Write downFrom: Lead, LFCWTo: All Chore Stations in NigeriaSubject: Venture with the Boko Haram Torture in Nigeria Date: May 15, 2014So sentence against an evil work is not executed promptly, at that time the focal point of the sons of men is in good health set in them to do evil (Eccl. 8:11)Introduction: An In focus Plea for Concerted Intercessions!The covering of the abducted complete 200 Chibok girls is a important of harsh unease and an theft on the nation and the church of Christ in choosy, as complete 90% of these girls are Christians.This is to the right from thousands of believers and pastors who keep been slain, everyday here go for services in churches amid 2010 uncreative witness. We could do with matter and ease this Goliath called boko haram. Acme, we could do with dream that the in progress uncomplimentary importance is but a be an average of court case and that God has apart secure for us as a nation - 1Cor. 10:13 We could do with further achieve that it is a court case against the powers of pessimism - Eph. 6:10-12/16/ 2Cor. 10:3-5/ Ex. 12:12 We could do with at that time rivet in a row of hopefulness in prayers to bring down these agents of the disreputable one called boko haram - 1Tim. 6:12/ Ps. 74:20 We could do with further achieve that gullible in our strength is a ability and gullible in whatsoever helps as against God's help is shaky - Ps. 33:16-20/ Ps. 20:7-8/ Is. 31:1-5/ 2Chr. 16:12-13 We could do with at that time productively rivet the spirit of God to bring down these hosts of hell - Is. 59:19/ Zech. 4:6/ Lk. 10:19.It is high time the church took spiritual duty We apparition keep in mind that this church while called for prayers for the nation and 'Pelatiah' that was disconcerting the regulate of this nation next died. I dream God apparition do it anew as He overthrows the camps of boko haram and silences them everlastingly in Jesus' name - Ezek. 11:1-13.o But we could do with pray and pray aright - James 4:1-2o We could do with begin to call up blood feud upon the base camp of boko haram, their perpetrators and sponsors - Ps. 94:1-5/ Ps. 68:1-3/ Ps. 35:1-6 We could do with recognise that we are in the rule days, the day blood feud against the base camp of the rival - Is. 61:1-2/ Acts 13:8/ Joel 2:23-24o We could do with start to call up curses on the interlace of boko haram taxonomy - Is. 54:14-17/ 2Thess. 1:6 Recognizing that everything that mocks the church of Christ is preordained for a curse - Gen. 12:3/ Gen. 22:17-18/ Ex. 4:22-23/ 2Kgs. 2:21-23 And that every person that curses the church could do with be cursed in return - Is. 54:17/ 1Sam. 17:45-50/ Ps. 139:21-22o We could do with rise to ease all the agents of the disreputable by invoking the arrows of death in their base camp - Ex. 22:18/ 1Sam. 2:6/ Ps. 7:10-16/ Ps. 11:5-6o We could do with further rise to turn this army of aliens to migration - Heb. 11:33-34/ Ps. 81:10-14/ Lk. 21:15 Recognizing that God says if He can find 10 suitable men in Sodom, He apparition dissipate the built-up - Gen. 18:23-26As a result, in the name of Jesus Christ, for the sake of the church of Christ in Nigeria, the boko haram terrorist group shall not do to gap the nation but shall be wrecked and become level flat - Matt. 16:18/ Ps. 122:9Jesus is Lord!15th May, 2014Signed.