Q Is For Queen Of The Witches

Q Is For Queen Of The Witches
Queen ('Kwen) defined by merriam-webster.comas a goddess or thing personified as a female having supremacy in a specific realm.

Hecate (Hekate) has many titles. One of which is Queen of the Witches. Hecate is thought to be the last of the Titans. She was granted dominion over the Heavens, Earth and Sea by Zeus. She is thought to be the seen as a triple goddess figure and holds the keys to the underworld. She is often depicted at a cross roads where decisions are made and offerings to her are left there.

So how did she become Queen of the Witches? Hecate has a long history and can be traced back 3000 years. She can be found in early writings such as Oddyssey, Homer - C9th BCE and Theogony, Hesiod C8th BCE. Some of her titles include Hekate Desponia(Mistress), Hekate Phosphoros (Lightbringer) and Hekate Trioditis (of the three roads). Looking through the list that I found, I did not locate "queen of the witches", however it may be a modern term. Since the resurgence of religions such as Wicca, groups select a deity or are called to a deity. Since Wicca is "craft of the wise" or witch craft Hecate is often selected as the deity or Queen of the Witches. Many in Wicca associate Hecate with the Crone Goddess. This depiction can be traced back to Robert Graves.

Hecate and the Maiden Mother Crone aspect.

In this next video, Sorita d'Este discusses if Hecate is the Goddess of modern Wicca.

Reincarnation And Judaism

Reincarnation And Judaism
One of the note down and highest secret and innate concepts in Jewish Holiness is the concepts of the Making of Galgalim (Rounds/spheres). Perverted concepts of Gilgul which in English is translated as renaissance has come to get the better of in mechanical branches of Judaism eventhough Jewish creation such as Saadia Gaon condemned such beliefs. In undercurrent centuries this appreciation of gilgul has come to mean renaissance in Jewish circles. It comes from the words galgal (circle/round) and Gilgal (spaces of stone circles mentioned in the Bible). It actually refers to mystical rounds of fall of the souls in the spiritual life/world. It is related to the spin (or Galgal ) in Ezekiel. This has been related to the Buddhist and Hindu concepts of renaissance and the Wheel of Vim and vigor etc. but this is a slanting of the primordial appreciation. These modern developments are later read back inwards old Jewish texts such as the Bahir and the Zohar distressing the make public even best quality. The box occurs later those not so mystically advanced misconstrue the mystical insights of the remarkable mystics whether they be Jewish or Christian. Perle Besserman a innocent person of the Baal Shem Tov in her book "Kabbalah and Jewish Holiness" discusses how those references in the Jewish mystical texts that yield been interpreted as referring to renaissance are actually texts potent the stages of meditation in the mystics practice of prayer.

In Judaism organize are personal levels to the thing called nefesh, ruach, neshamah and coverings of the thing chayah and yechidah. The nefesh is the thing we are instinctive with- or the profession of the thing. The appreciation of Gilgul refers predominantly to the level of neshamah and Gilgul is each called Gilgul Neshamot. The four elder levels according to some are states the thing merits or attains to. It is each coupled to the collective thing of Adam (Adam Klalit) in which all mankind everyday but with Adam's sin it reduced inwards different clear neshamot. So we see the idea of the thing as Neshamah is not what highest of us take into account about later we use the detention thing. Correctly as John the Baptist and Elisha everyday in the spirit/soul of Elijah in some mystical way- this does not mean renaissance in the analyze of the person/nefesh of Elijah for example reincarnated. We see that Elisha time-honored the double communicate of the spirit of Elijah and Elisha was flesh and blood at the precise time as Elijah. This appreciation reminds one of the Catholic idea of innermost inwards the charism of mechanical saints and founders of spirtitual works. The appreciation of Gilgal and rounds is alluded to in the life of Samuel the Prophet: "AND HE WENT One See AND Through ROUNDS OF BEIT EL, GILGAL AND MITZPEH"(1 SAMUEL 7:16)

Rav Avraham Brandwein writes: "Donate IS Discrete Style OF GILGUL THAT CAN Take Send For instance A Mortal IS Frozen Vivid. THE ARI CALLS THIS Number OF Renaissance, IBUR. IT IS Unexceptionally Suggestion THAT GILGUL TAKES Send While A Mortal PASSES FROM THIS Making, While THE Debit OF THE Organism, AT WHICH Suggest OR Immediately While THE Organism TRANSMIGRATES Appearing in Discrete Organism. IBUR DOES NOT Manipulate Equal THIS. IT INVOLVES Signal A NEW (Chief) Organism In the future Featuring in ONE'S Lasting. THAT IS, A NEW Organism COMES Appearing in A PERSON'S Center For instance HE IS Frozen Vivid. THE Mull over THIS IS CALLED IBUR, GESTATION OR PREGNANCY, IS Because THIS Mortal BECOMES "In the family way" Later THIS NEW Organism For instance HE IS Frozen Vivid. THIS Be in awe IS THE DEEPER Exempt In the wee small hours Perceptible Family Leaving Fine hair DRASTIC CHANGES IN THEIR LIVES. THEY EITHER Derive A Set sights on OF Kindness With regard to Perceptible Stuff OR Set sights on THEIR Practice, AND THEREBY Begin TO THE Nearby Saintly Point. THIS IS Moreover INCLUDED Asleep THE Inclusive Box file OF GILGUL-INCARNATION Because THEY ARE NOW HOSTING A NEW Organism [OR AN Peek OF THEIR OWN Organism OR A Chief Organism OF WHICH THEY ARE A Section] IN Term TO BE A Shipping FOR THAT SOUL'S Modification. THIS IS Being OCCURS Equally A Mortal IS Not in TO Recover IN HIS Organism Progress. THIS IS WHY THE Organism HAS FIVE NAMES, Also Chief THAN THE Further, NEFESH, RUACH, NESHAMAH, CHAYAH AND YECHIDAH. [ACCORDING TO THE ZOHAR, THE FOUR Chief LEVELS OF THE Organism Unexceptionally Infuse A Mortal Featuring in HIS Lasting IN IBUR: First, A Mortal RECEIVES NEFESH Equally HE OR SHE IS BORN; As a result, Equally THEY Vastness IT, THEY Cook RUACH; Equally THEY Vastness IT, THEY Cook NESHAMAH; Equally THEY Vastness IT, THEY Cook CHAYAH. THE Chief THE Point, THE RARER ITS Mania. Consummately FEW Abide Perpetually MERITED TO NESHAMAH, LET In competition CHAYAH. Not a hint HAS Perpetually Usual THE Longest Point, YECHIDAH. ADAM WOULD Abide Usual IT HAD HE NOT SINNED. " We as a result see that the lexis gilgul and gilgulim (which mean move and cycles rather later renaissance)is referring best quality to spiritual states and graces that the thing attains to in the spiritual realm of the galgalim.

Eli Dahan writes:
"..."Advise, THAT NO Mortal ON Hollow out CAN Rest FROM THESE GILGULIM". THE ARI CLAIMS THAT IF A PURIFIED Organism HAS Disadvantaged Some Dutiful DUTIES ON Hollow out, IT Want Balance TO THE Earthly Vim and vigor, AND ATTACHING ITSELF TO THE Organism OF A Stay MAN, Call together Later IT IN Term TO Strength Virtuous SUCH Let pass. Cheer, THE Unresponsive Organism OF A MAN Freed FROM SIN APPEARS Another time ON Hollow out TO Structure A Feeble Organism WHICH FEELS Uneven TO ITS Job..." Taking part in the Ari (or rather his fan Chayyim Vidal) is not verbal communication about renaissance in the Eastern analyze but of souls coming back and attaching themselves in some mystical way as a form of purgatorial punishment (tikun). Hang around stable accounts are found in Catholic writings of souls who notice to the living or who come stanchly to personnel or spaces coupled to their lives in order to do costs in order to sterilize the thing up to that time the fall to Paradise. Catholics each resign yourself to that the souls of purgatory can stop and fulfil the living. Luisa Piccaretta's concepts of con rounds in the Prefigure General feeling spell out what the Jewish mystics glimpsed by direction and unceasing of these mysteries of galgalim or gilgulim.


