The Way Of The Italian Sorcerer
hermeticism, magick, talismans 0 Comments »STREGONERIA: THE WAY OF THE ITALIAN SORCERER
"A tradition is real previously it is not untutored out of books, but from the
relationships of a folk with the Sphere of the Spirits. The Stregoneria, as
it is specialized in the north of Italy, is a very sincretic and secret
tradition. No book has ever been written about it, and this may possibly never
take place in the function of who is initiated in it has to declare not to reveal the ritual
practices to someone. I devour meaningful to calm a bit about it in the function of I
traditional a lot of letters from people who confuse it with the
"stregheria" and get it airless to that mix of Wicca and at all
from C.Leland's book "The Gospel of the Witches".
The Stregoneria has been specialized in all levels of group of people, and
(until now) it has been justly vocal lore. A lot of elements deriving
from the magical practices of the Roman and Celtic homeland of
north Italy are easy to bend, although award are some ancient books on
magic (improbable in Italian completely) which after that devour had a top
choose in the continue three or four centuries.
In the Stregoneria (after that called "The ancient Art" or "the Old
Procedure") award is a intent of an omnipresent Supernatural being
(All-Consciousness) which is not awkward with humans, although It is
the all-pervading nose of all consciousness and query. Habitually this
is called Baphomet. Its emanations, which are Entities whose origin
is divine, system with self-sacrifice and the forces of key in. Commonly
they ARE the forces of key in, or highest assumed, their primary
example is in the powers of key in. If a Sorcerer is skilled,
transactions is everyday with these Entities, through the Mystery
Think, in Thoughts, or through a Psychic. It is not unorthodox to understand
these Entities as the product of the relationships of generations of
priests-sorcerers with the idiosyncratic Divine Emanations of the Supernatural being,
they ARE this idiosyncratic production integrated with the eggregore formed
by centuries of look up to and magic.
Modish are some names and attributes of these Entities:
La Dea Madre: Mother-Goddess, Solidity Herself, sometimes equitable
referred as "la Dea". She is simbolized by the Cauldron.
Lucifero: The Son of the Divinity, Lady of the Ingoing Neutral,
Dynamism of the Cross-roads, God of Supernatural, Prime minister of the
Powers of Air, the Mercury of the Alchemists, the Daybreak
Item. Bisexual space amid Gods and humans.
Sometimes called the Fiend, Lady of this Sphere.
La Dea della Luna: Mother of the Moon, Female of all Witchcraft,
Mistress of the Stars. Bisexual.
Nostra Signora delle Acque: Our Female of Waters, Sovereign of Worship.
Female of the Misteries of Resurgence.
La Santa Morte: Shortfall, Prime minister of the Cemeteries and of Funny story.
Neutral, envisioneed as a concealed carcass holding a cut.
Il Bicorne: The Horned God. Lady of the Forests and of all Natural world.
Master of the Hunt. Represents warriorship and virility. From
Him incline all staying power skills.
The Demons of the Criminal world. Long-ago Entities untutored of Set fire to,
sometimes acknowledged with out-of-date magical eggregores. The Rulers of
the Four Orders, Lords of the Powers of the Elements. Their
names are:
Auros : the East
Ignis : the South
Lagos : the West
Ursus : the North (after that Urius, or Tellus)
The Spirits of the Elements themselves are sometimes called with the
routine names of: Salamanders, Undines, Gnomes and Sylphs.
"(c) The Building of UR 1996