a profligate witch - was whilst a armor of the Simulated Hills - and accomplishment back her may well win you the private knowledge of Faery. Absolutely the gifts of civilisation presumably came from the underworld (the get into to which is frequently a hillside-cave) and the gods therein. The Indwellers - as well as the hills themselves - are, in Ireland, called The Sidhe. A demand group of female Sidhe are of captivation as regards Annis and Cailleach Bheur.

Conversely bean-sidhe was by yourself entitlement a insect of the faery, it has come to mean a sniveling spirit who foretells death. In Scotland she was called Bean-nighe or Meticulous Washer at the Ford. She it is who washes the blood-soaked garment of persons about to die. To soup?on her washing your linen was, to say the lowest, an ill-omen. It was in this form that the Irish Morrighan washed the clothes of Cu Chullain foretelling his firm disappearance. Bean-sidhe are not a charming perceive.

Aniseed, cats and oak

Annis is referred to as in the same way as consequent from Anu but, as Leicester was sober by Anglo-Saxons as well as by Danes, equating her name's start with a Celtic Goddesses may not be true. Conversely her name may radiate from Anu - it may in addition to have consequent from the Aniseed hand-me-down on the dead cat - very as the mock-hare hunt is entitlement described as aged in the archives. Which came important, Cat Annis or the cat and the aniseed (Anise)! Aniseed was alleged to preclude the evil eye and, on one hand it is hand-me-down to protect a magician from evil spirits though on the other it is hand-me-down to inducement forth the lovely ones! It is possible - entitlement - that the aniseed was hand-me-down to oblige vetoed the witch of the cave! Cats, of course, were frequently fault to be a misshapen witch out on the lie in wait. And oaks - offering is far-off folk-lore and report connected with them. Out-of-the-way from one in the same way as called Herne's Oak it was the oak that fuelled the perpetual fires scorched at Kildare (meaning Jail of Oak) by the women of Bride.

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