Those Opposed To Sarkozy

Those Opposed To Sarkozy
There are several currents of thought opposed, often vehemently opposed, to the idea of Sarkozy as president of France. Besides the socialists and the left-wing bloc of minor parties, many of those who had banked heavily on Jean-Marie Le Pen cannot bring themselves to vote for Sarkozy on the grounds that he will engage in a witch hunt for those he considers traitors, that he will align himself with the "Washington-Tel-Aviv Axis" as some call it, that an "internal enemy is preferable to an external one" - the "internal" enemy being S'egol`ene Royal - that he will drag France into the orbit of Bush/Blair, that he will continue the mixing of races on an even grander scale than what has already taken place, that he will not be competent to handle the storm that is brewing and that he will "implode after two years in office" as one writer put it. Finally, the word is out that secretly Marine Le Pen is calling on FN members to vote for Sarkozy. This is intensifying the already intense rage of those dissidents within the FN who long ago turned against their leader and his daughter.Trying to combine all this in one post may be foolish, but I would like to give a bird's eye view of this very tense situation. While the debate between Sarko and S'ego was lively and even at times enjoyable, for many Frenchmen the dam is about to burst, with either candidate, but for these people, Sarkozy is worse.First, Vox Galliae, the pro-Le Pen website that closed shop a few days ago as I reported, had issued a statement on the May 6 election, of which this is an excerpt:(...) Above all, I ask our readers, at least those who have high regard for our blog, but also others on the web who defend our values, all those who need this last small area of freedom that the Internet represents, to think long and hard about that before turning in a ballot for Sarkozy. In order to reassure the Left and to appease people's "concerns" after he is elected, who will be targeted by Nicolas Sarkozy once in office? Against whom will it be easy to use intelligence services to snuff out all resistance? In exchange for which adversary - weakened since April 22 - will it be easy to buy back his virginity after a tough campaign, using if necessary all possible manipulations to organize a "witch hunt".Be advised that the UMP government that wants to implement, through government decree, a permanent system of surveillance of each and every citizen, of a sort that no totalitarian government has conceived until now, will not miss the opportunity to "clean house" (I'll let you imagine how) in all impunity after its triumphant re-election.This does not mean that we must vote for S'egol`ene Royal as Pierre Vial suggests. Personally, I could never bring myself to do it. But in the difficult times we face, let's remember that one can rise up after a defeat, but it is more difficult when one has lost one's honor as well.Note: The "Big Brother" surveillance system will be the topic of a separate post. Vox Galliae is clearly expressing fear for the lives and livelihoods of some, if not all, patriots who use the Internet to spread their ideas. This could explain, in part, the sudden departure of VG from the web.Pierre Vial, alluded to above, is the administrator of the website Terre et Peuple (Land and People), a fiercely nationalistic group that defends its territorial rights on a racial basis. For these people, primarily Celts (some of whom call themselves "neo-pagans"), the land belonged originally to them and only by regrouping those who share a common blood, a common history and culture, can hope for the future be sustained. In an editorial he writes:There is no poison worse than resignation. This poison has been inoculated into the veins of most Frenchmen of European origin, to convince them that immigration is an irreversible fact, against which nothing can be done (...) This idea of resignation turns those who accept it into vanquished and submissive men, perfect future dhimmis. It can also lead to the despair of those who refuse submission but who have the feeling of finding themselves, today, completely alone. Abandoned. Betrayed. What is the point of standing upright? Why not just lie down on the roadside and wait for the end. The end of a country in which one believed, called France. A country that is dying. (...)It is therefore in his Gallic, European, white identity that he who refuses despair must today find reasons for hope. For him there is only one way that permits him to hope for a future: to regroup, with those of his blood who refuse resignation, and to create cells, groups, Gallic ethnic communities, whose members have a permanent interest in practicing among themselves an active solidarity in all domains (family, work, social life). THE TRUTH IS WE CAN COUNT ONLY ON OURSELVES NOW. (...) We recognize only one law: the law we have given ourselves, loyalty to our own people. They alone count. Everyone else can croak. (...)Regarding the choice between Sarkozy and Royal, Pierre Vial chooses Royal out of contempt for Sarkozy. The following is from an e-mail