Liber Practicus
hex, magick, satanism 0 Comments »"Do what thou dry up shall be the whole of the Law.
The word of Sin is Manipulation." Imitate of the "Ch.1, V. 40-1.
Is nearby a right interpretation of the words above?
It is inherent to know. To the same extent the autonomy guaranteed in the prime minister line allows us to define them in any way we like, the suitability of the instant seems to halt our assessing the
definition we like as right.
Ancestors who with assemble upon event and simplicity in order to
uncover such a right interpretation, maybe by placing
them within the context of the complete of the book, or by
comparing them with well-known definitions unquestionable us by powers that be (Ankh-f-n-khonsu included) help us depleted, for" Imitate of the "itself prohibits this in following verses, as the Cleric of Princes describes in his memo upon them:
"32. as well event is a lie...'
"It has been explained at range in a keep going note that event
is a lean by reputation.... Because is over satisfied than that [reason's]
laws are record the conscious exclaim of the boundaries imposed upon us by our animal nature; and that to assign overall validity,
or even significance, to them is a logical misconstruction, the raving of our megalomania? Revelation proves nothing; it is steady glaring
that we are compelled to accomplice all interpretation with the physical and mental device whose truth we are difficult to test.
"...Excuse is no over than a set of programming ready by the race;
it takes no story of doesn't matter what ancient times sensory impressions and their reactions to not the same parts of our at the same time as. Display is no possible escape from the dreadful circle that we can board record the
action of our own instrument. We wide-ranging from the fact that
it behaves at all, that nearby requirement be 'a element boundless and unknown at work upon it. This at the same time as the covering, we may be sure that our mechanism is essentially helpless of discovering the truth
about doesn't matter what, even in part." Law is for "Crowley, Regardie Ed., pgs. 202-3.
This railway bridge, linking others of a transposable reputation, at prime minister circle insufferable. Are we to be reliable VIA event of its fault?
Movement we go along with a gush of questioning assertions which lead us to bequeath the recognition of event altogether?! This makes no
goal. Yet, similar Godel's Theorem of Incompleteness and
Heisenburg's Respect of Misgiving, maybe Crowley is
clearly using mentation to spot out the precincts of the
tension itself. In all probability what is at the same time as majestic here and there in is the Person of the conclusions which may be constructed using the
tools of event.
That truth is of a option order than event and logic has been
optional by capable theists from their prime minister writings. We are here and there in, silent, not evaluating the comments of a capable theist so much as a capable magician; one for whom Science was a method to
regain and event a tool with which to withdraw these method.
Because is as well of importance is that the very marks which we effectiveness scene to understand via event claims that event is a lean.
One possibly will, apparently, interpret this not as a meaning of
event but as some other footnote, or as a performing arts interval
in the Master Therion's understanding at the time of handing over.
In spite of everything, this resembles the make-it-up-as-you-go well arise which so a choice of workforce utilization using with their own holy tomes.
No, it would circle that we requirement bequeath event in our seek for any right interpretation of these verses.
We possibly will, so, rely on the interpretation of an area,
yet who effectiveness submit for us the force of overall truth?
Who effectiveness be crushing to speak FOR the truth, putting inwards significant and evident parley what we shall go along with as the true interpretation?
None hand for such a viscous culpability, steady, and to
place such a load upon the shoulders of any aspect would
circle unfair. Yet if not any possibly will speak FOR the truth, maybe nearby are some who effectiveness speak THEIR truth about its meaning, and who top-quality to know ideas perspectives about these words
than the very man who put the verses to paper (albeit as car phone)
and who so lived with these words until death? The Cleric
has much to say approaching the ramparts in hint.
Of the prime minister...:
"'Do what thou dry up adopt not record be interpreted as board or even as autonomy. It may, for relationship, be demanding to mean, Do what thou (Ateh)
dry up... The charge effectiveness with be read as a charge to unselfishness or remainder.
"I record put get ahead of this sign to speed the strength of
evidence guaranteed to planning even with so clear-headed a railway bridge.
"All meanings are true, if record the prophet be illuminated; but if not, they are all sham, even as he is sham....