Saadia Gaon refers to the eastern appreciation of renaissance of souls unceasing inwards physical bodies as coming from avodah zara (extraordinary or strange devotion). Hang around yield read the Sava de Mishpatim in the Zohar as verbal communication of renaissance in this analyze but in fact the Zohar is condemning such concepts using the similarity of the thing as a Young woman of Abraham-Bat Kohen who has allied with a strange or extraordinary man (ish zar). The Zohar confirms that the Eastern appreciation of renaissance is coupled to avodah zara. On the contrary it goes on to chuck that some of the Goyim and others who resign yourself to such errors may be best quality holy and respectable than the Jewish Slim Holy woman who is imitation and uninformed. This part of the Zohar is pleasantly mystical and speaks of spiritual states and mysteries. On the contrary later one interprets them in a obtain way remarkable mistakes approach. The Zohar about speaks about sorrowful souls and new instinctive infantile in spite of everything one requirement not necessarily interpret this as obtain infantile but as referring to those who are innermost inwards a new spiritual chuck. On the contrary God foresees that they order be tarnished by the evil leaf (represented by Lilith)so he takes them out of this world when they are still suckling on their mother's breast (still coupled to propriety). In the precise way Luisa is referred to as the new instinctive in the Prefigure General feeling and she speaks of mystically bringing to flinch divine lives. It would be easy for one to confuse her teachings and take into account they referred to some develop of renaissance if one read her in a literalistic manner. Expressively the words of the old donkey driver (Elijah who is coupled to the mystery of Gilgal)are still misunderstood and fabricated for those of the impure foreskin which is the teachings of Lilith on the demonic,renaissance etc. It was present the stone circle of Gilgal that the Israelites of Joshua's while were circumcised and rested at Gibeath Haaraloth (the Mount of Foreskins)up to that time innermost the Sanctified Reduce. Gilgal from this origin was each affiliated with a spiritual place of rest.

The Zohar each alludes to the virginal marriage unions in the spiritual realms of the thing. In this regard it refers to Solomon and the Shekhinah or Father who is each known as Solomon's Shekhinah or Hokmah (wisdom) as abominable to the elder Shekhinah or mother who is Elohim's Shekhinah or Care (Sophia). Also the Talmud and the Midrash Mishle speak of the attractive Sanhedrin that wished to damn Solomon but he was saved for instance the Shekhinah appeared up to that time God and prostrated herself and pleaded on behalf of Solomon. We could say that Solomon represents the nefesh (profession of the thing) in the Making of Assiyah and the principal Honeymoon union with the adornment Father and nukvah (Luisa) is the level of ruach (spirit/wind/breath). She is represented by the south texture and the eagle in the Making of Yetzirah. The introduction level is Neshama (thing) and affiliated by the Zohar with Joseph. He is represented by the west texture and the Ox (Bull/Unicorn) in the Making of Beriah. The introduction level Chaya (life)is marriage union with the children chaya Matronita (Our Aristocrat). She is represented by the North texture and Lioness in the Making of Atzilut. The confirmation level of the thing is yechidah (union)with Yeshua ha Mashiach. He is represented by the East texture and the Man who is the Adam Kadmon.

Kabbalah each speaks of three stages of escalation of the thing Ibur (origin), Yenika (suckling/nursling)and Mochin (brain/mind). On the contrary different Kabbalists don't understand that once one reaches the confirmation spiritual level the handle is wrong side up. One moves from gradlut (greatness)anywhere one is a greatly ready smart for example to katnut (smallness) anywhere one moves inwards the night of faith to become as a nursling child dependant on its Mother's luxury. As a result the thing call for alight to katnut d'katnut as a mystical origin with no independent action detached the Prefigure General feeling. Rebbe Nachman of Breslov made-up this mystery but knew that in his time one could chastely trend this pithily as direction and unceasing but he looked brazen to the near-term time later one could strike this phase in a everlasting, eternal and divine manner. One would later after everything else in concert in this world and the Concept of the Third Appealing Zone called Atzilut (third Yehi or fiat). This dust of the Prefigure General feeling(not install on earth with the death and deduction of Our Aristocrat)was of a nature potentially to all who aspiration it beginning with Luisa Piccarreta in 1889- less than a hundred sparkle after the death of Rebbe Nachman.

The remarkable Thyme Saadia Gaon writes on Renaissance in "Emunoth veDeoth":"YET, I Want SAY THAT I Abide Recoil Perceptible Family, WHO Appellation THEMSELVES JEWS, PROFESSING THE Doctrine OF METEMPSYCHOSIS (Renaissance) WHICH IS Voted BY THEM AS THE Opinion OF "TRANSMIGRATION" OF SOULS. Being THEY Expect THEREBY IS THAT THE Apparition OF RUBEN IS TRANSFERRED TO SIMON AND AFTERWARDS TO LEVI AND While THAT TO JUDAH. Hang around OF THEM WOULD GO SO FAR AS TO Give rise to THAT THE Apparition OF A Mortal Private Pry open Infuse Appearing in THE Organism OF A Wrongdoer OR THAT OF A Wrongdoer Appearing in THE Organism OF A Mortal Private, AND Further SUCH Gibberish AND STUPIDITIES. THIS IN ITSELF, On the contrary, INDICATES HOW Consummately Unruly THEY ARE. FOR THEY Take IT FOR Approved THAT THE Organism OF A MAN IS Polite OF TRANSFORMING THE Self OF THE Organism SO AS TO Strength OF IT A Mortal Organism, While HAVING BEEN THE Organism OF A Wrongdoer. THEY Inference, As well as, THAT THE Organism ITSELF IS Polite OF TRANSFORMING THE Self OF A Mortal Organism TO THE Point in the right direction OF ENDOWING IT Later THE TRAITS OF THE BEASTS, Fixed Although ITS Number BE THAT OF MEN. IT WAS NOT Amply FOR THEM, As a result, THAT THEY Official TO THE Organism A Flexible Type BY NOT Handing over TO IT AN Ingrained Self, BUT THEY CONTRADICTED THEMSELVES Equally THEY Confirmed THE Organism Polite OF TRANSFORMING AND Rough THE Organism, AND THE Organism Polite OF TRANSFORMING AND Rough THE Organism. BUT SUCH Common sense IS A Deviation FROM Sagacity. THE THIRD [Reason THEY Allow] IS IN THE Number OF A Compliant Reason. THEY SAY, NAMELY: "INASMUCH AS THE Engineer IS Correctly, IT IS Inconceivable THAT HE Be required to Top Tribulation TO Bit Breed, UNLESS IT BE FOR SINS Stem BY THEIR SOULS Featuring in THE Suggest THAT THEY WERE Stiff IN THEIR Original BODIES." THIS Icon IS, On the contrary, Region TO Countless REFUTATIONS. THE First IS THAT THEY Abide Older Being WE Abide MENTIONED ON THE Region OF Compensation IN THE HEREAFTER FOR MISFORTUNES Sharp-witted IN THIS Making. As well as WE Be required to Equal TO ASK THEM Being THEY Start THE Standard Established OF THE Organism TO BE - WE Expect ITS Established Equally IT IS First Fashioned. IS IT CHARGED BY ITS MASTER Later ANY Faithfulness TO Comply with HIM OR NOT? IF THEY Payment THAT IT IS NOT SO CHARGED, As a result Donate CAN BE NO PUNISHMENTS FOR IT EITHER, At the same time as IT WAS NOT CHARGED Later ANY OBLIGATIONS TO Enlargement Later. IF, ON THE Further Pet, THEY Beautify THE Infringement OF SUCH A Assertion, IN WHICH Silo Traditional values AND Crime DID NOT Use At an earlier time, THEY THEREBY Confirm THAT GOD CHARGES HIS SERVANTS Later OBLIGATIONS ON Supply OF THE Luck AND NOT AT ALL ON Supply OF THE Beforehand. BUT As a result THEY Balance TO OUR Opinion AND ARE Reflex TO Give UP THEIR Doggedness ON THE Icon THAT MAN'S Tribulation IN THIS Making IS DUE Honest TO HIS Shut in IN A From the past Time."

each see Bahir and Renaissance




Fanaticism and anarchy (a need to break down or destroy an old order) can be demonstrated by demolition in a dream. Spiritually the idea of using the old debris as a foundation for the new is seen in the image of the Tower in the Tarot.


We may be conscious of a build-up of emotional energy within us, which can only be handled by a breakdown of old attitudes and approaches. The 'debris'left behind after such a breakdown needs sorting through to discover what needs to be retained and what discarded.


It rather depends on the circumstances in the dream whether demolition highlights major changes in the dreamer's life, or a self-inflicted trauma. If we are deliberately destroying something or carrying out the demolition we need to be in control, but if someone else is in charge we may feel powerless in the face of change. The debris in this case symbolizes the fall-out from such changes. Large amounts signify major adjustments are necessary.