from Terre et Peuple. I cannot provide a permanent link:Some of Jean-Marie Le Pen's voters will no doubt fall into the trap in the second round (as many already did in the first), of believing Sarkozy's talk on national identity and the perspective of a firm government promised by the ex-minister of the Interior. Unlike the gullible rightists, always willing to be cuckolded, we who have a political conscience know that Sarkozy represents an alignment between France and the Washington-Tel-Aviv Axis. We also know that he especially wants to apply "affirmative action" ( which is, it must be repeated endlessly, a preference given systematically, in all domains, to people who, with or without a French ID card in their pocket, are and will forever be intruders, who can never even come close to belonging to our people.)This is why, without hesitation or guilt, I will vote for S'egol`ene Royal. (...)Those who reproach me for not recognizing the most hateful aspects of S'egol`ene Royal (praise for mixed blood, etc...) are mistaken. I know all that. Simply, my analysis rests on a comparison: a comparison between the danger of Sarkozy and that of Royal in view of their records. It seems to me obvious that the danger of Sarkozy is greater than that of Royal. (...) I completely understand those who cannot resolve to do this, for perfectly honorable reasons that I respect. But sometimes I re-read Machiavelli.The group of dissidents within the Front National who have been calling themselves Nationalists Against Le Pen are also closing down their website. They claim they never intended to stay any longer than the time needed to get their point across. Through very long, impassioned, sometimes feverishly outraged articles, their point boiled down to the betrayal of the FN by its leader and the takeover by hippie Marine and her Marxist pals. They have provided a priceless look into the inner workings and fissures of the only political party that might have saved France from the frightening mess we have today. A contributor to the website, in an e-mail says:I'm taking advantage of this final article to tell you that as for me personally I will vote for S'egol`ene Royal even though I'm anti-Marxist, because I have learned that between an enemy on the inside, and a foreign agent, there isn't much choice! Despite her words, another e-mail arrived today with the news that word is going out from the Front National leadership, on the advice of Marxist philosopher Alain Soral (one of Marine's friends), to its members to vote en masse for Nicolas Sarkozy:And so the Front will aid and abet the election of Sarkozy. Soral said that (...) more than 100,000 persons will be contacted and encouraged to vote for Sarkozy and asked to encourage others to do the same. To those you can add the 60% of the Front National's voters who, according to the polls, are going to vote for Sarkozy, and you can easily guess who is going to win on Sunday. (...) I believe that Marine, Soral, Touz'e and the others are not only traitors but idiots, because, if Sarkozy is elected, he will do what he promised and fix the economic problems (don't tell anyone) all the while destroying France and its values and that is the most serious thing.This is how Le Pen ends his career. Chirac had started it by working secretly to get Mitterand elected. Today, it is Le Pen who intends to have Sarkozy elected. Curses on all of them.Note: Chirac was instrumental in getting Mitterand elected, though I do not know the details. Mitterand, realized that the the French Right would need an outlet for its frustrations and therefore allowed Jean-Marie Le Pen air time (on television, radio, etc...) to rally his constituents and give form to the FN. Mitterand admired Le Pen and supposedly said to him once that he (Le Pen) was the best politician in France, other than himself of course.So the FN of Jean-Marie Le Pen was created by a cunning socialist for a long-term strategic purpose - to insure that the establishment parties always stayed in power.Note also that for these nationalists, the real danger of Sarko will be that he DOES accomplish something in the economic sphere, thus deluding everyone into thinking he is saving France, when in fact, he is a pro-American "globalist" who works at destroying France's identity. Two links that might be of interest:A 20-minute video of Alain Soral drinking champagne and analyzing the first round. Not everything he says is wrong - especially when he points out that Sarko is not the fascistic cop the Left makes him out to be. That he was, in act, ineffective as France's top cop. However the video shows us a talkative self-indulgent pseudo-philosopher enjoying himself to the limit and sure that Sarko must win since he had stolen the best ideas from Jean-Marie Le Pen. Knowledge of French essential to understand the video.An on-line petition from anti-war activists calling on the French people to reject Nicolas Sarkozy.Update: May 5, 2:30 p.m. - The link to Vox Galliae is not working. The website's homepage is still there but the archives have been removed.

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