The Latest Swords And Wizardry Appreciation Day Posts Volume 2

The Latest Swords And Wizardry Appreciation Day Posts Volume 2
RPG DELISI - SWORDS & WIZARDRY - Bug"un 17 Nisan, Swords & Wizardry Appreciation Day. Bu y"uzden bug"unk"u yazim, bug"une deger veren diger 138 blog gibi bu g"uzel oyun hakkinda olacak. Swords & Wizardry (Bundan sonra S&W olarak gececek) Matt Finch tarafindan OGL...

THE SPACE COCKROACH'S HIDEOUT - SWORDS & WIZARDRY APPRECIATION DAY: CHARACTER BACKGROUNDS - Backgrounds - The following guidelines may be of assistance to flesh out a character's background and non-adventuring capabilities without involving complex rules or extensive skill-lists.

BAT IN THE ATTIC - SWORDS & WIZARDRY APPRECIATION DAY - BODENBERG CASTLE - I chose to use Swords and Wizardry as the foundation for my Majestic Wilderlands supplement because of all the retro-clones it was the one I felt to be the closest to an ur version of the world's most popular roleplaying game. And the easiest to use as a foundation for the type of supplement I was writing. Matt Finch did a great job in writing Swords and Wizardry.

SPES MAGNA GAMES - O IS FOR OLD SCHOOL - It's Swords & Wizardry Appreciation Day! So, here goes: I appreciate Swords & Wizardry. Seriously. In a moment, I'm going to tell you why, but before I do, let me try to make something clear...

EDGAR'S GAME BLOG - APPRECIATING SWORDS AND WIZARDRY FOR THE FIRST TIME - I have a confession to make. I agreed to do this blogswarm thing about Swords and Wizardry without ever actually having read the book or played the system. In fact, I haven't played any OD&D in my life...

THE ONGOING CAMPAIGN - {OBSCURE GAMES} SWORDS & WIZARDRY - Of all the retroclones, Swords & Wizardry was the most interesting to me from the start. Where Labyrinth Lord and OSRIC presented the rules very closely to the source, S&W chose to make a couple of significant changes that streamlined play...

THE CLASH OF SPEAR ON SHIELD - SWORDS & WIZARDRY APPRECIATION, SEVEN MAGIC ITEMS, DAY FOUR - The Eye of the Storm is a beautifully cut round amethyst, with dark swirls within it. The holder of the Eye may call upon the power of the storm...

SORCERER UNDER MOUNTAIN - WHY SWORDS & WIZARDRY IS MY RETROCLONE OF CHOICE - As part of Swords &Wizardry Appreciation Day. This post is an attempt to explain briefly why Swords &Wizardry is my Retro clone (a reversed engineered version of one of the earlier editions of D&D using the D20 Systems Resource Document) of choice.

19TH LEVEL - BALANCING CLASSES IN SWORDS & WIZARDRY - Game balance. It's a tricky concept in RPGs. D&D 3rd and 4th editions made a very strong effort to balance the character classes with one another as well as to balance encounters. For my purposes, they went too far...

BLOOD & BATTLE - VARIANT RULES FOR RUNNING A HUMANOID CAMPAIGN COMPATIBLE WITH THE SWORDS & WIZARDRY GAME - Using these variant rules for Swords & Wizardry, you can create characters who are orcs, bugbears, goblins, gnolls, and half-orcs. Classes available are Barbarian, Shaman, Witch Doctor, Sneak, and Warrior.

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