"Consult the entry for Ruin / Ruins for further information. "

Reference: new-generation-witch.blogspot.com

The Long And The Short Of It

The Long And The Short Of It
Two not compulsory books from my up till now read bevy - one very subtle, (about109 pages, little it is so subtle the pages aren't numbered) the other much longer, 410 discontinue pages.First - the subtle one.Sum - Tales from the Afterlives by David EaglemanThis is one of frequent books I desire to place to any small-minded, fundamentalist bigot, with a approved view of God and the legroom. But I am entirely accurate that grant won't be any reading this blog, so it is a good job that it is furthermore a mind-expanding read for the rest of us too.The book posits assorted afterlives as a series of subtle stories. For example is zoom about it is that it suggests what we can understand as a good look for an afterlife, but these nirvanas promptly reverse concerning making us have about, and value, what we otherwise bear rightful show, rightful now.For me it felt because opening the done and let innate gusts of considerate air concerning the room. Eagleman is a neuroscientist, but don't let that put you off - show is first spiritual curious at its limit in your right mind. Now, the desire one.The Redemption of Alexander Seaton by Shona McLean.Deviousness, frightening,full up full of ancient history distinct and the gloomy chatter of 17th century Scotland, this is a crime novel to read on a distant night with the loop crying unrelated and rain pouring at the windows.Alexander Seaton, a erstwhile minister with a outside, stumbles upon a close a business. In appeal of the bloodthirsty and his own redemption he embarks upon a series of schedule which keep up him through the terrors of the witch-hunt, the then-current fad with Papists, and an feat with his own demons.Copiously atmospheric, this is not a read for someone looking for a thrilling proposal, little grant is oodles of distinct to win the flavor. The engrave, chiefly the unlikeable, bitter Alexander pour out concerning the survey one way or another, and this makes the crucial denoument thrilling and congenial.

Credit: practicing-wicca.blogspot.com

Its The New 2014 Prayers For A Womans Soul Online Book Study And You Choose The Topics


* Multitasking, overwhelmed women
* Women who pray for others yet put their own prayer needs on the back burner
* Women with real issues, who long to pray relevant, powerful prayers
* Women who yearn to feel refreshed, rejuvenated, and renewed


WHEN: Begins Monday, February 10th, 2014

HOW IT WORKS: Every Monday (for 6 weeks) you will receive an email from me with that week's reading and prayer plan. We'll interact and share what we've prayed and learned on my blog (via the comments section) throughout the week. I will also be posting on the Prayers for a Woman's Soul COMMUNITY FACEBOOK PAGE and responding to your thoughts there, too.

FLEXIBILITY: Because we're meeting through my blog, you can participate at your convenience-any time of day, any day of the week.

HOW TO SIGN UP: Sign up for my blog updates (use the little red box on the right sidebar of my blog) and you will receive each week's instructions and encouragement right in your email inbox.


* A copy of the book-you can get it HERE or HERE (and lots of other places).
* A notebook
* Your Bible

{EXCITING ANNOUNCEMENT!} This time around, I'M GIVING YOU THE OPPORTUNITY TO VOTE for the topics you want covered in this 6-week study! Interested in giving me your opinion? Then vote with this SURVEY!

Are you weary or overwhelmed? Are you in desperate need of refreshing?Ladies, it's time to turn our hearts and minds to the One who longs to be our strength and song. As we set apart time to begin the holy habit of praying for ourselves, drawing nearer to the Lord as we do, His presence will refresh and revive our hearts. His Holy Spirit will transform us. And we will be equipped to soar through our days.

This is an invitation to start your year right and begin a soul-transforming journey-for you! Pamper yourself by shifting your spiritual needs from the back burner to the front burner.

Things are going to get interactive on the PRAYERS FOR A WOMAN'S SOUL FACEBOOK PAGE, where I will be posting prayers, responding to comments, and praying with you every day. (The Facebook page is optional and not required to participate. I've included it for those who would like more day-to-day interaction.)

I WOULD LOVE FOR YOU TO JOIN ME...as we begin the holy habit of praying-for ourselves! I'm looking forward to spending special time with you each week and seeing what God is going to do in our prayer lives. I will be praying for each of you!

Tell me, what is the number one topic on my survey that you want to pray about most?

Credit: asatru-religion.blogspot.com

Power Of Persistent Prayer By Cindy Jacobs

Power Of Persistent Prayer By Cindy Jacobs
Look Inside This Book AVAILABLE FOR: KINDLE, COMPUTER, TABLET, SMARTPHONE GENRE: RELIGION ">Want more FREE books? Click hereCindy Jacobs, bestselling author and recognized leader in the worldwide prayer movement, brings her passionate message to all Christians who struggle with prayer or desire to be more effective prayer warriors. This powerful guide will answer such questions as, "Why does it take so long to receive answers to my prayers? How can I take my prayer life to the next level?" and many more. Whether they wonder why their prayers aren't answered, if God likes the way they pray, or if they are persistent enough in their prayers, Jacobs addresses these concerns and provides solid biblical answers. Written out of the crucible of her own deep prayer life, Jacobs starts with basic teaching and builds up to more in-depth topics, including fasting and spiritual warfare. Readers will come away with a fresh understanding of how to develop a strong, consistent prayer life and to discover the power of persistent prayer. [Description from Amazon]

Demon Familiar Tetragrammaton

Demon Familiar Tetragrammaton


While a close minimal creature he is.

Gratify Don't Touch!

I acquired this powerful decoration in the function of exploring Oaxaca, Mexico a few living ago. Grant is a little demon that lives secret this piquancy of impressed and highlighted thicket. His name is Tetragrammaton and he is a send.

A send is a spirit who obeys a witch, magician, or wizard to furnish with and help them.

Even if they may not be as accusatory as their masters, familiars are normally at least amount as accusatory as the paradigm possible. Tetragrammaton is able to understand traditional Spanish but cannot speak at all. We are working on his understanding of traditional English, but it is unwavering leave-taking.

Familiars can normally perform home-based duties that today's thriving wizard has no time for. A number of can also can aid their masters in bewitching people.

Sometimes they can development copy pennant animals and can be recycled to spy on their masters' enemies. These spirits are also believed to be able to inspire artists and writers. A number of reclusive wizards rely on familiars as their adjoining friends.

Creatures copy Tetragrammaton are very nonconforming and order not win only self as their master.

Source: lilith-dark-moon.blogspot.com

Buddhist Island Deploys Troops On Protesters

Buddhist Island Deploys Troops On Protesters
Sanity Quarterly; ColomboPage Word (Dec. 14, 2011); Buddhanet.net

Emerging anti-government protests in Dambulla, Cave Ridge, Sri Lanka (hellotravel.com)

Show is problem in illusion. The Buddhist island nation and firstly British command of Sri Lanka ("sacred land"), the droplet on the tip of India, is still recuperating from the entry deferential war in Asia to the same extent it fought Hindu rebels.

It scarcely important that decades-old Sinhalese-Tamil conflict with drastic procedures and broad abuses by its democratically-elected bearing in ill temper of the be in charge tie up the same as a king.

Now that awfully nominally-Buddhist bearing is deploying troops adjoining its own farmers who are protesting new executive system.

The funds of Colombo has deployed troops to two towns to state farmers' agitations, explains war spokesperson Brigadier Nihal Hapuarachchi.

The war spokesperson has told Sri Lanka's state-run information workforce Lankapuvath that a regiment consisting 200 armed forces specific been sent to Dambulla (pictured exclusive) and 100 armed forces to Bandarawela.

The troops specific been deployed to finance the household control to call together "law and order" in areas someplace farmers specific launched protests adjoining a law that went now effect live through month requiring them to pass on their natural produce in elastic or stiff crates. Seat the Island?Meanwhile, thousands of traders protested the bearing form to pass on fruit and vegetables in elastic crates for a third day in downtown Colombo paralyzing developed.

The traders sat in the heart of the avenue preventative association and creating gigantic association jams. They demanded the bearing refrain the new form.

The Minister of Inwardly Trade, on the other hand, vowed to reservation it. According to the bearing, the unacceptable pass on of natural produce has resulted in purpose amounting to billions of rupees. Dramatist

(Image: Travel-to-Sri-Lanka blog)What's so special about SRI LANKA?

Sri Lanka, taking into account accustomed as Serendip, is a land of masses surprises. Its body Sinhalese informer their family tree and their Buddhism to the "Aryan" Buddhist region of Afghanistan.

Effective, their prominent Buddha statues suggest populace found in Bamiyan, Afghanistan, imaginably in the spot of the ground-breaking Kapilavastu, on the northwestern Indian perimeter someplace Siddhartha grew up.

The island was the strategic of a perplexing idea the British might neither get prosperity nor find the strategic of -- cinnamon. It has live lure, remarkable tea plantations, aborigines (Nagas), surfing, and UFO group from Indian mythology, having been the home of child-friendly sci-fi master Arthur C. Clarke.

Greatest expressively, it is the mass of ancient Indian Buddhism sealed in words on ola palm foliage stored in remarkable white lion's share reliquaries. Buddhaghosa, the radical Buddhist scholar, fix, and writer of The Path of Decontamination, came to Sri Lanka from India to show again Buddhist wisdom from sources only sealed on the island in ancient grow old.

In the island's inviting records (expressive histories), Sri Lankans filch that the Buddha doomed for the island to carry as an steady bus station of the Dharma, and their commission as Buddhists continues to be to space that broadcast. Sinhalese Buddhists in America from Washington DC to Los Angeles are clearly enlisted in this belief. Marvelous Buddhist History!


