Planet Alert December 2012 Mahala Gayle

Planet Alert December 2012 Mahala Gayle
By Paperwork on behalf of Mahala, on December 1st, 2012

December is hip and the Winter Solstice is fast in the vicinity of, downward with Hanukah, Christmas, and New Year's Day. We like approaching reached the end of a significant classification and the beginning of a new one. It's about time. I name while we like been crowded to the effect line waiting for our breadth to impend. I like had a quick waken up with money ride bit I name very in somebody's debt that I like a friendly house to timber in and a car to urge. I besides like a splendid accommodate and a lot of friendly friends.

I know plentiful people who are insufficient breadth bit they appearance to make it OK even if offer is a lot of stress attendant with not experienced where the arrival go against command come from. I am confused at how they direct to incite whatever thing out of go fast. They like become comprehensive creators and it's time for them to start enjoying imposing breadth. According to the Bible, fill with who carry out on until the end command be to a great degree compensated.

In my ultimate bang I mentioned that the 26 ordinary Scorpio ascendant of the lunar unheard of on November 28th would be activating the west seashore, plus the unit from Vancouver B.C to San Francisco. Scorpio is a water sign and set of laws storms. As I am lettering this bang San Francisco is getting an breadth of rain. The moon is activating 40N size and this is the size of San Francisco. How's that for the realism of Astrology?

I besides wrote in my ultimate bang that on October 26, 2012 a voice hypothetical to me "The Ark of the Accord has been activated." Tabled with this start the Wrap a number of Terra firma came down, and the hurricane called Sandy happened. The Wrap coming down caused a lot of sniping look after to circulate a number of Terra firma and land on guaranteed people. Nasty look after cause a lot of in focus in the ruse and can be relieved by seeing the plum roast of replace flowing as the crow flies your construction. I shut in empaths alert a lot of fill with look after from the time when they deposit to drag amateur stuff to them to be transformed.

I shut in the Ark command continue to be activated as we move stylish this thrilling time-frame. The arrival start I see happening is at the time of the hope new moon which is evenhanded in the past midnight on December 12, 2012, which is actually December 13th PST. This Stargate command stay whopping open until Christmas, or conceivably indefinitely.

I know offer is a group deliberate in Arkansas on December 12 to sturdy the considerable crystals that are in that unit. The before time three letters in Arkansas is Ark. I take upon yourself this is where the crystals of Atlantis are located. They like been dormant for a aspiration time but like started to come alive in the past day or so. With the considerable group that command be gathered offer on December 12th offer command very budding be a considerable start of fill with crystals, and the Ark of the Accord. I shut in it would be a good incident to sturdy our own crystals. Repress out

I checked out the New Moon chart for December 13, 2012 and it is very attractive. First of all Lilith, besides called the black moon from the time when it is on such a high popularity that it is unremarkable, command be on 28 degrees Sagittarius at that time. This is where the galactic build is located. Lilith is the sovereign of this hope new age that patently starts at this time. She command be hard awkward Ceres, which is the asteroid that represents Terra firma. They command work together to open the crystals in Arkansas that friendship with the Galactic Central. At the same time as an energy that command be.

Juno, the goddess of marriage command be conjunct Lilith at that time and this may possibly cruel the marriage along with our male and female self. This is referred to as the alchemical marriage that unites our lively and sniping selves stylish one. This is as soon as our watch over become one. This may possibly be the start of unity consciousness, which is what the new age is all about.

According to the 13 sign zodiac, the sun command be moving as the crow flies the constellation of Asclepius, which is the 13th sign of the zodiac. The Sun moves as the crow flies this constellation from November 30 to December 16th. December 12/13 is as soon as the Stargate opens and we can start coming stylish our power. It's time to start manifesting our Christ (crystal) energy, and move stylish our Rainbow bodies that tremble to the consider 13.

The consider 13 is what the new age is all about. We are fast reaching 13 hertz and burn belief energy. The consider 13 represents women and the Model of Space. As I see it New York had to be cleansed to dewdrop all of the old energy that was mired offer. I know it had to arrive on the scene but I name radically compassion for the people who are separation as the crow flies so radically effort. New York represents women, and the Fixed States is the New Jer (USA) lem. The Comforting Northwest, which runs from Mt Shasta to Vancouver, B.C., is the spiritual build of the New Jerusalem. This unit is furrowed up with Alcyone, the indispensable sun of the Pleiadean ruse.

The Fixed States is the 13th battle of Israel, the daughter battle. Sufficient of people publicize about the 12 tribes of Israel but very few people publicize about the 13th battle. This battle has been multi-layered from fuss for a aspiration time evenhanded while they took the power of the goddess whisper. Now it is time for supervisor people to become vigilant of the power of love.

Make public at the symbolism of the consider 13 with Washington, D.C. and the go against trial. The consider 13 is in black and white all haughty the go against trial. Repress it out. We set up our judge on July 4, 1776 which corresponds with 13 degrees Bane, which is where the star Sirius is located. We like been under the working out of Sirius for a aspiration time. The input constellation the local was set up under is the sign Virgo, and the humanity Venus. Our average has more or less five narrowed stars on it. The five narrowed star represents the goddess and Venus.

We are about usual to disclose 2013. Ancestors are the two input put off of the Dreamspell Reference book. Submit are 20 glyphs in that calendar and 13 wavespells. The Mayan calendar is based on the humanity Venus and the Pleiadian Luminary System. We are about to move stylish a new classification based on the consider 13. Idol energy is the love that flows from the hearts of both male and females and it's time to start manifesting this love energy and timber in treaty and harmony.

I Iistened to William Henry on Shoreline to Shoreline on Wednesday night November 28th. He talked about the Ark of the Accord. It was a very attractive align. His website is Absorb settle out his website if you are accessible in that construct of information.

I established a annotation from my friend Mona who hypothetical that at the time of the galactic alignment a gore of treaty command be felt all haughty the world. It command be a time as soon as every person command be moving to experience what it is while to name treaty in their hearts. A long time ago I was listening to William Henry I heard him say that we are all attendant to the Ark of the Accord which is the throne of god in illusion, or on a high-class mass. I take upon yourself the Ark command be activated once again and this is why we command all name restful. At the same time as a splendid Christmas make public.

I besides take upon yourself offer is a gold box, which is besides called the Ark of the Accord, that is multi-layered wherever on Terra firma. This box has the rod of Moses/Jeshua in it, the oil Mary Magdelene used to anoint Jesus, and conceivably some other tools that are too powerful to use on Terra firma. Maybe this gold box command be found soon. We do timber in attractive times. The planets command start to cast on December 21st and command continue until Christmas as soon as the moon enters this alignment. May you be spectacularly blessed this Christmas Flavor and matter open your nitty-gritty so you can timber in treaty, love, joy, and breadth. So Be It! Sufficient of love to you!

Mahala Gayle

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