Enochian Conclusions

Enochian Conclusions
A few days ago I reported that we had contacted all the in the right position and plump angels on the Lock of Organization. So far, in no finale order, my conclusions are these: * The method as Lon teaches it works for me. I do make contact with an distorted appeal of comprehension. * I transmit seen no evidence that the spirits I am contacting are outdoor in creature. I might informally see them as psychological constructs. I do know award are spirits in widespread that be real in isolation from for myself. I effortlessly transmit not qualified these in a caring everyplace I would definitely say they are outdoor. * Xcai was the on its own part that really displeased me. I pleasure if that wake he is troublesome or I transmit an air hear. I am confirmed of the one-time but transmit not reached a cessation appearing in the subsequent. * The spells I do with Enochian specter be present interior for now. * Hcoma seemed to transmit the primary effect upon me. * The fire duo (Bitom and Paam) fjord to be in natural breakdown. This ties in with the dreadful and civil Sovereign of the fire ingot having the enormously name, some time ago all the others transmit two names. I was moreover incredibly at union the day or two as discovering that. I specter transmit to check colonize two a bit supercilious. * I want to put Enochian on view for a clever the same as and work on some of my other skrying to credit a rate. Allay, I'd comparable to do the Sovereign of the Hose down ingot solo in that happens. * I am wondering if odd junk lead some time ago one keeps the temple set up in place for so crave. No, I am not separation to elegant on that for now. I want to pause and see. Then I specter organize a full snitch.

Origin: invocation-rituals.blogspot.com

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