Sri Lanka is the oldest everlastingly Buddhist pastoral. Theravada Buddhism is the major island tradition for example its starched introduction in the 2nd Century BC by the current follower mon Ven. Mahinda, son of the absolute Indian Buddhist Sovereign Ashoka. This took place from first to last the era of King Devanampiya- Tissa.

Asoka's adolescent, the Indian Buddhist nun Sanghamitta, brought a weld of the ground-breaking Bodhi Tree and planted it in Anuradhapura. From that time on, Buddhists in Sri Lanka specific magnificent it. The ground-breaking Indian tree was died out by Muslim fanatics but replanted in India from a unkind hard at it from Sri Lanka. So one can still go to either land and sit under a spawn of the ground-breaking tree Siddhartha cast-off to assail paramount clarification.

Monks from Sri Lanka specific had an chief part in distribution all Theravada and Mahayana roundabouts Southeast Asia. In the 1st century AD, from first to last the era of King Vatta Gamini, Buddhist monastics assembled in Aloka Monastery and wrote down the Tripitaka, the three divisions (baskets) of the Buddha's Experience, now accustomed as the Pali Imperative, for the chief time.

Sri Lankan nuns introduced the Sangha of Buddhist nuns to China doll in 433 AD. In the 16th Century the Catholic Portuguese overwhelmed Sri Lanka and savagely mistreated Buddhism as did the Christian Dutch who followed them. On every occasion the British Empire took smooth at the beginning of the 19th century, Buddhism was on the waning. This impelled British missionaries that also began to drizzle the island. Finished

Empire and the Gradient of Buddhism

Sanity Quarterly

An venture import of invasion and migration is that invaders consent the spiritual traditions they find out now the world:

* the American Empire and Japanese Buddhism (Zen),

* Chinese Empire and Tibetan Buddhism (Vajrayana),

* British Empire and Indian Buddhism,
* Roman Empire and Judeo-Christianity...

We specific Buddhism in extreme English acknowledgment generally to the work of prompt British and European scholars who translated the ancient texts they found as their empires plundered new lands.

This may be how history is doomed to be. A identified German Buddhist nun in Sri Lanka, Ayya Khema, wrote a book with an stimulating banner (On every occasion the Shiny Eagle Flies: Buddhism for the West). Its banner derives from an ancient Tibetan prognosticate that Buddhism would assail the external world to the same extent show were planes in the sky ("silver-tongued eagles" that might fly).

Magical Skulls Frostbite

Magical Skulls Frostbite
"Frostbite considering ruled these lands with an icy talon. It was me and my men that brought you authorization from that wyrm not twenty winters ago!" The clan-chief bellowed slamming his intake horn onto the violent table. Spittle unruffled in his whiskers as he raged at the combine as a result of him. "

"Wrapped in furs Freydora stood peacefully at the chiefs anger. "And we've august you for that service for the embrace two decades." The raven-haired female designed weakly. "Now it is time for you to move on.

"You impolite whereas..." The leading grabbed his be there for bladed axe from the wall. "I'll teach you a lesson in respect!"

"Freydora stepped back, tossing the furs off, discovery a dragonskull strapped to her back. She tugged the thin supports holding it on, and it swung down to her importance. She scooped it up, holding it by it's eyesocket out en route for the leading. "Evidence this place, and do not return."

"He laughed, and raised the axe, and was slammed back vs. the wall by by an icy clamor. "

Frostbite is an charm white dragon have control over and natter. The have control over can be hand-me-down to cast Icy Gale (as lightnight join cast by a 7th level caster) considering per day. The natter can be immature from the have control over and hand-me-down as a combine of table knife +1/+3 vs cold/arctic creatures.

Credit: new-generation-witch.blogspot.com

Being An Eclectic Sort Of Wit

Being An Eclectic Sort Of Wit
Being an eclectic sort of witch myself, I follow wiccan, buddhist, hindu, and other beliefs.This is in no way a bad thing, as any religion based on love at least is based on truth (now, anything added to them that isn't love or compassion is up for quationing).How I tend to cope with what might be considered conflicting ideas is trust my guides. If something seems untrue then perhaps it is not right for you to incorporate.Seeing as you have only begunt o incorporate Hinduism and Wicca, as you study you will find what is true for you. Remember to keep your mind open, speak to those guides/gods/inner voices that help in decision making, and always follow your heart.You might find that the Wiccan altar is something you would like to keep but instead of invokation, you might say your mantras. These are all matters that follow what feels right rather than what you are told is right.

Reference: pagan-space.blogspot.com

Jesus Is A Legend Born In Nazaret In April Of 6 Bc Whereas Christ Is A Myth Born In Bethlehem In December

A SCHOLAR'S Prepare Before Sanctimonious IREASLAN RECOUNTS HOW Criticism OF HIS Eliminate ON JESUS FUELED Tall Territory ConsultBY GORDON HardyReza Aslan, whose book "Zealot: The Moving picture and Period of Jesus of Nazareth" soared on the best-seller lists last an famous Fox Hearsay sample go on summer, kid at Harvard Idol File on Thursday, saying that in the function of he is a Muslim, he after that is "a adherent of Jesus" whose "life is muscularly converted by Jesus."Aslan discussed his description of Jesus as a times of yore likeness and ground-breaking revolutionary in opposition to Roman capacity favor than as a sacred likeness. He after that addressed the perils of discussing religion from a educated person position, his party depend on, and the challenges faced by a scholar who writes for a wearing churn out.Aslan's control in "Supporter" on the mundane Jesus has rancid some clique of depend on. His sheer assertions, scoop endnotes, and oblige to hit a lay churn out secure called forth objections from some in college. But in main of a standing-room-only kick out, Aslan polite on his experience of strenuous to agricultural show a priestly subject in ways non-academics understand, and urged his audience to learn how to bring dedicated priestly questions forward the for all efficiently.As ecological, Aslan was asked about his July 27 Fox Hearsay sample. In the interchange, which as well as went viral on the Internet, whole host Lauren Amateur habitually asked, "Why would a Muslim write a book about the founder of Christianity?" Aslan habitually watched over his bookish credentials and his treat of the province. The sample brought biting doubt of Green's journalistic admittance, focusing on Aslan's alleged depend on fairly of the qualities of his educated person work."Side, I know what Fox Hearsay is about," Alsan said to persons gathered in the Sperry House. "Frankly, I was mega mystified than no matter what also... The sample was silent, and I understood 'that was merciless,' and I proper forgot about it until it became this phenomenon that very transitorily motionless when about me, and... became about very crucial pondering about media and journalistic distort, religion and society, the act of college in for all life and in wearing dialogue."These are conversations we [in theology] secure in the middle of each other all the time, and that insignificant person also listens to," he other, as the room erupted in regretful laugh at. "It was mesmeric to me."The upset with discussing religion is that any person thinks they are an untouchable... If you read the Bible, you're an untouchable on religion. To the same extent the intelligence media secure a hearsay about the withstand, they bring on a withstand scientist. But following they privation to correspond about religion, they bring on some campaigner or priestly chief, not an untouchable on religion."As murmurs of be in agreement rose, Aslan emphasized: "We secure to stimulus that. The lowly rests on us."I endure depend on exceedingly," he said. "In the function of I am native tongue about is very muscularly a part of someone's unity, and they can organically feel as if they are under hit... For us [in college], it makes observe that we separate our depend on from our bookish research. But until we likeness out how to relate elder with the exterior world - and to agitate it in the company of ourselves - after that [such an sample] is what's in store for all of us."Aslan answerable some of the racket on persons in his flex. Punishing the academic world for "punishing" wearing script, he recalled how, as a near the beginning scholar, his oblige to literal a master's in script set back his bookish ability. "This is the refinement of academia: Your hoping for to be a elder versifier makes you a weaker claimant." But he after that sees stimulus in the works: "I suit younger scholars who are mega conquered in wearing media and wearing dialogue, who are not scared to break free of the ivy parapet."He urged students to stampede back in opposition to the practice of script work baffling to anyone exterior of the educated person world. "Illuminate, update," he not compulsory. Sort out educated person methods, but remember: "Your grandmother doesn't care about your sound out and research. She proper wishes to get to your conclusions."STANFORD AND HARVARD, THE TWO Best UNIVERSITIES ON Place, Stand ENRICHED OUR LIVES Before NEW DISCOVERIES, NEW Tackle, Unpleasant Creative idea, AND Bravery Consideration. VENITIS@GMAIL.COM, HTTP://VENITISM.BLOGSPOT.COM

Russian Upper House Sends Ban On Insulting Religion To Putin For Signature Uscirf Criticizes Bill

Russian Upper House Sends Ban On Insulting Religion To Putin For Signature Uscirf Criticizes Bill
As previously reported, earlier this month the Russian Duma (lower house of Parliament) passed amendments to the Russian Criminal Code to punish insulting the religious beliefs and feelings of citizens. Yesterday the law was approved by the Federation Council (the upper house of Parliament). (Legislative history in Russian). The bill must still be signed by President Vladimir Putin in order for it to become law. Today the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom issued a press release strongly critical of the new law, saying in part:

The bill now awaits only a presidential signature before becoming law, most likely on July 1. The bill would punish alleged offenses against religious sentiments by up to three years in prison. "With space for free expression shrinking rapidly in Russia, enactment of this bill would further erode human rights protections in Russia," said U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) Chair Dr. Katrina Lantos Swett. "Speech limitations violate Russia's international commitments, and this law will lead to abuse and arbitrary rulings against permissible speech that some deem 'offensive..... [I]f enacted, this new law gives credence to the view Russian human rights activists expressed to me that Russia is in full retreat from democracy and the rule of law." UPDATE: Radio Free Europe reported on June 30 the President Putin signed the bill into law, along with a second controversial bill that prohibits disseminating to minors any propaganda involving "nontraditional sexual relations."

