Rituals For Yule

Rituals For Yule
SUPPLIES: Yule log (oak or pine) with white, red and black candles on it (set it in the fireplace), chalice of wine, small piece of paper and pencil for each person.

The altar is adorned with evergreens such as pine, rosemary, bay, juniper and cedar, and the same can be laid to mark the Circle.


After casting the circle the Priestess should say:

"Since the beginning of time, we have gathered in this season to

celebrate the rebirth of the Sun.

On the Winter Solstice, the darkest of nights,

The Goddess becomes the Great Mother and once again

gives birth to the Sun and the new yearly cycle,

Bringing new light and hope to all on Earth.

On the longest night of winter,

and the dark night of our souls,

there springs the new spark of hope,

the Sacred Fire,

the Light of the World.

We gather tonight to await the new light.

On this night, the Maiden, who is also Mother

and Crone, prepares to welcome the Sun.

Let's now prepare to welcome the new light within."

~Invocation to the Goddess and God:

(Priest) "I light this fire in your honor Mother Goddess

You have created life from death, warmth from cold

The Sun lives once again, the time of light is waxing.

We invite you, Great Mother, to our circle

Bring us new light, the light of your glorious Son."

(Priestess light the white candle on the Yule log and say):

"I come to you as Maiden

Young and free, fresh as springtime

Yet within me a yearning stirs to create and share

and so I become...

(Light the red candle) The Mother

I bring forth the fruit of my creativity

Yet an ancient prophet once told me, as I stood with my son,

A sword shall pierce through thy own heart also

And I knew that I must become...

(Light the black candle) The Crone

The ancient wise one, Lady of Darkness

We three - in - one who brought forth that special child

as long ago, also anointed him for burial-

A bright light that grew and was sacrificed to be reborn

as a new light."

(Priest) "Ancient God of the forest, we welcome you

Return from the shadows, O Lord of Light.

The wheel has turned. We call you back to warm us.

Great God of the Sun

I welcome your return

May you shine brightly upon the Earth."

~Consecration of the Yule Log

(Priestess) "Yule is the end of the old solar year and the beginning

of the new one. Traditionally, the end of the year is a time

to look back and reflect. It is a time to look ahead

to the future, to make plans and set goals."

On your piece of paper, write something you hope to accomplish during the coming year.


Priest picks up the chalice and says:

"We toast the new year (sprinkles wine on the log) and in token

of its promise, we consecrate this sacred wood as a focus for the

energies through which we accomplish our tasks and manifest our

desires during the coming cycle."

~All drink from the chalice.

(Priestess) "You who have died are now reborn. Lend us your light through THE WINTER MONTHS AS WE AWAIT THE SPRING.

Let us now light the Yule Log.

Once having burned with the Yule fire,


throughout the coming year."

(remember to save a small piece of the log for next Yule

or save the ashes or the candles.)

~Priest and Priestess light the Yule log together.


(Priestess - extinguishing the God taper)

"Thank you Bright Lord

for the light you have brought to us this night

May we carry it within us throughout the coming year."

(Priest - extinguishing the Goddess taper)

"Thank you most gracious Lady

for your freshness of spirit, your nurturing care

your infinite wisdom

Live within us throughout the coming year.

So mote it be."

~Close the circle the way you usually do.~

My thanks to The White Goddess for this ritual.


Morning light will flood the chamber

- winter solstice sun.

Energy unfolding,

Saturn's rule has just begun.

Crystals formed of ice and frost

freeze field and forest green.

While Mighty Oak and Holly

Fight for favours from our Queen.

The Great Wheel brings conception,

birth, and death as days of yore.

Each bonfire on a leyline

honours what has gone before.

Seven planets, seven spheres,

seven gates swing open.

I lift my arms and call the charge

the incantation spoken!

I conjure water spirits,

Pour forth the sacred winds

come hither, O great fire!

The magick now begins!

Solar vapors, starry heavens

clouds and earth and waves

unite in your perfection

on this shortest solstice day!

I hold the key of secrets

and the phantoms will avail

the crossroads shimmer open

as the rod connects to grail.

Seven planets, seven spheres,

seven gates swing open.

I list my arms and call the charge

the incantation spoken!

Beribboned Yule logs burning

each spark a blessing brings.

Red and green, the sacred blood

of past and future kings.

Mistletoe and bayberry,

winter's leaves and resin.

Spice and myrrh and evergreen

connect the Earth to heaven.

Through scented smoke and sacred prayer

I manifest good will.

Bring peace and joy to hearth and home

and every wish fulfill.

Seven planets, seven spheres

seven gates swing open

I lift my arms and call the charge

the incantation spoken!

Author Unknown ~



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