Re Conversions The Warlock A Conversion For Pathfinder
magick, warlock, wizard 0 Comments »The entire draw of the Warlock class was that you could do a very few select arcane tricks infinitely. The Invocations were awesome because many of them were entirely unique and interesting, with effects that could not be duplicated and settled firmly into the "weird and cool" category.
Examples include, for instance, Flee the Scene (Which allowed you to do a short range Dimension Door spell and leave behind a major image), Devour Magic (Which allowed you to gain temporary hit points upon dispelling magical effects), See the Unseen (which gave you darkvision and the ability to detect invisible creatures), and Hungry Darkness (Which created magical darkness filled with a bat swarm).
Changing those effects out for bog standard spells means the class loses a lot of what makes it cool. You have, yes, technically fixed Warlock's problems with utility, but you've done so by turning them into a slightly worse Sorcerer.
My fix from 3.5 was much simpler. Turn Eldritch Blast into an attack action instead of a standard action, and add on the character's charisma modifier to the damage of Eldritch Blast. While this does not fix a Warlock's limited amount of utility, it does mean that in between your cool utility options becoming relevant, you at least have the option that any medium base caster does. Hit them with a brick for moderate but respectable damage.