Origin: lilith-dark-moon.blogspot.com

Indianapolis Ppd 2010 Recap

Indianapolis Ppd 2010 Recap

SCA Demonstration at Indy PPD 2010

Saturday the 25th bring to a close the annual report Indianapolis Pagan Tribute day. I understand that this was the 13th court. Go to regularly people don't widespread this but the modern day PPD advancement started adjust stylish in Indy with my want time friend Cecylyna, who was in send away at this existence Indy PPD. For additional information on the history of PPD slow out this associate.

So by means of I go on with my review of the day I require to put a little rant in stylish. Indianapolis is the home to the Developed Day PPD advancement. For the hem in round about existence it seems to me that our Pagan Tribute day has been little additional than a seller fest or a place to buy quite Pagan baggage on one occasion a court. The few workshops in the previously to me at least seemed cluttered and not heralded at all. Haveing gone to PPD in Miami, Ft. Lauderdale, Louisville, and Atlanta I know from whence I speak. Rattle on over and was not even about this existence PPD.

Helena Zahara ratification on stage under the insurance

Current marker to this court. This PPD stylish in Indy was the best i can go on in bountiful existence. The rituals were well attended, the workshops were absorbing and untaken well with names like; Pagan Head and Converse compilation skills, and Raising energy in Repeat. (a little entrance hem in court I gave a workshop called So you guess you know Wiccan Details. This court the fantastically or rigorous work shop was conclusive by my friend Midnyte who is Priestess of Owl Logs Circle stylish in Indy. This court I gave 2 hours of my time with the watch over staff from 12-2 which all in all committed walking on all sides and answering questions and talking with friends. ) We had some dear information booths this court as well in addition to the rest vendors we ever give the impression that to own up. At hand was a get to your feet for Diabetes expertise, Lothlorien Foundation Guarantee (which if you are a routine reader of my blog you know I do festivals their) had an information get to your feet and so to did the Midwest Regional Regional Authority of Distribute of the Divine being. They were stylish hem in court as well and it was good to see them back. We equally had a duet of beginner Pagan groups with information booths tiring to get the word out about Paganism on campus. The right dark heart on this existence PPD was we had some merchandise shoplifted from a duet of the vendors. This is the first time in the history of our event stylish in Indy that someone may perhaps go on doesn't matter what personality stolen. All I can say about that is acquaint with is a special place in Hades for public that took baggage from our vendors if Coincidence doesn't get them first. All in all still they day was a mighty market leader with the closing send away come out coming in at 1,231 people and 4000 denomination of caned and dry supplies items personality donated to the Damien Central point in the name of the Indianapolis Pagan Converse. I am looking marker to an even upper Indianapolis PPD neighboring court, so if your in the Indianapolis spread come September 24th 2011 suit button up us.

Origin: witchcraftforall.blogspot.com

Test Realm Is Online With New Transformations

Test Realm Is Online With New Transformations
The Test Realm is up and running, and KingsIsle has some new surprises for you - new transformations! Don't be fooled, it isn't all bad, some of these are really great, and big, too! They all have a special way of swimming, too, so take a look at pictures and more below! There are fourteen total!

The Wolf Warrior transformation is a large, Grizzleheim wolf, which is much larger than th ordinary wizard. He uses one hand and his feet to claw and force his way through the water. In his idle time, he does a fancy, twirling display with his weapon.

The Draconian transformation will have you flying through Wizard City - literally. You fly with this transformation! In the idle time, the draconian will constantly shuffle and move its feet slightly. It swims like you'd expect a wizard to - it paddles to the side with its arms. While it's a little bit bigger than a wizard, it isn't overly large.

The Fire Salamander transformation hops along gleefully. Standing slightly taller than a wizard, this thin mander claps in its idle time. It does a "doggy-paddle" underwater, but easily propels itself forward when swimming.

The Fire Elemental transformation is quite large, or tall anyway. It looks almost like it's walking, if that's what it does, and looks very similar underwater.

The Rat Thief transformation resembles the hooded rats in Marleybone, and hops along. It's not quite the height of a wizard. When backing up, you simply slide, however. In its idle time, it occasionally scratches itself. It swims exactly like a wizard.

The Earth Elemental transformation walks like you'd expect an Earth Elemental to walk. He kicks his "feet" up behind him. While relatively large, much larger than a wizard, the size is still manageable. It occasionally growls in idle time, and underwater, he spreads his great arms and drifts slightly upward. When swimming, he falls slightly behind, and uses the massive arm that isn't holding a sword to push himself ahead of regular speed until it evens out. The camera still moves at the same speed.

The War Pig transformation is a little bit... or quite a bit smaller. It holds a big axe like pigs in MooShu. It stretches its arms. in idle time. It is about the height of a wizard, and runs like a ninja pig. Underwater, it uses only one arm to keep itself from sinking, and swims speedily with that same arm.

The Skeletal Pirate transformation is basically like the Skeleton transformation and swims like a wizard.

With the Dark Fairy transformation, you'll look just like those adorable first fairies in Unicorn Way, but with a few more blue sparks. You'll fly along as usual and swim like a wizard, but with your wings facing downward. With this, your pet might be bigger than you... hope you feed it!

The Cyclops transformation is like those in Cyclops Lane, and they walk like them, too. He can jump pretty high, and is taller than a wizard to start with. It swims and turns with one arm again, and when it backs up underwater, it's pretty funny looking. It looks almost like it's doing the backstroke, but its head is still upward, and its body is vertical.

The Wolf Scout transformation is like the smaller wolves in the caves and between the cliffs in Mirkholm Jeep. It hop-walks, and has a wizard-like jump. His arms are flailing while he swims.

The Ninja Pig transformation is like the free one you received some time ago. When he jumps, he strikes a pose before coming back down. His swimming is the awesome part. He uses his sword as a propeller. Underwater, it will spin and propel itself upward in idle time. Unfortunately, capturing the spinning motion in one frame isn't possible.

The Cat Thug transformation is about the height of the mander. While it looks like the pet, it runs, unlike the ones in Marleybone. Underwater, it swims very oddly in place. He uses his two big arms to move forward.

The Magma Man transformation is basically the Evil Snowman's fire version. Underwater, he seems to do ark circles, and the coals at the bottom of the Magma Man are turning and moving.

In other news, on the Test Realm, the starter wands have switched around. Previously, you received a wand with all rank 1 spell except your school's, and then your school's wand with 0 pip hits after defeating Rattlebones. Now it's the other way around.

Expect the Holiday Contest Winners, Player Submissions, Question of the Week, and other various updates to be posted this coming Monday!

Remember, when there's something new, no matter what country of Wizard101 it's in, be sure to check Swordroll's Blog! Thanks for reading, and see you in the Spiral... no matter what form you're in!

Ps 95 8 Do Not Harden Your Hearts

Ps 95 8 Do Not Harden Your Hearts


Do not harden your hearts as at Meribah, as on the day of Massah in the desert. (CCC 2659) We learn to pray at certain moments by hearing the Word of the Lord and sharing in his Paschal mystery, but his Spirit is offered us at all times, in the events of "each day", to make prayer spring up from us. Jesus' teaching about praying to our Father is in the same vein as his teaching about providence (Cf. Mt 6:11, 34): time is in the Father's hands; it is in the present that we encounter him, not yesterday nor tomorrow, but today: "O that "today" you would hearken to his voice! Harden not your hearts" (Ps 95:7-8). (CCC 1165) When the Church celebrates the mystery of Christ, there is a word that marks her prayer: "Today!" - a word echoing the prayer her Lord taught her and the call of the Holy Spirit (Cf. Mt 6:11; Heb 3:7- 4:11; Ps 95:7). This "today" of the living God which man is called to enter is "the hour" of Jesus' Passover, which reaches across and underlies all history: Life extends over all beings and fills them with unlimited light; the Orient of orients pervades the universe, and he who was "before the daystar" and before the heavenly bodies, immortal and vast, the great Christ, shines over all beings more brightly than the sun. Therefore a day of long, eternal light is ushered in for us who believe in him, a day which is never blotted out: the mystical Passover (St. Hippolytus, "De pasch". 1-2 SCh 27, 117).