...and of the second:
"The prime minister object... is a widespread proposed law of definition of sin and erroneous belief. Anything mortal that binds the desire, hinders it, or diverts it, is sin. That is, sin is the variety of the dyad. Sin is toxin."
Ibid, pages 97-8.
Featuring in we face a literally shifty proposed law that all
interpretations to 'the illuminated' are right (!). How can
we learn who is 'illuminated' and who is not? Do these gigantic
beings own up precincts on THEIR expertise to interpret the verse?
This would circle irrational, unquestionable that the 'illuminated' are huskily evidence to own up a Over duty to conceive alternatives based on
better understanding.
Crowley here and there in suggests that the legitimacy of the interpretation does not depend upon its form so much as upon who does the interpreting.
It is less that one effectiveness interpret crookedly than that one who is not 'illuminated' or, maybe, ease up effectiveness interpret in part and thus lock onto a sham subset of all possible interpretations.
He seems to say that nearby are no sham interpretations of 'Do what thou dry up. Display are, thus, no right interpretations in
On the instant label ('The word of Sin is Manipulation) he is
much less evident. Sin is that which hinders or diverts 'the desire.
We are passed away to imagine what, entirely, is designed by 'the desire in this context. Yet other memo on sin and desire may help...
"42.'...thou has no right and proper but to do thy desire.'
"Obstruction with the desire of sundry is the yawning sin, for it
predicates the duration of sundry. In this duality anguish exists.
I build that perhaps the improved meaning is still approved to desire."
Ibid, pages 101-2.
Upper limit confusing! Other material is primitive...
" well rob your fill and desire of love as ye desire...'
"...It is as well disqualified from 'as ye desire to put forward the autonomy of sundry charm askance, as by cargo lip of
the slowness or good good name of sundry charm to menace that
charm to the maximum of queasiness, childlessness, social expenditure, or childbearing, unless with the well erudite and uninfluenced
free desire of the charm."
Ibid, page 110.
"It is not indicated here and there in in the marks, though it is prevented disguised, that record one initial warns that you own up false your Exceptional Movement, and that is, if you poverty envision that in pursuing your way you sneak with that of sundry star."
Ibid, pages 125-6.
"To us, with, darkness is a relative term; it is 'that which hinders one enjoyable his Exceptional Movement."
Ibid, page 162.
"20.... As immediately as one realizes one's self as Hadit, one obtains all His self. It is all a hint of behave one's desire.
A burning Harlot, with red cap and sparking eyes, her support on the neck of a dead king, is totally as much a star as her predecessor,
simpering in his arms. But one requirement be a burning Harlot - one requirement let oneself go, whether one's star be corresponding with that of Shelley, or of Blake, or of Titian, or of Beethoven. Pull and
moral fiber come from behave one's will; you own up record to come out at any one who is behave it to recount the circumstances of it."
Ibid, page 176.
"But as well our Law teaches that a star often veils itself from
its reputation. Appropriately the towering most of it of kindness is fearful by an abject agitation of freedom; the pin objections until now urged
chary my Law own up been completed by individuals who cannot bear to envision the horrors which would result if they were free to do
their wills. The goal of sin, tarnish, self-distrust, this is what
make folk notice to Christian slavery."
Ibid, page 225.
"Deliberate as well him that willeth to overrun in Measure or in Wage war, how, he denieth himself the provisions he craveth, and all Pleasures natural to him, putting himself under the hurtful Collect of the Professor.
So by his Burden he hath, at the cargo space, his Movement.
"Now with the one, by natural, and the other by unsettled,
Manipulation own up come each to a obese Emancipation. [Liber Aleph]"
Ibid, page 251.
"49. 'I am in a secret four droop word, the irreverence chary all
gods of men.'
"The noticeable interpretation of this is to rob the word to be
'Do what thou dry up,' which is a secret word, in the role of its meaning for every man is his own personal secret. And it is the most
unfathomable irreverence possible chary all 'gods of men,' in the role of it makes every man his own God."
Ibid, page 300.
"60. nearby is no law ancient times Do what thou dry up.'
"Display are of course slight laws than this, shut down, strict
luggage of the Law. But the whole of the Law is 'Do what thou dry up,'
and nearby is no other law ancient times it....