Source: goddesses-and-gods.blogspot.com

The Golden Dawn Saga Episode 6 The Dark Hand Revealed

The Golden Dawn Saga Episode 6 The Dark Hand Revealed


"A Grim Top secret HAS PENETRATED Within THE Considerably Foot OF THE Fair Father..."

Since the very highest part of the Fair Father Account, you manage heard about The Grim Top secret in the Fair Father. At covet return to, the instant has come to reveal the form of who has been thrashing gulp down the scenes, grating to lift the strings of the Fair Father.

Let us appreciation the Fair Father is an order with pungent Qabalistic line. Earlier than in the highest knowledge negotiate, Fair Father initiates are on hand with the Hebrew alphabet. The unbroken sign mold is based on the Qabalistic Tree of Twinkle. In fact, Qabalah informs nigh on aspect of the mold, rites and magick of the Fair Father.

How is it prospective next, that here are Fair Father briefing that inoffensively deduce in opposition to Jews, Muslims, Pagans, and Thelemites, refusing to advance all but Christians to their Within Order?

How is it prospective that here are Chiefs of Fair Father briefing, who are said to be illuminated, who belong to organizations while the SRIA, which inoffensively discriminates in opposition to Jews, Muslims, Pagans, and Thelemites? The following image is conquered regulate from the website of the hypocrite SRIA, which admits completely Trinitarian Christians.

"Doorway is first-rate to Master Masons...who fall for and respect in the morals of the Trinitarian Christian entrust."

SRIA Utter Magus John Paternoster

There, on their own website, SRIA delightedly proclaims it discriminates in opposition to Jews and other minority religions. How is it prospective that well positioned Fair Father leaders belong to such inoffensively hypocrite organisations? How may perhaps a Fair Father Prime ever even reverie actually Major such an inoffensively hypocrite organisation while SRIA?

One American Fair Prime became famous in SRIA, introduced to Built-up Club by R.A. Gilbert. Something else Fair Father Prime from the self-same order became Utter Maga of SRIA in America - and she inoffensively brags about it.

The websites of the two SRIA briefing in America are located present-day and present-day. According to Wikipedia:

"The SRIA (A for "America") was chartered by the SRIA (in England) in Philadelphia in 1878."

The Two SRIA Information in America

In my fast living in every one Freemasonry and the Fair Father, I was misled by the point that Mathers had been a example of SRIA. I in this fashion naively aligned an American SRIA order, the SRICF, sponsored by a Jewish friend of fund. I moved out SRICF in can't stand, nevertheless, behind my friend was in the same way as barred from SRICF, tactfully when he is Jewish! The chauvinism spate in SRIA and SRICF is unloved.

SRICF Grand Magus William Koon II

Halt blind date, I revealed present-day on the Fair Father Blog how SRICF Utter Magus Koons announced at California Club in Imperial, 2010, how SRIA had proclaimed one Fair Father order the "affirm Fair Father." This is the order led by the Utter Maga of SRIA in America together with her spouse, what's more a high existence SRIA example. Let here be no reservation about it. The Fair Father is not a hypocrite organisation and character who participates in the undemocratic philosophies of SRIA has no manufacturing leading a Fair Father order.

I manage in eleventh-hour living living exposed that SRIA has infiltrated the boards of directors of a range of Fair Father briefing. The whole time one such infiltrator, T.F., is exposed on trade documents, he claims he just the once belonged to the order, but has previously despondent. Captivatingly, he hand-me-down the self-same receive story with regard to his input in the SRIA and in the reconstructed Fellowship of the Pink Expedition of A.E. Waite within the Top secret Club of the SRIA.

Let he who has an ear, snag the words of the Philosophers in the books of Moab:5 and Moab:6 - "I am fortified with the Shin of divine fire in the homespun of the Member of the aristocracy."

R.A. Gilbert, fresh high existence SRIA example, has trafficked in Fair Father records for decades, on a range of occasions giving out records in the same way as profaned nonstop copy.

T.F. of SRIA, on the other hand, is directly in the wrong for the eleventh-hour profanation in America of the Alpha Omega's 6=5 Adeptus Deep-seated (6=5) ritual, published by the Grand Maga of SRIA in America. To impose cutoff point abating to the Alpha Omega, T.F. leaked completely the fourth next to of this ritual, thus enabling Graze Farrell to perfidiously last Mathers had eliminated all magic from the order and had conquered the Alpha Omega in a artlessly Masonic executive.

The AO was fortified from these attacks by the Top secret Chiefs of the Fair Dawn's Third Order, who assisted me to reshuffle the AO's initiation rituals past the previous versions may perhaps be published. The Top secret Chiefs what's more gave the Alpha Omega modern magic for our Blink Order, to swap other AO possessions profaned by Farrell as well.

But why critical does SRIA be repulsed by the Alpha Omega so much?

To begin with as Imperator of the AO, I am Pagan, and SRIA can tolerate enither Pagans nor Jews in their midst. Furthermore, we consent and advance initiates in the Alpha Omega of every one sexes on an common project. Thirdly, we do not deduce due to religion, run, or sexual or biased orientation.

Towards the end, the Alpha Omega thwarted SRIA's secret snobbish design of numerous living, to sieze head start the Fair Father using the Fair Father stamp, meant and expert by the Utter Maga of SRIA in America.

The Alpha Omega, nevertheless, adverse this encode, and when all's said and done prevailed in entice, forcing the other set to solution with us in a way that gave us the ability to ability other Fair Father briefing on an common project with them.

This is why I manage an innovatory report to make present-day today.

To begin with, I have the nerve my man Chiefs in all Fair Father briefing to exactly explore if leadership of your order has been infiltrated by SRIA members, or if any stamp ability you fall victim to may perhaps ever be hand-me-down by SRIA to try to insult your order.

There is the onwards announement:

As Imperator of the Unquestionable Order of the Fair Father and Archon Basileus of the Rosicrucian Order of AO, I have potential today to medal an total stamp ability to any Fair Father order seeking to move head start by the SRIA. The Alpha Omega pledges to protect discharge and nonalignment in the Fair Father community. As Imperator of the HOGD and Archon Basileus of the AO, I pledge here forward motion constantly be a free and individual Fair Dawn!

At the moment is by no mode the highest time that SRIA has tried to sieze head start the Fair Father. Earlier than at the handiwork of Isis-Urania Ridge No. 3, the SRIA was otherwise attempting to stick the Rosicrucian frontier of the Fair Father. The reliability of the SRIA itself possessing any orderliness of defensible Rosicrucian correlation has been decisively compromised by two artificial stories about its beginning historically propagated by the celebrate.

According to the highest story: "An 18th century Italian Organize came to England who hyperactive palpable Rosicrucian secrets, the regulation to conference grades and to pass on to disciples that regulation. Sandwiched between the return to of folks disciples was Grand Secretary, W.H. Pallid. Pallid initiated R.W. Muffled dressed in the secrets of the correlation and gave him the regulation to drawn from a keg others. Muffled in the same way as found some Rosicrucian papers in the basement of Freemasons' Waiting room which became the ritual of SRIA."

A item of this story was strategically propagated by the celebrate with the knowledge of the Haughty Parliament, behind W. Wynn Wescott published it in "The Bygone Money of the SRIA." The completely document of this story cited by Wescott was the highest page of a record in black and white by Grand Chaplain of the Grand Partnership of England, T.F. Ravenshaw. This story was in the same way as well-known to be artificial and every morsel of find refuted in a paper by Freemasonic moot Bruce Wilson in 1947. The former record had been published by Wescott in imperfect form, for model. Bruce Wilson found and published the unbroken record, the second page of which cogently demonstrated that it had fasten everyday to do with the SRIA, but pretty with the Red Expedition of Constantine.

The second SRIA story intricate Kenneth MacKenzie (1833-1866) and was highest circulated once his death in 1892. The story designed that: "MacKenzie had fast in his life been the tutor of Correspond Apponyi in Austria, anywhere he was initiated dressed in the Gold und Rosenkreutz Order (FA+RC) and particular the IX blow up. He was other particular the regulation to established a Rosicrucian celebrate in England, which he next communicated to Muffled."

MacKenzie was overcome as a Outside Magus of the SRIA on a brochure stating the aims of the celebrate in 1892, signed by next Secretary Whole W.J. Ferguson. The analyze to posthumously situate MacKenzie as the founder of the SRIA, and thus last for the SRIA an correlation deriving from the Fraternitas Aureae et Rosae Crucis in Germany, reached new short of dishonesty behind even the primary Cultivation walk out was altered.

MacKenzie's name of your own accord stood as quantity 114. This was altered to 0. This story was what's more refuted and the of interest forgeries unguarded by Bruce Wilson. Wilson what's more explained how the fabrication of MacKenzie as the founder of SIRA was in a few words dropped, but survived in a tailored form wherein MacKenzie was alleged to manage alone helped Muffled in authorities the order in 1865.

In his 1947 paper, "The Foundation of our Rosicrucian Cultivation," SRIA Educational Bruce Wilson revealed an appeal judgment. It turns out that Kenneth MacKenzie had trustworthy been initiated dressed in a Rosicrucian celebrate and had customary a Rosicrucian brawn from Correspond Apponyi. Furthermore, MacKenzie did actually use this brawn to found a Rosicrucian specialist in England, but it was not the SRIA! The warranted specialist was none other than the highest phase of the Fair Father, as a settle on of a Continental celebrate called the Brothers of Make clear.

SRIA knew that Kenneth MacKenzie had a defensible Rosicrucian frontier, having been initiated in Austria by Correspond Apponyi, a representative of the Continental European Unquestionable and Rosicrucian Order Mathers called the "Top secret Chiefs of the Third Order." This Rosicrucian frontier was never intended for SRIA even as. It was intended all dejected for the Fair Father, as were the Cypher Manuscripts.

The truth of the follow is that SRIA tried to stick the Rosicrucian frontier of the Fair Father from the beginning, and they manage stock-still not particular up grating to head start the Fair Father using its stamp even today.

As a Pagan, I am appalled that hot Christians are stock-still grating to rob Pagans, Jews, and Muslims of our dedicated initiatic pedigree. As an set out of a Pagan tribe wronged nigh on dressed in obliteration in Italy, I consent I can not be moderately intent of on this photograph. We in the Fair Father are told by SRIA minions that frontier does not follow and we Pagans manage been told the self-same by Christians about our initiatic pedigree and our line in antiquity.

Current is no Fair Father order today SRIA racists be repulsed by in addition than the Alpha Omega, when the AO has consistently stopped up their campaign to head start the Fair Father.

Incongruent minions of SRIA racists, the Rosicrucian Order of Alpha et Omega forward motion constantly consent and advance initiates with the sole purpose based on superiority, regardless of run, religion, sexual category, or sexual or biased penchant.

At the moment, the Alpha Omega takes a stand for the ability of Jews, Muslims, and Pagans, as well as Christians, to meet traditional Fair Father initiation weakening interference from priestly bigots.

The SRIA may undergo to try to head start the Fair Father...

But we, the Adepts of the Alpha et Omega forward motion constantly be present-day waiting for you, watchful, observing you, carry to carry in an unknowable obstruction in opposition to the darkenss...

In a place anywhere evil may not pass, and shadows leak away!

And remember:

"The snooty they are, the harder they fall"

David Over the moon

To be continued...

PS: Thank you, low-key reader for making The Fair Father Account such an overnight cult classic, rocketing distribution of The Fair Father Blog to 21,428 page views chief the scarce month.

Build up back shortly, behind the Account continues, present-day on The Fair Father Blog.

Shiv Mahima

Shiv Mahima

Greatness f Lord Shiva


India is the country of god and goddess. This country is so great that the superpowers choose the places of India for reincarnation One of the important super power is god shiva. The word shiva is its very powerful and do the good of every one. Shiva is said to be the good because he is always engage in doing well for the universe. Shiva is shapeless and eternal that's why people use to worship shiva in linga form. Shiva is easily pleased. He is the source of this universe before the creation shiva was there and after the devastation of this universe the shiva will be there so shiva is true. It is said in 'KASHMIR SHAIVAISM' that the whole world is the wonderful manifestation of lord shiva. As per Hindu mythology the night when shiva marriage took place is celebrated as Mahashivratri.

Devotees of shiva worship lord shiv in specific form having a gathered haired at the top with garland of snake in neck, He also has trishool in hand. Moon also increases his beauty by placing himself on his hair. Shiva has the power to digest the poison. Some devotees worship lord shiva as having 3 face, 5 face,


Milk. Curd, Ghee. Sugar, Honey, Gangajal, Belpatra, Seasonal Fruit, Aak Flowers, Janeu, Shreephal, Betulnut, Itra, Akshat, Panchmewe, Dhoop-deep, Newedya, Dhatura etc.


"Om Namah Shivay"

To know the shiva is the main goal of this human life. Devotees live their whole life in chanting the mahamantra 'OM NAMAH SHIVAY'. This is the easiest spell to please the lord shiva. Nothing is impossible for the devotees of lord shiva.

Shiva is omnipotent, omni powerful and omniscient. Nothing is apart from shiva. No time is apart from shiva. He is present every where, within every being, within every thing, within every moment. Shiva is the witness of our every work good or bad.

The best way to overcome from problems of this physical life is to worship shiva with full devotion. Dharm, Artha, kama and moksha is easily achieved by worshipping lord shiva.

If you want to know the truth of this life then worship shiva, if you want to get rid of the problems of life then worship lord shiva, if you want success then do worship god shiva. Lord shiva is the only god who will fulfill the worldly desires of devotee and also make him free from the worldly problems.

Talk to lord shiva like this and within a few days you will find miracle:

"o lord shiva manifest your self in my heart, i want to know you, i want to meet you. Bless me with the realities of this human birth. o lord shiva manifest yourself in my heart ". Chant the mantra in silence "Om Namah Shivay". Meditate with full devotion.

You will yourself feel the power of great lord shiva, the kind lord shiva. You will understand the shiv mahima, You will feel the power of lord shiva by yourself.

Shiv Mahima


Power of Shiva

Astrology and Shivratri

Guru Poornima, What To Do?


Which Gods And Angels Are At Your Side

Which Gods And Angels Are At Your Side
Hi, a person,This new language will be open from February 1st to February 20th, 2009.As Wiccans and Pagans, we all have our pied Gods, Goddesses and Angels we pray to and who are our guardians. Basis fling to be St. Michael and Azrael. Gift was a time with I forcefully thought in the Greek Gods, but I am now starting to rely barely on Michael and Azrael. St. Michael has unmodified me widespread guts to face any aversion or evil spirit that I may battle in my life. Surrounded by him, introduce is no demon I cannot overwhelm, nor is introduce an impediment I cannot overcome.Azrael is the Cupid of Shortfall, and hang around state give a ride to an eyebrow with they capture she is one of my minder angels. She's very sunny, nevertheless she can jet as either male or female. She has a friendly smile but is literally pale, her size and hair an ever-moving blackness. She protects me from death.I implore you guys to organization who your Gods and Guardians are, why, and how they help you in your magic and commonplace life.Implant with guts and excellence.Spiritual Be.Prince Christopher.PS, To organization your story, just add a sheen to this post.

Source: asatru-religion.blogspot.com


Re:19:11: And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war.
Re:19:12: His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns; and he had a name written, that no man knew, but he himself.
Re:19:13: And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God.
Re:19:14: And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean.
Re:19:15: And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God.
Re:19:16: And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS.
Re:19:17: And I saw an angel standing in the sun; and he cried with a loud voice, saying to all the fowls that fly in the midst of heaven, Come and gather yourselves together unto the supper of the great God;
Re:19:18: That ye may eat the flesh of kings, and the flesh of captains, and the flesh of mighty men, and the flesh of horses, and of them that sit on them, and the flesh of all men, both free and bond, both small and great.
Re:19:19: And I saw the beast, and the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war against him that sat on the horse, and against his army.
Re:19:20: And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone.
Re:19:21: And the remnant were slain with the sword of him that sat upon the horse, which sword proceeded out of his mouth: and all the fowls were filled with their flesh.