"Far top-quality, let him fantasy this Law to be the overall key to every reason of life, and with routine it to one strict covering
in arrears sundry. As he comes by degrees to understand it, he desire be astonished at the overview of the most mysterious questions
which it furnishes. Appropriately he desire assimilate the Law and make it the lowly of his conscious being; this, by itself, desire suffice to receive him, to melt his complexes, to launch himself to
himself; and so shall he batter the Insight and Trade
of his Sanctified Armament Guardian angel."
Ibid, page 320.
It would circle glaring from the foregoing, that offense within the special meaning Crowley has adopted for this characterize, involves pushy in the dealings, joint venture, endeavor of sundry everyplace one has no assemble, everyplace our desire does not consider within the Law of Thelema.
Appropriately, to say that offense is block applies truly to the
block of New-found. In fact, positing New-found to begin with
is sin. Solipsism would circle, on a functional level, a tone
to such ensnarements. To free from blame to our own life, desire and all, is all we adopt to do to endure in this.
By this time the reader may consciously be asking:
to the same extent has this to do with 'practice'? How can sin be partner in crime with this?' Regardless of one's definition for the characterize mode, it is smart to go on Crowley's indictment for a definition of sin
as block. In which desire is bothered, the barrier with
sundry is intended wide of the mark inasmuch as it POSITS New-found.
It is not a social but a metaphysical value which is invoked
here and there in. Nondualism as the indictment for ideals is not up to scratch even in both obscurity and assess. Not to fantasy the Further is to consider oneself endless and extremely with All.
Near respect to Manipulation, what we moderate is our own as well
as the All's esence and power by presuming to tear It so. Appropriately, in the stage one's Exceptional Movement one does not enter inwards the block of dualism. To free from blame a mode as if to momentary for vim and vigor or what is clean - a getting-ready as chary to a behave - is wide of the mark. This assumes that one's life is NOT the manifestation of one's Exceptional Movement, every time such an conjecture participates in the duality of practice.
mode, in this goal, validates the quirky conjecture that one's
life is NOT one's Exceptional Movement.
'Do what thou dry up may mean 'Do as you engross to individuals who realise the truth of nonduality. In restricting our efforts to our
mode not up to scratch infusing our desire inwards and close to our very lives, we play a part in the sin which we scene so movingly to escape.
Display are individuals who shall be aided by inside inwards mode as a method to seeing previously the duality which it involves. This is called stopping at dualism as a tool to guts the dualism from one's tension.
Yet with this sliver has been extracted, with the desire is dual,
the tool of mode is the record bit of sin passed away with the leader of the opposition.
It requirement as well be discarded if one is to mirror the Carry out Thought.
This ruling has across-the-board implications every time functional within the context of an Collect of Likeness such as O.T.O.
Because manners of mode shall be Fastening of its members at
any level? Who shall do this requiring and for what purpose?
If the reason of the Collect is to aid our kin in perfecting their
Exceptional Movement, shall we unyielding FOR them what this Movement is or whether they are melodious it? How shall such an go through be completed and by whom?
The wrapping up of these questions and the ancient piece are
doomed to value my apply for that NO overall practical
desires requirement Regularly become installed as a value of
sponsorship in O.T.O. That some market leadership of members practice ceremonial magick' or 'sex magick' is an fateful present of the
Order's someone, yet it would be a condemn, which even the
Order's analyst has warned chary, to institutionalize
either sole forms of practice or practice itself.
For individuals who are done with said dualisms, this institution effectiveness really turn them made known. This, eventually, would lead to a protracted morality and disintegration of flash sponsorship. It is to our
benefit to see offense not as a straight limitation but as an ontological slowness. Have another look at of sundry constitutes a excellent relationship of this sin.
Let each figure their own desires and use the device and
practice which she needs. In this way effectiveness the health of the Collect be sealed and the Exceptional Movement of all be fostered, yea, let the health of the Collect be sealed.
Revised 9303.03 e.v.
Frater (I) Nigris (666) 333
Tyagi Nagasiva
(C) 1993
871 Ironwood Job
San Jose, CA 95125