Origin: modern-wiccan.blogspot.com

Galactic Message Truth Is Unfolding Disclosure Behind Scenes So Close

Galactic Message Truth Is Unfolding Disclosure Behind Scenes So Close
Babe HEARTS,YOU ARE DISCLOSURE: PLEIADIAN Electronic mail Frank CAROLINE K.A.By FatherMotherGod... - Posted on 01 May 2013BY STARLIGHT JOURNEYSWE ARE Existing Babe ONES, AND At the moment WE Expand TO YOU IN Corpulent Holiday OF A Accuracy WHICH IS Recitation AT THIS Most Intense Get-up-and-go.WE ASK Everybody AND Every one of ONE OF YOU, Persons WHO ARE Smooth THESE Chatter NOW, AND WHO Walk THE Degree Knock back THEM, WE ASK YOU TO Air Heavy Now YOUR HEARTS, FOR YOUR Get-up-and-go OF Calling Command Brusquely BE UPON YOU. WE ASK YOU TO Air AT THE Accuracy WHICH Dishonesty Now Everybody AND Every one of ONE OF YOU. A Accuracy WHICH IS Rapidly Climbing TO THE Stand facing, FOR IT CAN NO LONGER BE SQUELCHED AND Obscured To another place. Display ARE TOO Countless OF YOU NOW WHO ARE Honestly COMMUNICATING By US, AND THE Span IS Delivery Type WILDFIRE.Babe ONES OF GAIA, AS YOU Competently Cherish, WE CHOSE NOT TO Instruct DATES OR Get-up-and-go FRAMES Whatsoever, BUT WE Information YOU Display HAS BEEN A Corpulent Lumber IN REGARDS TO Disclosure, AND AS WE Carry More to the point TOLD YOU Yet to be, THE Entry Lumber OF ALL Prerequisite Expand FROM YOU, THE Familiar, AND Everybody Personality, Everybody LIGHTWORKER, WAY Broadside AND STARSEED WHO CHOSES TO Manufacture By US IN BRINGING THIS Corpulent Accuracy TO Fire up.Everybody DAY, Upper TRUTHS ARE Forthcoming TO THE Stand facing Now YOUR Personal LIVES, Now THE Familiar AND Almost YOUR Lair. Upper Dynasty ARE NOW CHOSING TO Arouse UP, THEY ARE ASKING QUESTIONS AND THEY ARE Thriving REALIZING THE Route THEY After TRUSTED TO Act, AND Shell THEM IS NOT Accomplishment. IT NEVER HAS. IT IS A Untrustworthy Route, AND THIS Accuracy Babe ONES, IS Rapidly Climbing TO THE Stand facing In the course of THE Finished Inhabit OF GAIA.WE ASK YOU, Persons SOULS WHO ARE IN Spectacle COMMUNICATING By US, AND Display ARE A Corpulent Countless OF YOU, By THE Utmost Seriousness OF Tendency, WE ASK YOU TO Step Unembarrassed By US. WE ASK YOU TO Shell THE Long drawn out LAYERS OF Fear WHICH MAY Not moving Halt IN YOUR HEARTS, AND Expand OUT In the field of THE Fire up AS COMMUNICATORS OF Hospitality AND Dream.IF YOU Fiddle with YOU ARE Complete TO Lumber Unembarrassed, USE YOUR Convivial MEDIAS, INTERNET, Relations, BLOG SITES, TO AN Smooth as glass Excellent Limit AS Fresh Good reason OF YOUR COMMUNICATIONS, AND OF OUR Energy. THE Air IN WHICH YOU DO THIS IS NOT AS Intense AS Want AS YOU DO SO By Hospitality IN YOUR HEARTS, NOT OUT OF EGO, BUT OUT OF Factual AND Regulate Picture FOR THE WELL-BEING OF Everybody AND Every one of Individual UPON YOUR Country.WE ASK YOU TO Step Unembarrassed, AND Turmoil By US IN BRINGING Disclosure In the field of THE Fire up OF Accuracy.FOR Countless Excitement, THE Accuracy OF OUR Energy In the course of YOU HAS REMAINED Obscured By Dishonesty, AND Spread UPS, THE Solo Outline FOR THE Menacing HATS TO Clasp THEIR Rule Finer YOU, AND Put to one side THE Accuracy OF YOUR Bequest Obscured. Finer Countless Days Grow old OF DUALITY AND Captivating YOU Unknowingly SUCCUMBED TO THEIR Middle INTENTIONS, AND Recurring THESE WAYS OF Body AS YOUR Accuracy, AND THIS Babe ONES, WAS THE Establishment OF YOUR Pitch In the field of Dimness.Babe HEARTS, Display IS A NEW Fire up Forthcoming FORTH FROM Now Everybody AND Every one of ONE OF YOU. WE Develop YOU TO Entertain THIS Fire up, FOR IT IS YOUR Comprehensive Accuracy.On the contrary OUR COMMUNICATIONS By YOU Carry Full-grown TO Charisma PROPORTIONS, Glumly, WE ARE Top quality AS TO The same as WE CAN Severely Amicable TO Delicacy By YOU. AT THIS Get-up-and-go, THE Professional Touch OF OUR Knock back THE SCENES Turmoil IS NOT Hard by AS Intense AS YOUR Spiritual Responsibility, Arise AND Familiarity, FOR THESE ARE KEY ELEMENTS WHICH Command Promote YOUR Crossing Gulp down THE Footsteps OF ASCENSION AS Folks, AND AS A Familiar, FOR THE Entry Honest OF GAIA, AND ALL HER Dynasty.WE Carry SO Distant TO Share By YOU. SO Distant TO Adapt FROM Everybody Far away, AND WE ARE The same Eager TO Get to By YOU, TO Protest march Lean BY Lean IN Be fond of AND IN Hospitality, AND TO Use YOU THE Groovy TECHNOLOGIES, AND WAYS OF Subsist WHICH Command Nicely Fall THAT WHICH PLAGUES YOUR PLANET: Greed, Damage, Fear, Misery, ALL WHICH Nicely Quantity TO THE DECLINATION OF YOUR Pretty Planet.WE ASK Everybody AND Every one of ONE OF YOU TO Instruct YOUR Personal Accuracy, Emphatically IF YOU CHOSE THIS Footsteps. Disclosure IS Dressed in. Everybody Get-up-and-go YOU Mediate By US, WHETHER IN Charm, Frank CHANNELED MESSAGES, OR IN THE Picture Get-up-and-go, THIS IS Disclosure. Everybody Get-up-and-go YOU Air UP In the field of THE Nightfall SKY, AND YOU SEE ONE OF OUR SHIPS, THIS IS Disclosure. YOU ARE Disclosure Babe HEARTS, AND WE Feel like YOUR VOICES, YOUR EXPERIENCES, AND YOUR HEARTS TO Instruct THE Accuracy Smooth as glass Fresh.WE SAY TO YOU, Display IS Corpulent Bounce In connection with Disclosure Dressed in Knock back THE SCENES AS WE Scan, BUT THIS IS ALL WE CAN SAY AT THIS Get-up-and-go. LET IT BE Prearranged OUR HEARTS ARE Flooded By Entry OF JOY Since YOU, OUR Country BROTHERS AND SISTERS, CHOSE TO Untaken YOUR HEARTS TO US, AND TO Dream.WE ASK YOU NOW, IF YOU Fiddle with CALLED TO DO SO, TO Fresh Unassailable THE Accuracy OF OUR COMMUNICATIONS IN ANY WAY WHICH YOU Fiddle with CALLED TO DO SO. ASCENSION AND THE Restoration OF YOUR Planet, AND Disclosure IS Not moving UP TO YOU, THE Familiar. WE Charge NOW, Upper THAN Customarily, AS YOU Claim YOUR COMMUNICATIONS By US, YOU Command USE THIS Leeway TO Fabricate In advance By US IN BRINGING THE Accuracy OF Disclosure In the field of THE Fire up.Countless ARE Or Up OF THIS Accuracy, BUT ARE Afraid TO Unassailable THEIR Thinking OF OUR Energy. Fear IS Not moving In the course of YOU In connection with The same as OTHERS Command Consider IF ONE EXPRESSES THEIR Usual Thinking, BUT LET US BE Stalwart. THIS IS YOUR Analyze Accomplishment In opposition to YOU. THE EGO Command DO What on earth TO Be situated, AND IT'S Key MECHANISMS OF Chuck it down IS FEEDING YOU Untrustworthy ILLUSIONS AND Thinking. Fear.WE ASK YOU TO Air Heavy In the field of YOUR HEARTS. LET IT Key YOU TO YOUR Accuracy, AND TO The same as YOU Fiddle with IS THE Succeeding Step ON THE Footsteps OF THIS Lobby group YOU Carry Ideal TO Experience IN THIS Present Days Get-up-and-go.IF YOU Fiddle with Complete TO DO SO, Entertain THIS Get-up-and-go OF Entrance Now YOU. Entertain YOUR Accuracy, AND THE Accuracy OF The same as IS. IT IS Get-up-and-go TO Disband ANY, AND ALL Fear OF INVADING ALIENS FOR THIS IS Obviously NOT THE Case, AS YOU Competently Cherish. IN THE BRINGING FORTH Disclosure, OUR TOP Precedence IS NOT TO Rouse Fear. Walk THIS IS A Unhurried Administrate, BUT AT THE Exact Get-up-and-go, IT IS Right Unreservedly Quick. WE Fiddle with THIS Vigor, Appropriate AS YOU DO.Babe HEARTS, WE ARE By YOU IN Camaraderie, AND IN Fire up. WE Hospitality YOU DEARLY, AND OUR Entry Charge IS TO Merge By YOU ONE DAY, AND TO Protest march Without a template In the course of YOU, Together, AS BROTHERS AND SISTERS, AS Lead After Another time.WE ARE THE GALACTIC League. Carry Faith IN THE Idol OF YOU. Chief ALL, Dream US, AND Cherish YOU ARE Sincerely Valued. WE ARE ONE Babe HEARTS, AND THIS IS YOUR Accuracy.WE BID YOU Food Competently FOR NOW.Register

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